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Private Affair (The Private Series)

Page 13

by Danielle Torella

  “It must be hard being away from him huh?”

  I turn back to face him and he looks genuinely interested. “It is,” I reach my bunk and pull out the bottle and hold it up as an offer.

  “I could definitely use one of those,” He reaches for a couple of glasses and sets them on the table for us.

  I open up the soda and go to pour some in his glass and he stops me, “Nah, I’ll take a couple shots instead. Could use the rush of it.”

  “Everything alright?” I ask.

  He throws back one shot and sets it down. “Yeah. It’s just, I wanted this my whole life. The deal, the tour, you know the whole thing. Now, I have it and I just don’t know how to handle it. My agent tells me to play up my looks and don’t commit, because it could be bad for my image…”

  “But that’s not you.” I state, not ask.

  “Right,” He smiles, “You get it.”

  I shrug, “I am not a rock star or anywhere near it, but I have been to enough show and watch MTV and VH1 enough to know that most rockers like to live a reckless life, but their lives and careers are over before they should be.”

  Tony has poured another shot and holds it out to me, “I will cheer to that.”

  I take a sip out of my drink, “I can tell you’re not like most newbie rockers.”

  “Thanks Tess.”

  Jennifer comes stumbling out of the bathroom, in nothing but a tank top and her bikini cut panties. She comes through the cabin, grabs a beer from the fridge and sits down on Tony’s lap. His eyes widen in shock.

  “What are we talking about?” Jennifer asks, holding her bottle out to Tony for him to open it, being the gentleman he is, he pops it open for her.

  “Rocker stereotypes,” I tell her.

  She snorts a laugh, “There are no stereotypes, and they are all the same. Alcoholics, bad boys and womanizers.”

  “Ouch! Is that what you think about me?” Tony plays offended.

  She raises an eyebrow, “I can hope for the last.”

  Tony looks to me and I know he wants to be saved, “So where were you tonight?” I ask Jennifer.

  She rolls her eyes, “Look, I work hard during the day for the magazine and during the show. When it’s over and I punch out, I like to let loose…And I may have gotten ‘loose’ with the drummer from one of the bands.” She smiles mischievously and takes a sip of her beer.

  I can’t help but laugh. I think her and Erin would get along pretty well. “Okay, well I am going to head to bunk.”

  “What?” Tony asks amused.

  “Well, I wouldn’t call it a bed, so I will call it what it is, a bunk. So, I am going to bunk.” I look back and smile.

  Jennifer winks at me and Tony raises his shot glass, “Thanks again Tess.”

  “Anytime.” Then a thought comes to me, “Tony, can I talk to you for a sec?”

  He pushes Jennifer off and gives her a little wink, and meets me by the bunks. His arms open and he is gripping both sides of the bunk beds for support on the bumpy road. “What’s up?”

  “You said you were sitting outside behind the bus…”

  He looks down and away and then reaches for the back of his neck and his eyes lift to meet mine, “Yeah, I was and just so you know…” His gaze meeting mine with intent, “The walls on this bus aren’t sound proof.”

  I can feel my face go red with embarrassment and I cover my face, before he can say anything else. “Oh, my God!” is all I can push out and I am sure it sounds like I am in agony, which I am. I am mortified.

  I feel hands on my wrists and they tug my shielding hands away from my face. I see a griming Tony, “Hey! It’s okay! I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Just thought you might want to know, you know before Ben comes for his visit.” He winks and smirks at me. “And Ben is a lucky man, if I do say so myself.”

  “Why am I even here?” I ask myself, shaking my head. “I am so new at this and I don’t have a college degree I am still in my early twenties. Why the hell should I even have this opportunity?” I am rambling to myself.

  “Because…” Tony steps in closer, when Roger fails at hitting a pot hole. “You are pure. You are talented. You go for the good and ignore the shit of the industry and there are some fake people, who act like jerks only because they think they have to. I can see that, you hold your own, you wouldn’t do anything to hurt a soul and your eye for detail is amazing. Just like the rest of you … that’s why I requested you.”

