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Holding Out For Forever (BlackPath MC Book 3)

Page 13

by Vera Quinn

  “Last week I kept feeling like someone was watching us. It was eerie. I didn’t see anyone, it was just a feeling. The kind that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. It all started when Em’s car wouldn’t start one morning. I bought a bat to keep in my room.” I don’t like that at all. Joy is not the type of woman to spook easily.

  “What was wrong with her car? Was it taken to a shop?” I wait for her answer. “Has she driven it since then?”

  “Actually, she took my car, I was busy unpacking. After she did her errands we went and looked at some houses her realtor wanted her to see. The lady she works for had her son come look at it. When he got here though, it started right up. I thought it was strange, but he said it could have been a loose battery cable. We used my car the rest of the week. Em has it scheduled for a look over at one of the shops here on Monday. Like I said, strange, then I felt like we were being watched. Also, if you want Em to take your plan seriously, you better talk to Mrs. Langston, her boss. The lady is more like family to Em, and she won’t want to leave her needing someone.” Joy is right, that is strange, and a thought came to me, if I wanted to keep tabs on someone but not be too close to get caught, what I would do. Tazer gets up and walks outside.

  “Joy, write Mrs. Langston’s phone number down and where the office is. Shield check Em’s car over for trackers. That’s what I would do if I wanted to keep tabs on someone. In this small town if it went to a shop they probably wouldn’t find it. They wouldn’t think to look for it. Most places wouldn’t find it.” I need to get these two home and safe. Joy gets a pen and paper and writes down what I ask and hands it to me. Shield goes outside with Tazer to start inspecting the car.

  “I wrote everything down, and Em likes grilled chicken.” Now to get going.

  “Keep the doors locked and stay in. Don’t answer the door to anyone unless it is one of us. I just want to be safe.” I have an uneasy feeling, and I don’t like it. The faster we can get home the better. I walk to the door and I reach down and take my extra gun out of my ankle holster and hand it to Joy. “The safety is on. Do you know how to use it?”

  “I have an accurate enough shot. I know all the safety precautions. I won’t let anything happen to Em. You know, she is a pretty good shot herself. Michael taught us both. Em used to go hunting with him. She’s better with a shotgun or rifle, but he taught us how to use a handgun, too.” That’s good to know. As I open the door, I relock it and nod at her.

  I get out by my SUV and Shield is looking under it. Tazer is looking over their bikes. Why are they checking our rides out? I’m worried about Em and Joy’s. Shield reaches under my vehicle and I see he comes out with something in his hand. A very small tracker. It may be the smallest one I have ever seen. “Chief there was a tracker on each of their cars and one on yours. They weren’t even hidden very well, but they are small. Em’s car also seems to have a brake fluid leak. Those crazy women don’t even lock their cars out here. I was going to check and see how much brake fluid is gone next. There’s a pretty big spot under her car, but it looks like someone has tried to cover it up so it wouldn’t be seen. I noticed because I was looking for a tracker, and it smells like brake fluid. I know we check your vehicles for trackers regularly at home so this was either put on here, or right before you left home.” Shield pops her hood and Tazer checks the fluid.

  “It has none left at all. Our bikes were fine. Not us they want to keep track of. This has that bitch written all over it. You are going to have to do something to Kim to put her in her place. Em or Joy could have been seriously hurt in this car, and not only them but the baby, too.” That is my thought exactly. I am not liking where my thoughts are going. Kim wants all my attention and she wants Em out of my life. I put nothing past her. If she’d stab her own blood in the back, then what is she really capable of? Em and our son need protecting. I feel a huge urge to hide them away safe. Kim cannot deliver that child soon enough for me. I take my phone out and text Joy to not drive anywhere, under no circumstances. I tell her about the cars being tampered with. I see her in the window and she waves.

  “Shield, stay here. Hide out somewhere and watch. Let no one in. We will get everything we need in town and then when I get back Em and I will get that marriage license. I’m going to get them to tow both of the cars and have them checked out. Stay alert. Tazer we can both ride in the SUV.” I can’t afford to miss anything. I also need to make my calls and return texts. “Tazer you drive.” We need to get back here.

