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Private Affair (The Private Series)

Page 14

by Danielle Torella

  That’s what I like to hear. Does Tess really think that I am going to make her squeeze me into her bunk? That would be ridiculous.

  I just wish this woman at the gate counter would call my zone to board the plane already. I am really eager to see her.

  I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Towers had asked for Tess specifically. That is the part that worries me the most. She said he is harmless and that I should just relax, but how the fuck does any guy relax when his girl is one on one on a tour bus and together twenty-four seven?

  The flight from Seattle to Salt Lake City isn’t long at all, gives me time to do some work. It’s a packed flight and when I am just about done with the column I over hear a couple of girls talking.

  “Is it too crazy that we are hopping a plane to go see him in concert though?” A young platinum blond asks her friend.

  “Nah, from what I have heard on the radio and seen of him online, it is going to be worth it.”

  “Do you follow him on Facebook?” The blonde gushes.

  I hear the friend giggle, “God, yes! Isn’t he gorgeous and he is always posting funny things and photos from the tour…too bad he is with that one girl.”

  “Oh yeah, the girl with the pink hair? Yeah I heard they are high school sweet hearts and they now get to tour the world together. As cute as it all sounds, I would love to just have one night with the guy. I mean fucking A!”

  Girl with the pink hair? I open up to the internet and get on Facebook. I type Tony Towers in the search and there he is. I see a black and white photo of him in a beanie and black eyeliner. Really dude?

  I scroll down to find the same photo that Nicole had sent me on his page. The selfie of them together. There are over eight hundred likes and a couple hundred comments. Tess is tagged in the photo I see…

  I am scrolling through the comments and these girls are bloody awful! Why would they say such horrible things about a woman they don’t know? And to assume that she is with Towers, romantically? I see that she commented on it too and I am relieved that she is standing up to them and informing these psycho girls that she is not seeing him.

  But it seems that the topic of Tess and Towers is pretty vocal on the page. A lot of people posting and asking if he is with the cute pink haired girl and wanting details.

  I close my laptop and rub my face with my palms. Are we there yet?

  I rush to the car rental counter once I land. The guy at the counter offers me the option of an economy car, which was a small ass foreign thing, which is so small that I don’t even thing Tess; as small as she is would be comfortable in it. Or the option of a Dodge Challenger. Yeah, no fucking brainer there.

  I am cruising down the highway and I look at the time and see that she should be heading into the venue at any time now and that I won’t get to see her until after the show.

  Maybe. I hit the petal a little harder.

  There is a line outside of the place already, but I just walk right past them and go to the door.

  “Can I help you?” A shaved head and red beard man asks me.

  “Yeah, I am here to see my fiancé, she is a reporting photographer for Tony Towers.” Fuck I shouldn’t have to use his name to get to her.

  The guy crosses his arms over his bright yellow “security” golf tee. “Sorry, no ticket, no entry.”

  “Look I am trying to surprise her, I work with Tone’s,” I reach for my wallet to pull out my employee badge. Hopefully this wanker fucking lets me in. I am pent up and needing to see Tess already and this guy is standing in my mother fucking way.

  “Hey, it’s okay, he’s with me,” I hear a woman’s voice tell the bald leprechaun. I look up from my wallet to find Jennifer batting her eyes at the guy and it looks like he is being wrapped around her finger.

  “Fine, but he needs a wrist band, since he doesn’t have a pass,” The guy eye’s me and smirks.

  Jennifer puffs out a laugh, “Alright then, Ben get your band and I will see you inside.” She winks at me. We have never had a thing, but she likes to playfully flirt with me. Back when we first started working together, I thought she was pretty good looking, but I wasn’t her type apparently. Even though I have heard all the stories about her hooking up with band mates. Maybe that’s why I was never her type, because I wasn’t in a rock band. We are now just friends by association, we see each other at the office and make small talk.

  “Alright man, you are all set,” the man informs me, he laughs and flicks my wrist.

