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Glazov (Dark Romance Series)

Page 2

by Suzanne Steele

  He picked me up and my head fell against his large chest as I wrapped my legs around him. He didn’t feel my captor, or my blackmailer right now, but he did feel like a man my body was screaming out for. He laid me back on the bed tearing out of his clothes as if he were a man starved and eyeing a smorgasbord.

  He pinned my legs back and buried his face in my wet hair, “Beg me to fuck you, Ptichka.”

  I sucked my breath in as he pushed in order to get his full girth into my tight opening, “Please Glazov, don’t hurt me.”

  “I want to hurt you, obey me; or I will hurt you.”

  “Fuck me Glazov, use me, take me, I don’t care, you feel so good.”

  He rose placing my leg over his shoulder, ignoring my whimpers as I begged him not to hurt me.

  His thumb manipulated my clit as he slowly made his way in and out of me watching every detail of my face. “You better not cum, without asking my permission; I’ll hurt you Ptichka. Your orgasms belong to me now. No pleasuring yourself anymore and God help you if you fuck another man.”

  He brought me right to the brink of release and stopped.

  “Glazov, pleeeeeeeeeeeze, I’ll do anything, you feel so good.”

  “Tell me why you call me ‘Glazov’ first.”

  “You look like a Roman gladiator or a Russian boxer, pleeeeeeeeze fuck me Glazov, I’ll do anything.”

  He stared into my eyes as he spit right down on my clit and he pumped in and out of me, while rotating his thumb on me.

  “Cum for me, Ptichka.” He calmly said, as if he were discussing the weather, or what time of day that it was.


  She looked like an angel with the sun streaming in on her wet auburn hair. But it was the look on her face that did it for me, she was literally pleading with me, as if I held her life in my hands and she would do anything to please me; and to be honest I did.

  Her nipples were so hard, those tiny little pink nipples, jutting out towards me with goose bumps surrounding them. Her mouth was open and her head was back, but her eyes looked agonized like she needed something that only I could give her. I watched her as her whole body literally exploded beneath me, I loved watching her cum.

  I pinned her legs back grinding down into her, pumping in and out of her, only to change my maneuvers and grind in circles, causing wave after wave of orgasm to rage through her body. I wanted her and I wanted her as addicted to me, as I was to her.

  “What is Ptichka?” She whined from beneath me as I held her.

  “It’s a term of endearment that I use for ‘little bird.’”

  “Why do you use that name with me, Glazov?”

  “Because you wish to escape me; and I will never permit it.”


  “Have you done as I asked you, Afon?”

  “Yes, I took care of placing a device on her laptop as she slept last night and this is her new phone. All of her information has been transferred into it and I have downloaded all of her contacts and done back round checks on them. Really it seems that they are all business contacts, she actually leads a pretty boring life. She works all the time. No boyfriends, no social life.”

  “She should be very happy to know that I won’t have to kill a boyfriend,” Alexander chuckled.

  Though Alexander had chuckled, Afon was well aware that his boss was serious; dead serious.


  I eyed my timid employee as she sat across from my desk telling me how sorry that she was that she had drawn me into a mobster’s world.

  “It amazes me Rene, how you can boldly go into an underground poker game and borrow money from a known killer and yet you sit here eyeing me as if you were a scared child, awaiting correction. I swear Rene, if I find out that you are gambling, you won’t have to worry about Alexander Glazov; I’ll kill you myself!”

  Rene scurried away, not wanting to tempt fate. She of all people knew how serious of a business woman that her boss was and she needed her job. Pissing Kathleen off was not a smart thing to do right now.

  My new phone that I was certain had been bugged by my new thug boyfriend rang and when I saw that it was him, I pushed ignore. I would be sorry later on for making that decision; very sorry.

  I made my way through the parking lot and was looking forward to soaking in a hot tub of water with a glass of Merlot.

  I had just gotten seated in my car and placed my laptop and purse on the passenger seat.

  I turned to view Afon, Alexander’s right hand man smiling big enough to show the gold tooth that he sported.

  “The Boss, he want to see you.” He spoke with a thick Russian accent and broken English.

  I reached over to lock the door and he had it opened already. The last thing that I remember was the syringe, as it pricked through my silk blouse and into my arm.

  Afon spoke to the man that he had with him, instructing him to drive the car to Alexander’s. As if nothing had happened, two cars left the parking lot with Kathleen in tow.


  “Ptichka, wake up!” I smacked her face, as I pulled her head up. I had subdued her and hung her up in a meat locker by all fours. She was strung from chains in the ceiling.

  I walked over getting a glass of water, after she spewed several slurred “Fuck yous,” in my direction.

  “You have a very dirty mouth Ptichka,” I hissed right in her face, as I threw the water at her, “Maybe I’ll wash it out for you.”

  I smacked the ruler that I held in my hand against the other free hand.

  “I like your feet; you have nice feet.”

  She cried out as I smacked down on the soul of one of them.

  I continued; alternating between each foot, until her cries became sobs.