  Chapter 22


  I wake up in my bed alone. I don’t even remember anything after I went to sleep. Usually I wake up a few times during the night. Not after we got home. After the pain let up a little I went to sleep and slept like the dead. I have the sudden urge to pee again so I carefully get up hoping that the pain doesn’t hit me again. It’s there, but manageable. I take care of my morning business in my bathroom and make my way into the kitchen. My mouth is too dry. Joy jumps when I come in the kitchen. I guess she wasn’t expecting me so soon. I don’t see Chief or the other two, so I guess he’s gone to get my meds. That is what he said he was going to do.

  “We need to talk. Chief has gone to get food and your meds. Someone is tracking us. Chief left his gun here in case we have problems. There were trackers on our vehicles and they think your brakes were tampered with. Remember last week when I told you I thought someone was watching us? Apparently I was right. Chief is going to have our cars towed and checked out. If you had driven your car, you and the baby could have been hurt, or worse. I have never been so glad I am a procrastinator in all my life. If I hadn’t put off unpacking, one of us would have been in that car.” Joy has to be kidding.

  “Who would want to track us? No one cares what we do. If something was wrong with my car, then it is probably because it is time to buy a new one. I know I will have to buy a bigger vehicle before the baby is born. I just hate spending that kind of money before I have to and I want to do some shopping for the safest choice.” No one would tamper with my car, and it’s not like we live way out in the boonies. We have neighbors, surely they would let me know if someone bothered my car.

  “Wake up, Em. Kim hates you. She knows Chief feels something for you. She knows you’re carrying his child. She wants him and she doesn’t like the competition. She’s not like you. She’s vengeful. Do not underestimate her, and never trust or turn your back on her. I know you like to find the good in all people, but she has no good, and apparently she has a long reach, or friends who do. Do you still have Michael’s guns? I think you and I need to start carrying them. We have open carry now, it’s legal. We have to protect your child, just think of it that way.” I had rather be cautious than be sorry. I go to my bedroom and to the back of my closet where I stuck the gun box under a ton of winter clothes. Ok, not a ton, just my heavy warm clothes. I push them off and put in the combination and there are the two handguns Michael loved so much. I put the clips in them. They are heavy. Not really the right size for me, but I am accurate with them. I make sure the safety is on both, then I grab the two boxes of shells out of the safe and shut it. I leave the boxes on the floor, and take the guns back to the kitchen and lay them on the table.

  “I have extra ammo on the floor of my closet. Take the one you want. You’re right, better safe than sorry.” Joy looks relieved I am taking it seriously.

  “Something else you need to be ready for is Chief. He is determined to marry you this week. He wants us to go home and he wants you as his ol’ lady. He already loves your baby. Are you going to give him a chance? He’s not good at asking. He lives in a different world than you’re used to. He’s claimed you, and in his world that makes you his. Are you ready for that? If not, you better get ready, because it is happening.” Joy has to be kidding. I still have choices.

  “I understand an ol’ lady is like a wife in the BlackPath MC, but I still have a choice. If I don’t want to marry Chief, I don’t have to. I can be a single mom. Kim is in my life becaus
e of him. I didn’t do anything to her. I don’t hate her. I feel sorry for her, except for the part that she really hates me. I don’t know how I feel about Chief. Why would I marry him?” Surely Joy doesn’t buy into this? There are a lot of single moms these days.

  “I’m giving it to you straight Em. I will back you no matter what you decide. I always have your back, but don’t you at least owe it to your son to think about the possibility of marrying his dad? It would make it easier on you. Your son would have you both. Chief is good to his word. He would be devoted to you both. You both have an attraction, and I think you two together would be better than you two apart. Two parents living in one house working together. Don’t you remember when we had mom and dad. Mom was always fussing over us and we had dad wrapped around our little fingers, but they were firm with us. It was the best of times and I never felt safer. They always put us first. Just think about it. Don’t you want the same for your son? Chief is a good father. Biker life may be different than what your used to, but you will have a huge family. A family that will lay their lives down for you and your son.” Joy has taken my hand in hers. I remember the family life we were brought up in. I just don’t know. I am deep in thought when the back door handle jiggles, then I hear Shield’s voice.

