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Shattered by Love

Page 16

by C. A. Harms

  A few chuckles and giggles filled the room around us. Thomas, Max’s dad, chuckled. “Well, I think this is the first time I’ve known Grandma Edna to be struck speechless.”

  She glared over at Thomas, and the room filled with even more laughter. It was always fun being in the Parks’ house. I had never been blessed with the same experience. This family was so close and loving. I loved watching them tease and taunt one another. I felt blessed to be a part of it.

  After dinner, we all sat around talking. Zander cleared his throat, causing all of us to turn and look at him. He stood up, holding Riley’s hand in his. He was beaming and Riley had tears in her eyes.

  Everyone was silent, waiting for him to explain.

  “Riley and I have some news we would like to share with everyone.” He looked down at Riley lovingly. “We’re pregnant.”

  Immediately everyone started to share their enthusiasm about the news. I looked over at Max, who didn’t look as surprised as everyone else. “Did you know?” I asked.

  He chuckled. “I don’t know how no one else figured it out. She never drank when we got together. She is the queen of competitive sports, yet she wouldn’t play ball when we needed a substitute for Kate.”

  “Wait, she told you?” Mason asked, appearing irritated.

  “No, you jackass. I figured it out and she didn’t deny it,” Max clarified. “Since you’re the super dad with a pregnant wife, you should have been able to read that shit all over her.”

  Kelly was so close to delivering their second daughter. She looked miserable, yet beautiful at the same time. I imagined what it would be like one day to be pregnant myself.

  Of course, Grandma Edna had to put in her two cents. “Well, you two didn’t wait long. I thought you would want some time to yourselves before starting a family.”

  Riley rolled her eyes and Zander hushed her. He turned. and his eyes settled on Grandma. “Building a family with Riley is something I couldn’t wait to do. I want nothing more than to see little dark-haired girls running around with their mommy’s eyes.”

  “Sons, dude; you’re gonna have a boy. Riley and I already had a talk. We need some little dudes because we’re being overpowered by girls,” Max corrected Zander. Chuckles and laughter filled the room once again, and Granny chose to keep her opinions to herself. From what I hear, this almost never happens. I think she finally realized that she was overpowered by this group.


  “Are you nervous?” I looked up to see Max watching me closely. I could only nod my head. “She’s gonna love you, baby. Just take it slow.”

  Once again, all I could do was nod my head. My throat felt dry and achy. My stomach was twisted, and nausea was overtaking me.

  I was about to meet my sister, for the first time as my sister. Her case worker was bringing her to the center for an introduction. I was nervous; what if she didn’t like me? Would they allow me to see her if she refused to let me in? I was terrified about the result of this visit. They thought it was a good idea to introduce me into her life now. I agreed completely, but it was still a little terrifying.

  I heard voices and footsteps approaching from the hallway, and I took a deep breath. Max squeezed my hand reassuringly and kissed my temple. “You got this. There is no way she won’t love you.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  The door opened and in walked Carrie, Paisley’s case worker, followed by her active foster mother, holding Paisley’s hand. The two women smiled, and I stood up from the chair.

  “Hello, Aubree; we have someone who would like to meet you.” Carrie knelt next to my sister, who tucked herself further behind her foster mother.

  I could feel the tears filling my eyes and, before I knew what I was doing, I dropped to the floor in front of Paisley.

  “Hey, pretty girl, do you remember me?” She hesitantly nodded her head and stared back at me. “Do you know who I am? Has anyone explained me to you?”

  Paisley once again nodded her head. “You’re my sissy,” she replied.

  The tears pooling in my eyes now ran down my cheeks. I nodded and smiled at her in return. “Yes, sweet girl. I’m your sister. You have no idea how happy I am to meet you.”

  She slowly began to warm up to me and inched herself closer. Eventually she made her way to me and sat next to me, where she showed me her doll. Everyone sat back and allowed Paisley and me to visit.

