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Private Affair (The Private Series)

Page 4

by Danielle Torella

  “You said you needed a caffeine boost and you’re going to need it…”

  Getting out of Ben’s GTO he starts to untie the rope holding our first Christmas tree down, I ask him what I can do to help, “Let the man do the heavy work.” He instructs me with his half smile.

  “Oh, please! I can help and besides who are you impressing? This thing weighs what? Maybe ten pounds?” I roll my eyes.

  Hoisting the tree over his shoulder he steps by me and winks. This time I pinch his ass causing him to jump and drop the tree. I throw my hands to my mouth and instantly start laughing hysterically.

  Ben turns and stretches his arms out from his body and drops them to his side and lets out a rough breath, “Really Punky?” He smirks.

  “What? Can’t the ‘man’ get the tree upstairs?” I tease him.

  “Not when you’re sexually harassing me,” he laughs picking the tree back up. “Get the elevator.”

  I salute the ‘man’ and march the elevator and hit the up button. When we are in side I stand perfectly still like a soldier and try to keep a straight face. By the time the doors open I am in a fit of giggles. I pull out my keys and open the door.

  “Where should we put it?” I begin to ask looking around the room as he enters through the door behind me, when I hear a thunk from the tree being dropped. I turn to see what he’s doing and the next thing I know I am being spun to the back of the closed front door.

  His hands all over me as he kisses up my neck and back down to my chest as he undoes the buttons of my coat. We kick off our boots and I raise one leg to wrap around his waist and he grabs my ass and lifts me up. I have both legs around him now. He reaches up my shirt and grabs my breast, I instinctively arch my body into his grasp.

  Ben groans at my movement and he carries me to the sofa, dropping me on my back, I stretch my body out and he is on me faster than I can blink. He has my pants and panties off and I am removing my top and bra, and then taking off his shirt. He pushes down his pants and shorts to reveal his drop dead fuckable body. I start to pant at the sight of him.

  “Ben I need you so bad,” I tell him and I, feeling brave and eager, reach down my body and start to play with myself. I see his cock twitch as he stands at the end of the black leather sofa. That gives me the strength to do a little more, if me just rubbing myself a little gets him going…

  “Keep going,” he tells me and his hand grips his hardness.

  I reach up with my other hand and start to message my heavy with want breasts. I don’t take my eyes off of Ben; his searing look only drives me on more. I rub my nipple with my fingers and let out a soft moan. Feeling my own wetness I enter myself and I hear Ben gasp. “Oh Ben, I need to feel you inside of me.”

  “I want to see you come by yourself,” he says in a ragged breath.

  I spread my legs further and lift one up to the back of the sofa, to give him a better view. I hear him say “Fuck Tess, that hot as hell. I could come by just watching you.”

  I start to pick up my own pace and start to rub my clit a little harder and faster. I can’t contain my moaning. I close my eyes, imagining Ben’s mouth on me.

  That’s when I feel Ben move on top of me and I open my eyes, “I can’t take anymore, or I won’t be able to finish you off.”

  I move my hand to his length and he moans out, “knees.”

  I, eager to get him inside of me obey. I quickly turn myself around and I feel him at my back just as fast. He leans in and breaths, “Ready?” I can’t even speak I am so turned on, that I just nod. I feel his hand first as he glides a finger inside of me, nearly making me come. I turn back to see him putting it in his mouth and slowly pulls it out and makes an ‘mmm…’ noise. Then he slams into me. I can’t help but yell out, it feels so amazing.

  Both of us needing this, this force, this intensive connection, we keep it going as long as we can. Our bodies are learning from each other, I can tell when he is close by his and he can tell by mine. We collapse together at the end of it. Completely sated.

  We lounge on the sofa for I don’t even know how long, he just runs his fingertips up and down my side. “What are we going to do with the tree?” I ask.

  “Oh yeah,” he chuckles.

  “Was I that mind blowing for you to forget?” I tease.

  With a big smile, “Damn straight!”

  Ben make-shifts a tree stand as I go through my boxes to find a strand of lights from my mini tree. We string them around the tree and we take a step back and look. “Needs more than just lights, don’t you think?” He asks me.

  “Got popcorn?”

  We spend most of the rest of the night stringing popcorn and finding little random objects to fill in our tree.

  Our first tree.

  Its Christmas morning. It’s a bitter sweet kind of day. Yes, it’s our first together, but… we go see Caroline in rehab today also. She has only been there for a couple of days and they typically don’t want a patient having visitors so soon, but its Christmas. Honestly, I don’t think they could keep out the Mitchells.

  “What time did your father say to meet there?” I ask over my hot cup of coffee.

  “Two o’clock.”

  I nod, “Are you going to be alright seeing her there?”

  “I have to be. How was it there when you took her in?”

  “It was nice. Warm. I have heard about cold facilities who could give a crap about patients, but they … they seem perfect.” I assure him and it must have helped, because I see his forehead relax for the first time all morning.

  Setting his coffee down on the breakfast bar, he walks off into the hall. Returning a few moments later with a wrapped gift.

  Placing it down in front of me I ask, “What’s this? I thought we agreed no gifts?”

