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The Modern Mind

Page 148

by Peter Watson

  Noll, Richard, 760

  Nordau, Max, 43–4, 48, 172

  Northcliffe, Alfred Harmsworth, Viscount, 339

  Nozick, Robert, 548–9, 644, 673; Anarchy, State, and Utopia, 550

  Nureyev, Rudolf, 627, 663

  Nussbaum, Martha: Cultivating Humanity, 732

  O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 721

  Oh! Calcutta! (stage musical), 529

  Ohain, Hans von, 269–70

  O’Hanlon, Redmond: Joseph Conrad and Charles Darwin, 49

  O’Hara, Frank, 512

  O’Hara, John, 218

  Okigbo, Christopher, 713

  Okri, Ben, 713

  Okunev, Ivan Vasilievich, 315–16

  Oldenburg, Claes, 511

  Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, 485–7, 607, 688

  Oliphant, Mark, 256, 366, 392–3, 396

  Oliver, George, 103

  Olivier, Laurence, 640

  Olympic Games: 1904, St Louis, 112; 1936, Berlin, 329 & n

  O’Neill, Ella, 345

  O’Neill, Eugene, 216–17, 345–7, 717–18

  Only One Earth (report), 583

  Ophüls, Max, 637

  Oppenheimer, Frank, 401

  Oppenheimer, Robert, 401, 507

  Opportunity (magazine), 282

  Orbison, Roy, 457

  Orpen, Sir William, 173–4

  Ortega y Gasset, José, 331, 447, 599, 767; Revolt of the Masses, 291–2

  Orwell, George (Eric Blair), 186, 285–8, 334, 337, 346, 464, 466, 472, 768; Animal Farm, 386–7, 413, 472; Down and Out in Paris and London, 286; Nineteen Eighty-Four, 472–3, 481; The Road to Wigan Pier, 287

  Osborn, Henry Fairchild, 206

  Osborne, John: Look Back in Anger, 463, 466, 470

  Otis Brothers (elevator manufacturers), 8in

  Oud, J. P., 224

  Ovington, Mary, 108–9, 111

  Owen, Wilfred, 145, 154–6

  Owens, Jesse, 329

  Ozenfant, Amédée, 355

  Pach, Walter, 127

  Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, 553

  Packard, Vance, 445–6

  Pallot, James, 639

  Pangaea, 122

  Panofsky, Erwin, 223, 305–6, 355, 360

  Pappenheim, Bertha (‘Anna O’), 13, 55

  Pargellis, Andrew, 749

  Paris: cafes in, 411–12; Dada in, 163–4; intellectual and cultural life in (‘Left Bank’), 411–20; Picasso in, 23–5; rebuilt by Haussman, 52; Universal Exhibition (1900), 24; universities in, 627; see also Pompidou Centre

