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To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection

Page 23

by Lindsay Downs

  “And I wish to suggest a note to Bing and Mrs. Stoneworth as it would be best she stay at our townhouse for her safety,” Robert added.

  “I agree and since it’s time to dine I suggest we retire to the dining room then resume these discussions after dinner,” Kristina declared. This way, she knew, the conversation over the table would be light and entertaining.

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning with Rose on her way to London, a groom along for protection, Robert hunted down his wife. He found her in the viscountess sitting room enjoying a cup of tea while reading. From the door he studied her and found it interesting she’d not acknowledged his presence. Then again, never having been heavy of foot that wasn’t much of a surprise. As she refilled her cup he noticed it was coffee instead of tea. He wondered why she drinking the bitter beverage when she’d never shown an interest in it before.

  On purpose, to announce his presence, he cleared his throat as he stepped into the room. She continued to read the book while sipping from her cup thus ignoring him.

  After a few more seconds of silence from her, he couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “Kristina, I spoke with Glenn and after luncheon he said he’d show Ethan and myself where he found the bodies.”

  “I’d like to examine the site also. Will we be walking or riding? I’ll need to change if we do, ride that is,” she asked.

  “Riding as it’s quite a ways but I think it best you not go with us. Afterward, I want to examine the bodies and that’s not something suitable for a lady.”

  “I can understand your concern but I still wish to see where they were found. If we bring a groom along he can then escort me back here.”

  “As long as you promise to return here then you may accompany us. I do know it’s possible you might see or find something that I would miss,” Robert said.

  “Agreed. Now, where were we before Amanda and Evan interrupted us this morning?” With a grin she climbed into his lap.

  The gong rang out, announcing that luncheon was served, just as Robert fastened the last button on her gown.

  “Now that I’ve supped on you I’m not sure I need food but we shouldn’t keep Ethan waiting and pondering,” Robert whispered. Then, to satisfy more of his hunger for her he took one last nibble of her lobe.

  “Yes, but tell him I’ll be along shortly as I know my hair is in need of repair and I wish to let Amanda know I’m riding this afternoon.”

  After making sure his cravat was properly retied, he gave her one last kiss then escorted her from the room and to the stairs. He waited while she ascended to the second floor before going down to the family dining room.

  As he strolled in he was happy to see Ethan hadn’t arrived which gave him a little more time to collect his thoughts. Of all the times he and Kristina had made love this, without a doubt, was the most satisfying. As he stepped over to the side boy and started to make his selections, delicate footsteps distracted him.

  He watched his wife glide into the room, outfitted in his favorite riding habit. It was deep red with a matching little hat balanced at a cocky angle on her head. The feather of the same colour helped complete the picture.

  “I hope you approve? Since we’ll be leaving soon after luncheon and I know Ethan is always late when not prodded I thought to change now,” she told him.

  “Not at all, my dear. I only wonder how you were able to change so quickly.” He wrapped an arm around her slim waist.

  “All I needed to do was slip out of the poorly refastened gown and into this. Now, do you mind if we dine as I’m hungry,” she said.

  After releasing her, he stepped aside and waited while she made her selections. As she started to turnabout, he took her plate. He carried them to the table as Ethan entered.

  “How nice of you to join us brother. I was beginning to wonder if you would.”

  This, while Ethan was here, would change immediately. To resolve the problem of being on time for meals Robert wouldn’t discuss the solution with his brother-in-law but Kristina. The simplest solution, have Hamish personally inform the errant gentleman the meal was served then stand over him until he not only responded but moved. Something told Robert his bride would get a giggle or two from the recommendation especially at keeping her brother in line.

  “I apologize as I was reviewing the information given me before leaving London,” Ethan explained.

  Robert waited until the man had served himself and took a seat before continuing this line of discussion.

  “Was there anything which seemed suspicious?” Robert asked.

  “Not that I could tell. And Sister can you explain why you’re wearing a riding habit?” Ethan demanded of Kristina.

  “I could tell you but I’m not going to as it’s obvious what my plans are,” she countered.

  Robert loved the way she was able to stop any further enquiring as to their plans. He only wondered what her brother would say, much less do, when he learned she was going to be joining them. At least Kristina had promised, after examining the site where the bodies were found, to return to the castle or so he prayed. Knowing how she could be headstrong at times, she might even strike out on her own to investigate other avenues while interviewing people.

  Ringing for Hamish Robert ordered up his, Kristina’s mare and a comfortable mount for her brother.

  “I’ll leave the decision as to the horse for Lord Rosewood up to Seamus.”

  “Yes, m’ lord, I’ll see to it at once,” the butler said.

  Robert suspected Ethan was an excellent rider since he’d raced here from London.

  Once the meal was finished, Robert with Kristina beside him and Ethan following, they started for the stables. As they crossed the courtyard they met up with Glenn who was mounted on a very large draft horse.

  “Couldn’t you have found a bigger beast?” Robert teased.

  “Of course I could have Robbie but he wouldn’t be able to jump the stonewalls between here and the loch,” Glenn answered.

  “I don’t know who you think you are but you will refer to Lord Markson as m’ lord and m’ lady for his wife,” Ethan demanded loudly.

