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Right There with You

Page 31

by R. J. Sable

  “I can't watch that again,” I said sadly.

  “You want me to kick his ass next time?” He chuckled.

  “No!” I protested. “I don't want either of you getting hurt.”

  “Your brothers seem to sort everything out with their fists.” He looked suddenly pissed and I knew what he was referring to. I wasn't eager to discuss the very thing that had caused him to leave me last time.

  “That's just the way they are,” I shrugged. “I want them to be okay with us though.”

  “Give them time,” he smiled. “That reminds me though, I need Ian's number.”

  “You're gonna call him?” I asked, surprised that he’d be willing.

  “If you want me to?” He cocked his head at me. “The twins seemed to think it was a good idea.”

  It was really sweet that he was willing to do something I knew he didn't really want to, or approve of, just for me. I gave him Ian's number and took our empty mugs into the kitchen to wash them up.

  I put the cups away and cleaned up the kitchen a little. I couldn't have been gone more than fifteen minutes. When I opened the door Jason was still on the phone. He had his back to me but I could see the tension in his shoulders. I listened as Jason continued his phone call with Ian.

  “No, we haven't.” Jason turned around and I could see the frown on his brow.

  “You sure?” He asked, sounding surprised.

  “Alright, cheers man. I'll talk to her.” Jason hung up, pocketed his phone and pulled me into a hug. “All clear,” he mumbled.

  “You asked him about the secret weekend plan?” I asked.

  “No, I told him,” Jason grumbled.

  I bet that didn't go down well. I frowned. It hadn't seemed like they'd been arguing from what I'd heard.

  “What did Ian want you to talk to me about?” I wondered as Jason began pulling my t-shirt off.

  “Oh that,” he mumbled distractedly. “He asked if I was coming back with you for winter break.”

  Jason slipped my t-shirt over my head and looked up at me expectantly.

  “What did you say?” I asked.

  “I said I'd talk to you,” he shrugged. “What do you want to do?”

  I thought about it. I had to be back in Leeds for exams on the seventh of January but I assumed I'd be home in Derby until then. Could I really go without seeing him for that long? On the other hand, did I really want to force my brothers upon Jason?

  “I don't think I can go the whole month without seeing you,” I admitted.

  “Me neither,” he grinned as he pulled down my shorts. “I'll come back with you when you leave and stay a while.”

  “Awesome,” I grinned, stepping out of my shorts. “You sure you don't mind putting up with my brothers?”

  “I'd do anything for you, baby,” he said earnestly as he pulled me into bed with him.

  I snuggled up against his side, breathing in his scent. I loved the smell of Jason. I loved the feel of his skin pressed up against mine. I loved the way he held me in his arms. I loved the way I felt safe with him, I knew he'd never let anything happen to me. I love so much about him.

  Chapter 35

  Friday, 16th November 2012

  I walked with Adam, my arm wrapped around his, as we left the lecture theatre. We had an unusually short day today because one of our lecturers was away guest lecturing at another university. We were finished by eleven and I'd begrudgingly agreed to follow him into town so he could buy some new jeans. I'd protested furiously but eventually folded when he offered to treat me to a soy latte afterwards.

  “One soy latte, as promised,” he beamed as he placed the ginormous mug down in front of me.

  “Thanks,” I grinned. “You've got a fan,” I added, nodding subtly to a table on the other side of the room.

  A pretty brunette had been ogling Adam since we arrived. She kept shooting furtive glances his way and playing with her hair in-between talking with her friend. Adam checked her out quickly and grinned as he sat down in the armchair next to mine.

  “How's Jason?” He asked, glancing over to the brunette once more.

  “He's fine,” I smiled. “He's crazy busy at the minute, I'm not getting to see him much, but I understand.”

  He pouted at me empathetically and squeezed my knee. “I did note he's still sleeping over every now and then though.”

  “I made him promise me four nights a week,” I grinned, remembering the promise he'd made me on Monday morning.

  “Is he staying over tonight?” Adam asked.

