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My Life Would Suck Without You

Page 41

by Krystal George


  Sitting in the cafeteria; it felt natural being with Cuthbert as he compared Spiderman movies. As I listened, nodding when appropriate, I noticed that his stuttering had disappeared.

  “I think Tobey Maguire was a good Spiderman, but…” he trailed off, staring over my shoulder.


  “Hey, babe, I’ve been looking for you,” Josh said. “Move, Nerd Boy!” he shoved Cuthbert who stumbled to his feet.

  “Josh, that’s not nice!” I go to see if Cuthbert’s all right, but he gave a quick shake of his head.

  Josh shrugged, taking the vacated seat. “What?”

  I shook my head. “You’re a bully, Josh. You pick on people to make yourself look good,” I say, feeling eyes on me.

  “You’d rather spend time with Nerd Boy than with me?” he stood, kicking the chair back.

  “I’d rather spend time with a person whose kind, respecting, and who’d never cheat with my best friend,” I said firmly. “You can have Scarlett.”

  Josh’s eyes flared with anger.

  “I’m with Cuthbert.” As Josh stormed away, I felt my body relax. “Are you all right?” I looked at Cuthbert who nodded.

  “I’m sorry about that.” I sat down, holding my head in my hands. “I shouldn’t have dragged you into this.” I look up and see Cuthbert watching me closely.

  “It’s going to a-affect you more,” he said in a gentle tone. “You’re a ch-cheerleader…an important person in this school. Me? I’m just a b-body filling a chair.” his smile warmed me. “Do you want to leave?”

  I shook my head. “No, why should we hide our friendship?”

  Dumping my books into my locker, I heard footsteps behind me. When I turn, Caycee smiled before hugging me tightly.

  “Why didn’t you come to me, Mindy?” Gabe asked. “I would’ve sorted Josh out.”

  I smiled, closing my locker. “Thanks, but he was my problem.”

  “If he gives you anymore trouble, then let us know,” Caycee said. “That goes for Scarlett, too.”

  I nodded. “I will.”

  “This Cuthbert guy, he’s good to you?” Caycee asked, serious.

  “He’s very nice.” I laughed. The smile slowly vanishes as the Black Ravens squad came towards us. I saw Caycee frown as the girls circled us; Scarlett at the helm.

  “We’ve voted and you’re off the squad,” Scarlett declared. “We want your uniform before the end of school.”

  “You voted without me?” I crossed my arms, noticing that Tierra and AshLee were absent. “Is this because you’ve been cheating with Josh?”

  Scarlett scowled. “No! It’s because you’re a bad Captain.”

  I smirked. “Bad? Really?”

  Scarlett opened her mouth, but closed it as Caycee stepped forward. “We’re there for each other; we watch each other’s backs because we’re a sisterhood. We don’t cheat and we don’t steal from each other,” she said firmly. “The one who needs to hand in her uniform, Scarlett, is you.”

  I was speechless as my squad moved behind me, leaving Scarlett alone.

  “I’ll give you until the end of school to hand in your uniform,” I said calmly. Scarlett scowled before stalking off down the hall.

  “We’ve got you back, Captain,” Caycee said, grinning.

  When school ended, Scarlett came up to me, cheerleader uniform folded in her hands, eyes red-rimmed.

  I took the red-and-white uniform. “He’ll use you.”

  “No he won’t,” she said defensively.

  “You really believe that, don’t you?” I shook my head. “We were friends Scarlett, and you meant more to me that anyone.” I walked past her.

  “What about this one?” Cuthbert asked, holding up a Green Lantern comic. We were now in Komiks, browsing through shelves of comics.

  I looked up, smiled. “I have that one.”

  “How did Morgan like the comics?”

  “He loves them. You’re his new idol.”

  Cuthbert chuckled. “What are you up to now?”

  I frowned. “Ah, not sure. Morgan’s with the neighbors, so I guess I have some free time.”

  Cuthbert cleared his throat. “M-Mindy, would you, ah, like to, um, go to the, ah…” he swallowed hard, staring at the floor.

  “Cuthbert, you can ask me anything.”

  He met my eyes. “Okay…” he took a deep breath. “Wouldyouliketogotothemovieswithme?” he asked in a rush.

  I grinned. “I’d love too.”

  “Y-You can pick,” he said, relieved.

  “The Amazing Spiderman 2: Rise of Electro movie is a must-see,” I said. Cuthbert grinned.

  Entering the cinema, I feel Cuthbert tense at the sight of Ravenswood students milling in the foyer. “Ignore them,” I whisper, touching his arm.

  After Cuthbert paid for our tickets, we turned to go to the confectionary stand. I tensed as Josh strutted into the cinema, a tall blond girl hanging off his arm.

  “Mindy, we can leave if you want,” Cuthbert whispered. His hand touched my arm when I didn’t answer.

  I was about to look away when Josh glanced over. His eyes grabbed mine as he smirked. He pulled the blond closer, whispering in to her ear. When she turned toward me, smirking, my eyes narrowed. Without thinking, I turned to Cuthbert, grabbing him around the neck and pushing my mouth onto his. Cuthbert froze as I kissed him.

  Pulling away, I avoid his eyes. “I’m so sorry,” I whisper, running out of the cinema.

  As Cuthbert walked home from the movies, he heard footsteps behind him. Glancing around, he saw a tall female smiling at him. “Hey, Cuthbert,” she said. “I’m Caycee; a good friend of Mindy’s.”

  Cuthbert blinked in surprise. “Ah, hi?”

  Caycee took in his loafers, Superman T-shirt and black-and-white trousers. “Hmm…I think I came just in time.” before Cuthbert could make a sound, she began talking again. “I want to give you a makeover.”

  “A wh-what?”

  “C’mon, it’ll be fun,” Caycee said. “Mindy’ll be so surprised.” Cuthbert followed Caycee, hoping the makeover didn’t include waxing or plucking.

  Caycee shoved him into a chair before disappearing into an ensuite. Cuthbert listened to her moving around while his eyes wandered over a Black Ravens squad photograph and a red-and-white pompom handing on the wall.

  “All right,” Caycee said. “Have you ever thought of straightening these unruly curls?” she brushed her fingers through his hair, making Cuthbert jump. “Relax, Cuthbert. How long have you had feelings for Mindy?”

  “What?” Cuthbert blurted out.

  “You can’t hide it. You look at her like she’s the only girl in the world,” she said. “I think it’s sweet. It’s a shame not every girl has a knight like you.” Caycee ran her fingers through his hair then went back into the ensuite; coming out with a hair straightener. “Don’t worry, Cuthbert, this won’t hurt a bit.”

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