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To Catch a Killer: Markson Regency Mystery Series Collection

Page 24

by Lindsay Downs

  Not bothering to reply he swept her up in his arms and carried her into the castle. Her fists gently thumping against his chest made him smile. Charging up the stairs to where their suites were he saw her lady’s maid coming toward them. As he stepped into her room, which she never slept in, he set her down on the bed.

  “Help make her comfortable and stay here. She needs to rest,” he ordered Amanda.

  “Yes, m’ lord,” she replied.

  Now with his wife in the very capable hands of her maid, Robert gave Kristina a kiss on the cheek and started for the door.

  “And no visitors save myself.”

  That ultimatum, not surprisingly earned a groan of dissatisfaction from Kristina, which he ignored. He knew if he’d not stated that demand his bride would have asked to meet with either Cook or the housekeeper. Not waiting for a response from Amanda, much less his wife, Robert marched out then closed the door. Once he was in the hall, he heard a loud crash. Wondering what it was from, he carefully open the door and saw glass shards from a vase on the floor. He looked over to the bed and saw his wife’s angry expression then left before things could get worse.

  As he made his way down to the office, he knew his heavy handed behavior had been the wrong tact to take. Then again, he also knew when she set her mind on something it was hard to turn her back. At least now he would be able to get some estate work done, knowing she was safe and not out hunting down the murderers like he wanted to do.

  With the estate manager dead he needed to hire another. Never having done it he didn’t know where to start. Stepping over to the bookcase behind the desk, he searched for one book in particular. It contained all the correspondence dating back to when Mr. Colin had been hired. Robert knew this would be a starting point. His concentration was interrupted when Hamish entered.

  “May I get you anything, m’ lord?”

  “Yes, a new estate manager but I’ll settle for a pot of coffee,” Robert announced with a chuckle.

  “Certainly, m’ lord, both I can take care of but the first will take a little time,” the man answered.

  Confused, Robert wrinkled his brow at the butler’s response to his requests. However, he wondered, where would Hamish find someone to take care of the estate. Next, from one of the pigeonholes along the wall behind the desk Robert withdrew a map of the lands. Spreading it out, he studied it closely, examining how the late baron’s lands met Roberts’.

  What he needed to learn was the exact location of the mine to see if it encroached on his. To do that he’d have to ride out, but if he did so now and his wife found out there would be even more hell to pay. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He watched as Hamish entered carrying a silver tray with the requested beverage. Following him was Glenn.

  “Set it on the desk,” Robert said. He then looked to his old friend.

  “You sent for me, m’ lord?” Glenn said.

  Baffled at not only being addressed properly, not to mention seeing Glenn in the attire of a gentleman, Robert peered to Hamish then back to his friend.

  “M’ lord, you said you wished me to find someone to manage the estate in your absence and I did, or so I hope,” Hamish declared.

  “To partially answer the question weighing most heavily on your mind, my mother made sure I had the necessary schooling. She knew someday the position would become available and hoped you would consider me for it. She, nor I, expected it to occur this way. I’ve also been studying books on farming and have several suggestions to present to you which will increase the yield on some of the lands,” Glenn explained.

  “If Lord Markson isn’t interested in hearing your recommendations I would be. Hamish please bring another cup as I wish to have some coffee also,” Kristina announced from the door.

  “Of course, m’ lady. Moreover, I’ll bring another pot.” He bowed then left.

  After a heartbeat, Robert found his voice at the sudden appearance of his wife. He glared at her, but stopped when she gave him a sweet smile. It was one of the most endearing one’s ever and melted his heart. Stepping up he guided her to the settee and once she was settled turned back to Glenn.

  “To start with, why don’t you take these books,” he pointed to the journals, “back to your new office, review them then after luncheon we can discuss your proposals?”

  “It would be my pleasure, m’ lord and lady. Also, here are several of my recommendations.” Glenn handed over the sheets of paper, collected the books and left.

  Robert rubbed his temples in frustration because his wife hadn’t complied with his wish. After a few moments, he raised his head and focused on her. “I thought I left you in your room so you could rest? Why aren’t you doing as I requested?”

  “At least you didn’t say ‘willed’ or ‘demanded’. To answer you, as I’ve said before, I can’t sleep without you beside me. Then again, we know where that leads, no sleep for me since we tend to make love.”

  “That is true, my sweet.”

  Hamish arrived with a pot of coffee, and Robert accepted a steaming cup from the butler. Taking a long sip, the liquid burned its way to the pit of his stomach but he welcomed the sting. Hamish left and Robert smiled as he watched his wife craning her neck, studying the map he’d laid out earlier for their perusal. A tendril of her silken hair fell from its bun and swept across her rosy cheek. His fingers ached to touch her, but he wouldn’t be able to stop with just one touch. He rolled his fingers into a fist and begged his libidinous desires to behave. They had far too much work to accomplish.

  “Yes, after talking with Glenn I thought you and I would take a ride to see if we can find were the mining is. I want to make sure none of it encroaches on my lands,” he stated.

  “That’s an interesting and excellent suggestion. However, I’d recommend Glenn join us as he’s more familiar with the area.”

