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She Said Yes (Falling For A Rose Book 6)

Page 9

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Do I?”

  Norma peered up at him. “Christopher Lee Rose, there is no man I would ever want to be with other than you. For a lifetime.”

  Christopher covered his heart. “You’re making me emotional, woman.”

  Norma laughed, and he bent down to her for a kiss.

  “When will your boys be here?” Christopher asked.

  “Nicolas and Alejandro will meet us at the fundraiser. Santiago has a girlfriend who can’t get time off, and he doesn’t want to leave her, so he’s won’t make it.”

  Christopher gauged her reaction. “Are you okay with that?”

  Norma shrugged. “They grow up and have their own lives you know.”

  Christopher nodded. He did know. When Jonas moved out of the house, he took Jaden with him. Or rather, Jaden wanted to be with his big brother. Jonas and Jaden had always been close because they were the first two around for a few years before the others came along. But after leaving, it was like his boys disappeared one after the other. The next thing Christopher knew, he was living alone.

  “They say it is what it is.” He smirked and so did Norma. “Let’s have lunch. I’ll cook.”

  Aghast, Norma reared her head back to look at him. “You’re cooking?” She took her eyes around the room. “Somebody call the fire marshal.”

  “That’s not funny, woman.”

  Norma fell over in laughter. Christopher tickled her neck, and his fingers trailed up to her ears. Norma squealed and turn to evade him. She didn’t make it a step before he covered her in his big muscular arms.

  “You didn’t actually think you’d get away,” he said with his mouth to her ear.

  Norma’s eyes closed, and she shuddered at the warmness of his mouth.

  “I didn’t make a big effort to leave because I don’t want to.”

  “Mmm,” Christopher hummed. “That’s my girl. Just so you know, you’ll never get away from me again.”

  Norma turned in his arms. “You say that as if I’ve tried before.”

  “What I mean is we’ve put up a front in front of the children for as long as I can take it. So are you ready to be the real us around them?”

  Norma bit down on her lip. Being with Christopher this way was easy. “Honestly, honey, I’d be too embarrassed. We’re old, those children don’t want to see that.”

  Christopher cocked his head to the side and squinted at her. “We’re older,” he corrected, “not dead. I’m sure they won’t mind.”

  “That makes one of us.”

  “Do you believe me?”

  “I do,” she said.

  The two words sparked an energy in Christopher that spread through his veins and cuddled in his gut.

  “Mmm, I do, too, baby.”

  They kissed, slow and steady. Norma was so in love. The way Christopher cared for her was like nothing she’d ever experienced. It wasn’t as if she’d had a husband before. But even the one or two long term relationships that she’d held were nothing compared to what she and Christopher shared. Norma reveled in the tingles that covered her mouth when they kissed and the heat that flooded her loins when they touched. She was sure this was where she wanted to be. Now all she had to do was convince his family of the same. And although she trusted Christopher and believed everything he said, she couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if he were wrong.

  Chapter Twelve

  After their vibrant lunch, where Norma made jokes about Christopher’s chicken salad sandwiches, the couple went their separate ways so that they would be ready in time for the fundraiser.

  “Save me a dance,” Christopher told Norma.

  “A dance?” she asked.

  “Yes.” Christopher twirled her out, then back to him. “A dance, my lady.”

  Norma blushed, and her nerves shot to the roof. “Okay…”

  Now in the bathroom mirror, Norma accessed herself. She braced her hands on the porcelain sink and took in a deep languorous breath as her head dropped. Thoughts tackled her about what the children would think when they saw them dancing, when they saw them holding hands, when they saw them kiss.

  Putting one foot in front of the other, Norma ran her shower and commenced to getting ready. Her mind was in a constant state of fog as she moved around the bathroom. There was a knock on her bedroom door, and with the bath towel still wrapped around her, Norma peeked her head out of the vestibule and called out.


  “Ms. Rodriguez, I’m Taylor. Mr. Rose sent me to help you with your dress.”