  “Like I would ever not get you a gift for our first holiday together.” He slides it closer to me. And I feel like a shmuck, because I really didn’t get him a gift.

  “But, I didn’t get you anything.”

  “You didn’t have to. If you’d rather wait until after today, then it won’t be a Christmas gift…” He starts to pull it away, and I take it. Damn curiosity getting the best of me, as usual.

  I tear into the bag and tissue paper.

  “No. Freaking. Way!” I screech.

  “I didn’t know they made pink camera lenses!” It’s a long distance lens for my camera.

  Smiling at my excitement he informs me, “They don’t.”

  “What do you mean they don’t? Where did you get this one then?” I am clearly confused.

  He comes around the side of the counter and takes the lens from me and starts to explain, “Well, they don’t typically make these in colors. So, I contacted the company if anything like this was possible and they were mostly concerned with the components and if the paint would harm it.”

  “So…?” I urge him on.

  He hands me my bright pink lens and kisses my cheek, “I went to a professional who could pull it all apart, paint the casing and put it all back together again.”

  “That sounds like an awful amount of trouble,” If I felt bad before for not getting him something, I really feel like shit now.

  Seeing my look, he spins my stool and steps between my legs. “Hey, I thought you’d be ecstatic about this.”

  “I am. I just feel awful for not getting you something, after you put so much into this for me.”

  “I have you, that’s all that I need. You’re here for me now, the time I need you the most. You didn’t run off, because something scary happens.” He brings my face to his and lightly kisses me on the lips. A sweet kiss. “Now how about we get in the shower and get ready for the day?”

  I nod, I hold up my beautiful pink gift and tell him thank you, “Can we have one more cup of coffee first?” I ask with a wink.

  “How mean of a fiancé do you think I would be to deprive you of your coffee?” He asks with his panty dropping smile.

  We are in the waiting area of the treatment facility th
at I was just in two days ago, dropping Caroline off. We get here before Jack and Gwen and they have free coffee so I get a cup for Ben and we sit and wait for them to arrive.

  Ben is looking around and observing the faculty, judging how well they are here and if he can trust them with his sister. He is on guard.

  I take his hand, “They are really great here Ben, don’t worry.”

  Before he can reply he stands up when he sees his father and new stepmom walk in the door. He hugs them both and they hug me. Man, I will never get over how great it is to have a warm family, and I’m not even officially in it yet.

  “Merry Christmas you two,” Gwen tells us and we return the greeting.

  We are walked back into what looks like to be a cafeteria, but it has soft chairs and loveseats, with tables and coffee tables. There are already some families here to see their teen and young women for the holiday. The girls here aren’t forced to wear matching outfits, which makes me smile, because I know Caroline and her fashionista self.

  We sit around a large coffee table surrounded with a couple of chairs and a sofa, a moment later Caroline comes gliding in. Ben rushes her and scoops her up into a big hug. My heart clenches.

  She winces a little when he sets her down and he gasps, “Oh, I am so sorry I didn’t think about your arm … which is stupid, because of where…”

  “It’s okay Ben.” She assures him.

  He walks her to the gathering and everyone is starting to tear up and offer little smiles to keep spirits bright, but let’s face it, it’s a less than ideal way to see your loved one on Christmas day.

  Caroline tells us about her schedule here and who she talks to and the activities they have her participate in. She doesn’t complain though. She doesn’t roll her eyes at the things she explains, not like how most would in this situation.

  We stay for a few hours and the place has dinner catered in for everyone, which was really nice of them. Since she can’t be home for a family dinner we are here for her, like how it should be.

  I notice a few girls sitting off by themselves and I nudge Caroline and nod in their direction, “Oh, them, they don’t have anyone. I have group meetings with them and they were dropped off here by a family member or by the state.”

  “That’s horrible.” I feel awful for the girls.

  One of the girls look over and Caroline, the sweetheart she is waves her over. The girl comes over slowly, and Caroline stands to introduce her friend. Everyone is very friendly to her and she sits with us for dessert.

  It’s time for the families to leave and I wait for everyone to say goodbye first so I can talk to her for a second. “You know you can tell me anything right?”

  “Of course Tess, your one of the few people I can.” She gives me a tight hug, “It’s actually nice here and the nice part is it’s a mini vacation form the jerks at school and well social media and my phone.” Her face is soft and I see her as relaxed as ever honestly.

  “You know, most girls your age would have a meltdown if you took her phone and Facebook away.” I laugh.

  Her face drops and she fidgets with her bandage, “Well those girls are the ones I am glad to have a break from.”

  I give her tight hug and whisper, “I know. Hey, who has your phone anyways?”

  “I’m not sure, I think my Dad. Would you just make sure for me, so I don’t have to worry about getting a new one eventually?”

  I put a hand on her shoulder, “Sure thing. Love you C.”

  We are back home, even though Jack and Gwen were trying to persuade us to come to the house for the rest of the evening, but we wanted time to ourselves. We open the door to the apartment and the glow from the tree is illuminating the living room. It’s a serene feeling in here.