  Park, Robert E., 216, 281–2, 390

  Parker, Dorothy, 217

  Parkes, Andrew, 97

  Parks, Rosa, 458, 524

  Parsons, Talcott, 629

  Passchendaele, battle of (Great War), 146

  Pasternak, Boris, 322–4

  Pater, Walter, 5

  Paterson, Annabel: Shakespeare and the Popular Voice, 717

  Paul VI, Pope, 580

  Pauli, Wolfgang, 258–9

  Pauling, Linus, 266–8, 343–4, 374, 477–80, 615n

  Pauling, Peter, 480

  Pavlov, Ivan, 318

  Paz, Octavio, 706, 763

  Peano, Giuseppe, 101

  Pearl Harbor, 354, 371, 397

  Pechstein, Max, 301

  Peebles, P.J. E., 569–70

  Peierls, Rudolf, 392–3, 396

  Peirce, Charles Sanders, 75–6

  Penguin Books, 337–40

  Penrose, Roger, 271, 701–2, 740

  Penthouse (periodical), 529

  Penzias, Arno, 569–70

  Perelman, S. J., 218

  Perkins, Anthony, 490–1, 663

  Perkins, David, 196

  Perls, Fritz, 664

  Peru, 118–20

  Perutz, Max, 267, 481

  Pestalozzi, Johann, 78

  Peter, Paul and Mary, 523

  Pettigrew, Thomas, 534

  Pevsner, Anton, 164

  Piaf, Edith, 414

  Piaget, Jean, 500, 629, 631, 634

  Piano, Renzo, 621–2

  Picabia, Francis: Pensées sans langage, 164

  Picasso, Conchita, 24

  Picasso, Pablo: Apollinaire and, 129; artistic career, 58–63; collaborates with Satie on Parade, 203, 257; designs sets for Diaghilev, 130, 199; Gide and, 201; influence on Rilke, 227; James Joyce evokes, 193; in Paris, 23–5, 59, 411; refuses to emigrate to USA, 353; studies Munch, 35; withdraws money from Paris bank (1914), 144; Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 58–9, 61–4, 131; Guernica, 332, 335–7

  Pickford, Mary (née Gladys Smith), 88–9

  Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York, 350, 355, 510

  Pigou, Arthur, 383

  Pincus, Gregory, 428–9

  Pinker, Steven, 692, 695

  Pinter, Harold, 418

  Pirandello, Luigi, 191, 201, 412; Henry IV, 186, 191–2, 195; Six Characters in Search of an Author, 191 Pirsig, Robert: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, 597–8

  Piscator, Erwin, 229, 231, 354

  Pistor, Baroness Fanny, 33

  Pitchfork, Colin, 683

  Pitman, Walter III, 553

  Pius X, Pope and St: Editae (encyclical), 68; Pascendi Dominici Gregus (encyclical), 67–8

  Pius XII, Pope: Humani Generis (encyclical), 575–6

  Pizarro, Gonzalo, 118

  Planck, Karl, 145

  Planck, Max: on conservatism of scientists, 489; criticises Mach, 37; discussed at St Louis World Fair, 112; family background and values, 5, 20, 757; German education, 74; on light behaving as particle, 260; and quantum physics, 21–3, 29, 36, 93, 95, 134, 258; Schlick studies under, 235; Schrödinger succeeds, 373; son killed in war, 145

  Plato, 380

  Playboy (periodical), 529

  Playfair, Sir Nigel, 231

  Ploetz, Alfred, 242

  Plumb, J. H., 220

  Podhoretz, Norman: Making It, 600

  Poincaré, Jules-Henri, 94, 112, 132

  Polanyi, Karl, 447, 471

  Polanyi, Michael, 183, 471–2, 488, 596; Science, Faith and Society, 471

  Polkinghorne, John: Beyond Science, 767

  Pollock, Friedrich, 225

  Pollock, Jackson, 355, 510, 624

  Pommer, Erich, 222

  Pompidou Centre, Paris, 621–3, 681

  Pompidou, Georges, 621

  Popes see John XXIII; Pius X; Pius XII

  Popova, Lydia, 164

  Popper, Karl, 183, 235, 386–7, 441, 767–8; The Logic of Scientific Discovery, 488; The Open Society and Its Enemies, 379–81

  Porter, Cole, 342–3

  Porter, Edwin, 87

  Porter, Fairfield, 512

  Porter, Roy: The Greatest Benefit to Mankind, 665–6

  Post, George, 80

  Postman, Neil, 770–1

  Pötsch, Leopold, 158

  Pound, Ezra, 188–90, 334

  Prague, 238

  Preminger, Otto, 599

  Presley, Elvis, 457

  Pribram, Karl, 27

  Priestley, J. B., 338

  Priestley, Joseph, 489

  Princeton University, 75; Institute for

  Advanced Studies, 303

  Prinzhorn, Hans, 295

  Prokofiev, Sergei, 130, 513

  Proust, Marcel, 28, 137, 199; A la recherche du temps perdu, 137–8, 186, 199–200, 417