  I find it hard to believe the words that I am hearing. So many years of being told that I can’t and now I am surrounded by people who truly believe in me, it’s surreal. I give him my customary, shrug it off, eye roll and tell him “Thanks.”

  Tony finally takes a small step back, giving me my personal space back, “You’ll see it too one day,” and he walks back down the hall to a waiting hot Jennifer.

  I know when he brought up the fake people in this lifestyle he had meant Jennifer. I like Jennifer a lot, do I think she’s playing up the job title? A little. Everyone has a back story and a reason to which drives who they are.

  Back in my bunk I think about how much Jennifer reminds me of Erin and I feel a little homesick and miss my red headed best friend. I look at my phone and see that it’s nearly three in the morning. Sure it’s the weekend, but would she still be up? It’s Erin, she probably is. I wait for her to answer and when she doesn’t pick up after the third ring I am about to hang up, when she answers.

  “Tess! How’s the ride going?” She doesn’t sound at all like she was sleeping, so I release a kept breath I was holding. I know how much Erin hates being woken up and I have felt her early morning wrath in the past. Not pretty.

  I sigh, “Pretty good, I mean the first show ended tonight. Had a little argument with Ben.”

  “Already? What’s eating at him already?”

  I roll my eyes, “Nicole sent him a photo of me and Tony.”

  “That bitch!”

  I laugh at her pitch, “Yeah, tell me about it!”

  “Want me to cut a bitch? Not that I have any experience on the matter, but for you I am willing to learn.”

  Now, she has me laughing out loud and I have to cover my mouth, so Tony and Jennifer don’t come asking what’s up. “Nah, I think Ben changing his number should do it.”

  “Yeah, well I am going to keep an eye out anyways.” She will always have my back. I love my Erin.

  “Thanks. So, how is my brother? And I want a clean report please, the last time I asked I found out things I never wanted to know.”

  “He is good, want to talk to him? He is staying over tonight, so he is here.”

  “Yeah! Put him on,” I haven’t had a chance to really talk to him before leaving on the tour.

  “Hey Tessy!” I nearly tear up when I hear my big brother voice. What the hell? Why am I one second laughing to the next crying? “Everything going okay?”

  I get choked up, “Yeah, everything is great, just new, ya know?”

  “You were always a homebody Tess, the only time you ever really went out was when you went to a show. So, of course this is going to mess with you emotionally.”

  “How did you get so smart when it comes to emotions?”

  “When I fell in love with Erin and asked her to move in with me.” He tells me and I can practically hear the smile on his face.

  “James! That’s great news! I am so happy for you both!” I am more than happy for him, I always wanted to see him find the one and I am glad it is with Erin, because I know how much she loves him in return.

  “Thanks sis, we are really looking forward to it.”

  “You’ll have to tell me all about it soon. Now, I am exhausted and need some sleep.”

  “Take care of yourself Tess,” his voice sincere.

  I sigh, “You know I will, tell Erin I will call her soon and during daytime hours.” We both laugh and hang up.

  Time to crash.

  I am online checking my email for a message back from Fuller, about my photos
from the first tour stop. I would like to know how I am doing before the next show tonight. I see her email and I read though it and she seems to enjoy the angle I am working with, so that’s a relief.

  I also see in my email that I have a shit load of Facebook messages and I never get messages on there. Well let’s see what’s up. I log in and I see that I have thirty-four notifications and a few friend requests. What the hell? I click over the notifications and I see that I have been tagged in like six photos.

  The first is the selfie that Tony and I took and he tagged me. The next couple are shots of the crowd from the stage and there I am in one and again; tagged. Then I notice that it’s from Tony’s account.

  People are commenting on the photos, especially the one of us together. Girls asking if I am his girlfriend and guys telling him right on and that his girl was a hottie. Um, yeah this is…different.

