Slavery and the Culture of Taste
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The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abrahams, Roger
Act of Union (1707)
Addison, Joseph
Adorno, Theodor
aesthetics: aesthetic autonomy; aesthetic judgment; excluding slavery and; goal of; ideology of; of slaves; systematic aesthetics; term
African House
After the Sale (Crowe painting)
Albaroz (ship)
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d'
Alison, Archibald
All Souls College (Oxford)
Althusser, Louis
American colonies: art of; hierarchies in; slavery in
Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce
Analysis of Beauty (Hogarth)
“Answer to the Question, An” (Kant)
Anthony of Padua, Saint
apprenticeship period, in West Indies
Aravamudan, Srinivas
architecture: African; of antebellum South; of plantation slavery; of ruling class; in West Indies
Arendt, Hannah
Armstrong, Nancy
art: American colonial art; commerce and; criticism of; democratization of; enchantment and; in Europe; institution of; instruments of torture in; mechanical arts; modernity and; punishment and pain and; redemptive capacity of, slaves and slavery and; social relationships and, See also paintings; poetry; portraits
Art Matters (Bolla)
Assin Manso
Augustan order
Babcock, Barbara A.
Bachelard, Gaston
Back of the Big House (Vlach)
Bakhtin, Mikhail
Bambarran army
Bamboula (dance)
Bangil (banjo)
Banneker, Benjamin
Baquaqua, Mahommah Gardo
Barber, Francis
Barbot, James
Barbot, Jean
barons, colonial
Baroque style
Barrell, John
bathing rituals
Baudrillard, Jean
Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb
Beck, Matthias
Beckford, Alderman
Beckford, Ballard
Beckford, Peter
Beckford, William: as absentee landlord; as art collector; background; consumption and; Cozens and; cultural and social anxieties of; family estate of; Fonthill Abbey and; homosexuality of; on John Canoe festival; literary works of; portrait of, slavery and; on slaves as cultivators; social excesses of; travels and narrations of; wealth of. See also Vathek (W. Beckford)
Beckwith, Mary
Belisario, Isaac Mendes
Benjamin, Walter; Origin of German Tragic Drama; “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,”
Bermingham, Ann
Bessborough, Lord
Bhabha, Homi
blackness: aura of; new-world; racialization and; specter of; symbolism of
blacks: aesthetic lack of; alleged inferiority of; descriptions of; iconography of; Jefferson on; marginality of; music and; in paintings and portraits; smell and uncleanliness of; surrogacy of; in Virginia. See also Negroes (term); slavery; slaves
Blacks in the Dutch World (Blakely)
Blackstone, William
Blake, William
Blake, William: Branding Slaves; Europe Supported by Africa and America; The Execution of Breaking on the Rack; Flagellation of a Female Samboe Slave; Group of Negroes, as imported to be sold for slaves; Negro hung alive by the Ribs to a Gallows
Blakely, Alison
Blassingame, John
Blind Memory (Wood)
Blunt, Anthony
Body in Pain, The (Scarry)
Bohls, Elizabth A.
Bolla, Peter de
Bosman, William
Boswell, James
Bourdieu, Pierre
Branding Slaves (Blake illustration)
Brewer, John
Bridgetown, Barbados
Britain and British: after Act of Union; consumer revolution in; culture of taste in; identity of; slave laws of colonies; slaves and slavery in; sugar and
Britons (Colley)
Brontë, Charlotte
Brookes (ship)
Brown, Laura
Brunias, Agostino
Buckridge, Steve
Buenos Aires
Burck-Morss, Susan
Burke, Edmund
Burke, Kenneth
r /> Burke, Peter
Butler, Pierce M
Buttre, J. C.
Byrd, William, II
Calder, Angus
Calenda (dance)
Calhoun, John
Calvert, Cecil
Campbell, Colen
candombes (dance)
candomble (dance)
Cap Français
Cape Coast Castle
Capitalism and Slavery (E. Williams)
caravans, trade
Cardinal, Roger
Casali, Andrea
Casid, Jull
Cassidy, Frederick
Cassirer, Ernst
Castle Howard
castles, slave
Cavendish, Georgiana
Caygill, Howard
Certeau, Michel de
chains and bolts
Chambers, William
Chamoiseau, Patrick
Characteristic of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times (Shaftesbury)
Charles II (king)
Cheselden, William
Child, Richard
China, slavery in
Cholmondeley Family, The (Hogarth painting)
Christian, Edward
Christmas festival
civic virtue
Civilising Subjects (Hall)
Clamp, R.
Clarissa (Richardson)
Codrington, Christopher
Codrington College (Barbados)
Codrington Library
collecting and collectors
Colley, Linda
Colombian Magazine
Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone)
commerce: art and; commercialization and; culture and; politeness and; taste and; virtue and
community building
confinement, of slaves
Congo Square
Congolese Envoy to Recife in Dutch Brazil (Eckhout painting)
Conny, John
Consolidated Slave Act (1787)
Constitution, United States
Constitutional Convention (1787)
Copen, Samuel
Coram, Thomas
Courtenay, William
Cozens, John Robert
Craton, Michael
Creech, Thomas
Critique of the Power of Judgment (Kant)
Crow, Hugh
Crowe, Eyre
Cugoano, Quobna Ottobah
cultural purity
cultural spaces
culture: color distinction and; commerce and; as domination; of eighteenth century; luxury and; sphere of; term. See also high culture
culture of taste: ascendance of; bifurcated order and; in Britain; as an ideology; modern self and; poor and; violence of slavery and; women and
cultured self
Dalzell, Archibald
Dance, Nathaniel
dances and dancing. See also specific dances
“Danse de Negres” (illustration)
Dapper, Pieter de Marees Olfert Dark Side of the Landscape, The (Barrell)
Darnall, Henry, III
Dayan, Joan
De Bry, Theodore
Debord, Guy
Decorse, Christopher
Denham-Steuart, James
Diaries of Anna Margaretta Larpent, The
Diderot, Denis
discipline. See punishment
Discipline and Punish (Foucault)
Discourse of the Sublime, The (Bolla)
Dodington House
Dodington Park
domination, culture as
Donkor Nsuo (Slave River)
door of no return
Doran, James
double consciousness
Douglas, Mary
Douglass, Frederick: on literacy; on negativity; portrait of; on rituals; on sexualized violence; on slave performances; on slavery; on sorrow songs. See also Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Douglass)
Drax Hall
Dred Scott decision (1857)
Dress of the Nobleman and Commonality of Kongo (Theodore and De Bry painting)
Drummond, James
drums and drumming
Du Bois, W. E. B.