  “You want to run from me, Ptichka. Have you forgotten that you owe me a hundred fucking thousand dollars?”

  I leaned against the stairwell and fought the urge to become sexually excited by her pain.

  “I warned you, Ptichka. I told you that I enjoyed inflicting pain!”

  “I will be good, I should have answered the phone, please, please let me down, it hurts so bad, please, my shoulder, my feet.” Only incoherent sobs could be heard.

  “Get her down, Afon.”

  I caught her in my arms and carried her to my suite where I gently undressed her and laid her nude body down. I undressed and l positioned between her legs gently running my tongue up and down her slit. In no time she was begging me to let her cum. I made her wait. I wanted her to cum with me inside of her. She opened her legs pulling them back as if inviting me in.

  “Please Glazov, I need you, I need you inside me.”

  I ground down into her gently rotating my hips as I spoke to her in her weakened state.

  “I told you not to play with me; I told you not to disobey me.”

  She would know after tonight that she was dealing with a very serious and very dangerous man.


  I lay beneath my captor wondering what he was doing to me. Why was I beginning to crave him hurting me and pleasuring me, hurting me and pleasuring me; hurting me and pleasuring me.

  My body craved him and it craved his treatment of me.

  It was if a dark fog had drifted into my world and he would not be satisfied until I was I engulfed in its thick covering, hiding me through obscurity from the rest of creation; my presence only known to him.

  I have never experienced a man like Glazov and I will never recover from his attention landing on me. Life as I know it will never be the same.


  She’s beginning to crave me. I haven’t tried to push it on her. It is something that was in her long before I ever came along. It may have been dormant, but now it has arisen and it wants me, it needs me; she wants me, she needs me. And I need her; which could prove to be a very dangerous addiction for the two of us, but fuck it, safety is overrated!


  “I don’t know about this Kathleen, don’t you think that you should let him know wha
t is going on? Just tell him that we have to leave and go out of town for a meeting with a client.”

  I turned eyeing my assistant as if looks could kill, well you get it.

  She gently brushed my arm with her finger tips and the earnest plea in her eyes let me know that I needed to listen.

  “Kathleen,” she spoke as she booted up her computer and turned it to face me. I looked down to view a picture of Alexander Glazov with an older gentleman.

  “Kathleen, Alexander’s father was number one on the FBI’s top 15 crime bosses and drug lords list.

  When he died that honor went to your new boyfriend. Alexander doesn’t just kill people; he enjoys torturing and tormenting them before their final demise.

  He is sadistic and the only reason that he has not unleashed the full measure of his sadistic tendencies on you is because he realizes that you aren’t a masochist.”

  I squirmed in my seat as I thought about the fact that now my body had begun to crave the fear and pain that he provided me with.

  Though I had no desire for him to release a full fledge sadistic smorgasbord of pain; I did enjoy the fear and anticipation that he invoked in me. It was almost as if his threats and rough treatment of me during sex served as an aphrodisiac.

  Whether I wanted to admit it or not, sexually; Alexander Glazov touched a place deep in the dark recesses of me that I had not even been aware of. He awakened a dormant part of my soul that no one had ever tapped into and now I wanted more.

  “I’ll call him when we arrive,” I softly said.

  Rene closed the laptop, satisfied with that.


  I sat in the corner of the restaurant watching my little Ptichka. She really was quite naïve for such a savvy business woman. I could only attribute her innocence to my lifestyle, to the fact that she had never dealt with the likes of me.

  In her world people were underhanded but not violent. She was sorely underestimating me and it was beginning to irritate me. She didn’t want to do that, but it was too late, she had crossed that line one too many times. I had been patient with her, but my patience was wearing thin.

  I waited until she finished lunch with her client before I made my presence known. I held my glass in the air saluting her as I cocked my head to the side, the look on her face, well…….. Let’s just say……Priceless!

  She made her way over to my table and I motioned my hand for her to sit down.

  When she attempted talking I shook my head no and placed my finger to my lips signifying that I was not in the mood to hear it. I would be the one doing the talking.

  “Your little friend is upstairs with Afon right now. She is bound and gagged to a chair as he awaits my instructions. I would hate to think that you were the cause of her children becoming orphans. My patience is wearing thin with you Ptichka. I warned you that I was not a patient man and yet you continue to provoke me.

  I eyed the waitress making her way over and watched as Glazov shooed her away with his hand as if she were some pest. He never removed his gaze from me. Though his demeanor was calm, I knew that he was pissed and it only invoked more fear within me. The fact that he could remain this calm when I knew that he was pissed right now, only served to make me very nervous. I didn’t know what he was going to do.

  I straitened my back as I spoke, “What do you want from me, Glazov?”

  His lip snarled as he leaned in and hissed, “I want you!”

  “Why?” I answered.

  “You have the fucking audacity to question my motives, Ptichka?”

  “Yes I do, am I property, or do you care about me?”

  “Both! Get your fucking ass up and don’t you dare make a scene,” he growled.

  I was led out to a limo and driven to a tarmac where he escorted me onto his plane.

