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Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3)

Page 18

by R. E. Hargrave

  Burying her face in her hands, Erin groaned. How could this switch thing have been a good idea? Would she be able to get through the day—or tonight, with Sir Landon? That will be just what I need, someone to bear witness to my failure, she thought with a shred of sarcasm.

  A light knock at the door pulled the confused woman from her inner turmoil. Glancing down revealed she’d been dressed in one of Jayden’s soft, black cotton T-shirts that she loved so much. Considering herself decent, she called out a tentative “Come in.” When the door opened, she had to lower her eyes to discover the identity of her guest.

  Jayden was on his knees, head bowed, with a serving tray held out in front of him. His torso was bare. She was unsure about the rest of him, though, considering she couldn’t see his lower half from her current position.

  “May your boy present you with breakfast in bed, Madame?” The softness of his voice tickled along her skin.

  “Yeah, sure. Jesus.” The words were hard to form, and she stumbled over them, willing herself back into a Domme frame of mind since Jayden obviously wanted to pursue this crazy game of his. “I mean, yes, please, and thank you, my peata.”

  Erin didn’t miss the grin Jayden flashed her right before dropping his chin down and approaching her on his knees, going slow so as not to jostle the tray. When he reached the bedside, he slid the tray onto her lap and then dropped back into a waiting position.

  He was naked. Completely bare-assed naked and serving her breakfast in bed.

  I love this man!

  The strong smell of coffee hit Erin’s nose, so she reached for the steaming mug to start. Sipping on the hot liquid, she could feel the first hints of caffeine beginning to wind their way through her, waking her up. Her appetite awoke as well while she looked over the assortment on the tray. Warm coffee cake muffins, a fruit salad, and a plate of fluffy scrambled eggs with a large side of bacon sat there tempting the suddenly ravenous female.

  “This looks delicious! Have you eaten already?” Erin asked while plucking a raspberry from the fruit salad and popping it into her mouth. Sweet.

  “No, Madame, your boy wanted to see to your needs first.”

  Well, shit, even as a sub he is taking better care of me than I did of him last night. She sighed. “Uh, Red, or whatever . . .” Fluttering her hand around in the air, the words were spoken in hushed tones.

  Jayden relaxed his form and placed his hand on her calf. “What’s wrong, Erin?”

  With a halfhearted smile, she tried to put her thoughts together. “It’s just that, I can’t believe you want to keep doing this after all my mess-ups last night,” Erin explained with more than a little dejection in her tone.

  “What on earth are you talking about, sweet girl?” Now he was the one sporting a confused look.

  “Jayden. Please. I screwed up, and we both know it.” He looked at her, waiting for her to continue, and she sighed, then held up her hand to start counting her errors off on her fingers. “I’m sure I left you in the clamps longer than I should, and I forgot about the toy altogether . . . you never do anything like that to me. To top it off, then I crashed in the tub without seeing to you. I failed you last night, A rúnsearc.” Shame tainted her whispered confession.

  Without a word, he pulled the tray off her lap, moving it to the nightstand before crawling onto the bed behind her. Pulling Erin into his strong arms, he kissed the top of her head, and she leaned into his chest.

  “Oh, Erin. Trust me, last night was beyond amazing, even with the minor mishaps.” He turned her around so she was straddling his lap and cupped her face in his warm palms. “Jewel, you’ve not had any formal training. I wasn’t expecting perfection from you. You did better than what I hoped, to be honest.”

  “Really?” Erin was beside herself with shock.

  “Yes, you silly woman.” Jayden’s nose nuzzled against hers, and she swooned a bit when he tenderly kissed her, their lips and tongues teasing. “Our scene was splendid. I was so turned on the whole time, and I promise you didn’t hurt me. As for falling asleep in the tub,” he shrugged his shoulders, “your body has been trained to let go and crash after a scene. You did what was natural for you, sweet girl. I was fine with getting you out and tucking you into bed. Promise.”

  “But I should have taken care of you afterwards, not the other way around,” she argued.

  “Catherine, listen to me.”

  “Aye, Master.”

