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Quarterback Sneak

Page 13

by Unknown

  With a hungry grunt, Alceo pressed his stiffened tongue hard into her small and delicately parted hole. Galynn shook beneath him as she shoved his tongue into her ass and held it there. Galynn was beginning to loose control. He could feel it – both in her shaking knees and in the wetness that was dripping from between her pussy lips. Alceo wanted, and needed to push her over the edge, without touching her pussy, and he knew just how to do it. Continuing to apply pressure with this tongue, Alceo pressed his lips around her hole and flicked his tongue while at the same time pulling her flesh into him.

  He felt her shudder beneath his lips as he continued to suck on her ass. Her moans grew louder as she struggled to keep his lips attached to her ass. She came with a scream as her knees gave out from beneath her.

  Alceo didn’t give her a break. As she began to fall, he pulled her down onto his lap and buried his cock into her still convulsing pussy. He felt her juices as they gushed from her cunt and coated his cock and balls. He pressed his fingers to her clit as he lifted her high off his lap and pressed his cock into the impossibly tight hole of her ass. She sank down with a scream and fell back onto his chest. He lifted her legs over his as he began to pound her ass hard and violently. Alceo grabbed her hair, turning her head toward his so he could capture her lips. She was nearly formless as she was splayed on top of him moaning as his thick cock invaded her ass.

  He pressed his fingers to her clit again as he released her hair, shoved a hand under her shirt and crudely pinched her nipple. She came again with a tired yelp as his cock continued to pound into her. He could barely hear the sounds of the movie over the sounds of their fucking as he felt her ass clamp down on his cock. She ground into him as he felt the cum begin to rise from his balls. He held her tightly to him trying to bury his cock as deeply as he could inside her. She moaned his name as his cock swelled and finally released rope after gooey rope of his cum into her bowels.

  He should have felt tired – exhausted even, but there was something about claiming her in public that made him insane. Her body was liquid as he lifted her from his cock, a small moan of protest barely making it past her lips before he folded her over the chair in front of her. He pushed her back down so her ass was pointing to the ceiling. He dove into her pussy with his tongue, licking and slurping up her juices. He would never, ever get sick of her taste.

  Alceo knew she would be sensitive, but he didn’t care. He wanted to push her even further. His fingers pinched her spasming clit as his tongue explored her folds. She barely had the energy to moan anymore, and that made him want to make her scream one last time. He felt her pussy pulsing as it grasped at his tongue. He removed his lips and shoved three fingers inside of her as his lips sucked on her clit. She came again, yelling this time.

  Now, there would be no mistaking that he had fucked her well. If there had been anyone else in the theatre besides Will and Marie, they would have known what was happening in the back row.

  Alceo sat back and pulled Galynn into his lap. She was smiling, but her gaze was unfocused as if she didn’t know where she was, but she huddled into the warmth of his embrace. She was still shaking as he lay gentle kisses over her face and head. She sighed contently as he brushed her curls from her face, and just held her.


  When the lights in the theatre began to brighten, Galynn’s eyes fluttered open. She could feel a breeze on her lady bits, and for a second, she began to panic. She felt arms tighten around her and instantly relaxed. She remembered where she was.

  In the light of the theatre, Galynn felt heat rise to her face. Had she really just done that? Just initiated that? Her pants were still on the floor, and that gave her all the answers she needed. Shyly, she looked up at Alceo who was smiling at her warmly. He kissed her forehead and reached down to pick up her pants.

  Her legs were still wobbly as she moved from his lap and slipped them on.

  “Did you enjoy the movie?”

  Will’s voice cut the music as it played through the credits of the movie. Had she really been asleep that long?

  “About as much as you two did.” Alceo responded, unfazed.

  Marie was looking a little worse for wear, her hair a mess, and her legs looked unsteady. She tucked herself under Will’s arm as she gave Galynn a wink. Galynn blushed furiously.

  “I love movie nights.” Marie said with a wide smile.


  The ride back to Alceo’s dorm had been a quiet one. He had a smile plastered on his face, and she was still feeling slightly embarrassed. But she was also feeling quite proud of herself. Now if she could just get her face to return to its normal color.

  “So,” she said quietly. He looked at her and smiled.

  “What?” He asked gently.

  “Nothing.” She turned back to look out the window as the town passed them by.


  Stepping into Alceo’s room, Galynn felt anxious. She couldn’t articulate why, but she did. She walked into his bathroom and shut the door and began to strip off her clothes. She turned on the shower and stepped under the scalding water. For once, she hoped that Alceo wouldn’t join her. She needed some time to just relax.

