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Private Affair (The Private Series)

Page 5

by Danielle Torella

  “I mean, why are you calling my baby sister? And late at night.”

  He shakes his head and I see Tess giving me a warning glance. “It’s Christmas, I was calling to tell her Merry Christmas.”

  “At ten o’clock at night?”

  “What are you getting at Ben?” he asks.

  “After what had already happened between you and her, why are you calling? I asked you to back off.” I feel my tone start to get harsh.

  Tess puts her hand in mine, I know this is her way of trying to keep me calm. I have been far too calm about everything lately. What happened with Jackie and Mark? Getting arrested for beating the mother fucking shit out of the guy. Finding out that my best friend since high school made a move on my sister. Then all of the Nicole bull shit and that nearly causing me to lose the love of my life. My sister nearly fucking killed herself and I still don’t know why. I feel my head start to spin and I am getting hotter.

  “Answer me!” I yell, causing Tess to jump away from me and Dan to come out of his chair.

  “Hey man, don’t get upset. I know you are upset about what is going on with her and everything else, but don’t get angry.”

  “Don’t give me a reason to be angry!”

  “Ben, calm down. Sit back down.” Tess pleads with me, but I can’t. I just can’t I am so fucking sick of being told to calm down. I am tired of not getting my answers!

  I aggressively grab Caroline’s phone and I start to go through the call history.

  “Ben, what are you doing man?” I hear the worry in his voice and that’s all the signal I need to keep looking. I find her call log and a long list of incoming calls from Dan’s number. I go into her messenger and I see long conversations between them. My vision is starting to get blurry and I can’t read what I am seeing.

  “How long? How long Dan?” I growl through my teeth.

  “Nothing is going on Ben, you have to believe me. You have known me for years and I would never fucking do anything to hurt you!”

  “Yeah I heard that before, when I found out that you made out with my baby sister and accused her of trying to sleep with you! Was that your plan all along? To feed into her? Take advantage of a teen girl? She is fucking fifteen Dan! You’re twenty-five!” I throw my beer bottle across the room hitting the front door.

  I see Tess start to back up into the hallway out of the corner of my eye. I am scaring her. I don’t ever want to scare her, calm down dude, calm down. I take in a deep breath, pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes.

  When I open them I see Dan waiting. Waiting for me to hit him probably. “Explain. Now.” I say between my gritted teeth.

  “Can we sit and I’ll start?” He asks with his hands up in surrender.

  I look back for Tess and I see her in the hall entry way. I go to her, “I am so sorry baby. I didn’t want to lose my temper, I didn’t intend on it. I am so sorry.”

  She puts her hands on my chest, “It’s understandable. You have been through a lot and this was the sour cherry on top. Let’s go sit and see what he has to say.”

  I take her hand and lead her back out.

  “Explain.” I tell him.

  He takes in a deep breath, most likely relieved that I didn’t pound him into my floor. “A while back probably about six, seven months ago, I was on Facebook and I got a friend request from Caroline. As soon as I did she hit me up asking how I was doing and what I have been up to. I asked her about school and how things with her and you were. We got accustomed to sending a message a day on there and one day she offered up her phone number and told me to call any time and I of course returned the offer, for if she ever needed someone to talk to. I started to notice some hurtful things on her wall and I called her asking is she was alright. She was having a hard time with a few people from school, they had been calling her bad names and accusing her of sleeping with a teacher. One night I saw a post that pissed me off and I had been drinking so I lashed out back at the posts and then they attacked back saying that I was probably another older guy she was fucking.” He stops and looks at Tess who had tossed her hand over her mouth.

  “What’s wrong?” Dan asks her.

  “When I was in her room a while back I had seen some of the posts you’re talking about. I couldn’t believe how rude they were being to her.”

  I drop my head and shake it, “You tried to tell me about that too and I just blew it off. All this time she was hurting and she goes to you,” I point to Dan. “But not me.”

  “Ben, I think she has been trying to.” He tells me.