  “This isn’t permanent. Think of it as a weekend of role-playing. I’m still Master here, which means ultimately, I am responsible for you. I was, and still am, prepared to play both parts as needed while we progress through the weekend. Please, sweet girl. You’ve done nothing wrong, nor do you have any reason to feel ashamed or worry you’ve disappointed me.”

  “Are you sure, Jayden?” He smirked at her then, arrogant and promising, it went to parts low in her belly.

  “Yes, Madame, your boy is sure. Nothing would please him greater than for your domination to continue. Please let this boy pamper you, at your command. Anything you desire, your boy will do for you.” With his words came a wicked grin, and Erin could feel his erection swelling beneath her.

  Her natural instinct was to wriggle against him, followed by a carefree laugh when he grunted and rolled his eyes back. She could do this. Jayden wanted her to let go and have fun with this experience, so that’s what she was going to do.

  “In that case, peata, I want you to feed me and help me eat all this food you brought!”

  “Your wish, my command.” His arm darted out to grab a muffin, and soon the air was flavored by the escaping steam when he broke the treat open. He offered her a bite, then took one for himself. They continued in that fashion until most of the food was gone, stealing kisses from one another in between nibbles.

  When Erin couldn’t eat another bite, she stilled his hand then shifted her body to slide down onto his hardness. They made love while she held his arms above his head, unhurried, and with sweet abandon.

  Afterward, Madame Erin instructed her lad to join her in the shower, where she guided him through washing her. In reward for his good behavior, the satiated woman got on her knees and worked another orgasm free of his tiring body with her skilled mouth.

  Upon exiting the en suite, Erin donned a lightweight robe, deciding that was all she wanted to wear today. However, she instructed Jayden to remain naked. His shocked look had made her giggle before she ‘threatened’ him with the whipping bench if he gave her any attitude over her request. He’d bowed his head with a “Yes, Madame,” before heading back to the kitchen to clean up breakfast.

  While he took care of the kitchen, Erin got comfortable on the couch, reading the morning paper and enjoying more coffee. When Jayden came back into the room, he dropped to his knees then crawled to her.

  “Does Madame desire anything?”

  She considered his offer for a moment. “Aye, I want you to play with your cock and balls while I read. You’re not allowed to come.” He gulped, and she grinned.

  The next hour was spent with Erin not reading the paper, although she pretended to. Each time his breathing got ragged, indicating he was getting close, she ordered him to stop for ten minutes and then resume. Not once did Jayden complain, although each time Erin looked at him, his eyes were getting darker, more lust-crazed. Perfect.

  Enough time had elapsed that Erin was ready to play some more, so she folded up the paper. Standing, she crooked a finger at him and told him to follow her down to the playroom. Once inside, the Domme instructed Jayden to stand by the bed while she went to the cupboards and fetched the cinnamon oil.

  Letting her robe drop from her shoulders into a puddle on the floor, Erin climbed up onto the bed and got comfortable, lying on her stomach. “I want a thorough massage, peata.”

  “It would be your boy’s pleasure, Madame.”

  After squeezing a generous amount of the oil into his hand, Jayden grasped her feet and begin kneading. With a gradual progression, he massa
ged her legs, over her ass, and along her back to her shoulders. From there, his magical hands worked down her arms to her hands, which were tingling by that point, and at last, each individual finger before he paused.

  “Roll over please, Madame.”

  His voice was distant to Erin, who was floating along in a state of total relaxation. With his help, she rolled over then waited for him to resume once he applied more oil to his palm. Again, Jayden started at her feet and worked his way up. He kneaded her pussy without any penetration, drawing a needy moan from her. She’d been on the verge of ordering him to finger-fuck her when he moved on, continuing up over her stomach to her breasts.

  Moisture continued to gather between her thighs under the onslaught of both hands on her breasts, working the flesh from the base to the tip. The cinnamon extract in the oil was hot on her nipples and felt splendid, especially when he gave her piercings a tug.