  Kristina giggled.

  “Aye Robbie, who’s this upstart with you?” Glenn spoke.

  “Glenn, you’ll have to forgive Ethan as he’s not familiar with the close relationship you and Robert, excuse me Robbie, share,” she declared.

  “Yes, m’ lady,” Glenn replied.

  “As I see our horses are approaching shall we mount and be off,” Robert suggested.

  Standing beside Daisy, Robert easily lifted Kristina up and settled her on the saddle. Once she was set and had the reins, he retreated and swung up onto Julius who proceeded to dance around. Robert was happy to see the horse was excited about being out but for now reined him in. He’d wait until Kristina was on her way back then he’d let the beast have a good gallop.

  With Ethan on his horse and a groom following, Robert waved to Glenn and they started out.

  An hour later they slowed from a trot to a walk as the beach along the loch came into view.

  “Glenn, I don’t think we should ride too close so let’s leave the horses here and go the rest of the way on foot,” Robert recommended.

  “Yes, and we can tie them to those trees. I just have to make sure mine is separate from yours as he sometimes doesn’t get along well with others,” Glenn answered back.

  After helping Kristina to her feet, Robert took the reins, passing them over to the groom. Taking his wife’s hand, together they followed Glenn.

  As they slowly made their way to the water’s edge close to where the bodies had been found, Robert looked at the land and how it flowed downward gently. He also noticed Kristina was keeping her attention to where they were stepping. Across the loch, which was narrow where they were, he spied a cliff with a red stain on it. Could that be where the two were murdered then tossed over?

  “Glenn, as I understand it you came up here to fish and found the bodies then br
ought them ashore. Did you have a chance to look around?” Ethan politely asked.

  “Aye. I then grabbed my horse, raced home and got a wagon, returned and collected them. That is when I recognized who they were. As Robbie wasn’t in residence and not having any idea when or if he would be I took them back to my farm. There I put them in the cold room and sent for the magistrate from the next district.”

  “When he arrived to examine them what did he say?” Robert asked.

  “Nothing. He never even sent a note,” Glenn answered.

  “What about the magistrate from here?” Kristina asked having finished surveying the area.

  “Several days before he let it be known he was going to Edinburgh, claiming it was on business, m’ lady.”

  Robert didn’t like what he was hearing and suspected Kristina didn’t either. This was something he’d have to look into but had a feeling it would be her who did, while they went to examine the bodies. At least with the groom along for her protection she’d remain safe.

  “And you’re sure the bodies are that of the farmer and his wife who lived where the men are mining the gold?” Ethan asked.

  “Yes,” Glenn told him.

  Robert knew why the question. If the bodies were identified by someone who knew them then there wouldn’t be reason to examine them, he thought.

  He wondered if Kristina’s brother might be a little squeamish on seeing cadavers. Turning to Glenn he wrapped an arm around the man and moved him to the side and out of earshot of his wife.

  “I’ll pay for their funeral. Let’s get them buried quickly. On the way back to the castle we’ll stop and speak with the minister about arranging everything.”

  “I agree Robbie.”

  “Much to Ethan’s pleasure, this time instead of going over the fields and walls it will be easier to take the road to the village,” Glenn suggested.

  Robert knew exactly the road his friend was talking about as in their youth they’d galloped their horses many times on it. At least now, Julius had calmed a bit so the beast would behave. He wasn’t sure Kristina could safely race along with them. However, his question was answered when he felt her hand on his back.

  “Excuse me, Glenn, but might we be able to gallop on this road? Yes, I know ladies aren’t supposed to race but I’m different.”

  “Then my dearest we shall if you so desire for you know I can’t refuse you even your simplest request,” Robert announced bowing over her gloved hand.

  Kristina was an excellent rider and he had a clue what she would do.

  Robert led everyone back to the horses then explained the change of plans to the groom.

  “Worry not, m’ lord, I am well aware of the speed the other three horses have. I will stay with Her Ladyship since you’ll outdistance hers easily,” the young man said.

  After gaining the roadway, Robert looked over his shoulder and got a smile from Kristina. He then, along with Glenn and Ethan, set their horses into a gallop. As they raced along, he risked a glimpse back to her and saw he was correct in his assumption. Instead of remaining sidesaddle she’d freed her right leg from the pommel and was now astride. From the horrified expression on the groom’s face, he knew there would be interesting discussions later upon returning to the castle.

  As the village came into view, Robert slowed his horse and the others followed suit. He peered back to his wife and noticed she’d returned her right leg to its proper position. Inspecting the buildings as they rode along he spied the church and directed Julius toward it. As they got closer, he watched as the ancient minister stepped out and wobbled down the stairs to the street.

  “Lord Markson what a pleasure to see you after all these years. Forgive me for not calling on you but as you can plainly see getting around isn’t easy for me.”

  Robert climbed off his horse. “Reverend Wallace it does my heart good to see you’re still about,” he told the old man.

  He then walked over to Kristina and lifted her from the saddle. Settling her hand on his arm, he led her to the minister.

  “And who might this beauty be?” Wallace asked.