  Norma took a glance around the room and tightened her towel. She wasn’t in the habit of letting people dress her, but if Christopher had sent the woman, then Norma would allow her entrance. Opening the door, Norma came face to face with a tall, thin, Caucasian woman with bouncy red curls and piercing blue eyes.

  “I’m aware that you’d rather do this yourself,” Taylor said, “so instead of bringing a small crew, and for the sake of your sanity, I’ll be your stylist, makeup artist, and anything else you need.”

  Taylor was holding a small black suitcase with God knew what was inside, Norma thought. Taylor followed her line of sight.

  “Every and anything you could possibly need.” Taylor smiled. “Let’s get started.

  The women moved throughout the room as the hours passed by. When Taylor sprayed the last sheen of hair spritz on Norma’s soft brown hair, a smile spread across Taylor’s face.

  “You’re smiling,” Norma said, “that’s a good thing, right?”

  Taylor grabbed Norma’s shoulders and walked her to the full-length mirror. A gasp flew from Norma’s lips, and her hand instinctively covered her mouth. Being as kind as possible, Taylor reached for Norma’s hand and removed it from her face—that Taylor had so elegant brushed with a perfect foundation finish.

  “I can’t believe this is me,” Norma said.

  “Believe it, Ms. Rodriguez. Come on, your escort awaits.”

  Norma turned to Taylor with wide eyes. “My escort?”

  Taylor’s eyes roamed from side to side. “Yes, Miss,” she said. “You are riding in the limo with Mr. Rose, correct?”

  “Oh, yes,” Norma retorted, taking her eyes back to her mirror’s image.

  Taylor smirked and held out her hand, to which Norma accepted it. Pulling her forward, Taylor strolled beside Norma and helped her down the spiral staircase. In the foyer, Christopher Rose stood, dapper in a Brioni Italian tailored suit that fit his magnificent frame like he was born in it. His eyes were cast through the glass doorway with one hand resting inside his pants pocket. Norma’s heart rate increased at the sight of his handsome persona. Silver streaks of hair were dashed through the sides of his head mixed with mostly solid black strands.

  “Señor,” Taylor called.

  Swinging his head toward the voice, Christopher’s gaze skipped right over Taylor and went straight for Norma. Slowly, the rest of him turned as he took in her full countenance. Christopher’s pupils dimmed as he perused the maroon evening gown. With one shoulder draped with the silky material and the other bare, Norma shivered as she watched his gaze drift from her perfectly arranged face to the semi form fitting top. His eyes roamed over her breasts and caused a fire inside her belly to bloom. As the dark orbs spanned down the length of her dress, Norma shifted her weight, causing the jewels that chased the outer edges to sparkle just lightly.

  Christopher stepped to her with an outstretched hand. “Eres impresionante…” he said.

  A red hue covered Norma’s tan cheeks as she blushed. “Por favor, mi señor. Y eres igual de guapo…” she responded.

  A striking grin grew across Christopher’s face as a warm settling in his heart stirred.

  “Shall we?” he said, opening his arm for her. Norma linked hers with his, and they moved to the front door.

  Taylor stepped out behind them and watched them disappear like a proud parent seeing her kids off to prom. On the ride over, Christopher couldn’t take his eyes off Norma, and heat like shootin
g stars covered Norma the entire ride.

  “Why are you over there?” Christopher asked, his voice baritone and smooth.

  “Are we picking up anyone else?”

  “Fred, Sampson, and their dates.”

  Norma seemed to be fine with that, so she slid closer to him. Christopher draped his arm across the top of the seat, getting comfortable next to her as they made their way to the Marriott to pick up Fred and Sampson. Surprisingly, the duo were ready and in the lobby with their escorts when they arrived. Everything moved smoothly from there with them enjoying a pleasant conversation and laughing at Fred’s and Sampson’s would-be jokes.

  Norma’s nervousness had thinned out until the limo came closer to the Symphony Center. Traffic began to slow down as the attendees clogged the intersection to make their appearance known.