  What is so fucking funny? ... I look down and fucking, mother…

  “The Tower of Power…Seriously?” I eye the security guard, he just grins and shakes his head.

  As I am walking through the door I tuck the band under my sleeve. I will not have anyone think that I am here to see that punk, no wait that would be offensive to punks everywhere. I am walking through a hall way looking for where Tess could be, when I am yanked through a door. “What the hell are you doing?” I ask Jennifer who is now in front of the door, blocking me from exiting.

  “Oh, come on Ben, we have known one another for a long time now and I have seen you take on countless women. I want a turn.” She licks her lips and starts to run her hand up her thigh.

  “We will never happen. I am engaged to the love of my life and she is countless times sexier and classier than you.” I push by her and start down the hall.

  “We will see.” She calls after me with a sing song in her voice.

  As I round the corner I spot Tess squatting on the floor taking photos, it’s not until I get closer I see what her subject is. As much as I want to walk over and mess up his pretty boy face, I will back off and focus on Tess and only Tess.

  Ben should have landed by now, but I haven’t heard anything from him. I thought for sure I would be able to see him before I had to get to work. We are waiting back stage, watching the headliners do their sound check. Tony already did his about an hour ago. I think he is getting better each time he performs.

  I see a cool brick wall with some extra lighting equipment and get an idea. “Hey, Tony go over to that wall.”

  He gives a confused little smirk, but is happy to oblige. “Okay, now what?” he asks me with a shrug and a look over his shoulder at the wall.

  Holding up my camera, “A mini photo shoot!” The lighting is cool and we have a few minutes to play around, so why not? I have never really had the chance to just play around with a model or person before.

  “Okay, what do you want me to do?” He asks holding his palms upward. And there’s the shy Tony that I have grown to be fond of.

  I squat down and hold the camera to my eye and wave my hand at him, “Whatever feels natural.”

  “This isn’t natural for me Tess, I don’t do photos well.”

  “Well then you are in the wrong industry my friend,” I laugh at him. I notice that he is looking a little uncomfortable. “What’s wrong?”

  He reaches across his chest and holds his opposite shoulder, “I was always an awkward kid and never felt great about my looks. I was the scrawny, bean pole as a kid.”

  “I never would have guessed.”

  Tony playfully makes a muscle, “This came during senior year. Then people started to back off, once I was gaining some mass. I know how cruel kids can be.”

  “I know what that’s like. Believe me.” I snap a photo, not wanting to get into it with him right now. But knowing that his good looks and talent didn’t come too easily or make him a cocky douche bag is an added bonus to his personality.

  He raises an eyebrow at my last comment, but caught on fast that I didn’t want to talk. He playfully strikes a pose, like a body builder. I laugh and he changes his position again. I am snapping away and he finally gets a little more serious, I was loving the fun pics, but I wanted to get some magazine worthy shots too. He leans against the wall and crosses his arm, snap. Squats down, faces me right on and gives me a smoldering gaze, snap. Wow, if girls think he’s hot now, wait till they see these photos

  I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn assuming it’s one of the stage crew or Jennifer, needing us to wrap it up. I am greeted with familiar black boots, I look up and see Ben. I squeal and jump to my feet and leap into his arms. My arms around his neck and I wrap my legs around his waist and kiss him hard.

  His hands graze under my ass and I feel his finger knead in, forgetting we are surrounded by people, I let out a soft moan and I instinctively move my hips into his. His mouth is hot and he tastes like his usual honey. Sweet and urgent for me.

  I hear a throat clearing, feeling a little embarrassed I giggle and tuck my head into the crook of Ben’s neck. He groans out a deep laugh himself and slowly lets me own. Turning I find Tony standing there with his hands on his hips, shaking his head.

  “What?” I play innocent.

  Before Tony can answer I see Ben jump in shock and make a funny face, then I see Jennifer rounding him, “What was that?” I ask.

  Jennifer shrugs her shoulders and blows a pink bubble with the gum she is chewing on.

  “Don’t do that again,” Ben tells her.

