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Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3)

Page 17

by R. E. Hargrave

  After cleaning her hand on a towel, she collected his leash again and gave her next set of instructions. “Move forward and come down off the table on the other side. We are going to the hook.” Erin palmed the rope she’d chosen from the table with her free hand.

  Jayden crawled along next to her, all power and graceful lines. Each time the beads rotated, he would stumble a bit.

  The hook was in the far corner of the playroom. There was a padded mat beneath it that aided in comfort for whomever was being mounted to the hook, but it also made for easy clean-up of any fluids that happened to leak out onto it. Catherine had spent her fair share of time hanging in the spot, and without question, she had done her fair share of leaking onto the mat, as well.

  Once he was kneeling on the mat, she removed the leash. “Lift your hands above your head and lock your fingers together.” Now Erin had to take a step back for a moment. It was one thing to tease him and probe his backside while he had a leash and blindfold on. It was another to attempt mounting him while bound—she didn’t want to end up hurting him out of carelessness or just plain old lack of know-how.

  “Madame?” Unexpected in the silence surrounding them, his voice surprised her.


  “Is everything okay? Can your boy be of assistance in any way?”

  “Well . . .” Her answer trailed off while reassessing the hook and her plan, because she wasn’t sure. It dawned on her that she wasn’t quite tall enough to reach the hook, even in the heeled boots, which meant that he’d raised it in anticipation of her putting him on it. Here’s hoping that he can get himself fastened without much help from me, she thought with some agitation.

  It wasn’t easy admitting she didn’t know what she was doing, but as he’d told Erin so many times, communication was key, and there was no harm in playing it safe. She swallowed her pride. “I want to tie your hands so I can put you on the hook. I’m just not sure how to go about it.”

  His plump lips curved up into a smile. “Your boy thought you might. With your permission, may your boy walk you through the process?” he offered.

  The would-be Domme let out a sigh of relief. “Aye, please.”

  “Do you have the bondage rope from the tray?”


  “Okay, this is what you need to do . . .”

  For the next few minutes, Jayden patiently guided her through how to wrap the cord around his wrists several times, linking them together and ensuring there was enough rope to slide over the hook without rubbing against his skin. Once he felt comfortable with the tightness, he let her know he was good, and she resumed control.

  It took a couple of tries with Erin holding his waist to steady him, but at last the rope was over the hook and Jayden’s arms stretched tight above him, elongating his torso and heightening her desire while she looked him over.

  A tap from her to the inside of his thighs told him to spread his legs, and then she retrieved the flogger. The rabbit fur threads of this particular flogger were her favorite for pleasure, and she wondered if that’s why he’d included it. On many occasions Erin had come from this toy alone, with Master’s permission of course. Now it was time to see if he’d like the toy as much.

  With the flogger in her left hand, she stepped in close and wrapped her right around his throbbing erection. Slow and teasing, she stroked it. “I’m going to flog you now, my peata. You are not allowed to come without my permission.”

  “Yes, Madame. Thank you.”

  When she connected the fur to his ribs, a guttural sound rumbled out of him. Erin circled her lad, boots rapping on the floor, and brought the flogger against his thighs, ass, upper back, and his clamped nipples. She avoided his cock on purpose, saving that for when he was closer, needier.

  About five minutes into the flogging, she changed the plug from the sporadic pulse to a low constant setting, then continued working him over. Every pant, whimper, and groan that escaped him sent a tingling sensation to her pussy.

  Ten minutes later, she increased the plug setting to medium and switched out the fur implement for a flogger with suede fronds.

  “Feels so good, Madame. Thank you.” He was panting, and his skin was turning a light pink all over. It was intoxicating to look at.

  After landing several more passes of the suede upon his skin, she upped the setting again to high and then brought the flogger down on Jayden’s engorged and leaking cock.

  “Fuck!” With absolute wantonness, the male submissive began thrusting his hips against the air. Without words, he was begging her to make contact with his cock again, which she did.

