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Quarterback Sneak

Page 12

by Unknown

  “Hi,” Marie said immediately thrusting out her hand.

  “Hi.” Galynn was slightly startled, but she wasn’t about to be rude.

  “I’m Marie.”


  Marie shoved an elbow into Will’s side. “I’m Will,” Will said a little awkwardly.

  “Nice to meet you guys.” Galynn smiled.

  Alceo clapped Will on the shoulder and nodded his head toward Marie. “So, what are we going to see?”

  As a group, they had managed to settle on an action flick. Marie and Galynn hadn’t minded it, and there was no way Alceo and Will were going to sit through a chick flick. Marie grabbed Galynn’s arm as she pulled her toward the concession stand. Galynn looked over her shoulder and saw that Will was whispering in Alceo’s ear conspiratorially.

  The girls loaded up on popcorn and candy while the guys hung back watching. Galynn wasn’t happy about the look on Alceo’s face as his best friend continued to whisper in his ear. It made Galynn a little uneasy, but she was sure it was nothing.

  Marie nudged Galynn and handed her the drinks while she carried the popcorn toward the theatre. Marie seemed like a nice enough person. She had chatted incessantly to Galynn while they were deciding which snacks to get. Galynn didn’t mind the chatter. In fact, it made her feel normal.

  The group stepped into the darkness of the theatre and waited for their eyes to adjust before scanning the seats for an opening large enough for all of them to sit together. They were in luck. The theater was empty.

  “We can sit here,” Marie said as she started to move towards an empty row in the middle of the theatre.

  “Nope, we are sitting up front.” Before Marie could protest, Will grabbed her arm and dragged her toward the front of the theatre.

  “What about their popcorn?” Galynn heard her ask.

  The previews for the movie had started, and the theatre darkened further. She didn’t hear Alceo when he came up behind her and pulled her further towards the back of the theatre.

  “Why aren’t we sitting with them?” Galynn asked as Alceo moved into the row to choose the seats.

  “Trust me, you don’t want to be sitting next to them during a movie.”

  “Why not?” Galynn sat down next to Alceo and placed the sodas she was holding into the cup holders in front of her.

  “Will isn’t here to watch the movie,” he said with a grin.

  “Then what was the point?” Oh, she got it. Well then, that could have been awkward if they were sitting together. Fooling around? In a movie theatre? Wow.

  The pair settled in next to each other. Alceo rested his arm on the back of Galynn’s chair as she snuggled into him. Marie and Will were sitting almost directly in front of them, just about fifteen rows ahead of them. She could see Will whispering into Marie’s ear as he pulled her close. Galynn smiled.

  “Thanks,” she said not looking at Alceo.

  “For what?”

  “Telling them to be nice to me and for inviting me.”

  “Obviously I’d invite you,” he said as his hand gripped her shoulder. “You’re my girlfriend. And I didn’t tell them to do anything.”

  Galynn doubted that, but she wasn’t going to say anything. She appreciated his gesture and she was genuinely having a good time.

  The lights dimmed further as the music got louder. The feature was about to start.

  It didn’t take ten minutes into the horrible movie for Galynn to notice that Marie was starting to wiggle as Will leaned over into Marie’s seat. Galynn couldn’t tell what the couple was doing, but she could tell that whatever it was, Marie was liking it. Her head was thrown back as the lights from the screen danced over her face.

  Galynn shifted in her seat.

  What would it be like to mess around in a movie theatre, with people watching? She guessed it would be a lot like having sex with Alceo after his practice. The possibility of being discovered – it was incredibly arousing.

  As the movie progressed, Galynn found herself less interested in the screen, and more captivated by what was going on in front of her. Will was now out of his seat, and presumably on the floor in front of Marie. Now it made sense. He wanted the front row so he would have more room on the floor. Galynn giggled to herself. She could barely see the top of Marie’s head because she was slouched so low in the chair. What she could see though was Marie’s feet resting on the armrests of her chair. In the light of the theatre, Marie’s knees looked bare. Trying to get a better look at what the couple was doing, and trying to not be obvious about it, Galynn leaned forward.

  “Curious?” Alceo’s voice had startled her out of the explicit scene in front of her. Galynn’s face heated but she was grateful that in the darkness Alceo couldn’t see it.

  “A little,” she admitted. Something about the darkness and the loudness of the movie made her feel a little bolder. Almost like she didn’t have to be herself in this place if she didn’t want to be. “What do you think they’re doing down there?” Her voice was quiet as she kept her eyes riveted on Will and Marie.

  Alceo’s hand traveled to the back of her neck where he started kneading her flesh. “Will is probably eating her out.”

  Galynn shifted again. This entire situation was entirely arousing. “It’s so naughty.” Galynn whispered. She could feel moisture pooling in her panties.

