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Holding Out For Forever (BlackPath MC Book 3)

Page 12

by Vera Quinn

  “Em, how are you, babe?” There is the star of all my dreams, Chief.

  “What are you doing here and how did you know I was here?” I am still hurting in more ways than one. My heart still hurts from the last time I saw him. I look at Joy and she looks guilty.

  “He texted me, he was in town right after we got here. I thought he had a right to know what was happening, so I told him where we were. Sorry sis, but he does have a right to know, even if he was an ass the last time you tried to talk to him.” I nod my head at her. She’s right, but even if she wasn’t, I don’t feel like arguing right now.

  “It’s ok Joy, you’re right, he does. I am just surprised to see him and still in some pain.” I look at Chief and he takes hold of my hand to help me back up on the bed. Joy is there to help me cover back up. “Chief, why are you here? I mean why did you come?” He had to be here for a reason.

  “I came to apologize and take you and Joy home. There’s complications, and we need to talk about our child.” Who is this man and what did he do with the very angry man I talked to when I broke the news about the baby.

  “Chief, I’m glad you at least acknowledge the baby is yours. That’s progress.” I am not trying to be a bitch, but he wasn’t very nice the last we spoke. I feel the urge again, I am trying to ignore it, but then I feel a pain again, and I scrunch up on myself. Chief comes to my side and grabs my hand.

  “Are you ok? What can I do? Is it the baby?” Chief sounds concerned, and that is a complete turn-around for him. Just as he finishes, the door is pushed wide open and a doctor pulling a sonogram machine comes in with a technician on the other end pushing.

  “Well Ms. Cass, how would you like to hear your baby’s heartbeat? By the way, I am the attending on duty, Dr. Greene.” I would love to hear the baby’s heartbeat. but I would love if this pain would ease up.

  “Can you tell us it’s sex?” Chief ask Dr. Greene.

  “Who are you?” Dr. Greene is looking at Chief like he doesn’t belong in here and like he is dirt on the bottom of his shoes.

  “This is my child’s father and that is my sister.” I am short with him, but I don’t like people who judge others by how they look. Yes, Chief looks intimidating with his scruffy face and he’s wearing his cut, and all those muscles. That gives no one the right to judge him.

  “Is it okay for them to be in here for this? And to answer that question.” He looks at my chart and looks at me while I nod my head. “Could be. She’s far enough along. Let’s see if the baby will cooperate.” A nurse comes in the door and comes over to me and takes the blankets off and raises my gown up. Are they forgetting I am in pain? The technician is getting the machine ready. When the gel hits my stomach, it is cold. Seems like they could warm up this crap. The tech reaches over and turns a nob and we hear the heartbeat. It takes my breath away. It’s so strong. I relax a little. The doctor presses a little harder and I feel like I really need to pee. “There he is. Yes, definitely a little boy. Congratulations, a son it is. Everything here seems just fine. Do you want pictures?”

  “Yes.” Chief speaks up before I have a chance. The doctor says something to the tech I can’t hear.

  “Nurse Jean, can you check and see if her other tests are in?” She leaves the room but returns shortly.

  “Ms. Cass, your baby is just fine. You have a urinary tract infection according to these tests results. Painful, and can be serious, but we will try to get you fixed up. How do you feel about injections? I think an antibiotic shot would get this jump started if you’re not against it.” He looks at me.

  “As long as it is safe for the baby, it is good with me. The sooner this pain goes away, the better.” I give him a small smile.

  “You are having spasms, and I will give you something for that and it should ease it some. Drink lots of water. Completely safe for the baby. I will give you a script, too. Take it all even if you feel better before they are gone. Any questions?” I look at Chief and Joy. Nothing, but then Chief speaks up.

  “Is this dangerous for our son or Em?” Chief actually sounds concerned.