  “Oh, shit! I’m going to . . . Fuck . . . I need . . . oh, God, please!” he cried.

  “You need?” she teased. “What does my peata need?” Her aching arm rested at her side, the fronds sweeping against her leg while she stroked his sweaty brown hair.

  “Please, Madame, may your boy come? He needs to so bad. I–um, he can’t hold back much longer.” The plea was whimpered out through trembling lips, which he had to wet more than once.

  A surge of power coursed through Erin’s body, setting everything on fire. Her nipples tightened and the fire settled between her thighs in a pool at the desperate longing in his voice. Like a lightning strike from above it hit her, and all at once she understood what he got from their relationship. How it was a sexual thrill for him in the same way it was for her.

  “Not yet.” Embracing her role of Domme, she denied him, then lashed the flogger against his cock again. Her reward was a deep growl from within his chest while he fought, at her command, the urge to explode.

  In a split second decision, she reached out and removed the blindfold. Erin was used to seeing his dark eyes heavy with lust. She wasn’t prepared for what she saw when he blinked, adjusting to the light, and took in her appearance for the first time since she’d donned the cat suit.

  His eyes were smoldering, and his apparent need burned into her while they stared at each other, their chests heaving.


  Holy shit!

  Jayden had suspected his jewel had a dominant streak in her and that they could have some fun if they traded places, but this was turning out better than anything he could’ve imagined. She was astounding him with how well she’d taken to the switch.

  Erin wasn’t holding back and was in full Domme mode. If he hadn’t known better, he’d have sworn she’d been through intensive training. She was a natural, and fuck him if she weren’t the most beautiful and erotic thing he’d ever seen. Jayden chuckled on the inside. He’d long since learned to expect the unexpected with Catherine, and as usual, she didn’t disappoint.

  When his eyes adjusted to the lighting, he was able to see how close the picture in his mind had been to reality when he’d looked at the cat suit on the hanger. The reality was a hundred times better than any vision he’d concocted over the last week while working with the anal plugs in his office each night. By forcing them in and then jerking off to memories and visions of his Erin, he had been attempting to train his body to associate the intrusion with pleasure.

  Prior to the blindfold coming off, Jayden had thought he needed to come, but now he knew that had been nothing more than a mere want. Seeing her body wrapped tight in the black vinyl, with her creamy tits and smooth cunt on display, not to mention the boots . . . Fuck! Now it was an undeniable need. Those red boots had been the perfect choice, for sure, and whether he wanted or needed to come was fast approaching a moot point. The man’s body was going to mutiny on him and do whatever the hell it wanted.

  Jayden’s rebellious lips choked out a “Please,” then she was on her knees before him in a flash. Fixing him with a direct stare, Madame Erin gave the order to come moments before her mouth descended over his cock.

  Delicious, delirious nirvana . . . That vacuuming warmth was all it took for him to begin flooding her throat with his seed, which she swallowed down without spilling a drop. Jayden gasped and moaned. Hell, he even cried.
/>   His tears fell thanks to her efforts to tease and work the release out of him. He simpered at the bite of pain in his still-clamped nipples. The warm, stinging sensation that covered his body, compliments of the flogger, had his nerve endings on high alert. Most of all, Jayden realized, he cried at the chance to just let go, to not have to make the decisions or be in control. It was freeing and one of the most gratifying sensations he’d ever felt.

  When had he last come with such abandon?

  Without the rope and the hook he dangled from, Jayden would’ve collapsed to his knees. His legs were shaky, and his head fell forward while his cock twitched in her fantastic mouth.

  In her mouth.

  It took the bound man a minute, but he noticed she hadn’t released his shaft. She was still sucking him, keeping Jayden’s cock hard despite one of the most forceful orgasms of his life—and it felt fucking fantastic. The stirring of another orgasm starting to build low in his stomach wrenched a moan of disbelief from him. He was too old to come back-to-back, wasn’t he? His eyes rolled back, his head soon following.

