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Glazov (Dark Romance Series)

Page 3

by Suzanne Steele

  He viciously grabbed a fistful of hair pulling me off of him.

  “See this is why I like you Ptichka, you fight submission; yet you enjoy making me take you. Use wisdom little one; you would be very wise to know how far to push me. I am unlike any other man that you have dealt with,” he cocked an eyebrow as if challenging me, “Be careful little bird; be very careful…”


  “I swear you are crazy girl, I’m sorry that I threw you under the bus, but I thought that he was going to kill me. I stayed tied up in that chair for an hour with his muscle giving me the third degree. Finally I told him that I had begged you to call him.”

  “Rene, you are the one who put me in this situation, don’t try to act like you are the hero now. Just drop it already. I have been forced to move in with a Russian thug due to your addiction to gambling. You just keep your ass in gamblers anonymous and let me worry about my stalker, psycho, Russian thug, boy friend.”

  I thought maybe the over play on words would give her the hint that I wasn’t in the mood to talk about it. She seemed to get it because she quit trying to back peddle her way out of the fact that she had thrown me under the bus to save her own ass. I mean really, what was I expecting? Allegiance from the very one who had put me in this situation. The sooner that I accepted that I had no friends and I was in this alone, the better off I would be.

  I spent the rest of the day working and trying to forget the fact that I would be going to Glazov’s home and not my own.


  I entered Glazov’s home to find him seated on the antique sofa in the seating area of the master suite. A large tray of food sat on the opulent coffee table in front of him.

  He waved two fingers summoning me over to him. “You are hungry, little one?”

  It was more of a statement than a question.

  “Great, a romantic dinner,” I mumbled.

  My stomach rumbled, one again my body betrayed me to this man who seemed to gain more control over me with each day that passed.

  I eyed the man seated next to me. Today he donned a burgundy suit with a black and white striped button up shirt beneath it; the cuffs were solid white and he wore gold cuff links on them. He had removed his jacket and he wore a holstered gun; he always had a gun.

  I found myself sneaking peeks at him and I would look down each time that he caught me. He set his fork down and made the clicking noise with his tongue against his teeth that he always made when he was getting ready to give me his full attention.

  Oh shit.

  “You know, I like you, anyone else; I just kill them.”

  “Charmed, I’m sure,” I muttered.

  His eyes squinted into small slits, “I try to be nice to you, but you have no etiquette.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now, Glazov? You abducted me you brute!”

  “You little cunt!” He hissed as he grabbed a handful of my hair. “You owe me $100,000.”

  “$50,000” I screamed. And I didn’t steal it, my dumb ass addicted employee did, and while we are talking about addictions, it’s thugs like you that enable them!”

  In one motion he pushed the table away and I jumped; fearing that food would go flying.

  He viciously pinned me down on the coach with his hand around my throat as he ripped open my slit skirt. My g-string was no match for his large hand that easily tore it from my body.

  “You liar,” he hissed as he plunged a finger into me. My legs fell open and my back fell into the arm of the couch bending back over it; as if offering myself up to my enemy.

  A look of triumph spread over his countenance as he continued speaking while he worked his magic. “You lie to yourself, to your employee, but you cannot lie to me, Ptichka.”

  He removed himself from his pants and began rubbing himself up and down my soaked opening. He would barely enter me only to withdraw, until I began to plead with him.

  He stood tearing out of his clothing and flipped me over on the couch placing his foot on my cheek and pressing my face into it. He was half standing over me plunging in and out of me as he hurled threats. “Don’t you dare fucking move, Ptichka!”

  His foot literally pressed my face into the couch as he ‘took’ me and my body was on fire for him. Who was I kidding? This man was so deep in my system that I would never be able to dislodge him.

  Tears streamed down my face, as every nerve in my body screamed out for the man who held my very life in his hands.

  I could hear his voice in the distance. He was an all consuming presence that invaded my life with no warning and now he consumed me, but he still wanted more.

  “I won’t stop until you bear my name Ptichka,” he whispered …


  I would awaken in the middle of the night to him whispering softly in my ear, as his hands swept with expert precision over my body. His whispers were soft yet threatening; telling me that he would never let me go, telling me that he was going to force me to bear his son; as payment for my debt. He would tell me in the same sentence that he owned me, and that he loved me. He would tell me that he would kill me before he ever let me go. Everything that I had ever been taught to avoid in a man; he was…….Yet……..I wanted him, I craved him, I loved him…


  I looked up to view a gentleman in a dark suit standing in front of my desk.

  I should have known when I smiled and his countenance remained stoic that he did not come bearing good news.

  “Kathleen Sanders?”

  “Yes, how may I help you?”

  “You can start by doing yourself a favor and breaking up with that thug boyfriend of yours.”

  It suddenly hit me that this guy was from a branch of law enforcement and judging by the way that he was dressed, it was the FBI.

