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Undeniably His (Undeniable Series Book 1)

Page 28

by Ramona Gray

  She stared at her hands again before saying, “I was pathetic for thinking he loved me. But I – it was so nice to have someone, you know? To not feel like it was just me against the world. It’s stupid, I know, but I was blinded to the truth because I didn’t want to be alone anymore.”

  She raised her gaze to him and stared unblinkingly at him. “I shouldn’t have slept with him. Not because he was a bad person but because he was my boss and it was unprofessional even if I was just waitressing at a strip club. After we broke up, he took me off the weekend shifts and put me on week nights. It was to punish me. Tips aren’t nearly as good during the week. It’s why I applied for the job as your PA. The cost of Mama J’s care had gone up and I didn’t have enough money even with both jobs.”

  She smiled at him. “I was attracted to you but I told myself not to act on it. I had already made one mistake by sleeping with my boss and I couldn’t afford to do it again. Not when Mama J was depending on me. Only, I was still so tired of being alone and you were so different than what I thought. You were kind and sweet and, god, the way it felt when you touched me. I’d only slept with Jeremy before you and I had no idea that sex could be like that, you know?”

  He nodded and she patted his hand. “I swear to you that I didn’t get my heat and electricity cut off to try and suck you into taking care of me. I really believed that you would fire me if I didn’t wear better clothes and I needed my job. I was embarrassed by my lack of money and the day I fainted in your office was one of the most shameful moments of my life.”

  “I know you didn’t do it on purpose,” he said. “I’m sorry I said that you did.”

  “I shouldn’t have slept with you and I shouldn’t have taken advantage of your kindness, but you shouldn’t have believed Jeremy over me,” she said.

  “I know,” he said hoarsely. She watched in surprise as he slid out of the bed and dropped to his knees beside it. He took her hand in his and said, “I’m sorry, Jane. I was an idiot and I shouldn’t have said those horrible things to you. I love you. I’m so sorry. I know I don’t deserve it but will you forgive me?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  He blinked at her and she almost laughed at the look of surprise on his face. “Yes?”

  “Yes,” she repeated.

  “Just like that,” he said.

  She scooted to the side of the bed and swung her legs over the side. She tugged him between her legs and cupped his face before pressing a kiss against his mouth. “A very smart woman once told me that if you love someone, you forgive them when they say they’re sorry. That love grows sweeter with forgiveness.”

  “You love me?” He said.

  She kissed him again. “Yes. I love you, Luke Dawson.”

  “I love you too,” he said.

  She gave him an adorably cheeky grin. “Yeah, I heard you the first time.”

  He laughed and kissed her fiercely before hugging her so hard she couldn’t breathe. She pounded him on the back and he released her before kissing her again.

  “I want you to move in with me,” he said.

  “What?” Shock reverberated through her.

  “I’ve been miserable without you the last few days. Come home with me. Please.”

  “I can’t leave Amy alone,” Jane said, “and what if it doesn’t work out between us?”

  “Do you really believe that it won’t?” Luke asked.

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t.”

  He squeezed her hands. “Live with me. I want to fall asleep in my bed with you next to me and know that you’ll be there when I wake up in the morning.”

  “But Amy hates living alone and she’s been really good to me, Luke. I don’t want to hurt her feelings.”

  “We’ll talk to Amy but I know my sister and I guarantee you that she’ll be nothing but happy for us,” he said. “Trust me on this. All right? Move in with me, Janie.”

  “Okay,” she said. “But I’m paying my half of the mortgage.”

  He laughed. “Honey, I own the house.”

  “Of course you do,” she said. “Sometimes I forget that you’re rich.”

  “Not just rich – stinking rich,” he said.

  She smiled. “At least let me contribute to groceries.”

  “Deal,” he said. “I promise you won’t regret moving in with me. I love you, Jane.”

  She touched his face before resting her forehead against his. “I love you. Always.”

