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My Life Would Suck Without You

Page 21

by Krystal George


  A month later at rehearsal, Jake bounced in with excitement. “Hey everyone. Gather around!” When everyone sat on the bleachers, he began. “Remember when I mentioned I was trying to get us some new venues to perform? Well one of them came through. It’s the County Arts Group and they meet the first Friday evening every month.”

  Some of the group groaned. Sam looked around. “Jake, you know we have enough parent trouble getting them to let us out on Tuesday, a school night. But a second night?” she shook her head.

  Jake held up his hands, “I know, I know. But it’s only one other night a month and it’s a Friday. I will personally call all your parents to explain. Is that okay?”

  Everyone nodded.

  “I do have one more thing to discuss with you. I won’t make any changes unless we all agree.”

  “Sounds serious, Jake,” Marty said quietly.

  “It is. Since we are starting new with the Arts group and our soap opera is a hit, I like the idea of a variety show. I want to call our monthly performance for the Arts Group The Jake and Jill Show.”

  The only sound was a sharp intake of breath from Jillian.

  “Uh—someone say something. Anything?” Jake pleaded.

  Jillian stood up and raised her hands in front of her, palms out. “I had nothing to do with this. I had no idea.”

  Sam mumbled, “Jake and Jill. Jake and Jill. Hmmm.” She looked around at the others. “Jake, this is a major decision. I think we need to discuss this. Why don’t you and Jillian step out for a minute?”

  “Okay.” He answered slowly. Turning, he headed out.

  Jillian marched out right behind him. As soon as he opened the door, she lashed out. “Why didn’t you warn me?” The door swung shut.

  Sam turned to the group. “Jake and Jill. What do you say?” She thumbed up and thumbed down. One by one, all responded with a thumb up. “That’s what I figured, too.” She made it unanimous.

  Alexis jumped up. “I’ll go get them.” She ran across the room, but stopped at the door. She ran back. “They’re fighting.”

  Sam sighed. “I’ll go.” She strode across the room and pushed the door open with her outstretched hand. It widely swung back and forth behind her.

  Everyone else ran to the door to listen. Even through muffled voices, they could make out most of the argument.

  “I can’t believe you two. After everything we’ve done together, how can you fight?” Sam landed into them.

  “I don’t want anyone to think I was behind this.” Jillian defended herself. “It makes it seem like I’m going over everyone’s head.”

  “No one thinks that, Jillian. Trust me. We all know how impetuous Jake is sometimes. Now hug and make up. We need to hear more about the new show and rehearse for Saturday.”

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