  “No,” I pouted. “He's got a dinner meeting with some big-wigs from his department, but he's coming over tomorrow morning.”

  “Maybe we can watch a film tonight then?” He asked with his irresistible boyish smile.

  “I could never say no to you,” I grinned. I noticed he kept glancing back to the brunette and rolled my eyes at him. “Go on,” I sighed, doing my best to sound annoyed. “I don't mind.”

  He grinned at me and squeezed my knee again as he made his way over to the pretty brunette and sat down next to her without a word. Smooth. I almost giggled at how relaxed he looked as he chatted her up.

  “Jelly,” A voice said from my side. “Imagine seeing you here.”

  I turned my head to the source of the familiar voice. Duff. Not exactly my favourite person to run into.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

  “Do you have any fucking manners?” He snarled, sitting down in Adam's seat.

  “What do you want?” I asked quietly, concentrating on the pattern in the foam of my latte.

  “You really need to learn to play nice, Jelly,” he sneered, leaning forwards in his seat and edging closer to me. “Aren't you happy to see me?”

  Why on earth would I be happy to see him? I chanced a glance up at him and saw that he was grinning wickedly, his eyes gleaming. I sighed inwardly. I knew that he'd enjoy torturing me way more if he knew it was getting to me. I gave my best attempt at relaxing and plastered a smile on my face. I knew it probably wouldn't fool him, he'd known me since I was two, but it was worth a try.

  “Sure,” I shrugged noncommittally. “It's nice to see you.”

  “It is, right?” He grinned. “It's weird that I bumped into you, I've been meaning to come and see you.”

  I frowned, why would he come and see me? I didn't reply, deciding to sip my latte and let him continue. I glanced over at Adam, hoping he'd come back, but he was actively involved in conversation with the brunette.

  “We need to have a little chat,” he said complacently when I didn't reply.

  “About what?” I asked, unable to hold back the bitterness in my voice. The guy had made my life hell throughout school. What could we possibly have to talk about?

  “Careful,” he growled in warning. I lowered my eyes. I didn't want a scene here in the middle of the coffee shop.

  “That's better,” he smirked smugly as I slumped back into my seat. “I'm sure you'd much rather we talked about this in private, Jelly.”

  “Why?” I asked quietly, completely at a loss to what he could want to talk to me about.

  “Trust me.” He had that look in his eye that he got when he was planning something really horrible.

  “Duff-” I started, prepared to beg him to leave me alone, but he cut me off.

  “I don't want to hear any of your shit, Jelly,” he warned, his hand holding my knee a little too tightly. “What time will you be home tonight?”

  I toyed briefly with the idea of not telling him but I seriously doubted that it would end well for me. “I have training till half past six,” I mumbled. “I should be home and changed around seven.”

  “Alright, I'll come over then. Give me your phone,” he demanded.

  I scowled but fished my phone out of my pocket and handed it over to him reluctantly. He fiddled with it for a second and I heard his phone ring briefly from his pocket.

  “I'll ring you when I get there.”

p; I nodded despondently and cursed inwardly. Duff was the last person I wanted to be spending the evening with.

  “Cheer up, Jelly,” he smirked as he took my chin between his thumb and forefinger and angled my face up to look at him. “Not that many hours 'til you get to see me again.”

  I grimaced as he leant over and kissed me on the forehead. I rushed to wipe it off and he chuckled as he walked away.

  “Who was that?” Adam asked, looking concerned as he came back to sit with me.

  “Jake's friend,” I mumbled, shaking my head.

  “You okay, Shorty? You don't look too happy,” he frowned at me, squeezing my knee gently.

  “I'm fine,” I shook my head again and returned to my latte.

  The only thing that kept me going was knowing that I'd get to see Jason at training that evening. I hadn't seen him since Wednesday. I know that's not really that long but I didn't feel entirely right when he wasn't around, like I was missing a part of me.

  After training, I headed home and showered. I towelled off quickly and pulled on some clean underwear. Normally, I would have just put my pyjamas on but I didn't think I could face Duff sans culottes. I grabbed my shorts and one of Craig's old t-shirts and gave my hair another thorough towelling before putting it up into a loose pony.