  “Jennifer did you just pinch Tess’s fiancé’s ass?” Tony looks amused.


  I see Ben scratching at his wrist, so I lift up his sleeve. “Um, what’s this?”

  He rolls his eyes and straightens his back, “Courtesy of the door man. Apparently if you’re affiliated to Towers and have no ticket, you get to sport one of these.”

  I look to Tony who is now fidgeting with a guitar, “What? I had no control over those. The label thought it would be fun to do and raise attention.”

  “Yeah, because hot pink bracelets with that saying on it could go unnoticed,” Jennifer jokes.

  “Aw, well maybe you can ask Ms. Fuller to get you a pass for when you visit.” I suggest, rubbing his forearm.

  “That’s a brilliant idea,” He assures me and kisses my cheek.

  “Two minutes people!” the stage director announces. I sigh and I have to let go of him for now. Tony heads for stage left and starts stretching.

  “Hey, I have missed you so fucking much. I can’t stop thinking about you. I miss having you home in our bed.” Ben leans in and whispers in my ear.

  I can feel my core tighten with his close proximity, “I have missed you too. In more ways than one. But right now I need to get to work. You’re free to stay stage side and watch.”

  “Sure but I will be watching you, not…” He holds up his banded wrist.

  The night has come to an end for work. I am relieved and anxious to get Ben into my bunk, even though it’s going to be awkward as hell. Maybe I can persuade Jennifer to distract Tony for a couple of hours. That is if she doesn’t already have plans of her own. Such as showing off one of her new lingerie pieces. That reminds me that I need to get mine on, before anything happens.

  “Ready to go?” Ben takes my hand and starts leading me out the back door.

  “Absolutely, but … let me talk to Jennifer about keeping everyone away from the bus…”

  Outside I see a red sporty car and its lights going on, when I notice Ben holding the key fob I know my jaw must have dropped open. “What is that?” I ask.

  “That is a car.”

  I eagerly pull him closer to it and I can see what kind it is and I am very impressed. This is the kind of car that turns a girl on. I am feeling giddy. “Is this your rental?”

  “It is, but it’s meant for taking us to our destination,” he is playing coy and secretive. I love it. “Go grab your overnight bag.”

  I slit my eyes and when it finally clicks with me, that we won’t be staying in the bus I am even more ready and even more horny, if that’s at all possible. I practically sprint to the bus and I jump on, eagerly rounding up my stuff, including my new plum set. I stop in front of the mirror and fix my hair quickly. I notice that I am a little flush and who wouldn’t be, if they were in my shoes?

  As I am just finishing getting my stuff in my tote bag, I hear someone roughly get on the bus. I am assuming its Ben, being impatient with how long it is taking me. I turn to see the lead singer from one of the opening bands, the band was so unappealing, that I don’t even remember their name. I only remember them being raunchy and disrespectful.

  “Can I help you?” I ask the guy. His hair is dark blonde, long and shaggy from sweat and god know what else.

  He starts his way down the slim hallway towards me and my heart starts to pick up. There is no back door out of this bus. I start looking for things that I can use to defend myself, he is drunk off his ass, so that could help.

  He has me back up against the door to the back sleeping quarters and I perform ol’ reliable, I knee him hard in the balls and he is down on his knees. Covering himself he looks up at me, “Why?” he screeches a high pitched squeal.

  I can’t help but feel proud of myself, “Because I am not interested and I think you need to leave.”

  He stumbles to his feet and just as he is turning to go down the hall I see Ben stepping up into the bus. Uh oh.

  “Who the fuck are you?” He asks and I know that tone, it’s the tone he used when he beat the shit out of Mark at the market. He comes shooting down the hall and the band member sobers up pretty quick and raises his hands to his face to protect it.

  “Ben!” I get him to focus on me for a second. “I am fine, I got this. It was a misunderstanding right?” I look to the guy and he nods frantically, all while still holding himself.