  Psycho (film), 490–1

  Puccini, Giacomo, 54; La Bohème, 24

  Putnam, Hilary, 676–7, 701

  Quatre Cents Coups, Les (film), 638

  Queneau, Raymond, 412, 626

  Quine, Willard van Orman, 644, 677, 732

  Quinn, John, 126, 128, 190

  Qumran, 574

  Rabelais, François, 558

  Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 356

  Radice, Lisanne, 293

  Radiocarbon (journal), 563

  Rahv, Philip, 439, 459

  Rainer, Yvonne, 515

  Ramsay, Frank, 160

  Randall, John, 366

  Rank, Otto, 15

  Rao, Raja,
706, 709

  Rapaport, David, 306

  Ras Shamra, 251–2

  Rathenau, Walther, 302

  Ratzel, Friedrich, 42

  Rauschenberg, Robert, 511–14

  Ravel, Maurice, 130–1

  Rawls, John, 673; A Theory of Justice, 548–50, 620, 644, 650

  Ray, Man, 86, 356

  Ray, Satyajit, 712

  Raynal, Maurice, 336

  Read, Herbert, 334, 336

  Reader’s Digest (periodical), 211, 217

  Reagan, Ronald, 648–9

  Reconstructing Individualism (essays), 730

  Red Guards (China), 539–40

  Reed, John, 86

  Rees, Martin, 743

  Rees, Rawlings, 151

  Reich, Charles: The Greening of America, 583–6

  Reich, Wilhelm, 223, 274, 354

  Reichenbach, Hans, 306

  Reik, Theodor, 505

  Reinhardt, Max, 54, 353

  Reith, John (later Baron), 219

  Renfrew, Colin: Archaeology and Language, 691–2; Before Civilisation, 562–4

  Renoir, Jean, 357, 637

  Resnais, Alain, 639

  Reston, James, 704

  Rewald, John, 127

  Rexroth, Kenneth, 455

  Rhodes, Richard, 134, 262, 395

  Richard, Jules, 271

  Richards, I. A., 338, 465

  Richardson, R. G. D., 352

  Richardson, Tony, 463, 663

  Richet, Charles, 113, 157

  Richter, Hans, 161

  Riefenstahl, Leni, 328, 329

  Riesman, David, 592, 731; The Lonely Crowd, 432–6, 438–9, 442, 447, 449, 452, 454, 457, 470, 595, 599, 650

  Rift Valley, East Africa, 555

  Rilke, Rainer Maria, 186, 227–9, 233, 241, 244, 331; Duino Elegies, 227

  Rimbaud, Arthur, 128

  Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai

  Andreyevich, 130, 164

  Rivers, Larry, 512

  Rivers, W. H., 155

  Robbe-Grillet, Alain, 627, 639; Les Gommes, 413

  Robeson, Paul, 215

  Roche, Hélène, 613

  Rock, Dr John, 428–9

  Rockefeller Foundation, 352

  Rockefeller, John, 119

  Rodchenko, Alexander, 165–8

  Rogers, Carl, 664

  Rogers, Guy, 729

  Rogers, Richard, 621–2

  Rohmer, Eric, 636

  Rolland, Romain, 161

  Rollo, Charles, 423

  Romero, Carlos, 118–19

  Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 49, 91

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 353

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 306–7, 326–7, 342, 383, 386, 396, 400, 646; death, 401

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 79, 110–11

  Rorty, Richard, 735, 770; Objectivity, Relativism, and Truth, 670–3; Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, 669–71, 676, 679

  Rose, Hajo, 350

  Rose, Steven, 692, 696

  Rosen, Dr John, 663

  Rosenberg, Alfred, 172, 295, 301, 313, 409; Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts, 295–8, 315

  Rosenberg, Harold, 511, 721n

  Rosenberg, Isaac, 145, 154–5

  Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 482

  Rosenfeld, Isaac, 511

  Rosenquist, James, 511

  Ross, Harold, 217–18

  Rostow, W. W.: The Stages of Economic Growth, 443–5

  Roszak, Theodore: The Making of a Counter Culture, 595–8, 601, 605 Roth, Philip: Portnoy’s Complaint, 529, 584, 600