  For the fifteenth year, the Jan’s Roses event was held at the Beaux Art concert hall. When the limo inched to the front of the Symphony Center, Norma’s heartbeat was at an all-time high. Paparazzi were no doubt in full swing, standing out from behind a golden roped barrier. Chicago’s elite made their way down the red carpet, answering questions from reporters and pausing for pictures. As if sensing her nervousness, Christopher glanced over at Norma who was trying with rigor not to bite down on her lip.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” his dark voice grooved.

  Norma brought her attention from the crowd to Christopher. “No,” she said.

  “What can I do to make it better?”

  Norma smiled softly. “You’ve done everything there is to do. I just need to settle in. I’ll be okay.”

  She spoke as if the event made her anxious, but Christopher knew it was the conversation they’d have soon that caused her anxiety. He leaned down to rest his lips right above her ear.

  “Everything will be fine, sweetheart. Trust me.”

  Norma glanced to his handsome face with a smile and a nod. It was the most she could give him at the moment. The couples sat idle for another minute before the driver opened the limo’s doors. Before they could step foot outside, flashes from the cameras popped instantaneously. Gliding out first was Fred and Diane. They made their way to the red carpet just as Sampson and Joy slipped out of the limo. Behind them, Christopher glided out, and his famous face brought a plethora of flashes just as Norma went to slid out.

  “Just a second, sweetheart,” Christopher said, making sure security was in place enough to keep the paparazzi from becoming overbearing. When he was satisfied with their distance, Christopher turned back to Norma with a hand held out. Norma slipped her hand in his, and with a tug from him, she stood at his side. A conglomerate of lights burst into a radiation of heat as the bulbs popped faster.

  “Christopher Rose!” Several paparazzi yelled, attempting to gain his attention for a quick snap.

  With Norma on his arm, they eased to the red carpet and made their way through the same line of reporters, stopping briefly enough to give the photographers what they wanted. When Norma stood back so Christopher could take a few pictures, he frowned then reached out to pull her to his side. More bulbs popped as they stood with his hand covering the small of her back. They gave the chorus of paparazzi their best shot. Then they moved arm in arm, making their way inside.

  The maroon and gold décor of the Beaux Art concert hall’s interior was the signature color for Jan’s Roses. The wall was wrapped in the golden color while accents of maroon and red roses took up space around the venue. Shining hardwood floors gleamed underneath their feet, and the hall was abuzz with boisterous activity.

  “This event gets more beautiful every year,” Norma chimed.

  Christopher agreed. “Indeed, it does.”

  “Oh my God, Norma, is that you?”

  At the mention of her name, Norma spun around. Desiree approached with her arms open and Adeline by her side.

  A bright smile covered Norma’s face. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Rose,” Norma said.

  “Oh gosh, you look great!”

  Norma blushed. “You’re looking beautiful yourself, cariño.”

  “Oh, you’re just being kind,” Desiree said as she swept her gaze over Norma with an approving nod. “You are lightning this place up!”

  Norma laughed. “I just got here… or, we just got here,” she said, glancing at Christopher.

  “And what a pleasure it is to see you,” Adeline said, batting her eyes at Christopher. Desiree cleared her throat and prodded Adeline with her elbow. Turning to look at her daughter with a questionable glance, Adeline reiterated, “It’s a pleasure to see you both.” She held a phony smile at Norma then gave her full attention to Christopher.

  “You look gorgeous, Ms. Stevens,” Norma chimed. “Doesn’t she, Mr. Rose?”

  Christopher gave his attention to Adeline, deciding not to hold Norma with a glare for calling him Mr. Rose. He knew she would play her previous role until the moment they informed every one of their decision to wed.

  “Both of you ladies are equally as beautiful. The perfect mother-daughter duo,” he said.

  “Awe,” Desiree said, “thank you, Daddy Rose.”

  “Yes…” Adeline sang, “you clean up nice yourself.”

  Christopher’s smile grew, and Adeline soaked him up with her stare.

  “Did you ladies happen to ride over with my boys?” Christopher asked.

  “Yes,” Desiree said. “Julian’s over by the far wall talking to the mayor. Jonas and Jaden are with him.”