  I was about to tuck into my sandwich when my phone rang. It was Duff. I sighed with exasperation, part of me had been hoping he was just messing with me and wouldn't show up. I didn't bother answering, I just grabbed my sandwich and went downstairs to let him in. I managed to eat half of it on the way down.

  “Cheers, Jelly,” Duff grinned as he took the rest of my sandwich off me. Some things never change.

  I made to protest but I knew that was what he wanted so I just ignored him and headed back up to my room. I could make myself another sandwich once he left.

  I pushed open the door to my room, I didn't bother looking back, I knew he was behind me. I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked down at my feet as I heard him lock the door.

  “You're quiet,” he chuckled. “Makes a nice change.”

  I scowled but didn't reply. I was pretty tired and hardly in the mood for his crap. I knew I'd have a hard time biting my tongue if I answered.

  “You could have made a bit more of an effort,” he scowled as he looked over my clothes, running his fingers over my bare thighs as he stood in front of me.

  I slapped his hand away but kept my focus on the floor.

  “What do you think you're doing?” He growled, putting his hands back onto my thighs.

  I pushed his hands away again and pulled the crochet blanket from the end of the bed and used it to cover my legs. I really can't deal with this right now. I just wanted to curl up in bed and watch a movie with Adam. Duff grabbed the blanket and pulled it off me.

  “Duff, please, just tell me what you want,” I pleaded, wishing he would back off a little.

  “You might want to try being a bit nicer, Jelly,” he warned, putting his hands back on my thighs and sliding them a little higher up this time.

  I went to slap his hands away again but this time he was ready, he grabbed my wrist in his hand and shook his head in warning.

  “Duff, stop it,” I whined, trying to pull my hand free.

  “I have something to show you,” he said, letting my hand go so that he could get something out of his pocket.

  I frowned in confusion. What does he want to show me? He pulled out his phone and sat down on the bed next to me. He played with it for a few seconds before holding it out in front of me. He was playing some sort of video.

  There was loud music playing but it was pretty tinny and I could barely make out the song. The shot shook a few times and it was obvious that it'd been filmed on a phone. I gasped as I realised the screen showed me and Jason at the club the night Ben had been in town. I glanced at Duff and saw that he was grinning wickedly. I watched in horror as the video showed Jason lifting me up and pinning me against the wall as we kissed. It was pretty obvious on the video that he had his hand up my dress and I cringed with embarrassment. I really didn't think anyone had seen and I was mortified that Duff had been there and managed to film it.

  I groaned and put my head in my hands. This is horrible. I'll never live this down.

  “You don't like the video?” Duff asked snidely.

  “I didn't know you were there,” I said weakly as I shook my head.

  “How'd you think your brothers would feel seeing you get fingered on the dance floor in front of all those people?”

  Oh god. My brothers. I groaned loudly and my face screwed up in horror. They're going to be so mad at me and Jason. Jason. They'll kill him. They can never see this video, they'll murder him. I started to cry at the thought of what they'd do.

  “Please, Duff, please, you have to delete that, you can't let them see!” I garbled, turning to him and begging with all my heart.

  He only grinned wider and I knew I'd already lost. That was exactly what he’d been hoping for.

  “I don't know, Jelly,” he frowned. “I don't think they'd be too pleased with me if I kept this from them.”

  He put his phone back in his pocket and turned a little so he was facing me.

  “I can't believe you did that, like some common slag,” he sneered, his face turning ugly.

  “I'm sorry,” I mumbled, tears spilling down my cheeks. “But, Duff, please you can't let them see that, please I'll do anything.”

  The more I begged the more pleased he looked and it was tearing up my insides. I knew he was only doing this to torture me but I couldn't let my brothers see that video. I knew what would happen to Jason and I couldn't let him get hurt like that.

  “Anything?” Duff asked, his eyes gleaming wickedly.