  She let the water cascade over her sore muscles, and didn’t climb out until she was squeaky clean and her skin was flushed for a different reason. The water had been hot enough to scald, and it had felt wonderful.

  Galynn opened the door to the bathroom and a cloud of steam spilled out behind her. Alceo was sitting as his computer, typing away on his laptop. He turned and smiled at her as she stepped into his room wrapped in one of his towels.

  She smiled at him as she walked to her bag and pulled out a pair of panties and a long t-shirt. She got dressed quickly and sat down on his bed. Watching him as he typed.

  “Alceo,” she said quietly.

  “Yea?” he said without turning around.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.” He still hadn’t turned, but when she said nothing, he did. He spun in his chair, he eyes filled with concern.

  “Today, at the movies –“ she hesitated.

  “Was I too rough?” He was out of his chair in a flash, kneeling on the floor in front of her.

  “No,” she said with a grin. “I liked it.” His smile warmed. “I was just wondering –“

  Could she really ask him this?

  His hands slid into hers as she looked down at the floor. “I know that you said that you had an experience like that before, I was just wondering…” Why was this so hard? “If tonight was better than before?” The last bit of her question came out in a rush as she continued to wind her hands in her lap.

  She couldn’t explain why she was so hung up on this, but she was. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Alceo, it was just that she was still concerned about how she could and did measure up to the women he could find. She tried not to think about it, but honestly, it was eating her alive. Would he be happy? Could he be happy? With her?

  Alceo hadn’t yet responded, and it was making Galynn squirm. What was he thinking?

  Gently, she felt his fingertips brush her chin to tilt her gaze to meet his. At first, she was convinced she’d see anger or concern, or even worse - pity in his eyes. But she didn’t see any of that. Although she couldn’t completely discern the look that he was giving her, she knew it wasn’t pity.

  “Galynn,” he said quietly while holding her gaze, “You were amazing. You are amazing.” Shyly, she smiled back at him


  Alceo couldn’t understand how Galynn could have such a warped view of herself. How could she possibly think that their escapade at the theatre wasn’t the most incredible thing to have ever happened to him?

  She was sitting on his bed looking at him with worry and anxiety marring her features. And she was blushing. She was so beautiful when she blushed.
Alceo felt his breath catch in his throat. He couldn’t understand how she could be feeling like this. Was it something he was doing – or not doing?

  “Baby, you are the most amazing woman I have ever met, and that was by far the hottest thing that I have ever done.” Truthfully, he was getting hard again just thinking about it.

  Galynn smiled widely, some of her anxieties seeming to have melted away. But Alceo had no plans of stopping there.

  “Your lips,” he said as he stretched up to brush his lips against hers. “Are the softest and sweetest. Your milk chocolate skin is flawless,” he whispered in her ear as he pushed her back onto the bed with his body. He licked along her neck and relished in the sounds and gasps escaping from her lips.

  He slid his hands along her sides and under her t-shirt, fingers dancing along her skin. He brushed his fingertips along the bottom of her breasts. He captured her mouth again as he pushed her shirt up and over her head. “Your nipples,” he breathed as he caught a dusky nipple between his lips and bathed it in the warmth and wetness of his mouth. “Taste like candy.” After giving the other one the same treatment, he began to lick a path down her belly. He could feel her trembling beneath him.

  Purposefully, he avoided the apex between her thighs. Instead he nibbled and kissed at her thighs and the backs of her knees. “Your thighs are strong and thick. I love when you wrap them around my body.” Her fingers were clutching the sheets as he continued his worship on the other leg.

  As Alceo watched her face, he could see a deeper blush starting at her chest as he breasts heaved. The dark drape of her eyelashes fanned out over her cheeks as she licked her bottom lip and dragged it between her teeth.

  “Your legs,” he whispered as he kissed her calf, “are smooth and long. I can’t wait to see you in nothing but thigh-highs and heels,” he added with a grin. He massaged the skin of her calves as he lifted her legs higher. “And your toes.” He paused inhaling the scent of her freshly washed feet. “Are delicate and feminine and make me want to bathe them with my tongue.” He watched her face as he said this, and watched her pupils dilate. This was something else he’d always wanted to do with a woman, but never did.

  Alceo massaged the arch of her foot with his strong hands. He could no longer resist, his mouth opening to engulf her pinky toe. Galynn moaned loudly as she felt his tongue encircle and caress the tiny digit. He could feel her tensing beneath him as he hungrily ran the wet tip of his tongue firmly back and forth the valley between her toes. He was no longer trying to get a rise out of her and show her how much he loved her body, now he was simply teasing himself.

  Galynn’s sweet skin was warm and silky smooth as he placed three of her toes in his mouth and sucked. Her hands were starting to move toward the valley between her legs as he nibbled on her toes.