  Christopher and Norma swept their eyes across the room. Julian, Jonas, and Jaden were engaged in a conversation that had them all in deep thought. While Julian held a hand to his chin with a serious face, Jonas stood with his hands tucked inside his suit pants pockets, and Jaden drank from a champagne flute.

  “Any idea what that conversation is about?” Christopher asked.

  “Not one iota,” Desiree responded.

  “Any sign of Jordan and Jacob?” Christopher asked.

  Desiree swung to her left. “They are both seemingly entertaining some guests.”

  Jordan’s handsome smile pulled a pair of dimples on display as he spoke to a woman dressed down in a maroon and black body hugging dress that stopped casually above her knees. The woman also wore a brilliant smile as the two went back and forth over something they both found entertaining.

  Standing seconds away from the couple, Jacob chatted with Madison Santari, socialite and all around mean girl. Desiree frowned and thought about her friend Carla, who had a thing for Jacob. Although Carla had been invited, she couldn’t manage to pull time from work to make an appearance.

  Beside him, Quentin stood dapper in a black Saint Laurent two button suit, and red bow tie. A black Rolex clutched his wrist, and his shoes were polished to a crisp shine. Apparently, the lady standing next to him in the little blue dress was with Daniella, and Quentin seemed uninterested in both women as his gaze roamed the crowd in search of someone he hadn’t quite made out yet.

  “Well let’s get to our table, and we’ll mingle until the fundraiser officially begins,” Christopher said.

  The women walked in line, trailing their way to a huge round table that sat in the middle of the venue right before the stage. Already seated was Octavia, Santana, Claudia, and Samiyah. All four women were elegantly dressed, looking stunning in their evening gowns.

  “Well, you ladies are the most gorgeous in the room,” Christopher said with a giant smile.

  They all nodded with deep grins, except for Samiyah. She sat with a hor d’oeuvre stuck in her mouth. Upon seeing her, Norma chuckled.

  With everyone’s smirks and stares Samiyah’s way, she shrugged and swallowed. “I’m sorry,” she said, dabbing her mouth at the corners with a napkin. “This child is hungry.”

  They all chuckled.

  “We understand,” Octavia said. “I’m not pregnant yet, and I could eat a good Sunday dinner right now.”

  “Don’t think we didn’t catch that yet,” Claudia said. The women smirked and gave eac
h other knowing nods.

  Octavia smiled sheepishly. “Jonathon wants kids now,” she offered.

  Everyone gasped.

  “Already?” Santana asked.

  “Yes, he’s really excited to start a family.”

  “I, for one, am excited for the both of you as well,” Christopher said.

  “Thank you, Daddy Rose.” Octavia blushed.

  “Well, all right then,” Santana said.

  “What?” Octavia cocked her head at Santana. “You and Josiah aren’t having any babies?”

  Santana choked on her champagne and cupped a hand to her mouth. Clearing her throat, she sat the flute down on the table top and composed herself.

  “Josiah and I are having too much fun to have kids right now. Have we mentioned it? Sure, but we’ve both agreed to live a little before we dip our toes into mother and fatherhood.”

  “Amen to that,” Jasmine said as she, Phoebe, and Eden pulled up to the table.

  “Hey!” Everyone chimed. They all hugged and air kissed each other.

  “Are you ladies just getting here?” Desiree asked.

  “No, we’ve circulated the place,” Phoebe said.

  “I’ll say,” Eden added. “We’ve been here for about an hour.”

  The three sisters nodded and took their seats after hugging their father.

  “Norma, you look lovely,” Jasmine stated.

  “Doesn’t she?” Samiyah said. The ladies all murmured, agreeing collectively.

  “Thank you,” Norma said, “You all are beautiful as well. If there’s one thing I’ve learned being a part of this family, it’s the Rose men and women know how to be the talk of the town.”

  They all chuckled.

  “Hey, where’s Selena?” Phoebe asked, inquiring about the fourth member in Samiyah, Claudia, and Octavia’s group. The four girls worked alongside each other at S & M Financial Advisory, and Selena was currently crushing hard on Jordan.

  “She had plans to come, but her parents are getting a divorce and today their having a family meeting to get everything out in the open,” Octavia said.


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