  She and I got into a comfortable state, laughing and relaxed. It was instant love. I could no longer imagine my life without her in it. She would now and forever be a huge part of my life. There was no turning back.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Over the last two weeks, Bree has been spending a lot of time with Paisley. I went along with her when I could, but work sometimes hindered that possibility.

  The court date for temporary guardianship was quickly approaching. We had gone through a home visit, and they even came to my work.

  After getting off work, I made a stop at the hardware store. I needed a few things for the spare bedroom. Tanner and I have been working to get it ready for Paisley. When the case worker came to our house, she mentioned that little girls need pretty rooms. We were standing in the doorway of the spare bedroom at the time. It had white walls and dull furniture. Only Bree’s girly blanket on the bed was colorful.

  After that visit, I set out to make it a kick ass room before our final visit, before court.

  Pulling up to the apartment. I grabbed the bags from the passenger seat and made my way toward the door. In the bedroom I found not only Tanner but also Carson, Zander, and Mason.

  “What the hell are all of you doing here?” I asked as I put the bags down on the floor.

  “Tanner told us what you two had been up to. We figured you could use some help. With all of us working at it, it’ll be done in no time,” Mason said

  “Besides, you’re a fireman; what the fuck do you know about remodeling and construction?” Tanner chuckled from the corner.

  “You got that shit right; big burly dude failed shop class. Fucker can pulverize someone with his bare hands, but holding a hammer is hazardous to his health,” Carson added.

  “You guys done with the bullshit talk yet?” I asked, and they all looked over at me, puzzled. “Seriously, thank you guys.” They were my brothers. We may at times want to beat the snot out of each other, but they were my best friends. Zander had been accepted into that small circle the moment he married my sister.

  “Shit, you did grow a fucking vagina,” Tanner groaned. “I’m alone, it has finally happened. I’m the only ‘Parks Man’ left.”

  “Yeah right, you’re hardly a man.” I slugged him in the shoulder as I grabbed for the paint brush and got to work.


  Three hours later, our apartment was overflowing. All the girls decided to get pizzas and beer. We had finished painting the room, and the girls would decorate it all up with girly shit to finish it off.

  I had Bree tucked against my chest tightly. Kissing her neck, I whispered in her ear. “I love you so much. I missed out on so much by pushing you away. I’m so glad I woke up.” I nuzzled her neck and breathed her in. “Let’s get married.”

  She whipped around and looked at me, eyes huge. “What?” she asked. Her response was a little louder than I expected it to be, and I chuckled.

  Now the room was silent, and I knew all eyes were on us, but it didn’t stop me. “I said, let’s get married. I want to marry you.” I grabbed her hands and pulled her close. “I’m not saying next month, but I’m asking that, one day in the near future, will you marry me?”

  Bree’s eyes glistened with tears. “Yes,” she replied.

  I grabbed her face and pulled her close, crushing my lips to hers.

  “Where’s the ring? You can’t ask a girl to marry you and not have a ring, Max.” Riley scolded me and I smiled against Bree’s lips.

  Pulling back, I rested my forehead against hers. “Tanner, cabinet above the re
frigerator. Back left corner.” I laughed when Bree pulled back, looking up at me with big questioning eyes. “What, you think I haven’t thought about this a million times?”

  The moment I slipped the ring on her finger, the girls swarmed around to get a look. I’ve had the ring for over a month. I had planned to set up some romantic night, with dinner and another trip to watch the sunset. But as I thought about it over and over, I realized that shit isn’t us. We’re not a romantic couple; we’re passionate and spur of the moment. What better time to ask her to marry me? We were surrounded by family, and it just felt right. Lily and Ryan were the only two people missing, but I was sure they would know soon.

  Speaking of Lily, I asked, “Hey, why isn’t Lil here?”

  Kate smiled big and looked over at Carson. “Lily had a date tonight. Shawn hasn’t stopped talking about her since the charity game. It’s actually really cute to see them together.”