Duke of Argyle (slave ship)
Dunn, Richard S.
Dupré, Louis
Durand, G.
Eagleton, Terry
Eckhout, Albert
Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (Marx)
economics: European; morality and, of slavery
Edict of Nantes (1685)
Edwardes, Michael
Edwards, Bryan: on blacks and music; on Haitian revolution; on Obeah; on provision grounds; on sales of slaves; on slaves in Jamaica. See also History Civil and Commercial of the British Colonies in the West Indies
eighteenth century: aesthetic of; culture of; high culture in; white cultural self-fashioning in
“Elegy Written in a Country Courtyard” (Gray)
Elements of Criticism (Kames)
Elias, Norbert
Elizabeth I (queen)
Elizabethan-Jacobite style
Ellis, Markman
Elmina Castle
Elsner, John
Emancipation Act (1833)
Embarassment of Riches, The (Schama)
enchantment, art and
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raissoné des sciences, des arts, et des métiers (Diderot and Alembert, eds.)
England and English: coffeehouses in, consumer boom in; manners of; politeness and; political and human rights in; portraiture; slave traders in; slavery and freedom and; slavery in; slavery laws in. See also Britain and British
Equiano, Olaudah: cultural experiences described by; enslavement of; image of, on negativity; on performances. See also Interesting Narrative, The (Equiano)
Essay on the Nature and Principles of Taste (Alison)
Europe and Europeans: art in; economics of; European Enlightenment; high culture of; modern identity and; modernity in, slavery in; superiority of
Europe Supported by Africa and America (Blake engraving)
excommunication, secular
Execution of Breaking on the Rack, The (Blake engraving)
fairs, in West Indies
Falconbridge, Alexander
Fall of the Planter Class in British Caribbean, The (Ragatz)
Fanon, Frantz
Farquhar, Mr.
Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime, The (Kant)
Female Negro Peasant in Her Sunday and Working Dress (illustration)
Ferrari, G. G.
festivals. See also fairs; specific festivals
fetishes and fetishism
Fink, Eugen
Finley, Moses First Gentlemen of Virginia, The (L. Wright)
Fitzhugh, George
Flagellation of a Female Samboe Slave (Blake engraving)
Fonthill Abbey
Fonthill Ewer
Fonthill House
Fonthill-Gaignieres Ewer
forced poetics
Foucault, Michel: on labor; on punishment; on slaves; on space; on traces; on violence and slavery. See also Discipline and Punish (Foucault)
Fournier, Marcel
Franklin, Benjamin
Freake, Elizabeth. See also Mrs. Elizabeth Freake and Baby Mary (portrait)<
br />
Fu-Kiau, K. Kia Bunseki
Gadamer, Hans-Georg
Gainsborough, Thomas
Gamble, Samuel
Garcia II (king)
Garnsey, Peter
Garrick, David
Gates, Henry Louis
Geoffrin, Marie Thérèse Rodet
George III (king)
George IV (king)
George Washington (Savage portrait)
George Washington (Trumbull portrait)
Georgian style
Ghosts of Slavery (Sharpe)
Gibb, James
Gilman, Sander
Gleghorn, John
Glissant, Édouard
Gluckman, Max
Goldsmith, Oliver
Golightly, Thomas
Gory (servant)
Gothic fiction
Gothic style
Goveia, Elsa V.
Grace (slave)
Gray, Thomas
Greenwood, John
Grimm, Frederick
Group of Negroes, as imported to be sold for slaves (Blake illustration)
Habermas, Jurgen
Haiti, History, and the Gods (Dayan)
Haitian revolution
Hakewill, James
Hall, Catherine
Hannibal (frigate)
Harlow, Vincent
Harper's Magazine
Hartman, Saidiya
Hawkins, John
Hawksmoor, Nicholas
Hayden, Robert
Hazlitt, William
Hegel, G.W.F.
Heidegger, Martin
Henry Darnall III (Kühn portrait)
Hesselius, John
hierarchies, in colonial America
high culture
Hill, Errol
Histoire ou Anecdotes sur La Révolution de Russie (Rulhièr)
History Civil and Commercial of the British Colonies in the West Indies (B. Edwards)
History of Jamaica, The (Long)
History of Mary Prince (Prince)
Hogarth, William
Holmes, George Frederick
Honor, Hugh
Hope, Thomas
Hopkins, Esek
Hoppner, John
Horkheimer, Max
Houghton Hall
House, William
houses: African-style; built by slaves; English houses; great houses of West Indies; of Charles Price. See also African House
Howard, Charles
human rights
Hume, David: on beauty; black inferiority and; on harmony; on mechanical arts; in Paris; prejudice and; racism of; taste and; on white Creoles. See also “Of the Standard of Taste” (Hume)
Hutcheson, Francis