  * * *

  Want to find out what the heck is going on with Amy and Mark?

  Read “Undeniably Hers”, Book Two in the Undeniable Series.

  Interested in reading more about Jane and Luke? They make plenty of cameo appearances in “Undeniably Hers”.

  Please enjoy this excerpt from “Undeniably Hers”.

  “Breathe, Amy.”

  “I’m breathing.”

  “Not enough,” Valerie said as the elevator doors opened.

  They stepped out into a small room with white walls. A man was standing beside a door and Valerie smiled at him. “Just give us a minute.”

  He nodded and Valerie led Amy to the far corner. “Take a couple deep breaths, babe.”

  She breathed deeply before smiling tentatively. “I’m good.”

  “Better than good,” Valerie said. “You’re about to have the best experience of your life.”

  “Right. Are you sure I look okay?”

  “No. You look fucking amazing.” Valerie eyed her dress before letting her gaze linger on Amy’s breasts. “God, I wish I had your tits.”

  “Be thirty pounds overweight and you can have them too!” Amy said brightly.

  Valerie rolled her eyes. “Men love your curves and you know it.”

  “Yeah, they really do,” Amy said and Valerie laughed.

  “There’s my Amy. C’mon, girl, let’s go and get you laid by a total stranger.”

  They approached the man standing at the door and Valerie held out her arm. A plastic blue wristband was around her slender wrist and the man scanned it before turning to Amy. Amy held her own arm out. Her waistband was green and she had found it on the nightstand in her room. Valerie had explained that the wristbands were required to enter the lower area of the club and that the colour represented her experience in the BDSM world. Green was for a complete novice and she was a little embarrassed by it. The man scanned her bracelet without saying anything then opened the door and ushered them through the doorway.

  Amy stopped immediately and tried to keep a neutral look on her face. Scantily-clad women and men filled the room. Amy’s eyes widened when a woman wearing leather pants and a leather bustier walked by. She had a leash in her hand that was clipped to the collar of a man wearing just a pair of tight jean shorts.

  It was a large room – large enough that she couldn’t see the far end of it past the people milling around – and it was painted a dark red. Dim light shone from sconces hung on the wall and there were a series of hallways that broke off from the main room.

  “What’s going on over there?” Amy whispered to Valerie.

  There were about seven rows of chairs set up in front of a small stage. Dark curtains were drawn across the stage but the chairs were already nearly full. Each chair had a cushion beside it and she watched as a blond-haired man sat down. A slender woman wearing a collar and a gorgeous form-fitting dark green dress knelt gracefully on the cushion next to the chair. The man smiled at her and petted her dark hair before gently pushing her head to his thigh. She rested her cheek against his leg and stared adoringly at him as he spoke with the man sitting next to him.

  “They’re setting up for the show,” Valerie said.


  Valerie nodded. “They do some public exhibits.”

  “Public exhibits of what?”

  “Depends. I think tonight there’s a flogging and a forced orgasm scene.”

  Amy’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “Flogging?”

  Valerie squeezed her arm. “Stay
calm, honey. Remember, everything that happens here is consensual.”

  The dull sound of a paddle hitting flesh and a sharp squeal of pain came from their left. Amy turned, her hand gripping Valerie’s in a hard grip as she stared at the scene. A man with his pale skin glowing in the dim light was straddling a bench. His chest and stomach rested against the padded upper part of the bench and his arms and legs were placed on the padded arm and leg rests screwed into the sides of the wooden bench. Leather straps were attached just above the rests and they were wrapped around his upper thighs and biceps, holding him firmly in place.

  As they watched, a woman wearing a beaded mask and a short red dress, spanked him on the right ass cheek with a wooden paddle. The man jerked and cried out then moaned happily when the woman rubbed his red cheek soothingly.

  “It’s called a spanking bench,” Valerie murmured into her ear.

  “H-have you ever tried it?” Amy asked.