  I heard a loud bang and looked over to see Tanner storming up the stairs toward his room. I cocked an eyebrow at Carson and he hung his head, shaking it from side to side.

  If Tanner liked Lily, he needed to man up, or it looked like he might lose his chance.


  Everyone hung out for another hour before calling it a night. Bree had gone up to take a shower, while I checked in on Tanner. He was asleep, so I just left well enough alone. It was probably better if he slept off the shit in his head.

  Hearing the water running when I entered the bedroom, I slipped my shirt over my head. Working to remove my pants and boxers, I joined Bree in the shower.

  Pulling her back against my chest, I kissed her neck. She moaned when I pressed my erection against her. “Hey there, handsome.”

  I grinned and kissed her once more before turning her around to face me. Tilting her face up to meet mine, I brought my lips to hers.

  We stood in the water kissing and touching, working one another into an overpowering state of desire.

  Slipping out of the shower and toweling off quickly, we stumbled into the bedroom. Bree crawled up the bed on all fours, and I growled as I gripped her hips. There was something about her perfect ass shifting from side to side as she moved. It was taunting me, and I felt like I was going to explode. I held her in place by gripping her thighs. Pushing down onto her lower back, she arched up even higher and lowered her chest to the mattress.

  As I took her in, she was bared, exposed, and completely opened up for me. I lowered my mouth to her center and began tracing my tongue through her wetness, slowly fucking her with my tongue. Her moans and whimpers filled the room, and I continued to drive her to the edge. When she started rocking her hips against me, I gripped her thighs harder. I tried to hold her in place.

  She rode out her orgasm, screaming my name.

  I slipped into her from behind, and I could feel her insides still twitching. I tried to go slowly, but it was impossible; she felt too fucking good. I began slamming into her hard and fast. I was so close.

  “Yes, oh god. Fuck me, Max.” Holy shit, my girl was turned on. “Harder, please.”

  I gave her what she wanted as she slipped her hand between her legs. I knew what she was doing, and that only made it harder to hold off. I wanted her to come once more.

  “Come for me, baby.” I groaned.

  Feeling her tighten around me, I fought to hold on just a few more seconds. Squeezing my cock over and over, I let go.

  Falling forward, we fell to the mattress in an exhausted state. I chuckled against her back.

  “What are you laughing at?” she asked

  “You’re a dirty girl,” I replied

  Looking back over her shoulder, she smiled. “Me? What did I do?”

  “Fuck me, Max. Harder, Max.” I winked. To be honest, that shit was hot.

  “Well, next time do it right so I won’t have to direct you.” She fought her smile.

  I grabbed a hold of her and flipped her over, placing my body over hers. “I’m pretty sure I was doing it right; you were completely lost in the moment. But in case you’re questioning that, maybe we should do it again.

  She started to say something, but I slammed my lips against hers and took control. She was about to forget her own fucking name.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Court was grueling, yet we walked out with the biggest smiles. I was granted guardianship of Paisley. I was fighting the tears that wanted to take over. I had her; she was with me and she would be safe. With Ryan and Max by my side, I had everything I needed.

  Everyone was waiting at the apartment when we pulled in. Max’s parents were also there. When Max bent down and picked up Paisley, my heart swelled with even more love.

  He carried her inside, and she held onto his neck for dear life. He started introducing her to everyone and knelt down on the floor near the other kids. Carley was in a bouncer as Mariah sat down next to her. Max introduced her to the girls, and Paisley smiled when Riah handed her a princess Barbie doll.

  I never had a loving family growing up, but I would make sure Paisley did. She was surrounded by these people, who accepted us with open arms. She would not be treated like a burden. Paisley would be happy; that was a guarantee, because I wouldn’t allow anything less.


  My sweet little sister was worn out. Everyone had stuck around for most of the day, and she was now crashed in the middle of her bedroom floor. She was surrounded by dolls and dress-up clothes. She and Mariah had so much fun playing, and it showed. I think she has just found her new best friend. Kelly and I made plans to get them together again real soon.