  He snaps his head back to gross band guy, “What made you think it was okay to jump on a bus after a young lady? She didn’t invite you and frankly you couldn’t get anything like her.” He is seething and he is not showing any sign of calming down either. He has the guy by his neck now.

  “Ben! Stop it! You went to jail once for assault, don’t do it again!” I yell at him.

  I can see his face relax slightly and he unclenches his hand from the guy’s throat, “Get out.” He tells him and the guy high tails out of the bus.

  I just stand there for a moment, waiting for him to calm down. He shakes his head and flexes his hands. He takes in a calming breath and then his eyes shoot to mine. “Does this happen often?” He asks me.

  “Only once, but it wasn’t like this. Half the time they are buzzed and I can handle it.”

  “Yeah until you can’t.”

  I close the gap between us and I take his hand, “I can take care of myself.” Repeating the words I told him before I had left to do this tour. “We knew what came with the tour and I knew I could do it. You have to trust me. Beside that guy probably won’t have kids now, the way I took care of him and he was on his way out when you came on.”

  He looks into my eyes and I am willing him to understand, because I just don’t think I could walk off this tour, it’s too big of an opportunity for me. He sighs and pulls me in for a hug. He tells me, “I know and I am sorry. I will always worry, but I have to trust you too. I know you are strong and able to take care of yourself these days, but I can’t help to think about you in that hospital bed on numerous occasions…”

  “That was then. This is me now.”

  Resting his head on mine, “I know and I love you even more for who you are today. I am sorry I over reacted, do you still want to go with me tonight?”

  I shrug and bob my head from shoulder to shoulder, “Eh…” He pokes my ribs and I burst out in laughter, “Of course!”

  I jump off the step and start back to the car, when I hear Jennifer give me a cat call from the back of the bus. I wave her off and smile.

  “My lady,” He offers his hand to assist me into the lush sports car.

  When I am sitting I pull on the waist of his pants to bring him closer to me, “I hope you don’t treat me too much like a lady tonight.” My hand grazes over his cock, which is now getting hard. I am gaining much pleasure out of being more powerful with my own sexuality.

  Ben doesn’t say a word, I think he’s a little stunned and obviously turned on. He closes my
door and before I know it, he is in the driver seat, flooring it to the hotel. We are there in no time at all and I am so pleased that he chose one so nearby. We deserve all the time we get with each other. Not knowing when the next time he will get to visit me. We are heading further east, each day.

  We get checked in and it takes everything in us to not pounce on one another in the long ride up to the seventeenth floor. But as soon as those doors open we can’t hold on any longer. Ben pulls me out and has me pinned against the opposite wall. I look down both ways to make sure no one is coming. I ask him what room we are in and he leads the way. His hand groping my ass down the never ending hallway. He slides the card key swiftly and kicks the door open. Scooping me up, he carries me into the room. He tosses me down on the large soft bed, but I can’t see the room yet. Ben turn on a soft light with a dimmer and am greeted with a room full of my favorite pink peonies. There are petals strewn about on the cream duvet. The room is starting to glow as Ben begins lighting candles.

  “This is the most romantic thing,” I gush, feeling tears starting to swell.

  Ben joins me on the bed. Cupping my face in his two strong caring, loving hands he tells me, “You deserve romance forever. You deserve the world. I don’t know where my life would have ended up if I never found you. You are my everything Tess. My permanent.” He moves one hand to his heart where my tattoo is, the piece he got for me.

  My hands find their way to his midnight dark hair and his mouth is on mine, like fire breaking out when it hits the air. Everything just explodes. I have to pull away now, if I am ever going to get my little number on for him. “Hold that thought. I have something for you.” I pick up my bag with only my pointer finger and I sling it over my shoulder as I saunter to the bathroom.

  I slip into the top and thong, fix my hair and check my makeup. I open the door slowly and I peek around the door frame, I see Ben’s boots and shirt on the floor. I take a deep breath and step out for him to see.

  His eyes start at my feet and work their way up. I do a little turn to show him the back, “what do you think?”


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