  “Yes, it is.” Alceo didn’t bother to reposition himself, but out of the corner of her eye, she thought could see his cock hardening through the fabric of his sweatpants.

  “Have you ever done anything like that before?” She wasn’t sure she really wanted to know the answer to the question.

  He waited a beat before nodding his head. He seemed reluctant to answer, but she had asked, right? Galynn didn’t find herself being jealous, but rather flushing with heat. Could she ask him to fool around in a movie theatre too with his friends so close? Her heart began thudding in her chest.

  “What kind of things did you do?” Galynn asked him hesitantly.

  He turned toward her, his features lit by the reds and yellow of the explosive car crash that was being shown on screen. She was so hot, she felt like she could feel the flames of the fire leaping off the screen to lick at her skin.

  Alceo regarded her for a moment before responding, “A lot of naughty things.” Galynn gulped.

  “Did you like it?”

  “Yes.” The corner of his mouth twitched.


  Alceo was nervous. When the girl’s had gone to get the snacks, Will had told him what he was planning with Marie, and had been planning it for weeks. Will knew from experience that sex in a public place was hot. The thrill, and the fear of possibly being discovered pushed the sexual rush even higher. But Alceo hadn’t been keen on the idea, especially since this was his first real date with Galynn.

  Hell, he and Galynn had sex right on the practice field in plain view of anyone who chose to look their way, and that had been the most explosive and intense sex of his life. But he wasn’t willing to risk it with Galynn. He knew that inviting her out with Will and Marie would be risky because of the things Will has said about her, but they had both promised to behave.

  When Alceo had called Will about going out, Will was hesitant at first, but wanted to get to know the girl that managed to tame Alceo. To his surprise, despite an awkward moment when they all first met up, everything went fine. Both Marie and Will were great, and Galynn seemed to be enjoying the small talk she was having with Marie. Alceo didn’t want to push his luck by asking her to have sex with him when they were supposed to be watching a movie. But he could tell that watching his friends was turning her on.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he was watching Galynn’s reaction to what Will was doing to Marie. In all honesty, Alceo was watching Marie’s reactions to what Will was doing
to her. Galynn was liking it. He could tell by her shifting, and her heavy breathing that she was getting turned on by watching his friends go at it. So was he. Marie was incredibly flexible. She had one foot on Will’s shoulder, and the other thrust up into the air now, as Will hungrily ate her pussy. Alceo could feel the blood pulsing in his cock.

  What he would give to get Galynn in that position.

  He was surprised when she had started asking him questions. He was a little worried that she would be mad, or even disgusted at what she was witnessing in front of her, but she wasn’t. He had told her the truth. He had fooled around in a theatre before, and it had been amazing.

  Alceo’s jaw nearly hit the floor when Galynn turned toward him and pulled him into a gentle kiss. He could tell by the heaving of her chest that she was aroused. He slid his hand from the back of his chair and rested it on her back, pulling her closer. She tried to press her body to him, but he arm rest was in the way. With a smile on his lips, Alceo pulled back and lifted the armrest. Galynn’s eyes smiled in the glow of the light from the screen.

  She reached across him and pushed up the other armrest. She pressed her lips to his more urgently this time as she twisted in her seat and threw her leg over his lap. Immediately he could feel the warmth of her core pressing against the hardness of his cock. His hands grabbed her ass as she started to grind against him.

  Galynn responded to his hands, her mouth working urgently against his. Alceo breathed deeply into her mouth as he struggled to capture more of her mouth as she pressed her breasts forcefully into his chest. His tongue found hers as they writhed together. His hands were all over her, sliding under the softness of her sweatshirt and dancing along her flesh. He dipped his fingertips under the band of her jeans and teased her flesh as she continued to rub her sex on his cock.

  Her hands were locked behind his neck, pulling him closer to her. As their kissing became more passionate and urgent, she began to pant into his kisses. Her hips were thrusting forward into him as he tore his mouth from hers. His cock was throbbing painfully as he moved his mouth to her neck and sucked at the skin there. Galynn moaned as he licked and kissed her skin while she pulled an earlobe into her mouth.

  Alceo clamped his hands more tightly on Galynn’s ass and began pulling her onto his cock. He could feel the heat from her pussy scalding him as he pitched her backward. Her back hit the seat in front of her and she was effectively pinned. One hand moved to the back of her neck pushing her hair to the side, forcing her to expose her neck to him. Alceo licked and nibbled at her throat as small, urgent, gasping sounds escaped her lips. Desperately, Galynn reached for the bulge in his pants. She fondled him with delicate and eager movements as he began trying to bite her nipples through her clothing.

  Alceo pulled Galynn back onto his lap and he began working furiously at the zipper of her jeans. He only got as far as popping the button before she slapped his hands away, pushed his chest back onto the chair and began sliding to the floor. Alceo said nothing as he watched Galynn’s descent. She had to do some maneuvering to fit into the space between his legs, but he was shocked.