  “Agreed. Why don’t you rest while I start to review what Glenn has handed over?”

  Chapter Ten

  Settled at the desk with his cup of coffee he started to review the recommendations that Glenn had brought. Robert was pleased to see the man had a way with figures and getting the necessary repairs done. He was impressed with the concept Glenn had presented of rotating crops to increase the yield.

  Concerned with his wife’s silence, he glanced in her direction. She was slumped over on the settee. With the awkward position she was in he knew she’d have a sore neck on wakening.

  Quietly, so not to disturb her, he pushed his chair back, stood and slipped over to her. He laid her back, pulled her legs up and covered her with a soft throw.

  Satisfied with her comfort, he returned to the desk. There he picked up another suggestion from Glenn and started to review it. This one, interestingly, wasn’t concerned with farming but something else. Glenn had made a recommendation to investigate the possibility there might be gold, even a few small deposits, on the land. Reading this note now brought to the forefront an urgency to see where the other mine was exactly located.

  The sound of Kristina stirring caught Robert’s attention. She pushed herself to a sitting position and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Standing he walked over to the settee as she started to sit up.

  “Did you have a nice nap, my love,” he asked. He gave her a kiss on her cheek before sitting on the low table in front of her.

  “Yes, I did, but I’m not sure if it was long enough,” Kristina answered. She then grabbed the paper from his hand.

  Patiently, he waited while she perused it.

  “Where is the second page?” she asked.

  Wondering what she was talking about, he grabbed the sheet from her hand and quickly skimmed through it. Reaching the bottom he realized what she was saying as the last sentence was incomplete.

  “I’m sorry my dear but when I read the first page I stopped, saw you were wakening and wanted you to see it straight away. If you’ll give me a minute I’ll hunt the rest down,” he declared. Rising from the table, he marched over to the desk.

nbsp; Rifling through the foolscap Robert found the sheet he was looking for.

  “Here,” he said passing it to her. “And I shouldn’t rush to conclusions without reviewing everything. If you hadn’t pointed out my error there’s a strong possibility I might have accused Glenn of something he wasn’t involved in.”

  “That’s quite all right, my husband. Now, what does the rest of the note say?” she asked.

  “He suggests if gold is found to use the monies raised to help with the rebuilding of some of the cottages and buying land. He also recommended, considering everything that’s going on with the other mine, having someone from the Exchequer available to take possession of it. This way everything would be kept above suspicion.”

  Robert studied his wife’s expression while she evaluated what he’d told her. He was happy when a smile brightened her beautifully perfect face. He knew she would agree with him when he told her he would take Glenn’s recommendation and set everything in motion.

  “What do you think the chances are that we could find gold on the estate? From what I understand and what Ethan told us, there are only a few areas in Scotland where it’s found,” she said.

  “I would say fairly good otherwise I don’t think Glenn would have made mention of it,” he answered.

  Hamish stepped in. “M’ lord and lady, luncheon is served.” He bowed then stood aside.

  “Thank you and please inform Glenn he is welcome to dine with us,” Robert told the butler.

  “Shall we my dear? I’m sure, considering how quickly Hamish went to find Glenn he’ll be waiting upon us in the dining room,” Robert declared. He offered Kristina his arm. Much to his pleasure, she chose to take his hand instead.

  “If you don’t mind I’ll meet you downstairs. I wish to find Amanda and tell her about the change in plans for this afternoon.”

  “Of course not. If I might suggest the pale green habit as it’s one of my favorites?”

  “Robert, I don’t think there’s a riding habit or gown I own which you don’t love. Of course you getting me out of them is always fun. Now, off you go so as not to keep Glenn waiting and I’ll only be a few minutes,” she declared.

  He watched as she ascended the stairs then once in the corridor headed down to the ground floor.

  In the dining room he found Glenn who was making selections from the side boy.

  “Good, you’re here. Lady Markson will be along shortly,” Robert pronounced.

  “M’ lord, thank you for the invitation to partake of luncheon with you and m’ lady,” he replied.

  Robert nodded and glanced over the buffet of food. “I hope you’ve nothing planned, estate work wise, for this afternoon.”

  “No, m’ lord, I’m completely at your disposal.”

  “After dining the three of us are going for a ride. I want to see where the mining operation on the neighboring estate is, to make sure it doesn’t impinge on my land. Also, from what you suggested about mining here I was wondering if you had any idea where the gold might be hidden?”

  “I believe I might. Secretly, without Mr. Colin’s knowledge I did some reading on the subject and hunted out several possible sites. Before you ask, I had planned on sending you a lengthy post about what I suspected but obviously you arrived before I could,” Glenn explained.

  “My question, why didn’t you mention any of this earlier to us?” Kristina asked as she stepped into the dining room and up to the side boy.

  “M’ lady, I wanted to but with everything happening so quickly the time was never right. I also knew Robbie would want to see the other mine and thought today, with the information I gave you, would be the most appropriate time,” Glenn told her.

  Robert chuckled at his friend’s account. He realized how much he’d missed his old friend. They’d been best of buddies in their youth, and they were quickly becoming so again. He appreciated that Glenn never rushed into any assumption, but took the time to look at the facts. Then make a complete and competent presentation.

