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Against All Odds

Page 4

by Alexia Vella Deguara

I was so angry. How did he dare? I sat down and began to read. After some time he stopped me and Lucy continued. I didn't look at him anymore. I was still very angry and couldn't wait for the bell to ring so I that I could face him. As soon as the lesson finished everyone stood up in a hurry and went out. I put everything in my bag and then lifted my head in the direction of his desk, but he wasn't there anymore. He was gone.

  “Are you OK Cas?” asked me Lucy coming near me.

  “No, I'm not! Why did he give me detention? I'm so pissed off with him. Why is he treating me this way?” I shouted.

  Lucy gave me a knowing look and grinned.

  “Probably two lessons a day in your company aren't enough for him. He wants to spend some more time with you,” she chuckled.

  Sometimes you're a little bit too imaginative,” I told her “Probably this is my punishment for challenging him yesterday.” I concluded.

  Lucy ignored my comment and looked at me narrowly, her lips twisted in amusement. “Why were you so distracted ? What were you looking at?” she asked.

  “Oh nothing,” I said blushing.

  “I saw you. I know exactly what you were thinking about. Well honey you'd better accept that detention and try to be given more if you want to see what's underneath!” she told me poking my arm.

  I looked at her shocked, my face flushing.

  “Oh my God!! Lucy! How did you-” I stopped. She could see through me like no one else did.

  “Well it wasn't that difficult to guess. Your eyes were practically glued to his trousers," she laughed. "This Mr Spencer is really driving you crazy if you have started thinking about these things. Miss goody two shoes. Remember how much you used to blush during sexual education?”

  “OK! I got your point! Stop please,” I told her raising my arms in surrender. “I know I'm having perverted thoughts about him. It never happened to me before. Lucy can you hate and love a person at the same time?”I asked her helplessly.

  “Oh you don't hate him. Far from it. You're just angry right now because he gave you that detention. But you'd better move. The lesson will soon start. Oh how I wish I could come and spy on you!” Tell me everything afterward OK? Do you want me to tell Julian you're on detention?" she asked me before leaving.

  “Yes please. I don't want him to wait for me in vain. I’ll see you after school,” I told her, walking away.


  I walked hurriedly towards the art class, stomping angrily all the way. I knew he would be there already. I opened the door without even knocking and threw my bag carelessly on the floor. He was calmly sitting down, looking at me with amusement. His lips were curved into a smile which I hated right now.

  “You must feel very proud of yourself huh? Why the hell did you give me a detention? I did nothing wrong!” I growled.

  “Oh yes you did,” he said, with an annoying voice. “Didn't I specify already?" He continued "You weren't paying attention. You didn't even know which book we were reading!"

  “It's all your fault!” I cried impulsively.

  He laughed. How I hated it when he made fun of me.

  “My fault? And what did I do exactly?”

  “You made me change my place and I... I got distracted,” I muttered.

  He raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Oh really? Well if you hadn't looked that much at what I am wearing you probably wouldn’t have been that distracted. I'll tell you the brand of my trousers if you want, so you can buy one for your boyfriend. You seemed to like them particularly,” he said mockingly.

  I felt my face burning. Had it been so obvious that I was looking at him? It must have been, since he had noticed. I had to say something. He was having too much fun seeing me like this.

  “Why detention? Couldn't you just give me a copy or something else? I asked.

  "Copies are for babies. What's wrong with detention?” he retorted.

  “Well I've never been given one before,” I admitted. This was true. I had always been an excellent student and now I seemed to be getting in trouble constantly.

  He smiled....“Well there's a first time for everything. You know Cassy it seems like you'll be having all your first times with me.”

  I felt my face burning even more, if that was even possible. What the hell was wrong with me? Why did my mind have to interpret his words in a dirty way? I shook my head trying to remove the image that had formed in my mind. In the meantime Mr Spencer was looking at me curiously. I hoped he hadn't understood what had crossed my mind when he said I would have all my first times with him. I didn't reply, instead I walked to my desk and sat down. I pulled out my drawing book and waited for him to start the lesson. Mr Spencer crossed his arms on his chest and stared at me.

  “Cassy... Why are you blushing? What is passing through that mind of yours? Was it something I said?” he asked.