  “Anything can be dangerous with blood loss, but spotting can also be normal. We watch kidney function close during pregnancy, but this a urinary tract infection is not a kidney infection, and if treated properly, is easily corrected, in most people. That is the reason I made sure she understands to complete all her antibiotics. She also needs to follow up with an office visit with her normal doctor. Plenty of non-caffeine liquids, preferably water, and rest. A good night’s sleep helps to replenish your body. As long as she does these things and barring any complications, they should be fine. The injections will help kick start the process.” The doctor looks at me. “Anything else?” I shake my head no. He and the tech leave.

  “I will be right back with the doctors written orders and your injections.” The nurse eyes Chief before she leaves. As long as she brings the shots to help me full better she could grab his butt and I wouldn’t care. I wait until the door is shut and I think the nurse is out of hearing distance.

  “Chief, what do you want? You can’t stand to talk to me, and now you’re here for what?” I see he is trying to be calm with me, but apparently he doesn’t like explaining himself. That’s ok, I don’t like him just showing up.

  “Em, I don’t like repeating myself. It’s been a long day but I will say this again. I apologize for the way I treated you. I know this is my son. I don’t like excuses, but I had to deal with Kim that day and she tries the little patience I have. I found out she poked holes in condoms so I would get her pregnant. I’m sorry I took it out on you, too.” Why would she do that? It still doesn’t excuse him treating me like that, though.

  “What a bitch.” Joy puts her two cents worth in.

  “My thoughts exactly. I’m not even sure her son is mine. I mean, would you trust someone who did that?” He does have a point.

  “I’m not leaving here. I just got my job back. I’m looking at houses to buy. This is home. We can figure out a custody agreement. I won’t keep your son from you.” I’m still in pain and I really don’t feel like arguing right now.

  “Em, it’s too early in the morning to be arguing. I can bet you haven’t had much rest. I’ve had none. I’m not taking no for an answer. After you rest today, tomorrow we are going down to the courthouse and getting a marriage license. We are getting married.” I open my mouth to argue, but he puts his finger across my lips. “Don’t argue. It will do no good. We are getting married. We are raising our son together, as a family. I have feelings for you, and I’m very attracted to you. I think you have some feelings for me, and I know you’re attracted to me. I won’t cheat on you, and you won’t cheat on me. We will have a mutual respect and we will give our son a lot of love. I will do what is best for our son first before anything else.” He thinks he can just tell me what I am going to do. “Do you want to put our son through not having his mom and dad married? Do you want to be a single mom? Do you know how hard it is raising a well-balanced child with two parents, let alone by yourself? You can be a stay at home mom. It will be best for our son. Don’t you want what is best for our son? That’s what parents do. We’ll discuss it later today, after we both rest. Joy don’t you think we will be great parents together?” Chief looks at my sister and she looks like she is in shock.

  “I think that is up to Em.” Joy is quiet, which she never is.

  “Joy, we want you back at the club. You did a great job and we all miss you.” Chief is being too something. It just doesn’t seem natural. Maybe sweet.

  “Okay Chief, what the hell is up with this kinder gentler you, this is not funny, or your normal self. Spill.” Leave it to Joy.

  “I know I was very unfair to both of you. Especially Em. Dealing with Kim has made me appreciate Em. Not even that. Fuck, I don’t know. I don’t want to screw this up any more than I already did. I’m tired and rode a long way. I had to go to Oklahoma yesterday, went home and then we came here. Long day.” We need to table this u
ntil later. I am hurting and he is tired and as if on cue the nurse walks in.

  “If you’ll just roll to your side we can get this done quick. Do you remember everything the doctor said?” I nod my head yes. I do not like shots, but if this pain will stop, anything is good. “Okay then.” I roll and she gives me two shots. Joy turns her head. She hates needles. “All done. I just need you to sign these discharge papers, and did the lady out front get your insurance information?” I sign the papers and give them back.

  “Yes, she got the information.” In triplicate.

  “Then you can go. Take it easy, Ms. Cass.” She hasn’t taken her eyes off Chief since she gave me the shots. Imagine that.

  “Chief, if you will step outside while I get dressed, so we can go. I want to go home and see if I can get some sleep.” Chief has a little smile on his face.

  “Babe, I’ve seen it all.” He looks at my sister. “Will you go to the waiting room and ask Tazer and Shield to bring my SUV around?”