  I sat in the seat whining. “I don’t have my clothes, my laptop and where is Rene?”

  He sat stone faced until the plane took off. His answer only baffled me. He coldly eyed me and stated: “Strip!”

  My hands shook as I stood and stripped down bare.

  He stood and I couldn’t help but back away intimidated. Nothing could have prepared me for what he did next. He calmly led me to a table, bent me over and strapped me down. My legs were spread and I could feel the heat rising towards my chest and face due to being embarrassed.

  I was almost standing on my toes and completely exposed. I was horrified at the thought of the stewardess or worse yet one of his male employees viewing me like this.

  I began pleading with him. “Please Glazov I don’t want anyone to see me. I’ll do anything.”

  He bent down next to the table eyeing me facetiously, “Good, that means that you’ll take your ass whipping with a good attitude.”

  He stood purposely making me watch him remove his belt and I couldn’t help but notice the hardened outline of his manhood against his tailored pants.

  He bent behind me and began running his tongue up and down my exposed slit. “You taste so good girl.” He sucked and pulsed with his gorgeous full lips and tongue until he brought me right to the point of climaxing only to stop and begin striking me with his thick black leather belt. He then began his onslaught with his tongue and lips again. He was purposely blurring the line between pleasure and pain.

  I begged him to fuck me as my body soaked up and reveled in the drug induced state that endorphins had put me in, as if reading my mind he dropped his pants and laid his body over me fucking me from behind, as he whispered threats in my ear.

  “All of that dopamine and those endorphins crashing around in your system have got you on quite the high little girl. He twisted his fist in my hair jerking my head back as he pounded in and out of me.

  “When are you going to get it, Ptichka? I own you!”

  He owned me for more reasons than the money that my assistant owed him. He owned me because he had made me his by the sexual practices that he had introduced me to. I would never be satisfied with another man now, but that is exactly what he wanted.


  “You little bitch! You little bitch! You little bitch!” Over and over like some mantra I repeated it, until the shocking statement of, “I hate you, for making me love you!” escaped my mouth.

  I pulled my pants up from around my ankles and gently released her from the table. I wrapped her in a blanket and held her against me until we arrived home and I placed her in bed.

  I knew that losing her would make me crazy, I had to find a way to get a better death grip on her. Not having Ptichka in my life, was simply not an option. I had lost too many people in my lifetime and I made my mind up as I sat holding her; that I damn sure wasn’t going to lose her.


  I awoke and basically limped to the shower. The bottoms of my soles were sore, as was my ass. I still could not figure out for the life of me why Glazov’s rough treatment of me turned me on.

  The warm water spraying over my body helped to ease the soreness that was lodged within my muscles. I needed to get out and find out what had happened to my assistant.

  I got out wrapping a robe around me and making my way back into Glasov’s bedroom.

  I was shocked to find him seated in the chair by the bed in nothing but drawstring pants. It was evident that he had cleaned up from his excursion of admitting me into ‘The mile high club.’

  I stared at him shocked that he sat going through my phone as if it were normal behavior, maybe for him it was.

  “Ptichka, you eye me as if you are in disbelief that I keep a heavy protected hand over my property.”

  “I’m not your property.”

  “Perhaps you have a point. I need more ownership of you. Maybe taking on my last name would help to seal my ownership of you into your psyche.”

  “I’m not marrying you, Glazov!”

  “Hmm, you say that as if you have a choice.”

  I looked up in disbelief to see men entering in with my possessions and they began unpacking them.

use me!” I shrieked. I can unpack my own lingerie.”

  Glazov barked out something in Russian and the men scurried away.

  “I guess you aren’t crazy about the idea of them seeing my undergarments either.” I rolled my eyes just to let him know that I wasn’t some shrinking violet.

  He tossed my phone on the bed satisfied that I hadn’t stowed away some lover’s number in it.

  “Your little friend informed me that she asked you to call me, now see; she understands that crossing me is not a smart thing to do.”

  “Yeah Glazov, she is so smart that she borrowed money from a Russian thug!”

  He rose from the chair and I immediately began apologizing.

  “Too late,” he growled, as he straddled me untying my robe.

  He reached into his pocket removing something and I didn’t realize what it was until he placed a clamp on a nipple, he had to place it on skin around the nipple due to my nipples being so small. He began to tighten it as he spoke.

  “You live here now and you may not go out of town, ever; without my permission.”

  He tugged at the chain and I yelped like a little puppy whose tail had been stepped on.

  “That hurts!”

  He grabbed my hand running it over his hardened cock.

  “Tell me how badly it hurts, Ptichka”

  He tugged at the chain and I cried out. I could feel his manhood jump between my fingers and I knew that my pain turned him on.

  I stroked him between my fingers which had tightened into a fist, as I began begging, “Please don’t hurt me, please.”

  I purposely teased him stroking and begging.

  He grabbed a fistful of hair and I gasped.

  “You little cock tease!”

  I lifted my neck up and began running my tongue under the sensitive part of his manhood.

  I tormented him with it, enjoying the control that I held over him.


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