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The Modern Mind

Page 147

by Peter Watson

Knight, Arthur, 326

  Knopf, Alfred A., 216; and Blanche, 423

  Knossos, Crete, 15–17

  Koch, Kenneth, 512

  Kodály, Zoltán, 181

  Koestler, Arthur, 410

  Kohler, Wolfgang, 360

  Kojève, Alexandre, 408, 410, 625

  Kokoschka, Oskar, 59, 145, 159, 227, 350, 355

  Kollwitz, Käthe, 145, 300

  Kol’tsov, Michael, 334

  Kolyma, 315–16, 482

  Kooning, Willem de see de Kooning, Willem

  Kops, Bernard, 464

  Korolev, Sergei Pavlovich, 482–4, 567

  Krafft-Ebing, Baron Richard von, 14, 33–5, 53–4; Psychopathia sexualis, 33

  Kramer, Peter: Listening to Prozac, 761

  Kraus, Karl, 28, 35, 56, 180, 231; The Last Days of Mankind, 157, 192–3 Kravchenko, Victor: I Chose Freedom, 413

  Kreisler, Fritz, 356

  Kreutz, Johnny, 232

  Kristol, Irving, 447, 704

  Kropotkin, Prince Peter, 42

  Krugman, Paul, 648–9; Peddling Prosperity, 652

  Krupp, Alfred, 241

  Ku Klux Klan, 207–8

  Kubelik, Jan, 241

  Kubizek, August, 243

  Kubrick, Stanley, 584

  Kuhn, Thomas, 668, 669, 670, 676; Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 488–9, 597, 618

  Kuhn, Walt, 127–8

  Kun, Béla, 234

  Kupka, Frantisek, 63

  Laborit, Henri, 501

  Lacan, Jacques, 408, 624, 625–7, 629–31, 634, 669; Ecrits, 626

  Ladipo, Duro, 713

  Ladurie, Emmanuel le Roy see le Roy

  Ladurie, Emmanuel

  Laetoli, Tanzania, 613

  La Folette, Robert, 383

  Laforgue, Jules, 128

  Lagarde, Paul, 240

  Laing, Ronald D., 502–3, 527, 626–7, 644; The Divided Self, 491

  Lam, Wilfredo, 354

  Lamb, Horace, 158

  Lamb, Willis, 508

  Landau, Lev, 258

  Landes, David: Wealth and Poverty of Nations, 755, 764

  Landesco, John: Organised Crime in Chicago, 282

  Lane, Allen, 337–40

  Lang, Fritz, 357

  Langbehn, Julius, 240

  Langevin, Paul, 132

  Lanz von Liebenfels, George, 243

  Lapouge, Count Georges Vacher de, 42, 44, 206

  Larionov, Mikhail, 164

  Larkin, John, 82

  Larkin, Philip, 464–5; The Less Deceived, 464

  La Rocca, Nick, 216

  Lascaux, France, 369–70

  Lasch, Christopher: The Culture of Narcissism, 599–601, 605, 620, 761

  Laski, Harold, 306

  Lasky, Melvin J., 447

  Lasswell, Harold, 376

  Last Year in Marienbad (film), 639

  Laubenstein, Linda, 657

  Lautréamont, comte (Isidore Ducasse), 409

  Laval, Léon, 359

  Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent, 489

  Lawrence, D. H., 99, 142, 280, 297, 422, 531, 581, 759; Lady Chatterley’s Lover, 429; Sons and Lovers, 136–7

  Lawrence, Ernest, 473, 507

  Lawrence, Florence, 89

  Lawrence, Frieda (née von Richthofen), 136

  Lawrence, T. E., 249, 714

  Lazersfeld, Paul, 439

  League of Nations, 177

  Leakey, Frieda, 486

  Leakey, Louis, 484–7, 556, 607, 609, 612, 688

  Leakey, Mary, 484–7, 607, 612–13–14, 688; Olduvai Gorge, 607

  Leakey, Richard, 612

  Leary, Timothy, 596–7

  Leavis, F. R., 338, 451–2, 454, 464, 465–70, 489, 706, 723; The Common Pursuit, 452; The Great Tradition, 452