  “You’re not on your bike? You always ride your bike. Tazer and Shield are here?” Joy is happy, but she is tired too, so she sounds giggly.

  “I couldn’t very well come and help get you two home on my bike. I will explain about Tazer and Shield after we have some rest.” So there is more to this little visit. Right now I am too tired to care. I nod my head at Joy and she turns and leaves without a word.

  I stand up and start to get dressed while Chief just watches. “Are you just going to stare? It’s not like you haven’t seen this all before.” It doesn’t take me long to dress. I just had on pajamas that are two sizes too big.

  “I might have seen it all before, but I’m not going to turn down another chance and I haven’t seen you with your stomach round with my son. That is sexy as hell.” He has to be kidding me. I didn’t even brush my hair. My pain hasn’t gone away, so I am in no mood to flirt. I could probably sleep standing up.

  “We are staying at some rental cabins. There is only two bedrooms, so you may want to find a motel so you can sleep comfortably.” At this hour, in this small town, they will be lucky to get anyone to open the door. In our small town they lock the front door at midnight at the motel. We don’t get much through travelers after midnight.

  “What size beds do you two have, and do you have a sofa?” Chief is crazy if he thinks he is going to sleep in my bed.

  “Queen size, and yes we have a sofa pull out, but it is a small cabin.” He needs to get the point that it is a small area.

  “When I said we were getting married, it means you are mine and we will be sleeping together, so you might as well get used to it. Tazer and Shield have both fucked Joy, so I don’t think she’ll mind sharing a bed to just sleep, the pull out sofa is a bonus. Now Em, I understand you are in pain tonight, but when I say married, I mean in every sense of the word. We will share our bed, our home, and our bodies. Come now, let’s get you home and get some rest like the doc said. When we get up I’ll get you some food and go pick up your meds.” Chief is being a bossy ass, but like he said, it is late, or early. I just want my bed.

  “You don’t win. I’m just tired, so let’s go.” We will revisit this issue. He won’t railroad me.

  Chapter 21


  After getting back to this little cabin at 6:30 am, getting situated, and finally getting some sleep, I feel better than I have in a long time. Holding Em while we slept felt right. My hand on her baby bulge put me right out. I felt my son kick for the first time. I forgot what that felt like. The amazement of it. I look at my phone and I have a few texts and two messages. I can get to those later. I should get up, but I don’t want to disturb Em. She finally could get comfortable around seven and it wasn’t long until she was out. I look at the time and it is after twelve. I slide myself away from Em and grab my bag and head for the shower. When Em said small, about this cabin, she was not joking. Hopefully the walls are insulated enough the running water will not wake her up. I turn the water on full blast and step into the shower. I shocked Em this morning when I shucked all my clothes off and climbed into bed with her. Her face turned a bright red when my cock rubbed her ass. She was cute when she said I could have at least left my boxers on, but I left her speechless when I told her I wasn’t wearing boxers. Commando I was. The hot shower woke me up and brushing my teeth made me feel human again

  I need to go out and get Em’s prescriptions and get food for breakfast. Caffeine. Definitely first. Not much in this town, so I can’t get lost. It’s going to be a long day convincing Em and Joy to come back home, but I’m not taking no for an answer. The part where we are getting married may be a little more difficult, but it is what is happening. Today is Tuesday, so Friday we get married, and Monday we should be home. ZMan and Trigger should be able to handle everything until then.

  Then my mind turns to Kim and how she is going to handle the news. She is a wildcard at best, and with Duke looming around somewhere, I need to handle this carefully with two babies to factor into it. I never think of Kim’s child as mine, but I better wrap my head around it, because there is that possibility. If so, I will have to find a way to co-exist with her for the next eighteen years. I never thought I would be a father again, and now I definitely will have one more son, maybe two. I’m going to have to come to terms with that, and soon.