  “Shall we eat then see what we can learn,” Robert stated.

  Taking the throne, he directed Glenn to the setting on his left as Kristina had already ensconced herself to his right.

  While they ate, Robert or Kristina queried Glenn about several points regarding the crop rotation plan he wished to start. As each idea was brought up and addressed Robert was pleased his friend would be caring for the estate, when he and Kristina returned home.

  With luncheon finished Robert escorted Kristina to the stairs.

  “I’ll make sure Daisy is saddled and we’ll meet you in the forecourt,” he informed her. He brushed his lips over the back of her hand while tickling it with the tip of his tongue.

  “Behave or we might not accomplish what we desire,” she whispered.

  “Oh, I know what I crave. You?” he answered.

  “I promise I shan’t keep you gentlemen waiting,” she announced.

  Robert waited until she reached the first floor before turning to Glenn. They strolled out the front portico and to the stable. There he had Seamus assign a groom to saddle Daisy while he took care of Julius. Robert let Glenn select a horse and was happy to see the man chose a seventeen-hand chestnut.

  With a groom leading the mare to the courtyard Robert was surprised to see Kristina waiting at the bottom of the steps.

  Marching up to Kristina, he was pleased to see she was wearing the riding habit he’d requested. With a bow, he offered his hand, which she accepted and guided her to where Daisy stood patiently. He grasped her around the waist and easily lifted her onto the saddle. He waited until she got settled then stepped over to his beast. Taking the leads back from Glenn both men mounted their respective horses. With a glance to Kristina and seeing she was ready he turned to Glenn.

  “As you are more familiar with the area why don’t you lead,” Robert spoke while he waited for Kristina to ride up beside him.

  “Then shall we be off?” Glenn said.

  With a glance to his wife, Robert then gave his friend a wave of his hand and the three rode out of the castle grounds and toward the far corner of the estate.

  With the castle set off center on the land the ride to the neighboring estate took an hour, even with going over partially fallowed fields. As they were going in a different direction than they had in the past, the ride gave Robert a chance to see, from a distance, several cottages. What he saw didn’t please him in regards to their conditions. He told Glenn that unless others were in worse condition these would be the next repaired.

  In one case, he saw the roof was close to collapsing in on the tenants. A sharp gasp from Kristina told him she’d seen it also and thus feared for the children playing in the yard.

  It was fortunate Mr. Colin was already dead or Robert knew he’d kill the man for what he’d done. Halting his horse brought Kristina and Glenn to a stop also.

  “M’ lord, I apologize for not mentioning this house as I heard a rumor the people had moved off,” Glenn pleaded.

  “As you weren’t the manager I couldn’t expect you to be aware of the conditions of every building on the land.”

  “Thank you for your consideration and I promise to not let it happen again,” Glenn told him.

  “After we see the mining operation and make sure it’s not threatening my land you’re to return to the castle. Once there you will harness several draft horses to a dray and with however many grooms Seamus can spare return here. That family isn’t spending another night in that hovel. Lady Markson and I will start assisting in moving them out. Until they have a safe place to live they will be staying in the castle, unless you have a better recommendation?” Robert ordered.

  “With your permission Robbie there is a cottage we can move them into. As Mr. Colin is dead, we can use his, which is located on the far side of the gardens. It should be perfect for them as he always had several maids come in weekly to clean the house.”

  “That’s where the family will stay for however long it takes to give them a new
home,” Kristina ordered.

  “Yes, m’ lady. Now shall we go see the mining so we can get them moved,” Glenn suggested.

  After going down the hill then up to the crest of another they halted as the former baron’s land came into view. In the distance Robert was able to make out where the shaft entered the earth. Seeing it wasn’t directed toward his land he was happy. Not that he would have complained as any gold found would belong to him.

  However, what did disturb him was seeing the minister waving his arms excitedly at someone. Looking to his wife, Robert saw her eyes widen as she took in the same sight. Robert turned in the saddle to Glenn.

  “Do you have any idea why Reverend Wallace is at the mine and in such a state?” Robert asked.

  “I wish I did, Robbie. All I know, every Friday afternoon he takes his dogcart out for a few hours. Now I know where he goes. Do you think he might be involved in smuggling gold to the French?”

  “I really couldn’t say. From what I remember he was always praising the Crown, so I can’t see him giving aid and comfort to the enemy.”

  “Yes I agree. Even this past Sunday he was damning them. Of course it would have been better if he’d talked for half the time thereby not putting many to sleep.”

  “M’ lord, I have a suggestion but I’m not sure how well you will take to it.” Without waiting for Robert’s approval to continue, Kristina did. “Glenn and I gallop back to the castle where he gets the dray to move the family. I have a groom accompany me into Tynburm hopefully in time to see the Reverend return. I can enquire how his excursion to visit the sick and infirmed went. I then offer to assist him the next time.”

  “My dear, as much as I’d love to disagree with you that would be the best solution so we can save a family from almost certain death and find out what the man is up to,” Robert affirmed.

  “Then, I would say we should be going as it will take a long time for m’ lady and I to return to the castle then set her on her way,” Glenn said.


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