  Leavis, Queenie D., 451; Fiction and the Reading Public, 338–40

  Leavitt, Henrietta, 265

  Lebanon: universities, 73

  le Conte, Joseph, 43

  Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret), 223–4, 331–2, 521, 622

  le Duc, Violette, 421

  Lee, Brenda, 457

  Lefkowitz, Mary and Guy MacLean (eds): Black Athena Revisited, 728–9

  Léger, Fernand, 355

  Lehman, David: The Last Avant-Garde, 512

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, 99–100, 746

  Leigh, Janet, 490–1

  Lelevich, Klychkov, 324

  Lemaître, Georges, 265–6, 508

  Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VASKhNIL), 474

  Lenin All-Union Academy of Sciences, 318

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 37, 165

  Le Nôtre, André, 173

  Lenz, Fritz, 310

  Lenz, Max, 20

  Leonov, L. M.: Russian Forest, 323

  Leopold II, King of the Belgians, 51

  Leopold III, King of the Belgians, 367

  le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, 627; Montaillou, 560; The Peasants of Languedoc, 557, 560

  Levi-Civita, Tullio, 352

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 354, 421, 423, 461–2, 488, 627, 630, 675; De près et de loin, 2; Tristes Tropiques, 461

  Levine, Lawrence: The Opening of the American Mind, 725–6

  Levy, Julien, 510

  Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien, 274

  Lewinski, Robert, 361–2

  Lewis, David Levering, 217n

  Lewis, Sinclair, 186, 208–9, 212, 285, 347; Babbitt, 208–12, 215

  Lewisohn, Richard, 147

  Lewontin, Richard, 692, 696–8; see also Gould, Stephen Jay

  Leznai, Anna, 181

  Liadov, Anatol, 130

  Libby, Willard F., 563

  Lichtenstein, Roy, 511

  Liebermann, Max, 300, 302

  Liebknecht, Karl, 163

  Lifar, Serge, 409

  Lilienthal, Otto, 84

  Limits to Growth see Club of Rome

  Linde, Andrei, 741–2

  Linton, Ralph, 494

  Lipchitz, Jacques, 354

  Lippmann, Walter, 704

  Lipset, Seymour Martin, 447

  Lissitzky, Eliezer, 164–5

  Little Rock, Arkansas, 459

  Liushits, Benedikt, 324

  Lloyd George, David, 174, 177, 218, 383

  Locke, Alain, 215, 216

  Lodge, Sir Oliver, 157

  Loew, Marcus, 87

  Löffler, Friedrich, 20

  Lombroso, Cesare, 45, 48, 148

  London see individual institutions

  London, Fritz, 267–8, 373

  London, Jack, 453

  London School of Economics, 292

  Long, Breckinridge, 354

  Loos, Adolf, 34–5, 192, 223

  Loos, Anita, 266

  Lorenz, Konrad, 309–10, 606

  Lorre, Peter, 357

  Los Alamos, New Mexico, 398–9

  Lovejoy, Arthur: The Great Chain of Being, 77

  Lovelock, James, 693

  Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, 265

  Lowell, Robert, 538

  Lowentha Robert, 649

  Luce, Henry, 211

  ‘Lucy’ (hominid skeleton), 612

  Ludendorff, General Erich, 171

  Lueger, Karl, 12, 43, 45

  Lukács, George, 181–3, 234–5, 376; History and Class Consciousness, 234 Luks, George, 86