  “Let me in. We have company.” I grab one of the guns and open the door. He rushes in and locks it and closes the shade. “Joy, lock the front door. Hurry. Get in the hall. Are the windows locked?” I grab the other gun off the table and run for my bedroom. I hear the motorcycles in the front yard. I rush to my closet and bring the shells back with me. Joy comes into the hall and we wait for more instructions from Shield. “Where did you get the guns?”

  “They belonged to my husband. I’ve had them locked up. Who is out front?” He looks at Joy.

  “Chief should be here any second. He was only few minutes out. You two ladies stay put. I am going to check the front windows. If Chief is here, I am going out front and you two do not open the door, and stay away from the windows.” Shield completely ignored my question.

  It seems like we are in the hall forever and I finally had to go pee. I moved carefully into my bathroom staying away from any windows. I take care of business and look at the clock as I am leaving my room. We’ve actually only been in the hall twenty minutes. I sit down and just as I am getting comfortable someone comes in the back door. Chief yells out it is him and we can come into the kitchen. We make our way in there and all three men are there with food bags. Yes, my stomach is registering empty and I need my medicine and vitamins. I take the two guns and put on the table, and Chief and Tazer smile.

  “This pregnant woman needs food now and then medicine and then an explanation. In that order please.” I go to the refrigerator and get a water out. “Anyone else need water, tea, or milk?” I look at them. Each say water. I grab four more and my arms are full. I go sit at the table and Chief hands me a food tray. Grilled chicken salad. My favorite. Now my stomach thinks I have forgotten it for days. My mouth is watering. Tazer hands me a fork and I eat until I can’t eat any more. I get up and take my medicine, put the rest of my salad in the refrigerator and I wait. No one has said a word. I look at Chief and he is in deep thought.

  “How do you want our relationship to go?” What the hell does that mean? Chief is confusing.

  “I want you to be honest with me.” I thought he would know that. He looks at Tazer and Shield and then to Joy.

  “The riders were with a motorcycle club around here. They are loyal to The Feral Steel MC. Kim’s dad is President of the Feral Steel. Stone convinced this MC that Steel wanted you watched. They swear they didn’t tamper with your car, but they were lying. I had to call Steel to tell them to back off, and tell them Stone is not in charge. They have backed off, but I don’t trust them. I think they are in Stone’s pocket. Kim wants you away from me. You can’t stay here. You’re coming home with me. We’re going to get a marriage license today. I talked to your boss. She understands. She’s going to call you. This is non-negotiable.” I look at Chief and then at everyone else in the room.

  “Okay.” That’s all I give.

  “Okay? You’re not going to argue?” Chief expects an argument.

  “No. I’ll go shower and we can go to the courthouse.” I get up and walk out. Leaving them all with their mouths hanging open.

  Chapter 23


  Kesler Davis Black was born five weeks ago. Two weeks later the DNA proved he is my son. He looks almost just like Ty when he was a baby. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 1oz. and has a healthy set of lungs. Kim kept with the K thing in her family, and Davis is Steel’s middle name. We changed his last name to Black as soon as the test came back. Kim wanted me to stay for two weeks after the baby was born and I did, along with a very pregnant Em. We stayed at Devil’s house with Callie. Her and Em get along great, and she is happy for us. Em loves Callie and Kellan. We kept him last night at our house, he loves his Em.

  Kim threw one hell of a hissy fit when I came back with Em and Joy. She just knew she was going to be the next Mrs. Black. It would never happen, even if there was no Em. I will treat Kim with the respect of being my son’s mom, but she gets nothing else. I am watching her carefully, and if she does not treat my son right, I will take him and raise him. I know a child needs his mom, but she will treat him with love.

  Callie is committed to Devil now and she is happy. When she came to pick up Kellan today she went to visit Tommy. Tonight she is going to tell Devil she loves him. I am proud of Callie. She has grown so much. Her and Devil have taken their time to let their relationship develop and Callie has blossomed. I can’t say I will ever like Devil, but I respect him for letting Callie have the time to heal from losing Dra. In doing that he has earned her love and devotion, and it shows in how happy she is. They both love Kellan and put him first. They are great parents.