  After that I will come to terms with being a husband again. It’s like I told Em, I do have feelings for her. I am extremely attracted to her. She won’t leave my thoughts and she is the woman I want in my bed. That in itself is more feelings than I have had for any other woman in twenty years. I respect the hell out of her, and if anything ever happened to her there would be hell to pay. Just seeing her in pain last night was terrifying. I never felt so helpless, except for when it came to my children. I am at peace when I am with her. I try to filter myself for her and I never do that for anyone. I have strong feelings for her and with that we can build something. She just has to cooperate, and she will, because she is going to be a great mom and it is what is best for our son. I think until the DNA with Kim is confirmed one way or another, I will have to try to have patience with her, but everyone will know Em is my woman. I am going to claim her in front of the BlackPath MC as soon as I let Callie know there are changes on the horizon. Em has my son in her belly, by Friday she’ll have my ring on her finger, when we get home she will have my patch on her back, and after our son is born she will be wearing my ink. I should have second thoughts about this, but I don’t. I am at complete peace with it. Now to convince Em. I’m not taking no for an answer. When she let me fuck her without a condom she was as good as mine.

  I look at Em one more time and try to quietly leave the room. I walk into the small kitchen and Tazer, Joy, and Shield are all up drinking coffee, and it smells great. I go to the cabinets and find a cup and pour me some morning wake up, as I do, I find myself whistling a little tune. I haven’t done that in ages. The first drink of coffee is good going down. I pull a chair out and sit down and everyone’s eyes are on me. “What?”

  “You’re whistling.” Tazer sounds amused.

  “You’re smiling.” Shield is on the verge of laughing.

  “Damn Chief, you did not fuck my sister with her in pain. You are too damn happy for no more sleep than we got.” I don’t know if Joy is pissed, or shocked.

  “Don’t be crazy Joy. Em is still sleeping, and all we did was sleep. How sorry do you think I am? I thought we were friends.” Joy must be sleep deprived.

  “You’re happy. Damn.” Tazer is getting annoying.

  “Em’s bed is just really comfortable and I feel rested. After dealing with Kim yesterday, I needed it and it feels good.” Anything away from that crazy woman is a plus.

  “You’re in love with Em and you won’t even admit it to yourself. Damn, I like it dad. It looks good on you.” Tazer has no idea what he is talking about.

  “I am giving you all three a heads-up. As soon as Em is awake I am telling her we are going to get a marriage license this
afternoon and Friday we are getting married. I am claiming her as mine. I am putting a ring on her and I am moving her and Joy back home. No arguments and no excuses.” I look at Joy and she is smiling real big. “Joy you still have your job and your room. If you don’t want to stay at the club, you can stay with us, or I will buy you a house.”

  “Don’t you think it would just be easier to ask her instead of trying to steamroll her? She’s not a club girl. She likes to think her opinion matters and she has a choice. Not a smooth move starting out on the wrong foot. Talk to her. If she thinks it is what is best for her son, she’ll do it. I know she has feelings for you. She hasn’t even talked to another man. She may be quiet and not have much experience, but if you try to take her choice away, you will see her stubborn side, and believe me, she has one. She can also hold a grudge for a long time, so if you think you have apologized enough, not even close. If you convince her to take the chance, she will give it her all. I will gladly go home. Tazer told me about Laurie losing the baby and I think I would like to talk to her about becoming a surrogate for her and Driller.” Joy has shocked me. Why would she consider having a baby for Laurie and Driller? I don’t even think they have thought of something like that. Would they consider something like that?

  “Joy, I appreciate your input, but Em will have to get used to me. We will come to a meeting of the minds. I don’t negotiate when it is something I really want. That is not me and I am too old to change. We will work it out, or she will just do what I say.” Joy laughs and not a good laugh.

  “What’s the plan for today?” Shield is always wanting to get started.

  “We are going to go get some food and get Em’s prescriptions filled. Any suggestions on food for her Joy? I also want you and Tazer to keep your eyes open for any signs of Duke or anyone associated with Kim. She is the one that let me know Em had left town and knew she had come home. That’s too much information for her to know to be innocent. She is keeping tabs on Em and I don’t like that type of bad around my woman.” I have Joy’s attention now. She knows the kind of twisted Kim is.


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