  Lumière, Auguste and Louis, 24, 87

  Lunacharsky, Anatoli, 37, 165–7

  Lunts, Daniel, 541

  Luo jialun, 179

  Luther, Martin, 296

  Luxembourg, Rosa, 163

  Lu Xun (Zhou Shuren or Chou Shujen), 178

  Lyell, Sir Charles, 41

  Lynch, Dan, 737, 739

  Lynd, Robert and Helen: Middletown, 212–15, 424, 439, 453

  Lyotard, Jean-François, 681; The Postmodern Condition, 667–8, 671, 673

  Lysenko, Trofim, 319–21, 390, 473–6, 488, 540–1

  Maar, Dora, 336, 411

  Macbeth Gall, New York, 85

  MacCarthy, Desmond, 277

  McCarthy, Senato
r Joseph, 434–5, 452

  McCosh, James, 726

  McCusick, Victor, 700

  Macdonald, Dwight, 439

  McDougall, William, 242

  McGinn, Colin, 701

  Mach, Ernst, 32, 36–7, 94

  Machu Picchu, 120–1, 248

  Maclnnes, Colin, 459, 462–3, 672n

  Maclntyre, Alasdair: Whose Justice? Which Rationality?, 678–9

  McIntyre, Dr John, 49

  McKay, Claude, 216

  Mackay, Ellin, 218

  Macke, August, 144

  Mackenzie, Compton, 286

  McKie, Robin, 615

  McKim, Mead and White (New York

  construction company), 86

  MacLean, Guy, 728

  McLuhan, Marshall, 331, 546–7, 592

  MacNeice, Louis, 332

  Maddox, John: What Remains to Be Discovered, 701, 756–7

  Madge, Charles, 386

  Maeterlinck, Maurice, 24

  Magee, Bryan: Confessions of a Philosopher, 767–8

  Magritte, René, 205

  Mahfouz, Naguib, 713

  Mahler, Gustav, 37, 54, 56–71, 158

  Mahler-Werfel, Alma, 354, 356

  Mailer, Norman, 531, 537–8, 592, 600; An American Dream, 537–8; Armies of the Night, 537–8

  Maillol, Aristide, 59

  Malevich, Kasimir, 164–6

  Malinowski, Bronislaw, 142, 279, 307

  Malkin, Joseph, 356

  Mallarmé, Stephane, 23, 128

  Mallowan, Sir Max, 337

  Malraux, André, 61, 334–6, 354, 413; L’Espoir, 335

  Malthus, Thomas R., 242

  Mamet, David: American Buffalo, Glengarry Glenn Ross, 717 Manchester Guardian: on Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, 50

  Manco Inca, 118–21

  Mandelbrot, Benoit, 747

  Mandelstam, Nadezhda, 324

  Mandelstam, Osip, 317, 322–4

  Manet, Edouard, 127, 162

  Manguin, Henri, 60

  Manhattan Project, 397, 399, 506

  Mann, Heinrich, 229, 354, 357

  Mann, Katia (née Pringsheim), 135

  Mann, Lynda, 682–3

  Mann, Thomas, 64, 135, 142, 173, 228, 232, 353, 356, 503, 758; Death in Venice, 135–7, 171–2; The Magic Mountain, 228–9, 234

  Mannheim, Karl, 181–2, 305, 381–2, 387, 439, 441; Diagnosis of Our Time, 376–8

  Mansfield, Katherine, 99, 104

  Mantoux, Etienne, 176

  Mao Zedong, 180, 539

  Mapangubwe, 557

  Mapplethorpe, Robert, 663

  Marc, Franz, 55, 64, 144, 172, 301

  March, Harold, 137

  Marconi, Guglielmo, 210

  Marcuse, Herbert, 39, 225, 308, 502–3, 505, 596, 604, 644, 730; Eros and Civilisation, 503; An Essay on Liberation, 545–6; One-Dimensional Man, 503, 537, 584