  By the time he brought the massage to a close, working over her collarbone, around her neck, and into her scalp, her nipples were erect and ached. Erin was limp and teetering on the edge of an orgasm. Moving like a rag doll, she dragged her knees up into a bent position then gestured toward her pussy. “Make me come.”

  Indulging in a heavy blink, she looked down the length of her glistening torso to see his cock, thick and tight, hovering near her sex. It would’ve been clear to anyone that saw him that the man had enjoyed touching his Domme.

  He backed up and maneuvered between her legs, lowering his mouth to her hypersensitive clit. It didn’t take long for her to explode on his tongue and then beg to be fucked until he came.

  Wiped out, Erin crawled off the bed, took Jayden’s hand in hers, and led him back upstairs to the submissive room. After drawing the covers back, they crawled into the cool sheets. Content, she drifted off into a peaceful sleep cradled against her love’s chest while he stroked her sweaty hair.


  Jayden’s backside was cold when he woke up. However, his chest was hot and sweaty from the beauty bundled in his arms. A light, buzzing snore came through her parted lips, drawing a dopey smile from him. Though he longed to lower his lips to hers to wake her in a slow, teasing fashion before taking her, Jayden knew she needed to sleep. If she was going to survive their evening with Landon, his jewel would require the extra rest.

  The Dom’s thoughts turned to his careful planning with Landon. This weekend had been in the works since their run-in with Dominick and Erin’s subsequent meltdown back in December.

  After asking his friend to assist her, he’d given Landon a list of the items he’d be making available to Erin for the weekend. Jayden wanted her pushed through a more hardcore scene than what he thought she’d attempt on her own. Of course, extra emphasis was placed on the cane situation in their discussions. Bottom line, that was the impetus for this session.

  In the end, they concluded Erin should use a cane on Jayden first. The hope was once she’d wielded the power and control of the tool, she’d realize it was nothing to fear. If they could cross that hurdle, then he’d be able to reciprocate and show her what a sensual addition to their play the cane could be.

  With some effort, he peeled his body away then tucked a pillow in his place. Erin’s face scrunched up for a few seconds but soon relaxed while she nuzzled into his replacement. Satisfied that she would sleep a little longer, he slipped from the submissive room and went down to their room for a quick shower. Pulling on a pair of lounge pants, Jayden headed down to the kitchen to start on dinner.

  It took him about an hour to prep the vegetables and assorted seafood he’d be using to recreate his mom’s spicy seafood stew. A bottle of white wine from a local vineyard was chilling in the fridge. The last thing to do before he started cooking was slice the artisanal bread and lather on the garlic spread he’d made, then set the baking sheet aside until they were almost ready to eat.

  He was bent over, digging around in the lower cupboard looking for the large stew pot, when Madame Erin made her presence known.

  “Now that, my peata, is a luscious sight after a refreshing nap.”

  Just the sound of her voice caused Jayden’s skin to erupt in goosebumps and his cock to pulsate. Grabbing the pan, he stood then turned to face her. Dressed in a pair of cotton shorts and one of his wife beaters, sans bra, Jayden spotted her hard nipples poking through the shirt. He couldn’t decide what enticed him more—that, or the visible side swells of tit flesh, compliments of the low-cut armholes.

  “Your boy is glad Madame enjoyed her rest. Do you want some juice or a light snack? Dinner’s still a couple of hours away, but we slept through lunch.”

  His Domme sauntered across the kitchen, her tits bouncing with each step, to look over the food prep area on the counter. “Juice sounds good. Bring it to me in the playroom,” she ordered then strutted away with an unexpected abruptness.

  Jayden stood there, staring and wondering where his quiet, reserved girl had gone. With a shake of his head, he looked over at the clock. Unsure what she was up to, he was concerned about starting a scene when the food was still raw. All he had to do at that point was toss the lot into the pan, along with the lobster stock, and set it to simmer. He decided to risk the few minutes it would take and got the stew going quick as he could move.

  He set the burner on low, then grabbed a berry smoothie from the fridge, and poured a glass. While he was returning the bottle, he noticed a carton of fresh strawberries on the shelf and snagged a few, rinsing them to take, too.