  “What do you mean by that? That I wasn’t listening to her?” Then it finally hits me. I turn to Tess, “This is what you’ve been trying to tell me. I just had horse blinders on. I didn’t want to see it.”

  She only nods.

  Fuck. I am an asshole.

  “Is there anything else I need to know? From either of you?” I look from him to her.

  “I just want you to know that I was only there for her to listen to her. I didn’t do it to hurt you.” Dan explains himself.

  “I know.”

  The last couple of days went a little more smoothly. I don’t think I have seen such an intense Christmas in my life.

  Ben and I are in the office, which I have my own little cubical at now! I know it might seem like a silly thing to be excited over, but hey I have a cubical at my dream job. We are called into Ms. Fuller’s office to go over the New Years Eve bash. It is a mash up of local rock bands and a few known indie bands. I look over the list and I have heard a few of them, but I am always eager to hear new music and use my new lens.

  I am at my cubical editing some photos from the last show I did, when my cell buzzes. I look to find its Erin calling me. “Hey girlie!” I answer.

  “Hey yourself, how have you been?” She asks, I was able to sneak away while in the New York hospital to call Erin to let her know what was going on. I needed to confide in my friend, even though she hasn’t admitted a pretty big secret that I know of hers.

  “I am good. Things got intense, but are going to somewhat back to normal. You?”

  I hear her giggling, “Erin? What’s going on?”

  “Oh! Haha sorry, hold on…” She pulls the phone away but fails at muting it and I hear “James stop it I am talking to your sister for Christ’s sakes!”

  Ew! Oh. My. God. Ew!

  She comes back to the phone, “Sorry about that, I was…”

  “Seriously Erin when you’re talking to me! So gross!”

  She starts to laugh hysterically, “Yeah, sorry, what can I say? Your brother can’t keep his hands off of me!”

  “Enough!” I yell a little too loudly and I see a guy across the way look at me.

  Still laughing, “Hey did you know that he has the cutest freckle on his right nut?”

  I hang up. That, right there is too much information. I start to gag and I see Ben come around my corner.

  “You feeling okay?” He asks about my I’m getting ready to barf stance.

  I shiver at the memory, “Ugh, yeah, let’s just say that Erin is not discrete about seeing my brother.

  He laughs and says, “Enough said.”

  My phone beeps with an incoming text, I look to see it’s from Erin and it’s a photo notification. Dear lord, do I dare open it?

  “What?” Ben asks.

  “She sent me a picture and I am kind of afraid to open it now.”

  He holds out his hand and offers, “want me to take a glance at it first?”

  “Wow, you would really take a bullet for me huh?”

  He cocks his head to the side and asks, “Wait, after what you said about what she said … do I dare? Am I going to see your bothers naked arse or something?”

  I smile, “No, not his butt…” he starts to open the message, when I finish, “just possibly his balls.”

  That’s all it takes and he tosses the phone right back at me, before he even looks. “You have a very odd friend there.” He tells me.

sp; “Oh, I know!” I bravely look at my cell and see an ad for a concert and thankfully not my brother’s … you know.

  “So, what is it?” He asks.

  I laugh, “She sent me a pic of a flyer for the New Year’s Eve bash we are covering.”

  I text her back explaining that we are working that show, when I get a reply back: Isn’t that your tattoo guy there?

  I look back and sure as hell, it’s Tony. I snort.

  “Did you just snort Tess?” Ben asks me all too amused.

  I roll my eyes, “Oh, please you have heard me snort before.”

  “So what’s so funny?” He asks.

  “Oh, one of the musicians that is performing that night, I know him.”

  Ben’s chin goes up and his arms cross his chest. There’s the Alpha Male I know. “Oh, cool your testosterone down! He’s the guy that gave me my tattoo.”

  “Oh, so he’s touched you?” He asks, in an oh-too-calm tone. I must start to look flush of panic, because he throws his hands out to me and smiles, “I’m kidding! I know any tattoo artist would have to touch you … would prefer if it were a woman, but oh, well. It’s a pretty bad ass tattoo none-the-less. Maybe I’ll check him out.”