  “Whatcha up to Tess?” Jennifer asks, joining me at the table. She has her laptop on her arm and sets it down and opens it up across the table from me. Probably getting some work done herself.

  I finally break my eyes from the numerous of comments. Some pleasant and other…downright rude. “Um, catching up on the world of social media…”

  “Not a big fan?” She asks in surprise.

  I shrug, “it’s cool, but I don’t like to get on too often, and this only validates my feelings about it.” I turn my screen around and show her the photos and comments. She leans in and I see her smile, “That’s pretty cool actually.”

  “How is this cool? I am engaged! I can’t have people thinking that Tony and I are together, I have to post something.”

  I turn the laptop back around and start typing: I am not dating or sleeping with Tony Towers. I work with him and the magazine Tones for an upcoming feature. I am also happily engaged to the love of my life. So don’t believe everything you see or read.

  As I am hitting the enter button Tony steps out of the bathroom. “Hey,” he greets us. I am still watching the screen and nervously biting my thumb nail. “What’s up Tess?” He asks me.

  “She is being accused of being your sex toy on the tour,” Jennifer casually states.

  Tony laughs, “What?”

  I show him the stuff on Facebook and over dramatically point to the evidence, “See!”

  He leans in and his eyes pop, “I didn’t mean to bring this kind of attention Tess! I mean it! I thought if I didn’t tag you, it’d be rude of me.”

  “Tony, you are now in the media spot light. You are an up and coming sexy as fuck rock star and people are taking notice, so anything you do, say or post will be seen by more than you can imagine.” Jennifer explains to him.

  People are commenting on my post. Shit. They don’t believe me and what’s worse is that people or girls I should say, are lightly threatening that they could take me, to get to him. I am not in the way! Jesus! Feeling a headache start to take over, I excuse myself and grab a couple of aspirins and a water.

  “What’s the big deal? I mean, you’re a photographer, Tony is the name and him pushing you could push your career,” Jennifer asks as I am popping the white pill in my mouth, which reminds me that I need to take my pill.

  I think about this for a minute. Yes, I would want my name to be known in the industry, but for my quality of work, not that I get to follow a hot new star around, who tags me. “Because it takes just one weirdo to see a post.” I justify.

  Last night’s show went off without a hitch and I got to chat with Ben before bed. We talked about how excited we were for tonight, because he is flying in this evening. He will get to be with me during the show and after. I am making up my bunk, when I have to stop and look at it. How on earth are we going to do it in this rinky dink thing? And to top it off, no privacy what’s so ever. Damn it. And I really wanted to just let go with him tonight. I feel a wave of sadness come over me. I wish I was home in our bed right now, together.

  “When does Ben get in Tess?” Jennifer asks me as I am getting my Chucks on, about to go for a walk before prepping for the show later tonight. The weather is fabulous and I really need to stretch my legs. Salt Lake City looks like an interesting city, may as well do some exploring.

  Standing and flattening my shirt, “Five.”

  “How about we head out on the town for some lunch and shopping?” Jennifer suggests.

  I wasn’t looking for company, but what could it hurt? “Um, sure, that sounds like fun.”

  “Cool, let’s get going, I know some fun places we can hit up.”

  We end up at what looks like to be a normal mall, but Jenifer explains that this is City Creek, a shopping center for sure, but with a unique flair. The ceiling opens on nice days and it’s a multistory mall. I take a look at my watch as we are weaving in and out of shops, Jennifer buying as I am more watching. I am more interested in seeing Ben in a few short hours.

  We are walking by a small lingerie shop and Jennifer gives me this bizarre look, loops her arm through mine and pulls me into the shop. I assume that she is looking for another little sexy number. She walks ahead of me, fingering the rows of pace and sheer fabrics, when she picks up a set and holds it out to me, “What?” I ask.

  She stomps her high heeled foot, “for you! For tonight!”

  “Um, what do you mean?”

  “For when you are alone with that sexy fiancé of yours! So what’s he into? Light and sweet? Or Dark and seductive?” She holds out to different options that are complete opposites of one another.

