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My Life Would Suck Without You

Page 42

by Krystal George


  Blinding sunlight filled my room as I pulled the covers over my head, hoping a huge black hole would come and swallow me up. The memory of kissing Cuthbert at the movies made me groan.

  “Mindy!” Morgan called, thundering into my room. He flung himself onto the bed. “Mindy, wake up!”

  Throwing the covers off, I grab him, cradling him to my side. “You’re monster,” I growled.

  Morgan giggled. “You’re a monster.” He squirmed. “Can I have my present now?”

  “What present?”

  “My birthday present!” he cried.

  I widened my eyes, acting shocked. “Oh, no! I totally forgot.” Morgan’s bottom lip dropped as he crossed his arms. Grabbing him, I cover his face in kisses. “I can never forget your birthday,” I say between kissing attacks. “I tricked you!” Morgan flung his arms around my neck, hugging me.

  “Love you, Mindy,” he whispered.

  “Not as much as I love you.” I kissed his rumpled hair. “What about hotcakes for a birthday breakfast?” my brother nodded, licking his lips.

  Pulling out a navy wrapped box and the Spiderman comic wrapped in lime green paper, I carry them into the kitchen where Morgan’s waiting. “This one’s from Mom.”

  Morgan tore the paper off in seconds. “Oh, wow!” he gasped, uncovering a box of Lego.

  “Now you can build stuff.”

  “Yeah,” Morgan said. “Can you help me?”

  I smiled. “You try and stop me.” I place the lime present on the table. “This is from me.”

  Morgan ripped the paper off, bouncing excitedly. “Spiderman!” he hugged the comic to his chest. “I love Spidy.”

  “Do you like it?”

  Morgan nodded. “I looove it!” he climbed into a stool and started to read his Spiderman adventure.

  “I’m leaving now,” Mom said. “I don’t know what time I’ll be home.” After checking her cell, she turned to her son. “What do you have there?”

  Morgan grinned at her. “Mindy gave me Spiderman.”

  “Oh?” Mom glanced at me for an answer.

  “You gave Morgan Lego for his birthday, remember?” my heart fell at the thought of this woman not caring about her son. “For his sixth birthday.”

  Mom nodded. “Happy birthday, Morgan.” She kissed his head before disappearing out the door, dialling a number on her cell.

  Going over to Morgan, I kneel down, hugging him tightly. “Blueberries or chocolate?” I kiss his forehead.

  “Both?” Morgan whispered.

  “You got it, Birthday Boy!”

  After dropping Morgan at out neighbors, I walked to Komiks, wanting to avoid anyone from Ravenswood high. “Last I knew, it was a school day,” Jerry said as I entered.

  “I’m ditching,” I told him. “If you won’t tell, I won’t.”

  “I’ve never been one for chasing away customers.” He chuckled.

  As Jerry sorted through comics, I headed toward several comfy armchairs and sank into one while King Kong and Superman looked down at me from their framed posters. Closing my eyes, I was soon bombarded with images of Cuthbert. Feeling myself relax, the last snapshot I had was of us kissing, before sleep swept me up.

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