  “Well you can start by showing me your credentials and telling me what branch of law enforcement that you work with.”

  Though my voice and my demeanor where calm, my heart was beating out of my chest.

  He tossed down a badge and sure enough he was FBI.

  “Miss. Sanders, you seem like a nice lady who has quite a bit of business sense, I would be willing to bet that Alexander Glazov has forced you into a relationship with him. I can help you get away from him.”

  Here it was, being offered to me on a silver platter; a way of escape.

  “Well Mr. Turner, that is a wonderful offer I’m sure, but the problem is, I know nothing of Mr. Glazov’s, business practices, and I most certainly have not been forced into anything, by anyone.”

  “So you admit of your own free will that you chose to date the most dangerous Russian mobster on the FBI’S radar?”

  I looked him right in the eye and said, “I think that you need to go, because as far as I am concerned, the government crossed a line when they sent you to monitor who I fuck.”

  His face remained stoic, “Very well.” And as quickly as he appeared, he was gone.


  Glazov, eyed Yafon as he chuckled, “That woman of mine is one fiery red head.”

  “That she is Sir. That she is.”

  “The government crossed a line when they sent you to monitor who I fuck……Priceless Afon, priceless. Have you done what I ask you to do?”

  “Yes Sir, and from the appearance of things, our timing is perfect.”


  I made my way in dropping bags and leaving a trail of clothing behind me.

  Every day I was escorted home by Yafon and though I knew that Glazov had his own reasons for his ‘stalkish’ behavior, I also understood that it was for my safety’s sake.

  I had no intentions of being at one of his enemy’s mercy. Glazov was smart enough to know that the quickest way for an enemy to hurt him, was to hurt me.

  I let the water soak over me and wash away all of the stress of the day.

  Meeting up with that agent had definitely caught me by surprise and if I thought about it too much, it could be a source of stress that I did not w
ant to deal with.

  I had known all along that sooner or later law enforcement, or one of his enemies would connect me to him and to be honest, I have to say that I was relieved that is was a cop, rather than an enemy.

  I jumped as I heard the shower door open and viewed Glazov entering. His large chiseled body was tan and his long blond hair hung loosely over his shoulders, only serving to accent his ice cold blue eyes.

  He turned me around, placing both hands beside my head facing him, and pinning me to the back wall.

  He began biting at my breasts just hard enough to make me wonder what he was up to.

  “I’m going to ask you nicely Ptichka and if you lie to me, I’m going to hurt you.”

  He spoke to me calmly, as if he were asking me what restaurant I would like to eat at. I know Glazov well enough to know, that he knew about my visitor today.

  “Please Glazov, I haven’t done anything, I didn’t say anything.”

  His bites were getting harder and he roughly sucked and pulled on my breasts. It hurt in an odd way that felt good and it was beginning to arouse me.

  He grabbed both sides of my head by two handfuls of hair and stared at my trembling lip before he engulfed my mouth with his. That kiss held more passion than most people’s whole session of love making. Hell, that kiss held more passion than a lifetime of lovemaking for most people.

  He picked me up and spread me open literally impaling me onto his hardened cock.

  I bent back palming the wall assured that he wouldn’t drop me.

  His mouth bent over biting, licking, and roughly sucking, at any part of my body that could be reached.

  “Do you think that I am going to allow you the opportunity of testifying against me? You underestimate me Ptichka, tonight you marry me!”

  My whimpers of: “No, I can’t and please” would be ignored. The only request that I would be granted, was the permission to cum all over the well endowed cock of my soon to be husband.

  He was making good on the threats that he had spoken over me.

  Day by day he gained more control, and day by day, I lost the will to fight against him.

  How could I an intelligent, independent, strong willed woman, become addicted to the kind of man, that society warns us to stay away from?

  My emotions were not listening, nor adhering to my sense of better judgment. Whether I wanted to face the truth or not, I was falling in love with the man who had forced his way into my life, and was now forcing me to marry him. It would only be a matter of time before he made good on the threat of bearing him a son.

  I stood eying my image in the mirror as the woman who had assisted me in getting dressed shook her head with enthusiasm. I was dressed in a white beaded gown and though it wasn’t a wedding gown it was stunning to say the least. My auburn hair cascaded over my shoulders due to the fact that Glazov had instructed her to leave it down.

  Unlike many women my auburn locks are natural. I hated it as a child, but as an adult my hair was one of the things that I loved about my looks.

  I looked up to view Glazov entering with what appeared to be an Orthodox minister. I knew enough to know that there would be those who would view our marriage as not binding due to the fact that we were not being married in the traditional church.

  Just the fact that Glazov had access to a Priest who was willing to conduct this marriage outside of a church; said a lot about just how much power that he did have, the man that I belonged to, was sinking his talons into me even deeper than he already had. There would be no escaping him now that I would bear his name. I do not know why but the man is obsessed with possessing me and for some odd reason my will to fight for my independence is waning daily.