  “Tony? Yeah he’s a pretty good artist and apparently a possibly good musician.” I look back at the photo. I am surprised he didn’t mention about being a performer.

  I text Erin back: Let’s hang after?

  Fucks yes! She relies.

  With a giggle Ben’s eye brows shoot up, “What now?”

  Setting my phone down I move in closer, “Oh, nothing, Erin being Erin. Are you cool if we all hang out after the show? We can have them at our place.” I drag out that last part and give him my puppy dog eyes.

  “What are you going to do for me?” His voice sultry.

  First I check to make sure no one is around and I move my hand to his fly and start rubbing him, “I am sure I can think of something…” With that I feel him harden and stiffen. I bite on my lip and continue with my thought before he becomes completely distracting. “Besides I want to entertain as a couple, in our home.”

  “Anything to make you happy, love.”

  It’s New Year’s Eve, Ben and I are getting ready to get to the club for the show tonight. It’s being held at Showbox, which is a wicked cool venue for any rock show. I got to see Three Days Grace there and it was mind blowing! The lineup consists of mostly locals, which is perfectly fine by me. New music is exciting and I am kind of looking forward to seeing how Tony is.

  I am in a pair of fake shiny leather pants, which hug my lower half pretty nicely, and a loose fitted white tee and some heels that I am sure I will regret later. Accessorize it up and I am good to go. Ben is in a pair of dark wash slim jeans, not skinny jeans, but fitted enough to see some goods. He is wearing a dark gray tee and his black boots. It takes all my will power to not drool at the mere sight of him.

  I still feel extremely blessed that I get to work with him, it makes the job that much more enjoyable. We are getting ready to head out when I decide that I want a photo of us together. I set the timer on my camera and make shift a tripod using the counter, mug and a small plate. I grab Ben who is all too eager to pose and I giggle at his “vogue” posing. For the next shot he engulfs me into an embrace and I feel my knees weaken. I love how he still has this effect on me.

  We hold hands on the ride there, just listening to some music and enjoying the calm moment before the rage of the show we are about to cover, because once we get there it’s going to be crazy busy and hectic.

  We pull in and gather our gear and get out of my Jeep. We normally take his GTO when we go out together, but it’s a nice change up. We walk behind my new favorite beast and he pins me to the back of it. The cold metal at my back and his hot mouth is on my neck. He lingers there for a moment and I can feel my breathing heighten and my pulse quicken. His mouth then finds mine and I reach up and run my hands through his hairs and caress his face with that fucking amazing stubble. He pulls away and I move with him, not wanting it to end.

  He can clearly see that I am panting and he gives me his panty dropping, core soaking smile. He knows what he’s doing to me. Fucker.

  I look up at him and bring my finger to my lips and fix my lipstick that I know must have gotten smeared and I hiss, “Tease.”

  Bringing his face closer to mine in a flash, something that would normally make me jump, I meet his eyes with mine. Then he says, “That was just a preview of what’s to come later tonight … after we … entertain.” He throws my idea right in my face.


  Inside we flash our passes and get right back stage and get right to work. We make our rounds before the show, he interviews and I take some photos. It’s fun listening to the bands or musicians enthusiasm about their own music and performing. It’s inspirational to say the least! We are just about done and I am having so much fun. When we get to sit down with the last musician, it’s Tony.

  He comes walking around the corner with a white guitar in hand, I see a smile cross his face when he sees me. On the up side he hasn’t forgotten who I am. “Tess!” He greets me with a hug, “How’s that leg doing?” He asks looking to my right thigh where he inked me.

  “Oh, you know I am tough, it healed great!” I assure him. I hear Ben clear his throat from behind me, I smack my forehead and turn to pull him next to me. “Tony this is Ben, Ben Tony. Ben is the head interviewer for Tones.”

  Ben reaches forward and shakes Tony’s hand, “Nice to meet you Tony.”

  Tony’s eyes look from his to mine, “Oh, you’re the British flag!”