  Rothé, Jean Pierre, 554

  Rothko, Mark, 510

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 245

  Routledge, George, 376, 378

  Rowntree, Seebohm, 384–5

  Roy, Claude, 336

  Royal Commission on Population (1944; Great Britain), 428

  Royal Court Theatre, London, 463

  Royal Society, London, 261, 472

  Royer, Clemence August, 42

  Rubens, Heinrich, 22–3

  Rubinstein, Artur, 356–7

  Runyon, Damon, 409

  Rushdie, Salman, 706, 715; Midnight’s Children, 710; The Satanic Verses, 710–12

  Ruskin, John, 39, 332

  Russell, Alys (née Pearsall Smith), 101; Religion and Science, 291

  Russell, Bertrand: and 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle, 24; Aldous Huxley meets, 297; as ‘analytic’ philosopher, 32, 75; background and character, 99, 107; debates with John Dewey, 77; and World War I, 144–5; influence on Eliot, 189; and Keynes, 174–5; on logic of music, 58; and proliferation of mathematics, 352; Quine on, 677; status, 65, 98; Wittgenstein and, 99, 159–60; Principia Mathematica (with A. N. Whitehead), 101–2, 270–1; Principles of Mathematics, 100, 158

  Russia (and USSR): cinema in, 329–30; Communism in, 293–4, 754; development of atomic weapons in, 400–1, 507–8; in World War I, 145; Great Terror in, 320–1, 323–4; Gulag in, 315–16, 542–4; psychiatric abuse in, 540–1; science in, 473–6, 481–4; Socialist Realism in, 322–3; Soviet

  Russia (and USSR)—cont’d control of arts and sciences in, 316–25; space rockets and travel, 482–5, 566–8; Stalinist repression, 412–13; universities, 73, 317; and world spread of communism, 517

  Rutherford, Ernest (later Baron), 90–3, 98, 107, 112, 133–4, 142, 183, 256–7, 261–3, 392–4

  Ryazanov, Nikolai, 234

  Ryle, Gilbert, 236

  Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 33

  Sachs, Hanns, 11, 505

  Sacks, Oliver, 760; The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, 642

  Sacy, Silvestre de, 714

  Sagan, Françoise: Bonjour Tristesse, 429

  Said, Edward, 51, 714–15, 762; Orientalism, 714

  Saint Louis, Missouri: Wainwright Building, 81–2; World’s Fair (1903), 112

  Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 334

  Saint-Saëns, Camille, 131

  Sakharov, Andrei, 541

  Salam, Abdus, 743

  Salinger, J. D.: The Catcher in the Rye, 584

  Salmon, André, 129

  Samoa, 278–9, 665

  Samuelson, Paul, 648–9, 704

  Sandberg, Wilhelm, 622

  Sanger, Fred, 615

  Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, 748

  Santayana, George, 110, 324

  Sarajevo, 144

  Sarnoff, David, 210

  Saroyan, William, 409

  Sarraute, Nathalie, 416

  Sarris, Greg, 721

  Sartre, Jean-Paul: as ‘continental’ philosopher, 32; education and background, 286, 407–9; effect on religious thinkers, 575; existentialist philosophy, 233, 407–10, 421, 627, 638, 770; ‘famille’, 412, 421; Lévi-Strauss attacks, 630; and Marcuse’s negation, 503; Nietzsche influences, 39; political beliefs, 410–13, 416; Rorty synthesises, 669; and Simone de Beauvoir, 421