  Margulis, Lynn, 685

  Marie von Thurn und Taxis-Hohenlohe, Princess, 227

  Maritain, Jacques, 334, 353

  Marquesas Islands, 494

  Marquet, Albert, 60

  Márquez Gabriel García, 706, 770; One Hundred Years of Solitude, 707–9

  Marsden, Ernest, 92

  Marshall, Thurgood, 525

  Martin, John, 359

  Marx, Karl: admires Darwin, 474; and alienation, 599; Bertrand Russell’s interest in, 100; and deconstruction, 632; failed connection with Freud, 753; forecasts collapse of capitalism, 224–5; and Freud, 502–3, 632; Gellner attacks, 665; on immiseration, 596; Popper attacks, 380; and Russian science, 318; Schumpeter opposes, 377–8; and Social Darwinism, 42

  Masaryk, Jan, 353, 412

  Masaryk, Tomás, 30

  Maser, Werner, 242–3

  Maslow, Abraham, 664; The Psychology of Science, 596–7

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 74, 497

  Massine, Léonide, 130, 203

  Masson, André, 204, 354

  Masson, Jeffrey: Against Therapy, 663–4

  Masters, William Howell, 426–7, 429; Human Sexual Inadequacy (with

  Virginia Johnson), 529; Human Sexual Response (with Virginia Johnson), 427

  Mathematical Review, 351–2

  Mathieu, René, 414

  Matisse, Henri, 60, 62, 144, 353

  Matisse, Pierre, 350

  Maugham, W. Somerset, 278

  Mauriac, François, 334

  Maurras, Charles, 409

  Maxwell, James Clerk, 20–2, 29, 210, 256, 743

  May, Frederick, 191

  May, Rollo, 664

  Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 167, 322, 325

  Mayer, Maria, 507

  Mayerhold, Vsevelod, 324

  Mayr, Ernst, 372–3; The Growth of Biological Thought, 19; Systematics and the Origin of Species, 371

  Mead, Margaret, 118, 142, 277–81, 423, 431–2, 462, 577, 665–6; Coming of Age in Samoa, 278–9, 665

  Medawar, Sir Peter, 759

  Medvedev, Roy, 540–1

  Medvedev, Zhores, 540–1

  Meidner, Ludwig, 302, 350

  Meitner, Lise, 392, 395–6

  Menchu, Rigoberta, 731

  Mencken, H., 279

  Mendel, Pater Gregor, 18–20, 36, 113–14, 320

  Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich, 258

  Mengele, Josef, 310

  Menninger, Karl, 423

  Meredith, James, 524

  Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 408, 410–12, 421, 626

  Merriam, Charles, 282

  Messiaen, Oliver, 413–14, 623

  Meyer, Carl, 222

  Meynert, Theodor, 30

  Michurin, I. V., 474

  Microsoft Corporation, 605

  Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 223–4, 304–5, 622

  Milhaud, Darius, 356

  Mill, John Stuart, 99, 548

  Miller, Arthur, 640; Death of a Salesman, 437

  Miller, Henry, 531

  Miller, Herbert, 283

  Miller, L. S., 684

  Millett, Kate: Sexual Politics, 531

  Mills, C. Wright, 447, 449, 454, 459, 595–6; The Power Elite and other tides, 439–41

  Minotaur, 17

  Mintz, Leo, 457

  Miró, Joan, 204

  Mitchell, Juliet: Women’s Estate, 530–1

  Modersohn-Becker, Paula, 227

  Modigliani, Amedeo, 294, 354, 718

  Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 304–5, 354

  Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 482; non-aggression pact with Ribbentrop (1939), 320, 413