  I could not get enough of her. This woman who I had taken had now taken a part of me that no woman had ever been able to have access.

  “You are mine Ptichka, there will be no escaping me now. I will be very displeased if I find that you have done anything to thwart my plan of you bearing my son. Is there anything that you wish to tell me, if so, it would be in your interest to reveal it to me now.”

  My eyes cut through her demanding the truth.

  “You do understand that I will kill Rene, don’t you?”

  “I haven’t done anything. I have been off the pill for a month.”

  “Very well, Ptichka. It would be in your best interest to remain off of them.”

  I clamped my teeth down into her neck just enough to let her know that I meant what I was saying.

  I folded her knees back by her neck and relished in her groan, as I slowly pushed into her. I would never tire of watching her eyes roll back into her head each time that I possessed her. Each time was new, a new level of intensity that seared us into one another’s beings.

  I had never been with a woman who made me feel this way and I knew that it was necessary for me for me to remain in control.

  Weakness was not a luxury that a man in my lifestyle could afford. I had to keep her safe. She had no idea how ruthless my enemies could be and she had to remain safe at all costs and that meant me having utter and complete control over her life.

  I loved her into the night, basking in the knowledge that she was my wife. The intensity of that knowledge magnified our love making. She would need that memory to hold onto, for tomorrow before she arose, I would be gone…


  I awoke the next morning and thought nothing of Glazov not being in bed. Many times he had already risen and begun his day.

  I had clients today so it worked out well for me.

  Rene had kept up with her end of things and I was grateful for that. I could only handle one thug at a time. I sure as hell didn’t need her going into debt with one of Glazov’s enemies. I would probably be so mad that I would tell them to kill her myself.

  I eyed Yafon in the car mirror as he drove me home. “Where is he, Yafon? What is going on?”

  He stared back into the mirror and shook his head no, “No Missy!”

  I knew that it was his way of telling me that he was not going to reveal any information to me.

  The night rolled around and still there was no sign of Glazov.

  I cried myself to sleep. This was the first that I had been without him for six months.


  Days have now turned into weeks and a part of me has died.

  Yafon follows me everywhere but tells me nothing.

  Every scenario possible runs through my head. He has left me for another woman. He is dead, but I would think that Yafon would know that. He is off on some business trip, but why keep me in the dark?

  I don’t know what is going on; all that I do know is that a part of me has died.

  How could he be so cruel as to come into my life like a whirlwind and sweep me off of my feet, only to disappear without a trace?

  I hated him; I hated him because………. he made me love him.

  None of this made any sense to me. I simply could not wrap my brain around why he would do this to me.

  I become so angry when I tell myself that he will be back for me. How could I be so weak?

  My life has become a cycle of days that run into just another day. I call it the groundhog effect. I am going through the motions. There is no longer passion without Glazov, he is the only passion that I have ever known.

  It is all that I can do to function.


  “Kathleen you need to go to the Dr. You can’t go on like this. You don’t sleep, you don’t eat, you cry all the time. I have already made the appointment for this afternoon. I’ll go with you.”

  “All that I could say was that I didn’t understand why Yafon wouldn’t tell me something.”


  Yafon never let the girl out of his sight. He had grown to care about her deeply as a friend, but his first allegiance was to his boss, Glazov.

  He could see that the poor girl was torn up inside and it was all that he could do to not tell her where his
boss was. They were doing what had to be done to keep her safe.

  The FBI would never leave her alone now that they knew that she was connected to Glazov. It was only a matter of time before his enemies would catch wind of her and that could be detrimental to the girl. He would continue to keep his boss’s location a secret, there was no other choice. He was only doing what had to be done to keep the girl safe.


  I stared at the Dr. seated in front of me in disbelief.

  “Yes, Kathleen you are for sure pregnant. You are eight weeks pregnant. You had to have noticed that you had missed your periods.”

  “I attributed it to stress.”

  “Do you want this baby?”

  “Absolutely, Dr.”

  He patted my leg and smiled, “Then let’s get you started on prenatal vitamins and a good healthy diet. I also want to schedule a sonogram, just the routine stuff, Kathleen.”

  I don’t know how to explain it, but news of my child gave me a renewed desire to get on with my life. Glazov was no longer part of it. He had done one good thing, he had given me a reason to forget him and now I would make a life for my child and I.

  I eyed Yafon in the mirror as he drove, “I won’t need you anymore Yafon. I’m pregnant and I have no time for a man who would leave his pregnant wife and child. I will get an annulment as quickly as I can arrange it. Drop me at my house.”

  I felt good to say that; to take control of my life. It was time to move on.

  For the first time in a month I slept well with no thoughts of Glazov, in my own home, with some of my own things that had not been moved, and my dear sweet baby.

  Once again life was good…


  I was awakened by a persistent knocking on my door.

  “What!?! I growled as I looked out to view Yafon.


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