  When his Madame was satisfied, he assumed, that he wasn’t going to lose his erection, she withdrew down his length, sucking with vigor, then finished with a kiss to the head. She stood up and took a step back, and he lifted his heavy head to focus on her. Jayden’s breath caught in his throat. Goddamn, she was beautiful.

  “Are you steady enough to unhook yourself?” she asked, her voice soft. The green of her eyes had a different intensity from what he was used to. The fire he knew so well was there, but somehow they also seemed softer . . . soothing.

  “I think so. Spot your boy, please, Madame,” he replied while drawing his legs together, then rising up on his toes. When his weight pulled him into a sway, her hand was immediately against him, steadying him while he freed himself. Muscles screaming with relief, he brought his arms down in front of him to await her next instruction.

  “I need you, Jayden. I need to feel your cock inside me.” Her tone had lost some of its previous forcefulness and now had an edge of pleading to it. It appeared her natural submissiveness was surfacing to reclaim its rightful place.

  Jayden wasn’t ready for her to let go of her control yet. He was going to need to guide her through the rest of the scene, without taking over. “Anything for you, Madame. Where do you want your boy?” Maintaining and reminding her of his current role, he tried to be subtle in handing the proverbial reins back to Erin.

  She blinked at him, her brow drawn up with uncertainty, but once he nodded his okay, she looked around the playroom. Jayden knew when she was ready, because her back straightened and her head dipped with a light nod, a look of determination settling across her face.

  “To the cross, peata. On your back.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice and hurried over to recline against the cross and wait for her. She was right behind him, it turned out.

  Gathering Jayden’s still-roped hands in a gentle grip, she lifted them above his head and looped the rope through the O-ring fastened to the top of the cross. Once she’d secured him, her fingertips stayed in contact with his skin, trailing first down his arms, then his sides, until reaching his hips. Bringing her hands in, she wrapped both around the base of his cock and pulled them up, pushing his shaft into his stomach.

  Jayden whimpered when her hands slipped over the head of his cock and moved up his stomach toward his nipples.

  “I think you’ve had these on long enough,” she taunted and flicked the clamps.

  The minx giggled when he hissed at the sharp zing traveling across his chest.

  “Okay, you need to take a deep breath and hold it until I get them off. You won’t feel anything at first. But I’m not going to lie, Jayden, as the blood returns it’s gonna hurt like a son of a bitch for about a minute.” Her laugh was short and apologetic. “Ready?”

  He wasn’t, but he nodded his head and took a deep breath. She released the clamps, and he let out the breath nice and easy. That’s not so— “Shit!” he screamed out when his nipples erupted in flames and severed his thoughts.

  Distracted by the inferno that was his nipples, he didn’t notice her positioning herself above him. All at once his cock was engulfed in hot, wet tightness.

  “Ah fuck, Erin!” Jayden was too blown away by the heat sliding up and down his cock to care about the words pouring from his mouth.

  His Domme leaned forward while moving her soft hands up his arms until she pinned his elbows. All the while, her hips rolled against his groin, slow, erotic, and almost to the point of pain. The shift in her position placed her tits in front of his face.

  He’d never wanted his hands more than he did in that moment. Jayden longed to knead her tits and pull them to his mouth so he could devour her. Instead, he was bound and helpless while she took her pleasure from him—and it was fucking great!

  “Suck them.”

  Her whispered command floated through the air moments before his mouth filled with a knot of hard flesh. Not ashamed to be greedy, Jayden closed his lips around it and sucked on her with the desperation of a newborn baby.

  A vision of Erin, her belly swollen with a growing child, assaulted Jayden. The thought of her breasts firm and enlarged while her body prepared to nourish their baby weaved its way into his mind. Imagining suckling her afterward, being able to feed from her; the idea of being able to drink her warm, sweet milk was enticing.