  Ben eyes me and smirks, but I can see his look. The look that says, you’re damn right to talk about me and he should know who I am. Cocky. “You must me the tattoo artist I have heard about. You did a great piece on my fiancé’s leg.” He looks down to my leg and wraps his hand around my waist.

  Tony’s eyebrows shoot up, “Fiancé?” He offers me a soft smile, but the look in his eyes look a little disappointed. Why?

  “Yeah,” I hold up my left hand. “You know the Shinedown show about anti-bullying? That’s where it all happened.”

  “Oh, not too long after I got my hands on you huh?” He jokingly laughs and I know what he means, but Ben on the other hand found it anything but amusing.

  Ben starts to pull me away, “We should get set up Tess.”

  Tony feeling bad for his humor apologizes as he starts to pull me away, “Hey I was just making a tattoo artist crack, and I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.”

  Ben snaps his head up at him and only offers a nod.

  “Good luck up there,” I wave bye to Tony.

  “What’s your problem?” I ask Ben. I have taken enough of his mood swings since we started dating and I know to just confront it head on. I hold my own and he’s smart to know it. Ego or no ego he needs to know when he over steps, because he just now didn’t act any better than Jackie or Nicole.

  He rubs his face with his hands, his tell of when he knows he did something idiotic. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like bloat back there…”

  “So why did you?”

  He pulls me in tight, “I just want all the men in the world to know that you are mine. Only mine.”

  “That’s why I said yes to marry you Ben. I am only yours. You need to trust my instinct and my friends,” I heighten my voice at the friend word. “I can have guy friends Ben. Hell, I only had guy friends in school for the longest time. They are less dramatic and back stabbing. And Tony is a cool guy and he knows that I am in a committed relationship.”

  We hear the announcement that the first band is due up on stage, a local band called Sniper. When we interviewed them they had the over dramatic Goth look going on. Eh. I like a man in black eyeliner and black nail polish, but not when it’s done for pure mock shock value.

  Ben pulls me in for a quick kiss, before I have to run to the front of the stage with my camera adorning my new pink lens. “I’m sorry,” he

  “I know. I love you! I’ll see you when the shows over!” I yell over my shoulder.

  Most of the local bands are pretty decent, but I have to admit I am mostly looking forward to seeing Tony perform. He is the only one on the roster who is a single man performer. As the stage crew sets up his set, I feel a tap at my back from behind the brocade, which honestly seems to be bit much for a locals show…

  I turn to see Erin with James’ arms around her waist. “Hey!” I greet her with a big hug over the metal bars. “Having fun?” I ask.

  “Yeah, we just made our way up to the front. I want to see tattoo boy sing!” She says excitedly, and I see James, my big brother roll his eyes.

  “Just don’t fan-girl like Tess did when she begged me to take her to see N’SYNC when she was younger!”

  “Trader!” I yell at him, “You promised you wouldn’t tell anyone that I love them!” I can’t help but laugh at his deceit of my silly promise I made him take when I was like fourteen.

  Erin is clapping her hands win her trademark excitement, “I love them too Tess! I totally understand!”

  The lights darken, “I’ll text you when I am ready to head home and you guys meet us there.” I turn to go back to work.

  The stage is pitch black and a series of blue and green lights aim at the center of the stage. Tony stalks out and owns the crowd. Damn. He has some serious stage presence. I hear the hollers of a bunch of young women from all directions, before he even strums a chord on his white guitar. He grabs the mic stand and leans in, “I’m Tony Towers, are you ready to rock the fuck out with me?”

  The women go nuts and scream, apparently he is quit known … I had no idea.

  “I can’t hear you!” He demands, making them all scream even louder and I even hear men whistle. I start taking photos, once I come out of my shock and then he starts to play and his voice starts out in a low growl that builds into a scream.

  Holy shit!

  He has a hard rock and romantic thing about him. His sound is smooth but powerful and then the lyrics make you melt. Kind of like Shakespeare, but Shakespeare on crack. He plays five or six song and his set is over, to my dismay he was the headliner of this show … I can see why.


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