  “Keep your hands where they are, love.” Galynn instantly stilled.

  The sweet fragrance of her skin was driving him mad as he locked eyes with her. He hoped she could see his unquestioning worship there, but just incase she couldn’t, he licked between each toe again. He pulled her other foot to his mouth and began to cover her feet with kisses.

  “Oh god.” Her sensual moan had his heart pounding.

  Alceo spread her legs wide feasting on the wetness between her legs with his eyes. He could see her wetness pooling beneath her as he crawled in between her legs. Denying himself a taste and her the pleasure for just a little longer, he crawled back up her body and seized her lips once again. Her response was insistent and desperate as her tongue matched his.

  His thigh slid between her legs, and he could feel her wetness as her pussy throbbed against him. She wantonly began to grind her pussy into his leg as he licked and sucked at her neck. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered in her ear as his hands clamped down on her hips to pull her rougher and harder against him.

  Getting himself under control, he began to move back down her body. He kissed the top of her mound as he lifted her legs to his shoulders. “Your pussy tastes like heaven,” he breathed as he slid his tongue along her wet folds. The satisfied cry she let out made him redouble his efforts. He could feel her cream gathering on his tongue, and he tried to hold himself together.

  Galynn’s legs clamped around his head as her hands flew to his hair pressing him closer. He growled into her pussy lips as she humped and whispered his name. He loved that even now, she was still shy about expressing how good he was making her feel.

  “Oh please, please,” she chanted. Pulling back slightly, he looked down at his girlfriend. Her glasses had slipped down her nose, and her curls lay wildly across his bed. Her chest was heaving and her eyes were glazed over in pleasure, as she lay completely naked before him. He grinned down at her as he lifted her legs again, this time nearly folding her in half.

  “And your ass,” he growled as he dove his tongue into the valley between her bottom. The scream she released as his tongue hit her forbidden passage made his dick jump. He needed to be inside her. He needed to let her know that what they were doing wasn’t just fucking. He needed her to know that it was more.

  He could spend all day treasuring the taste of her sweet ass, but he couldn’t hold out any longer. His dick pulsed as he ripped off his shirt and shoved down his pants. He covered her body with the warmth of his as he placed the head of his cock at her entrance. He kissed her gently as he slowly slid into her warm velvety glove. Alceo watched as her eyes fluttered closed.

  “Keep your eyes on me, Galynn.” Her eyes snapped open as he bottomed out inside her. He could feel her body trembling and pulsing on him as he slowly pulled out.

  The heat in her gaze nearly had him undone and he wanted her to get there as quickly as he could. All the teasing and adoration had driven them both to the edge and he wanted to push them over. Resting his weight on her as he watched her pleasure displayed across her face, Alceo drove into her over and over again. Her warmth and her cries of pleasure surrounded him as he felt a tingling at the base of his spine.

  Refusing to relinquish contact with her body, Alceo placed his arms beside her body as he just used his hips to drive into her again and again. Galynn was shaking beneath him as he could feel her climax beginning. He used his hips to push into her harder and sharply, drawing louder cries from her lips.

  Her eyes stayed focused on him right up until the moment her orgasm ripped through her and milked his cock. He could feel her tight walls as they drained his balls. Feeling her insides being coated with his seed set off another mini orgasm. His name was torn from her lips as her cries of ecstasy reached a crescendo. His lips swallowed any further sounds.

  He was falling in love with her.


  Galynn was on cloud nine. She smiled happily for nearly a week, as she seemed to float from class to class, a goofy smile plastered on her face. Life was good. She and Alceo had spent time talking, and cuddled on his bed watching movies and being silly. She had gone to more of his practices and thankfully had no more run-ins with the Cunts. She was settling into her new position blissfully. They had even hung out with Marie and Will again, something that she was really coming to enjoy. She and Marie were really getting along, and that excited her and Alceo.

  She knew he was worried because she didn’t have too many friends, but Marie was doing a great job of choosing to hang out with her and get to know her. Galynn almost considered her a real friend. It was strange for her, after being roommates with someone like Jasmine for so long, to be friends with a beautiful girl and not feel as though every moment the girl made was to make her feel jealous.

  Marie was funny and sweet. She and Will fit together well, but Galynn had a sense that Marie knew he was just using her for regular and kinky sex. That made Galynn sad, and she hoped that even if Will stopped seeing her, she and Marie would remain friends. Sometimes thinking about Will and Marie made Galynn nervous. She was still amazed that she mana
ged to snag Alceo. But he did nothing to give her doubts. It seemed that with everything he did, he made sure that she knew she was wanted and desired.


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