  He tried to pretend like he wasn’t surprised, like he wasn’t thrilled, and like he wasn’t going to blow his wad the first time her hand touched him. Instead, he tried to pretend like he was interested in the movie even though he’d given up all hope of following the plot.

  Galynn eased herself down to her knees, just as the light in the theatre dimmed further for the scene flitting across the screen that no one was paying attention to.

  Alceo felt Galynn push his legs further apart, and he accommodated her. He wanted to say something to her, something reassuring, but she wasn’t looking at him. She was staring at the crotch of his pants. He felt her hands as she reached into his pants and freed his cock. It sprang from his pants hard as a rock, pointing right at her. She quickly wrapped her hand around the base of it and gently stroked upwards. Alceo couldn’t see her face, but he felt the warmth of her breath, as she got closer. He jumped when he finally felt her flick her tongue out and lick away the precum that had settled on the tip.

  Galynn opened her mouth and leaned forward until the head of Alceo’s cock was only an inch away. The feeling of his cock being bathed in her warm breath was nearly unbearable, but he was determined to hold on. The instant Galynn swallowed his cock was pure bliss. She had kept her mouth opened wide as she’d done it, so her lips barely touched his shaft. All he could feel was her hot breath as she slowly surrounded him with the warmth and wetness of her mouth. When her lips finally settled around the throbbing sides of his cock, he felt a shudder suddenly rip through his entire body. Galynn slowly slid her mouth from his body.

  As if noticing the reaction her mouth had on him, Galynn tried again. This time, she forced more of his cock into her mouth before letting her lips touch his cock. Alceo wished he could have watched her face as she did this. There was no doubt in his mind that she was struggling to sink him into her mouth without letting her lips touch him on the way down.

  Alceo felt the back of her throat before he felt the softness of her lips surround him. Where the hell had she learned this? Alceo could feel himself getting closer to the edge just as Galynn let him slip from her mouth. Eagerly, she began to lick the length of his cock sensually and wetly. She ran her tongue along the underside of his cock leaving a trail of saliva along his swollen vein. Getting back to the head, Galynn took it into her mouth and plunged down on his shaft. This time, her lips were wrapped tightly around him as she gave him a wet tight-lipped sucking. Feeling his orgasm approaching, Alceo fisted his hand in her hair and held her still. As much as he wanted to cum, he didn’t want to do it in her mouth. Gently, he guided her mouth up and down over his cock until he got himself back under control.

  Galynn was ready to throw herself back onto Alceo, but he had other plans. Letting go of her hair and sliding his hands under her armpits, he easily lifted her from between his legs. She landed on her feet, looking flushed and disheveled. Before she could regain her composure, he spun her around and bent her over the chair in front of her. Her hands immediately fell to the armrests in front of her as she struggled against the urge to turn around.

  Alceo ran his hands along her sides as he stood up behind her. He pressed the length of this body to hers as he began to work the zipper of her jeans down. He softly kissed her neck as he hooked his thumbs under the waistband of her pants. Slowly, as slowly as he could manage considering he wanted to rip her clothes from her body and plunge into her, he slid her pants past the swell of her ass. Licking his lips at the sight she presented to him, he left her pants sitting right below the her ass, resting at the tops of her thighs.

  The tightness of her pants had lifted and pressed her ass even further towards his face. Alceo licked his lips. Looking past her shoulder, he could see Galynn turn toward him, her lower lip clutched between her teeth. Watching her expression, he lowered his face to her ass. He watched with a grin as she dropped her head and pushed her hips back harder.

  Without a sound, Alceo shoved his face into her supple bottom. He felt like he was under some sort of spell, his mind numb with primitive lust. Not wasting a second, he spread her butt apart to get a good intimate view of her tiny rosebud. Galynn yelped as Alceo slammed his face back into her ass. He stuck his tongue out and started licking up and down the crack of her ass as he continued to grind his face into her.

  Perhaps it was something about the darkness, or the incredible blowjob Galynn had given him, or even the fact that his friends were fucking in the front of the theatre - it was all making Alceo crazy. Breathing deeply, licking voraciously, Alceo was tasting all of Galynn’s ass, and it was amazing. He could feel her humping back onto his face as she tried to get his tongue deeper.

  After a few minutes of furiously licking her ass, he could feel Galynn beginning to shift her hips, tying to get her pants down past her hips. Reluctantly he mo
ved back, taking a break from rimming her to shove her pants down her legs. Alceo was surprised as she brazenly lifted her leg to the back of the chair next to her, exposing both her ass and her pussy fully to him. She leaned forward grabbing her ass and pulling her cheeks apart to give him better access.


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