  Tazer is in an uproar. Right after we got back from our trip, Sarah’s wedding announcement made the newspaper. He is fucking everything in sight. He shaved his head and went on several drinking binges. He’ll work it out, but that is his story.

  Joy talked to Driller and Laurie about being a surrogate for them. At first Driller was dead set against it, but Laurie wore him down. Joy went through a battery of medical tests and she is healthy enough. They’ve talked to a lawyer and they are getting the paperwork ready.

  Em and I are waiting on our son’s arrival. Ten days and counting. I’ve never seen such a beautifully pregnant woman. I don’t know how I lived without this woman. She keeps me sane. She has a calming factor for me. Sure, we butt heads, but she has such a kind heart she usually ends up apologizing when I am the one being an ass. She’s taken to being an ol’ lady like a fish to water. She cares about every member of the BlackPath MC. She lends a helping hand to whoever needs it. She checks to make sure the single brothers are eating right, even though she has to order them take-out. She can’t cook worth a damn, but she tries. She did finally master breakfast. She says our son is going to starve to death. She’s determined though, so she has enrolled in cooking classes and watches every cooking show on cable. She’ll master it sooner or later, and if she doesn’t, we have every restaurant on speed dial.

  We still haven’t caught up with Duke. He has Diamondback on his ass now. A few weeks ago there was an exchange between Stealth and Duke. Stealth ended up shot in the back. He survived with a bum shoulder, but Diamondback has unleashed Sarge on him. Stealth is nursing the shoulder and then he will join Sarge. Shield is wanting a piece of him, too. The club has okayed it if Shield comes into contact with him. So Duke is a hunted man.

  It’s only two months until Christmas. Callie will meet her sisters, Micah and Maddie. She will love it, but she will also get sad news the same day. Her brother, Braun, is dead. Diamondback and he did not have a falling out as rumored. Braun had cancer. The reason he could not have children was he went through chemo as a child. It made him sterile. His cancer had been in remission for years, but it came back, so
he stepped down from his club, Rebellions 4Blood. Then he went to fight it again. He fought it, but it finally overtook him. His grave will be another one I know Callie will visit.

  I’m laying here watching Em sleep. I do this a lot. Early mornings, I feel our son moving around inside her. I can’t wait for him to get here and have him and KD together. Yes, he has a nickname from me already. He is a happy child and I love him more than life. I will love mine and Em’s baby just as much. Just like I do Callie and Ty.

  I need to get up and start my coffee. I am an early riser, but I let Em get her rest. I have things to take care of so I can be off to help Em. I am just getting out of bed when I hear my phone going off. I reach for it and head for the shower. As soon as I see it I freeze. Killman has been attacked. I let them know I will be there in thirty minutes. I jump in the shower and take a quick shower. I finish up and kiss Em bye. I get to the kitchen and grab my bike keys and then everything just fades to black….

  “Wake up asshole. Don’t you want to see me wake up your ol’ lady. Today she gets a real man. I’ve got you where you can’t get away, and you will have a front row seat. I’ve already had Kim, and now I will have sweet Emily.” Duke has my hands zip tied and has me tied to a kitchen chair. All I have to do is keep him talking. My vision is blurry, but I see the small red light in the corner. Em and I decided not to take all the cameras out of the house until after she had the baby. She was smart to want an extra set of eyes on everything. We just took the ones out of the bedrooms. The knot on the back of my head is throbbing. “I would have gladly traded places with Stone, he was going to get a taste of your daughter while Devil watched. She is one hot bitch, or should I say, was. Yes, he was going to take Devil and her out with Kim’s help, and then Steel. In fact, they should be getting here soon. Kim wants to see me break your bitch. Then we are going to cut that baby out. That was Kim’s idea. Nothing makes a man feel more helpless than watching his woman be fucked by another man.” Duke is slurring his words. He is high, and there is no telling what he is capable of. He has me gagged so I can’t yell out to warn Em. I wish I had told her I loved her. I have been going to do it, but I have been waiting for her to say it first. Now it seems so stupid. Then I see the other man coming in the back door. I don’t know this man. I wonder if there are more.


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