  I didn't answer, I knew this was a trap. I knew he was planning something terrible. My shoulders sagged. I couldn't see a way out of this.

  “What do you want from me?” I pleaded quietly, my eyes on the carpet.

  “You could start with some manners and obedience,” he sneered.

  I nodded solemnly. I could play along, I could be nice until I figured out a way to get rid of that video. Maybe I could just come clean with my brothers? Maybe that way they'd be less mad. I dismissed the idea immediately, they'd still kill Jason.

  “You gonna be a good girl?” He teased cruelly.

  I nodded ever so slightly, refusing to look up at him.

  “Prove it,” he jeered.

  I didn't have to look up to know he was grinning; I could hear it in his smug, smarmy voice. I wanted to launch myself at him and claw his eyes out for torturing me like this but I knew from experience that he was much stronger than I was.

  “How?” I asked weakly, wiping away the tears from my eyes.

  “Stand up, arms by your side,” he ordered, motioning to the floor in front of him.

  I did as I was told.

  “Facing me, you stupid twat,” he scolded.

  I bit back my anger and did as he demanded. This is only temporary, I told myself. As soon as I get my hands on that video, I'll be rid of him. I knew he was staring at me but I kept my eyes on the carpet. I didn't think I'd be able to play along if I looked up and saw his stupid, smug face.

  “Now take your t-shirt off,” he demanded.

  “What?” I gawked, unable to stop myself from looking at him. I was completely confounded.

  “Take your t-shirt off,” he repeated slowly.

  He wanted me to take my shirt off? Is he insane? I stayed stock-still. I'm not taking my shirt off in front of him.

  “Fine,” he shrugged when I didn't move. “I'll just message this to your brothers, should I start with Ian or Karl?”

  “No, wait!” I cried out. I can't let them see this. They'll drive straight over and kill Jason. They'll hurt him so bad. Just do it, Jamie. He'd seen me in a bikini tonnes of times. Heck, he saw me naked when we were kids in the paddling pool. Deep down, I knew it wasn't the same thing, but I had to do this. I had to pr
otect Jason.

  “I'm waiting, Jelly,” Duff said impatiently, taking his phone out of his pocket once more.

  I took a deep breath and reached down and pulled my t-shirt over my head. I pulled it in front of me and held it there, trying in vain to cover myself. He reached forward and yanked the t-shirt out of my hands. I immediately crossed my hands over my stomach. I knew he was trying to humiliate me. He knew it was working. My cheeks were bright red, I could feel the heat in my face.

  I was biting down on my lip painfully but it was all I could do to hold back the tears. I kept my eyes closed. I'm doing this for Jason, I'm doing this for Jason. I kept repeating my manta. I needed to protect Jason from my brothers. I almost lost my resolve as I thought about how much Jason would hate me if he knew I was stood semi-naked in front of another man.

  “Now your shorts,” he demanded.

  I cringed. I hated him for making me do this. I wanted to scream and shout and hit him. I knew there was no point though. I couldn't risk him sending that video to anyone. I kept my eyes closed and slipped my shorts down my legs, letting them fall to the floor. I immediately recrossed my arms over my stomach.

  “Are you really that fucking stupid, Jelly?” He snarled.

  I glanced up at him, I wasn't sure what I'd done wrong.

  “Where did I tell you to put your arms?” He said slowly, as if talking to a child.

  I clenched my teeth and slowly forced my arms to my side.

  “There you go,” he said in the same condescending tone. “Maybe you're not a complete moron.”

  I clenched my teeth once more, biting back a retort.

  “Now,” he gleamed. I could tell he was loving this and it just made me hate him more. “Turn around, slowly.”

  He motioned for me to turn around with his finger. I clenched my fists by my side, ignoring the urge to lash out at him, and did as I was told. I kept my eyes closed but I could feel his eyes on me.

  “Stop,” he ordered as I turned full circle.

  I felt the heat of his body close to mine and I knew he was stood next to me. I shuddered as I felt his finger on my shoulder.

  “This,” he said with disdain as he pinged my bra strap. “Is not good enough.”


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