  Ben helps me with my coat and hangs it for me. We don’t need to speak right now to tell each other how we are doing. He glides through the kitchen and grabs a bottle of wine and two glasses. I sit on the sofa, with my legs up Indian style. I lean my head on the back of the leather and close my eyes for a moment, until I hear Ben behind the sofa, above my head.

  He hands me my glass and joins me. I snuggle into his body and we just sit for a while like this, looking at the tree and just being.

  “I cannot wait to use my new lens for work,” I confess, breaking the silence first.

  He kisses the top of my head, “I am glad you love it so.”

  I hear a funny ringtone come from one of the side tables, even Ben has this look of ‘don’t look at me, I don’t listen to that song’ I reach across and see an unfamiliar phone.

  “Is this Caroline’s phone?”

  His face lights up, when he realizes it. “Right! I forgot I grabbed it for her. I thought I’d keep it safe until she can have it back.”

  “Oh, okay, well that’s good, she asked me if I knew where it was.” I look down at the screen and I see a photo of a daisy. Maybe she has a friend from school named that.

  “Before I can set it down, Ben snatches it. “Hey! What are you doing?” I ask.

  “If it’s a friend of hers, maybe she has some answers.” He slides his finger across the bar to answer the call, “Hello?”

  His eyes scrunch together and he looks lost and confused. “Ben? Who is it?” I ask, starting to feel a bit worried.

  “Why are you calling my sister’s phone?” His voice deepens and sounds stern.

  I put my hand on his knee and wait for any sign to who he could be talking to. “I thought we talked about this?”

  “Ben?” I whisper. I know how his temper starts and I can tell he’s about to get really pissed off. And I don’t want to see that happen, not tonight.

  “Yeah, well, surprise, I have her phone … no she is not in New York … Your already back in the city? Fine come over.” Then he hangs up.

  I wait patiently as he looks at the phone in his hand, his gears turning for sure. “Ben?”

  He looks over to me and he has a blank expression. “It was Dan.”

  When I answer the phone I expected to hear a teen girl’s voice asking where her friend has been for the past few days. Why she hasn’t been online or to class. I never expected to hear my best friend’s voice on the other end.

  Why was Dan calling my little sister? How did he even have her number? Well I guess I am going to find out. Good thing he has moved back to Seattle for Tone, at least I’ll have my best mate with me during this time, along with Tess.

  Even after what nearly happened with him and Caroline, I feel a little betrayed, but I knew he wouldn’t hurt her. He seemed to be like another brother to her, when we were in school. His mind wasn’t in the right place, not after what Mark and Jackie told him, which was a total fucking lie. I would never sleep with Jackie or anyone else he had seen.

  “Why is Dan calling Caroline?” Tess asks, pulling me out of my thought.

  I set the yellow cased phone down on the coffee table, “I have no idea, but I am going to find out. I hope you’re okay that I just invited him over. I am sorry I didn’t think about asking, I just want to know his reason for ringing Caroline.”

  “That’s fine,” She assures me with a smile. She takes a long sip from her glass and now I am regretting that invite.

  We hear a knock on the door about twenty minutes after the call, I open the door and see Dan looking a bit … well, not himself. He looks worried.

  “So what’s going on with Caroline?” He starts right out asking,

  I go to the fridge and I hand him a beer, he’s right on my heels, waiting for me to answer.

  “You didn’t tell him yet Ben?” Tess asks coming into the kitchen.

  “Tell me what?”

  Tess and I sit at the counter, “Have a seat.” I tell him.

  I have never seen him look so worried in his life, pissed all the fuck off sure, but distraught? No way. “Caroline had an accident in New York.”

  He sets his untouched beer down, another thing he doesn’t ever do. “What kind of accident? Is she alright?”

sp; I look to Tess who is looking down at her hands in her lap and she looks up at me, waiting for me to tell him. “She was rushed to the emergency room. She cut herself and passed out from blood loss.”

  He jumps from the counter, tipping over his stool and he grabs his head. “What the fuck? Fuck! What the fuck? What happened? Is she okay? Where is she now? Ben!” He looks frantically from me to Tess and back to the floor and he starts to pace the kitchen.

  “She is okay, Dan” Tess assures him, but he isn’t calming down. Why is he so upset?

  “Where is she?” He asks again.

  This time I answer, “She is in a treatment facility here in Seattle, we brought her home to get help.”

  “Help for what?” He looks the way I feel about it.

  Tess goes over and hugs him, she is trying to calm him down and I see his face start to visually relax. Tess walks him over to the sofa and signals him to sit. I follow them over and I allow her to explain, because I don’t know if I can handle saying the words.

  “She has been harming herself for some time now, Dan. She has been cutting herself and there are scars on her arms and other parts of her body. She said she didn’t mean to cut so deep, but it happened and her roommate in New York called 911.”

  He looks to me and asks, “But, she’s okay right?” I nod.

  I see him pull out a pack of cigarettes and put one in his mouth and lights it. Normally I would make him go outside, but I think he’s a little stressed out and would just tell me to fuck off anyways.

  “I have a question for you Dan.” I start, calmly.

  He takes a long drag and looks at me. “Why were you calling her?”

  “What do you mean?” He asks caught off guard.


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