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My Life Would Suck Without You

Page 20

by Krystal George


  With the exception of Jake and Vicki, everyone was at least four years younger than Jillian. It made perfect sense that the three older people became fast friends. Vicki loved some of Jillian’s poetry and was able to compose music for them. The new songs became staples for the group. With Vicki on the piano, Jillian played her guitar alongside. Jake and the others sang harmony to Jillian.

  Jake liked the plays she wrote. With some positive input from him, they were rewritten. Plans were to perform them the following summer.

  During the interim months, the group performed their regular gigs. The new people’s varied talents added immensely and with that added input, the organizations upped their contribution. The extra money went to props and copying.

  Before one rehearsal, Jillian approached Jake and Vicki with an idea. “I’ve been toying with this for a while. Since we perform at the same places every month, why don’t we write a soap opera?”

  Jake’s eyes opened wide. “I love it! Do you have anything in mind?”

  She pulled some papers from her back pack and slid them across the table. ‘I wrote about six episodes.”

  Jake slid a couple over to Vicki.

  The laughed as they read. Jake looked up. “Jillian, you have a flair for comedy. These are perfect.”

  Jillian blushed. “Thanks. I know some of it’s corny. I was watching a DVD of some old variety shows. That’s where I got the idea. The sound effects are off time and everyone can overact, but I think the audience will love it.”

  “I agree” Vicki concurred with her. “Do you have a name for it?”

  Jillian nodded. “I wanted to pay tribute to the soap operas. I call it: The Young and Restless People with One Life to Live Who Search for a Guiding Light at the Edge of Another General Hospital.”

  “That’s a little long, isn’t it?”

  She nodded. “But after the first time, we go to a ‘commercial break’.” She made air quotes. “Then when we go back, the announcer can start saying the title, then says, “Oh, forget it”.”

  “I like it.”

  Sam led the others over to the table. They picked up a couple of episodes and started reading. Giggles led to side splitting laughter.

  “Hey Alexis. There’s a set of twins in here,” Molly waved the paper. She looked around. “Who wrote this?”

  Vicki and Jake pointed. “Jillian.”

  “Awesome job.”

  “I tried to write a character for everyone. We’re such a diverse group, I figured the cast should be also.”

  “What’s it called?” Sam asked.

  Jake slid a title page over. Sam started reading.

  “The Young and Restless People With One Life to Live Who--.” She looked up. “Oh, Forget it.”

  “See?” Jillian asked. “It’s perfect.”

  Jake gathered the pages of Episode One. “I think we should start rehearsing this tonight.”

  Jillian was shocked. “You’re not going to change anything?”

  He shrugged. “I will if I need to. But right now…” he walked away waving the pages in the air. “I need to get copies.”

  Jillian approached Vicki. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” She glanced over at the group. “Alone,” she whispered.

  Vicki nodded. “It sounds serious.”

  They headed out to the parking lot. “What’s wrong?” Vicki asked.

  Jillian looked down, concentrating on a stone in the gravel. “I know I’m a newbie here, but I hope you don’t feel like I’m trying to take over.”


  Jillian looked up. “This is the perfect outlet for my creative streak. I know the group is yours and Jake’s. Give the word and I’ll cut back.” She shrugged. “I realize most of you go way back. I just don’t want to jump in the middle of anything.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “Why?” she shook her head in confusion.

  “I knew Jake was creative, but I’m amazed at what you come up with. Your plays and your poetry—“

  “You set them to music.”

  Vicki shook her head. “That’s not what I mean.” She looked around. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret, but you gotta promise never to say anything to anyone about it.”

  Jillian nodded.

  “No. You gotta say it.”

  “Okay, I promise never to say anything.”

  Vicki took a deep breath. “I really hate all of this theater stuff.”

  “But you’re such an integral part. Music. Costumes.”

  “That’s only because I sew and I play the piano. I keep looking for a way to quit.”

  “Why not just tell Jake the truth.”

  Vicki sighed. “I’ve tried. His head is so full of plays and musicals, I don’t think he ever hears me. But now…”

  “Now what?” Jillian squinted at her.

  “You seem to share Jake’s love for the theater.”

  “We all do. Well, except you… I… I don’t understand what you’re hinting at.”

  She shook her head. “Nothing… Never mind. We’d better get back inside.” Vicki spun around, leaving a confused Jillian in the parking lot.

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