  Moltke, Helmut von, 241

  Mondrian, Piet, 129, 355

  Monet, Claude, 64

  Monod, Jacques, 616–18

  Montagnier, Luc, 660

  Montagu, Ashley, 390, 423

  Montaillou, 560

  Montand, Yves, 627

  Monteux, Pierre, 131

  Montgomery, Alabama, 458, 524

  Montherlant, Henri de, 422

  Montignac, France, 368–9

  Moog, Robert, 624

  Moore, G. E., 99–100, 174

  Moreau, Jeanne, 639

  Morgan, T. H., 112, 113–17, 121, 267, 318–20, 346, 372

  Morgan, William Jason, 554

  Morozov, Georgy, 541

  Morozov, Ivan, 164

  Morrell, Lady Ottoline, 175, 201, 291, 297

  Morris, Desmond, 616

  Morris, Earl, 253

  Morris, Simon Conway: The Crucible of Creation, 697

  Morris, William, 223

  Morrison, Blake, 465

  Morrison, Toni: Beloved and other tides, 705

  Morrow, William, 279

  Morton, Jelly Roll, 216

  Moscow, 165

  Mosley, Sir Oswald, 367

  Mosse, George L., 240–1, 240–1

  Motherwell, Robert, 355, 510

  Mount Wilson, California, 265, 267

  Moynihan, Daniel P., 534, 704

  Moynihan, Patrick see Glazer, Nathan

  Mr. Hulot’s Holiday (film), 414, 637

  Muggeridge, Malcolm, 294

  Muhammad Adh-
Dhib, 574

  Müller, Karl Otfried, 728

  Mumford, Lewis, 521; The Culture of Cities, 289; Technics and Civilisation, 288

  Munch, Eduard, 35

  Muncie, Indiana, 212

  Munich: character, 172; Degenerate Art exhibition in, 312–13; secession in, 59, 64

  Munro, Neil, 49

  Murray, Charles: Losing Ground, 653–4, 767; see also Herrnstein, Richard J.

  Murray, George, 103

  Murrow, Edward R., 352

  Murry, John Middleton, 297

  Museum of Modern Art, New York, 331

  Musil, Robert, 37, 183, 236; The Man without Qualities, 236–7 Mussolini, Benito, 273 Myrdal, Gunnar: An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy, 390–1, 423, 458, 644, 654–5

  Nabis, Les (group), 59

  Nabokov, Vladimir: Lolita, 429–30

  Nachtsheim, Hans, 309–10

  Nagasaki, 387, 401, 729

  Nagel, Thomas, 701; Mortal Questions, 673; The View from Nowhere, 673–4

  Naipaul, Sir Vidia S., 711; A House for Mr Biswas and other tides, 712; travel books, 762–3

  Nambu, Yoichiro, 745

  Narayan, R. K., 709

  Narborough, Leicestershire, 682–3

  Nash, Ogden, 218

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 567, 737

  National Air and Space Museum, Washington, 729

  National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC, 657

  National Organization of Women, 431, 524

  Needham, Joseph, 577

  Negro peoples: appearance in Africa, 556–7; see also US minorities, racial neighborhood effect (education), 519

  Neruda, Pablo, 334, 706

  Neue Freie Presse (Vienna), 44–5

  Neugebauer, Otto, 352

  Neumann, Franz, 223, 225, 360

  Neumann, Heinz, 413

  Neumann, Johann (or John) von, 102, 363, 507

  Neumann, Sigmund, 223

  Neurath, Otto, 180, 235–6

  Nevinson, C. R. W, 154

  New Republic (periodical), 388

  New School for Social Research, New York, 354

  Newton, Sir Isaac, 21–2, 99, 602, 743; Principia Mathematica, 99

  New Vienna Daily, 57

  New York: art movement in, 85–6; buildings, 80, 82, 86, 331

  New York Native (journal), 658

  New York Times, 96–7, 665

  New York World’s Fair (1939), 327

  New Yorker (periodical), 211, 217–18, 504–5, 520, 582

  New Zealand, universities, 73

  Nicholson, Virginia, 348

  Niebuhr, Helmut Rheinhaid, 80

  Nietzsche, Friedrich: Conrad follows, 48; death, 65; and fascism, 234; French discover, 408; Hofmannsthal and, 30; influence, 39–40, 55, 90, 135; logical-positivist reaction against, 235; Nordau reads, 43; Picasso influenced by, 61; relations with Rilke, 227; Spengler influenced by, 171

  Nijinska, Romola, 358

  Nijinsky, Vaslav, 130–1

  Nixon, Richard M., 568, 644–5

  Nolde, Emil, 163, 222, 301, 312–13; Years of Struggle, 301


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