  “Sir, may I present Lady Kristina Markson, my wife.”

  “Reverend Wallace a pleasure,” she replied.

  “Now what can I do for you on this fine day?” Wallace asked.

  “Shall we step into the privacy of the parsonage where we would be more comfortable,” Robert suggested.

  “Certainly as from the somber look you’re wearing it’s not the best of news.”

  An hour later, which could have been shorter if the minister hadn’t used his flowery speech, they remounted their horses and returned to the castle.

  Chapter Nine

  Not wishing to share her thoughts with anyone but only her husband Kristina nervously paced about her suite. With a calming breath she knocked on the door to the adjourning room, waited two heartbeats then stepped in.

  “Evan go find something to do as I need to talk with His Lordship without unwanted ears hearing what I have to say,” she ordered. She then looked to her husband who was standing in shock at the tone of her command.

  “Yes, m’ lady,” the valet replied.

  Now alone with her husband, she took a seat in the chair next to his dressing table, picked up a comb and studied it briefly. Once her nerves had settled she looked up to Robert seeing his puzzled expression.

  “Darling, I know something is bothering you about what we discovered today,” Robert said.

  “Yes as it was not only what I saw but heard. The only story I heard today was from Glenn. While you were looking around and noticing the red splotch on the cliff across the loch I saw wagon wheel tracks where they would be. Then, when we met with the minister he spoke in the flourishing language you mentioned and not finding it in reading the letter.”

  “My dear, I’ll grant you the first point but don’t forget he was surprised on seeing me after all these years,” Robert countered.

  “Darling, I’ll give you that but think back, who was he most focused on you or Glenn?”

  “Yes, as I remember he did appear worried about the presence of Glenn, which doesn’t make sense. The two have known each other for years. I wonder if the minister was focusing on him for not having attended church of late. But then, he did seem a little staid and stiff in talking with us before retreating into the parsonage.”

  “True and that’s where I noticed the other thing which has me worried. If you recall I told you and Ethan the foolscap and sealing wax were from a shop in London. If we hadn’t been shown into his office instead of the front parlour, as would normally happen, I never would have seen it. And before you ask, yes I’m positive. The paper and sealing wax are the same. There is no way he would have had it. If anything the minister would have, either made his own sealing wax or obtained it from a shop either in Edinburgh or Glasgow.”

  “I would say the second city as that’s where his bishop is. Do you have a suggestion as to what to do?” Robert asked.

  “Possibly but it would mean sending Ethan rushing back to London. If I’m not mistaken Rose will arrive in two days’ time. If he leaves at first light tomorrow, well mounted, he will reach the city the same day,” Kristina recommended.

  “And having seen the minister he can then go to the shop and describe him to the owner. Ethan can, if need be, show the owner the paper and sealing wax together to confirm it was he who bought it.”

  “If he’s willing to undertake the journey I know Seamus has a mount who can easily handle whatever pace Ethan sets. Now, be honest with me dear wife, is that the only reason you wish him gone?”

  “Yes and no. We both know he’s the best and only person for this particular task at hand. Also, having him lurking around I don’t feel comfortable. I keep waiting for him to criticize me, for something he thinks I’ve done wrong,” she declared.

  As she spoke, Kristina’s eyes stung as tears filled them. She accepted a white handkerchief from Robert, dabbed them away then patted her eyes dry, be
fore tilting her head up with a weak smile on her lips.

  “Trust me, dear, I completely understand as I was the same as Ethan with Donna. As you know she’s only a year older than me and I took it upon myself to protect her, even from herself,” he told her.

  “How well I do? Ethan is the only one fit for the task as he can use his name and connections to the Crown to apply pressure if needed,” she explained.

  “Might I suggest you splash some water on your face. We can hunt down your brother so you can explain what you learned and what’s needed of him.”

  Accepting his hand, Kristina stood, slipped back into the adjourning suite to be met by Amanda who was straightening her hair.

  “Would you care to explain why the corridor door was closing as I entered, your hair is in disarray and your lips are slightly swollen?”

  “No, m’ lady, as I fear you won’t appreciate the reply,” Amanda said.

  With a sigh, but knowing the answer to her question, Kristina swept into her private room, splashed cool water on her face and patted it dry. Stepping back into her suite she glanced into the mirror, smiled on seeing her hair didn’t need repair and returned to her husband’s suite.

  Finding her brother in the study reading a book Kristina explained what she’d learned and suspected. She was happy when he agreed to her proposal to return to London with this possibly new, and highly important, information.


  With a very sleepy Kristina at his side Robert watched as Ethan rode under the archway leading from the forecourt to the drive, which led to the main road south.

  “Darling, I’m sorry for keeping you awake so late. Why don’t you take a nap and I’ll wake you when luncheon is ready?” he leaned over and whispered in her ear.

  “I would love to but there’s so much that needs doing,” she replied.

  “Kristina, there’s nothing that can’t wait until later. If it’ll make you feel better I’ll lie down with you until you fall asleep.”

  “Robert, my dear, why do you think I’m so tired, not that I’m complaining mind you but if I rest it will be without you,” she teased back. She hid a yawn behind her hand.


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