  Sarzec, Ernest de, 249

  Sassoon, Siegfried, 99, 145, 155

  Satie, Erik, 23, 157, 203

  Saussure, Ferdinand de, 626, 630

  Sautuola, Don Marcelino de, 369

  Saxl, Fritz, 223

  Say, Jean-Baptiste, 341

  Schaeffer, Claude, 251

  Schaller, George, 611

  Schaudinn, Fritz, 104–5

  Scherchen, Hermann, 313

  Scherman, Harry, 211

  Schiele, Egon, 180

  Schiller, Friedrich von, 234

  Schlemmer, Oskar, 300–2, 351

  Schlesinger, Arthur, 721

  Schlick, Moritz, 160, 183, 235–6, 270, 379

  Schliemann, Heinrich, 15–16, 54

  Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl, 294, 351

  Schnitzler, Arthur, 28–30, 32, 36, 44, 55, 59, 192, 227–8; Lieutenant Gustl, 38; The Road into the Open, 28

  Schoenberg, Arnold: character and appearance, 55–6; in Entartete Musik exhibition, 313; influence of atomic physics and anthropology on, 3; Kandinsky hears, 64; musical innovations, 56–60, 129, 230; Strauss on, 55; Stravinsky and, 142; in USA, 355–7; in Vienna, 37, 192; Das Buch der hängenden Gärten, 57; Erwartung, 5
8–9, 61; Pierrot lunaire, 58–9; Second

  String Quartet, 57–9; Violin Concerto (Opus 36), 356; Von Heute auf Morgen, 232

  Schoenberg, Mathilde (née von Zemlinsky), 56–7

  Schofield, Paul, 640

  Schonberg, Harold, 56, 129

  Schönerer, Georg Ritter von, 43, 243

  Schopenhauer, Arthur, 39

  Schramm, Percy, 223

  Schrödinger, Erwin, 260, 267, 362; What is Life?, 373–4

  Schuch, Ernst von, 52

  Schulte, Cardinal, Archbishop of Cologne, 297

  Schultze-Naumburg, Paul: Kunst und Rasse, 294–5, 297

  Schumacher, E. F., 376

  Schumacher, Fritz: Small Is Beautiful, 585–6

  Schumann-Heink, Ernestine, 54–5

  Schumpeter, Joseph: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, 376–8

  Schuyler, James, 512

  Schwartz, Robert, 660

  Schwarz, John, 745

  Schweitzer, Albert: Quest for the Historical Jesus, 576

  Schwitters, Kurt, 162, 193, 302, 350–1, 355; ‘Merz’ paintings, 162

  Scopes, John: trial, 207

  Scotland: universities, 74

  Scott, Carson Pirie, 82

  Scott, J. D., 464

  Screw (periodical), 529

  Scriabin, Aleksandr, 56

  Scruton, Roger, 5; Intelligent Person’s Guide to Modern Culture, 767

  Seaborg, Glenn, 507

  Searle, G. D. & Co., Chicago, 429

  Searle, John, 701–2

  Seberg, Jean, 639

  Segrè, Emilio, 507

  Seier, Eduard, 118

  Self, Jim, 515

  Sembene, Ousmane, 713

  Sen, Amartya, 642, 649–50, 655, 762; Poverty and Famines, 651–2

  Senghor, Léopold, 460

  Serner, Walter, 161

  Seurat, Georges, 59

  Seveso, Italy, 586

  Shakespeare, William: Harold Bloom on, 724; and modern cultural studies, 716–17, 725–6; Peter Brook directs, 640–1

  Shankar, Ravi, 712

  Sharpy-Shafer, E. A., 103

  Shattuck, Roger, 24

  Shaw, George Bernard, 340, 383

  Shchukin, Sergey, 164–5

  Shelter Island, New York, 508

  Shentalinsky, Vitali, 316, 322, 323

  Shephard, Alan, 567

  Sherrington, Sir Charles, 367

  Shils, Edward, 376, 390, 447, 721n

  Shing-Tung Yau, 744

  Shirer, William, 361

  Shivarov, Nikolai, 323

  Shockley, William, 476–8

  Shostakovich, Dmitri, 47, 55?, 475; Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District, 323

  Shub-ad, Queen, 250

  Sibelius, Jean, 56

  Siedlung see Bauhaus

  Signoret, Simone, 627

  Silicon Valley, California, 478

  Sillitoe, Alan, 464

  Simenon, Georges, 409


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