  But the idea of seeing a tiny person created from their love cradled at Erin’s breast was mind-numbing.

  Jayden shook off the rambling thoughts. Now wasn’t the time for them. He gave himself over, becoming lost in an ocean of sensation. The plug still hummed in his ass. While the fire in his chest was abating, every time she dipped against him, the warmth flared again. His lips and tongue laved at her nipples each time she offered them. Writhing above him while her face displayed her concentration, Erin lifted and lowered herself on him. She was magnificent.

  For all he knew, days passed while she rode him. At some point, she impaled her pussy until she was all the way down. This took her breasts away from his mouth, but she’d soon replaced them with her own mouth. Erin’s tongue tortured his mouth while he thrust upward, meeting each of her downward thrusts until they were both panting with the desperate need to release.

  “I’m so close.”

  “Me too, Erin, me too. Can you . . . will you release my hands?” His request was breathy, but respectful.

  She paused before reaching up, placing a nipple within reach of his mouth again. Jayden flicked his tongue out while she tugged on the rope and sat up, bringing his hands with her so she could untie him.

  The moment his hands were free, he was standing up, his palms open under her ass while he kept himself buried in her, and he walked them over to the king-sized bed. Once he’d laid her down, he proceeded to give the final thrusts they both needed.

  Erin’s orgasm grew in intensity, and when he could fight the constriction of her inner walls no longer, he joined her. Almost in sync, they fell over the edge. Profanities laced with the words of devotion fell from their lips while Jayden collapsed on top of her.

  Later, as their breathing became less ragged, Jayden stared into her eyes. Every bit of the love and adoration he felt for this amazing creature was reflected back at him.

  He was spent, in the physical and mental sense, and he was pretty sure that his jewel was in the same condition, meaning the scene was over for the night. However, his backside was quite aware that a part of the scene was still taking place. He lifted her up and off of him.

  “Um, Madame,” he smirked at her, “think we can lose the plug now? It is getting a bit uncomfortable.”

  She sat up, her mouth in an adorable ‘o’. “Oh, my god, I’m sorry!” Erin hopped off the bed and scurried behind him. “Okay, spread your legs and bend over for me please.”

  Once he’d complied, she was able to remove the plug. Jayden felt empty, but a certain amount of relief accompanied the act
ion. She dropped it on the table with the other toys she’d used and looked around.

  Catching on, Jayden decided to help her out. “Why don’t you go on up and start a bath for us? I’ll clean up down here real quick and then join you.”

  Her eyes were always so expressive, and now they shone with gratitude. “That would be wonderful. Thank you, peata.” She grinned, then winked at him before heading out of the room.

  Jayden might have been ogling her ass while she walked away.


  While the bathtub filled, Erin stared off, zoning out. She was used to having her body feel like a puddle of goo after a scene, but not her mind. Well, not like this. If tonight had taught her anything, it was that there was a lot more involved in taking control than she’d ever realized. Where submitting always took her to a blank place, one where she didn’t have to think or decide but just do, being the one in control had her mind going a mile a minute. There was so much to be conscious of at all times.

  She peeled out of the cat suit, her muscles aching all over and her body coated in sweat. It was easy to understand why Jayden’s body was so muscular and toned, his morning workouts notwithstanding. Until she’d done it, Erin hadn’t dreamed how hard swinging a flogger or doing most of the work during sex could be on a person.

  The inviting bath called to her, and she stepped into the hot water, sinking down to lay her head back against the side. Closing her eyes, she let the heat seep into her. The aches began to fade, as did Erin.

  She woke up alone in their bed, his half untouched and still made. Disoriented, Erin looked around for Jayden. In a rush, the memories from last night came back to her.

  Good job, Erin, on managing to screw up your first time as a Domme. You left a vibrating plug in his ass, probably left the nipple clamps on too long, and then you passed out in the bathtub without making sure he received his proper aftercare. You suck.


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