  Upon entering the playroom Jayden found his Madame standing by the waiting mat. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and she was tapping her foot.

  Oh, shit. “Sorry to take so long, your boy just wanted—”

  “I didn’t give you permission to speak. And I certainly didn’t ask what you wanted,” she snapped.

  Ah hell, she was pissed, but fuck him if it wasn’t one of the sexiest things he’d seen.

  “Put the stuff down over there.” Her arm extended, pointing to the table near the door. “Then lose the pants and get your ass on the mat!” For the next several minutes, she didn’t speak.

  Jayden heard her getting her juice, her small moan of appreciation not going unnoticed by his reactive body. While he waited, he closed his eyes to try relaxing into the submissive mode. There was no doubt that he was having fun switching roles this weekend, but it was starting to take its toll on his mental state. So used to being in complete control and in motion, the Dom was finding it hard to just stop and let go.

  A whiff of candle smoke tickled his nose, but he kept his eyes closed. Odd. His patience paid off, and soon her soft footsteps approached, stilling when she knelt behind him. Her tiny hands came around his torso, grazing his skin with her fingertips, swirling over the planes of his stomach up toward his hard nipples.

  Setting her nails against his flesh, she dragged them down while speaking. “Unfortunately, we don’t have time for me to punish you and get what I wanted to do done. So, your punishment will wait for tonight, when Landon can assist me.” With both hands, she grabbed his cock and gave it a few fast and rough pumps.

  Jayden couldn’t hold in the grunt or the “Shit” that slipped past his lips.

  “M’hm,” she crooned in his ear, “seems my peata is still having trouble keeping his mouth closed. We’ll have to fix that.” Jayden’s cock grew cold when she removed her hands. “Look at me.”

  Jayden lifted his head in obedience. In her hands was a ball gag.

  “Open.” After he lowered his jaw she pushed the ball between his teeth, then fastened the strap. “Since you won’t be able to speak now, if you need me to stop, I want you to snap your fingers or slap your hand against, well, whatever surface I have you on.”

  He stretched his neck side-to-side, maneuvering to get the ball to sit comfortably in his mouth, or as comfortable as was possible with a gag.

  “I asked you down here so that I could get you dressed for dinner and our company. . .” Her words tapered off wh
ile she turned her back on him. Returning, she fastened a collar around his neck, then snapped a leash into place before stepping back to squat down in front of him at eye level. “Are you game for a quick scene, Jayden?”

  In total agreement, he nodded. Madame stroked his cheek, and he leaned into her palm, hoping to show her the love he felt for her. Her resulting smile stole his breath. Did she feel this rush when he caressed her the same way? When he bestowed his own pleasure on her?

  “Good lad.” Jayden dropped to his hands and knees then crawled behind her while she guided him to the St. Andrew’s cross by the leash. “Up you go. On your back, hands up in the cuffs.” She gave the directive with a quick pat to the wood.

  While buckling the cuffs around his wrists, Madame explained what she wanted to do to him. Jayden’s cock liked what she was saying, and he grew hard listening to her erotic lilt.

  “I want to be able to show you off tonight, Jayden, and to brag about your incredible stamina. You understand I can’t have you coming right away, now can I?”

  He nodded his head, holding his breath.

  “So I decided to help you with that—by emptying those heavy balls of yours now, to allow you more time to fill them up before you’re begging me to let you come again.” Hot fingers trailed over his cock, surprising him when she gave his balls a hard squeeze. His hips thrust upward in an involuntary response.

  “Mm, your cock is thick, peata . . . so hard, and crying for my touch.” With an evil giggle, she bent over to lick away the wetness seeping from the head. Again, his hips rocked up, pushing his cock between her lips. “Naughty lad. Be still!” she ordered after retracting and slapping the top of his thighs.

  His eyes must’ve looked wild when she lifted her tank top and freed those awesome tits of hers, if the knowing smirk on her face was anything to go by. In a deliberate tease, she fingered her nipples, tugging on the J’s dangling from them, and he began to pant—while she groaned.


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