  “I, uh…I don’t normally talk about that kind of stuff with others…” I am thrown way off here. I did not expect to have underwear thrown in my face and being asked what my future husband likes in the bedroom. If it were Erin, then it’d be cool, but I hardly know Jennifer yet.

  “Oh, come on!”

  “Well it’s not like we are going to have the privacy to use something like … that,” I wave my hands over the contrasting numbers.

  “So! Pick one! He’ll love it! If you don’t like either of these, this shop has a killer selection…I have been here often in the past.” She winks.

  I step away to look at the wall to wall assortment. There are only a few other women in here and a couple of guys, shopping for their woman I assume. One sees me looking at him and he blushes and drops what he is holding. Jennifer picks it up for him and he stumbles over his words as he tries to say thank you. Yeah, she is pretty hot and if I were a guy or a lesbian, I would become speechless in her presence also.

  “So, see anything you like?”

  I find this deep purple piece, it’s not a teddy…thank god. I just think those tend to look a little tacky. It’s a bra, but has a fitted rib cage length piece with it. I look at the tag and they classify it as a “Push-Up Balconet” well okay then. It has a deep plum satin and then black lace over laying it. And I look below it and see a matching thong. It’s simple yet sexy. I skim through the sizes and feel a pang of disappointment when I see that they don’t have a single A cup.

  “Can I help you find something Miss?” an older beautiful woman wearing a gold name tag, which read Rita.

  I pick up the balconet and ask, “Do you have this is an A cup?”

  “We might have that size in the back, you’ll have to excuse us, most of the women who come in here are a little bustier,” She nods in Jennifer’s direction and I can’t help but giggle.

  “Yeah, I have always had a difficult time finding the right bra, being a small cup size.”

  She looks at my chest and tells me, “Honey, you have nothing to worry about, when you’re older you won’t have an achy back or breasts to your knees. Honestly you could probably get away with going braless.”

  I had never considered that. I guess I assumed that every woman had to wear one, no matter their size. I don’t think I could do it often though. Maybe with a certain dress, or just home with Ben.

  The woman returns with a thirty-four A, perfect. I thank the woman who offers me the way to the dressing room. In there, I have the
number on and I stare at myself. I have never dressed up like this before. I feel confident and sexy. I know Ben will love it. I look down to my leg where I had the tattoo done, in honor of him. When we were apart. Now, I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

  He is the ink to my needle.

  I exit the lush curtain dressing room and Jennifer is coming out of her own, with a few items in hand. I see an array of red satin, black lace and something neon pink. Dang, she wasn’t joking that she really likes to shop here. As I am approaching her I see that she is also on the phone. She looks like she is deep into a conversation. When she sees me getting closer she cups the phone with her hand and eagerly hangs up the phone.

  “So what did you pick out?” She asks, while tucking her phone away.

  I hold it up quickly and blush. At the checkout counter Rita asks how I made out and I thanked her again for finding my size.

  “Ah, welcome back Ms. Garret! I see you found a few more items to add to your collection.”

  Outside I decide to finally ask, “Jennifer, do you see a lot of band members?”

  “What do you mean? Do I fuck a lot of musicians?”

  Shit, I didn’t mean to have it come out like that or for her to take it the wrong way. I fidget with my bags, “I didn’t mean…I…”

  She bursts out laughing, “It’s totally fine Tess! I am just shitting with you! I have taken a few to bed, but not as many as you probably think.”

  “Are you interested in Tony? I saw you on the phone and it looked like a heated convo…”

  She shrugs, “He is pretty damn sexy, but I don’t know. I think he is more the kind of guy that actually wants a girlfriend and not to fuck around, you know? I mean there are going to be lots and lots of women dropping their panties for him on a nightly bases, but I don’t think he will act on it. And no, I wasn’t on the phone with him.”

  I let that settle in my head as we walk into another store.

  “Yes Sir, everything is all set for you this evening.”


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