  Valerie nodded. “Yes, but not in public. I always ask my chosen Dom to take me to a private room.”

  Amy barely heard her. She watched in fascination as the woman set the paddle on a small table before slapping the man’s ass repeatedly with her right hand. The man was moaning in pain but the look of pure bliss on his face was undeniable.

  She wondered what it would be like to be strapped to a bench like that. To be vulnerable and helpless while a man spanked her. As the woman gave the man a particularly vicious slap and the man squealed loudly, Amy decided it wasn’t for her. She wanted to give up some control but not like that.

  What if it was Mark doing the spanking?

  The errant thought sent an almost painful cramp of pleasure deep in her belly. She made herself look away from the spanking scene. Mark was the most easy-going man she knew. He wasn’t a pushover but he was always willing to accommodate and compromise both in his work life and personal life. Pretending he was a Dom, pretending he would like to spank her was utterly ridiculous. A man like Mark wouldn’t set foot in a place like this and just the thought of him finding out that she did, made her cringe. Despite Valerie’s assurances, she was still feeling very much like a freak and she’d die before she’d ever let Mark know that she liked the idea of being dominated.

  An image of Mark hovering over her, of his hands clamping around her wrists and holding her still as he pushed between her thighs flickered through her. It sent more pleasure pulsing through her belly and an absurd desire to giggle. The thought of sweet, gentle Mark ever holding her down and forcing her to take his cock was so absurd it bordered on surreal.

  Still, if it meant having Mark in her bed, she’d gladly give up all of her own timid desires to be dominated. She liked the idea of it but she wanted Mark. Wanted him exactly as he was – sweet and kind and undoubtedly amazing in bed but not dominant. Not him.

  Valerie was pulling on her hand. She wanted to take a quick walk through the room – her initial shock was wearing off and she was fascinated by everything – but Valerie led her to the first hallway.

  A woman, holding a tablet in one hand, was standing at the entrance wearing jeans and a golf shirt that said “Secrets” over the right breast. She looked so normal and ordinary that it sent another wave of surreal through Amy.

  “Hi, Kori. How are you?” Valerie asked politely.

  “Fine, thanks,” the woman said. “You have a private session booked tonight?”

  “Not me but my friend. This is Amy. Amy, this is Kori. She works here.”

  “Um, hi,” Amy said.

  She tugged self-consciously at the hem of her short dress as Kori pushed the screen on her tablet. It lit up and she scrolled through it before smiling at them. “She’s in the Blue Room. Come with me please, Amy.”

  Amy gave Valerie a nervous look and Valerie stood on her tiptoes and kissed her cheek. “You’ll be fine. Have a good time, honey.”

  She disappeared into the crowd as Amy said, “Wait! What happens after? How do I find you?”

  Valerie was already gone and Amy jumped a little when Kori touched her arm. “Miss Amy? Follow me please.”

  She followed the woman down the hallway. Unmarked doors lined the hallway and she bit her lip nervously when Kori stopped in front of one and opened it. She stepped inside tentatively and couldn’t stop her sigh of relief. The room was small and painted a soft shade of blue. It had a warm kind of intimacy to it and she studied the king-sized bed and then the blue overstuffed armchair that was tucked into a corner.

  There was a door on the left side of the room and a tall wardrobe against the wall next to it. Kori smiled politely at her before starting to close the door.

  “Wait!” Amy said. “What, uh, what do I do now?”

  “Someone will be in soon to give you instructions,” Kori said before closing the door.

  Amy bit at her lip again before crossing the room to the door. She opened it and peered inside. It was a small bathroom with a shower and she checked her reflection in the mirror over the sink. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were bright with anxiety.

  She took a deep breath and closed the door before opening the door to the wardrobe. She stared wide-eyed at the contents. There were a variety of collars as well as handcuffs and leather cuffs. A whip and a flogger were nestled on a bottom shelf and a basket held a variety of different sized anal plugs. Brightly-coloured vibrators filled another basket and there were a few items that she couldn’t even identify. She quickly closed the doors as the door behind her opened.