  Max lifted her from the floor as I lowered the covers on her bed, and we tucked her in together. Max was so careful with her, and watching him only made me fall a little harder. Watching a big beefy caveman melt for a tiny little girl was so beautiful. He would one day make an amazing father.

  We got a call around two in the morning telling us that Kelly had gone into labor. I wasn’t surprised that a house full of people and kids had made that happen. She had run around all day like a mad woman. She was only a week away from her due date.

  Max rolled back over and pulled me against him. “Go back to sleep, baby. We’ll go see them tomorrow,” he mumbled, just before falling back to sleep himself.

  When I woke up, I was alone. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 9:09 a.m. I had slept in, and I was thrown into a state of panic. I jumped from the bed and ran toward Paisley’s room. Finding the bed empty, my heart sank. Then I heard her laughter filtering up from downstairs.

  I ran down the steps and stopped next to the refrigerator, taking in the scene before me. Tanner and Max stood at the counter with Paisley perched on the countertop between them. They were both shirtless, wearing only basketball shorts. They were mixing eggs and pancake batter. and she giggled as they sang along with the radio. I found myself thinking that most girls would find my little sister pretty lucky. The Parks boys were kinda sexy, and she had two of them fawning over her.

  I giggled when they both shook their asses and belted out the verse along with the song. They looked over their shoulders, and Tanner grinned and winked. Max only cocked his eyebrow and looked down, his lips pressed into a firm line. I glanced down and noticed what he was questioning.

  I stood there with only a t-shirt on that just barely covered my panties. “You forget something?”

  Oh, shit. “I was worried when I woke up and didn’t find Paisley in her bed.” I pulled at the hem of my shirt.

  He nodded his head toward the stairs. “We’ve got little princess here under control. Go get dressed.” I nodded my head and made my way back upstairs to put on my clothes.

  When I finally went back downstairs, the table was set and I sat down in the chair next to Max. Tanner sat across the table with Paisley by his side. Max leaned over and kissed my temple. “Your body is meant for my eyes only. Tanner’s a fucking perv; he has no shame.”

  I laughed and Tanner only shrugged his sho
ulders. “He’s right, I looked.” He wagged his eyebrows, and Max threw the lid to the tub of butter at him. Paisley laughed and I smiled.

  “Okay boys, we have a little person we’re supposed to be teaching manners to.” I tried not to laugh at Tanner’s expression.

  “Ah B, this little one is doomed, living with two Parks men. She doesn’t have a chance.” He beamed and tickled Paisley’s side.

  I highly doubt she was doomed, but she was most definitely going to be spoiled and adored. I could see the bonds already forming. I knew that, when it came to rules and discipline, I would have two men ganging up on me to defend her.

  I had my work cut out for me.

  After breakfast, we all gathered to go see the newest addition to the Parks’ family—a sweet 7 lb. 3 oz. angel, Isabella Ann Parks. She was gorgeous, with a full head of black hair and the tiniest little nose.

  Max stared at me as I rocked her, while Paisley sat close by my side. When our eyes locked, he winked. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but I know I was imagining us in this moment. One day I hoped to hold a child that was both a part of me and a part of him.


  It’s really amazing how life can change so quickly. I had never imagined sharing a life with Max. I had hoped and wished for it often. I just never thought those wishes and dreams would come true. He was the unattainable goal.

  Now as I stand in the doorway, staring at the scene before me, I realize how very lucky I am. Max is asleep in the recliner, with Paisley sprawled on his chest. Her arms are securely wrapped around his neck; his are tucked around her tiny waist. Tanner is snoring on the couch as the television plays Frozen, Paisley’s new favorite movie. Tanner had bought it for her a week ago, as a welcome to the family gift. She has not wanted to watch anything else since.

  Placing my purse and bag onto the floor next to the chair, I knelt down next to them. Brushing Paisley’s hair from her face, I kissed her cheek softly. Max’s eyes fluttered open and he grinned at me.


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