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Shattered by Love

Page 17

by C. A. Harms

  “Hey baby, how long you been home?” he asked.

  “Only a few minutes,” I replied.

  He let his gaze fall on Paisley once more. “Tanner was pouting because she said she wanted to sit with Her Max. He was trying to convince her he was cooler. I won.” He winked and kissed the top of her head, smiling triumphantly.

  “You’re amazing, kind, and without a doubt, the sexiest man I know. There are a million reasons why I love you so much, but this right here just makes me love you even more.” I kissed his lips softly. “You’ve helped me make sure she’ll have the childhood I never had. You have such big heart. I’m glad you finally let me see that.”

  His eyes were focused on mine intensely. “Let’s set a date. I’m ready to marry you.”

  “Okay,” I replied.

  Life leads you in directions you never expect. It tests your limits almost daily. Having people you can count on to hold you up when you fall and carry you when you can no longer carry yourself is an amazing feeling. Having Max on my side overwhelms me with so much love.

  Finally I have a happy ending, one I never imagined I would have.



  “Wow, you look beautiful,” Shawn said as I opened the front door. His eyes were raking over me from head to toe. This will be our third date, and he is taking me to dinner at an Italian restaurant across town.

  “Thank you.” I smiled at his comment.

  Shawn was a sweet guy. He was an officer and a friend of Carson’s. He treated me like a princess, and it felt nice to have someone make me feel beautiful. I have a hard time accepting that I am attractive. I think of myself as plain and boring. I would rather stay at home with a romantic movie and a bowl of popcorn than go out to a bar. I am quiet and have a really hard time opening up to people.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked. “We have reservations at seven.”

  I grabbed my purse from the table next to the door and hollered a quick goodbye to Logan and Sam. Stepping out and closing the door behind me, I smiled up at Shawn. “I’m ready.”

  The restaurant was nice, and Shawn was a complete gentleman--pulling my chair out for me, opening doors, and everything else. He said all the right things; for once I let go of my reservations and enjoyed the compliments.

  Randy has not bothered me since I placed a restraining order against him. I think he finally got the hint and let it go.

  Dinner was great and, when we went back to the car, Shawn opened my door for me once more. As I brushed past him, he placed his hand on my lower back. I looked up at him, and our lips were only inches apart.

  As he slowly lowered his lips to mine, I let my eyes flutter shut. The softness of his lips settling on mine caused a small moan to escape me. He lifted his left hand and brought it to rest on my cheek, lightly tracing his thumb over my jaw.

  The moment his tongue skimmed over my lips I opened up to him. Bringing my hands up, I laced them behind his neck, pulling him closer. He backed me up against the side of the car and we stood there in the center of the parking lot, sharing one of the best kisses of my life.

  For the only time in the last eight months, Tanner and the kiss we had shared was not overtaking my mind. It was just Shawn and me in this moment.

  He pulled back, resting his forehead against mine. “Wow, that was…”

  “Yeah, it sure was,” I replied, breathless.

  He grinned and pulled back. “I think I need to get you home.” He winked, and I felt a sense of disappointment. I wasn’t sure I wanted him to take me home. I fought the urge to tell him to take me to his place. I didn’t want to come off as easy.



  I stepped out of the shower and slipped on my boxers and shorts. With short shit living here now, I wasn’t so quick to walk around with just a towel. Having random girls in the apartment had stopped some time ago. Bree being here was one of the reasons for it, but it wasn’t just that. I just didn’t have the desire anymore to bring home girls form the bar.

  I walked down the steps and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator, before sitting on the couch next to Paisley. This little girl had stolen my heart, and I think she knew it. I was Her Tanner and Max was hers as well. It was really cute to listen to her talk about us.

  “So is he a good kisser?” Bree was on her phone, and I watched as Max twisted his neck around to give her a questioning look.

  She shrugged and covered the phone with her hand. “It’s Lil; she went out with Shawn again tonight and I’m getting the details. Don’t worry, meathead; no one is as good with his mouth as you are.” She winked and walked into the kitchen.

  I felt the heat rise in my neck. Thinking about some guy with his hands on Lily pissed me off. My leg began bouncing as I strained my neck to hear the rest of what Bree was saying.

  “Ah, that is so sweet. He sounds like a really great guy. He treats you good.” She paused and laughed. “Well then, you should have told him you weren’t ready for the night to end.”

  Motherfucker. I was sure I had growled, because I felt an intense rumble.

  “Why are you growling?” Paisley asked from the cushion next to me.

  “That would be because T is realizing he might have let his ego get in the way of his happiness. Now he might have lost her to someone else,” Max answered before I could speak.

  I could have argued with him. I could have called him an asshole and stormed off to the nearest bar. Instead, all I could do was let my head fall back against the couch and groan.

  “That is exactly right, princess. Your Tanner acted like a complete jerk.”


  My husband and Children, you three are my world. Thank you for being the most amazing people in my life. I love you with all my heart and thank you for making it possible for me to accomplish my goals.

  Limitless Publishing and everyone behind that name. You are all wonderful. Thank you for all your help and hard work. You all make this process painless and worth all the energy I put behind my books.

  Mrs. Maria Trojanowski, what would I do without you? You give me a push when I need it most. If I hit a dull point, I know that in some way you will get me moving again. You are one of the good ones and I am so thankful that we became friends. Thank you for being there when I need you.

  The Lovely Jillian my PA. You are without a doubt and angel. You have helped so much in the short time I have known you. You’re a godsend and I adore you my New York Gal.

  Beta Readers and Bloggers…Barbara Martoncik, Kelly Fallon Sloane, Myra Espino, Philomena Callen, Sabrina Brasil & Mary Mooney. Thank you all for what you do. Thank you for taking the time to read my rough drafts and give me your honest feedback. You are all amazing.

  Lisa Watmough (RockWat Designs) Girl you make Swag like no other. I love your ideas and creativity. You are always so helpful and on top of things. Thank you so much for being you. Thank you for your friendship and kindness…you truly are SO DAMN AWSOME!

  Thank you to Lydia from HEAbook ShelfBlogger. Once again Lady love, you are adored. You are my Go to girl for Tours and promo. You are so trustworthy and fun. I place my books in your hands and not think twice about it. You always hold up your end of the deal and shoot well above the expected. I love what you do. You two ROCK MY WORLD!

  All my fans and followers…Thank you all for your dedication and kind words. You all make me want to lock myself up in a room and pump out another book just for you.

  About the Author

  C.A. Harms is like any other addicted reader. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories. She hasn't always been a lover of Romance and had once been addicted to a good Mystery. Just recently she has taken on a new liking and now is a full blown Romance novel addict.

  She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband of 14 years and two children. You will always find her with her kindle or paperback in hand as it is her favorite pass time.








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