  She spun around and stared silently at the woman who had entered the room. She was tall and curvy like Amy and stunningly pretty. Her hair was a rich black and hung to her waist in soft curls. Her burgundy dress clung to her curves and her lips were painted a bright red. Dark eyeshadow lined her green eyes and she moved with an effortless sway of her hips that Amy knew she’d never be able to mimic.

  “Good evening.”

  Even the woman’s voice was sexy and Amy cringed inwardly when her own voice squeaked out a “good evening.”

  “Your name is Amy?”


  “I am Mistress Selene.”

  She drifted toward her and Amy took a step backward. “Oh, um, I think there’s been a mistake.”

  The woman raised one perfectly groomed eyebrow at her before touching the ends of Amy’s blonde hair. “What do you mean?”

  “I, uh, was looking to book with a man.”

  Mistress Selene smiled. “Yes, I know. I am not playing with you tonight. Although, you are quite lovely.”

  Her fingers traced the soft skin just above Amy’s breasts and sent a shiver down her back.

  “I am simply here to help you prepare for your play session.”

  “Oh, okay,” she said.

  “You’ve signed all the paperwork?” Mistress Selene asked.

  “Yes. Earlier in my room. We dropped it off at the, um, front desk,” Amy said.

  “Excellent. Now, my understanding is that you’re asking for a bit of sensory deprivation with restraints and intercourse. Is that correct?”

  Amy nodded and Mistress Selene let her fingers trace her bare upper arm. “Out loud, please.”

  “Yes. That’s what I’m looking for.”

  “Good. Your safe word please.”

  “Magnolia,” Amy said. It was her favourite flower.

  “Pretty,” the woman said. “If at any time you wish to stop, simply say your safe word and the play session will end immediately. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  “Perfect. Your Dom will be here shortly.” She moved to the wardrobe and Amy watched as she selected a dark red piece of silk and two leather cuffs before returning to her. She held out her hand and Amy took it. She led her to the armchair and urged her to sit down. Her legs were already shaking and she collapsed more than sat in the chair as Mistress Selene smiled at her.

  “Your hands, please.”

  She held out her hands and watched as Mistress Selene buckled the leather cuffs around he
r wrists. They were lined with silk and surprisingly light and comfortable. She studied the metal hoop that was embedded in each cuff as Mistress Selene moved behind her.

  The red silk appeared in front of her face and she took a deep breath as Mistress Selene murmured into her ear. “Ready, my lovely?”

  “Y-yes,” Amy whispered.

  She closed her eyes as Mistress Selene draped the blindfold across her eyes. She was plunged into total darkness and she gripped the arms of the chair tightly and willed herself not to hyperventilate.

  The silk was tied tightly behind her head and Mistress Selene stroked the top of her head before whispering in her ear, “Stay where you are, my lovely. He’ll be with you soon.”

  “Thank you,” Amy said softly.

  She heard the woman’s footsteps cross the room and the door opening. It closed with a soft click and she stayed where she was, her heart thudding almost painfully in her chest.

  * * *

  “Evening, Boss.”

  “Hey, Trent.” Mark walked into the room they had nicknamed the ‘control room’. It was dominated by a large table with multiple laptops. Several office chairs were tucked under the table and he sat down in the one next to Trent. There were twelve screens embedded into the wall above the table and he studied them idly. “How’s it going?”

  “Good,” Trent said. He was tall and lanky with a pierced nose and he tugged absently at the chain that connected his nose ring to the hoop in his ear as he studied the laptop in front of him. “Full house tonight and nearly all of the private rooms are booked as well.”

  “Already? It’s only ten,” Mark said.

  “What can I say – we’re popular,” Trent said. “The show starts in half an hour and the chairs are all full.”


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