  “It's nothing. Now let's just start with the lesson please”. I said hotly.

  He seemed disappointed that I was pulling back from his little game which he liked so much to play.

  “Where is your fighting spirit all of a sudden?” he asked challenging me.

  “It went to sleep”. I said nervously.

  His back was towards me now. I smiled in relief. Maybe he would stop with his taunting comments. He was going to start the lesson, when out of the blues I found myself speaking again.

  “I still think that a detention is an exaggeration. Do you think Mr Daniels will approve your choice if I'd tell him?” I asked him. I was surprised at myself.

  Why was I encouraging these arguments? Maybe I was not ready to give up yet or maybe deep down I liked his attention.

  He turned around and smiled in triumph. This was what he wanted. It was obvious he loved our little bickering.

  “Maybe not, but he will definitely agree to the punishment if I tell him what I saw you doing yesterday at the canteen. You do know that we don't tolerate uhm-” he paused, trying to find the right word. Then he continued “ We don't tolerate public displays of affection in this school”.

  I swallowed and for a moment I remained silent. I never thought he would have the nerve to mention what happened with Julian yesterday.

  “Well... I..." I took a deep breath then went on,“I don't know what you mean by that,” I stuttered embarrassed. "It was just an innocent kiss.”

  He laughed hard then his face took on a sarcastic look.

  “Oh really?” he asked, raising his eyebrow. “I thought he was going to devour you. I didn't report you but don't let me see you doing it again,” he warned.

  I couldn't let him win. I had to have the last word.

  “Aren't rules the same for everyone?” I asked him cautiously.

  “And what's this suppose to mean?" he asked, resting one hand lazily under his chin.

  “Well I don't think Mr Daniels would approve the way you touched Ms Leighton's thighs and the way you stroked her back. Don't you think?" He looked at me stricken. I smiled. This time it was his turn to stay quiet. He kept looking at me, studying me, maybe waiting for my next move but then he spoke.

  “Touché .OK you've win,” he said, raising his arms in surrender.

  "So... No detention?” I asked happily.

  He stood up and walked toward me, stopping just in front my desk. He bent down a little, his face inches afar from mine.

  “I'm afraid that you'll have to pass an extra 45 minutes with me today, whether you like it or not,” he said, his tone hinting that this was the end of our argument. “Now let's start with the lesson. Today we shall be doing human figure drawing. I will show you how to calculate correctly the proportions. The Greeks believed that an average person would be about seven heads tall. This will help you to determine the proportions. Let me show you.” Saying this he went near the white board and began to draw. In a few seconds he had drawn a male figure.

  “See, it's not very difficult to do.”

  I was impressed by his talent. “You're very good. Is human figure your favorite?” I asked.

>   “Well yes actually it is. I used to go to the nude classes once a week,” he told me matter-of-factually. “And I can say that they helped me a lot.“ he said while he continued to draw.

  “Nude classes?” I asked stunned.

  He smiled.“Yes. Never heard of them?”

  “Yes, I mean I know what they are,” I said quickly, not wanting to sound like a little kid. “It's just that I don't think I could concentrate with a nude person standing in front of me. I mean it's kind of embarrassing especially if it's a guy,” I said shyly.

  “Well actually they are very professional. I mean you're supposed to be there to learn and for artistic purposes. After all, what's the big deal Cassy? Never saw a naked man before? I thought you and that guy were quite intimate," he said.

  I felt my cheeks growing warmer. Why did he have to be so frank with me?

  “It's none of your business. I' m not discussing my private life with you,” I snapped.

  Mr Spencer smiled. “OK, Sorry. I admit, that was indelicate. My apologies. Anyway you don't need to worry,Mr Daniels will never allow me to have a nude class in here, so relax. Today I will be your model, since there is no one else here who can do it. I will obviously keep my clothes on, so stop blushing," he said with amusement.

  “I'm not blushing,” I muttered.

  He just smiled and then he took off his jacket while I stared at him. As I had thought he had a killer abs which could be seen quite well through the thin fabric of his white shirt. I tried to breathe as I saw him taking off his tie. I was going to faint. What the hell was he doing? It was at that moment that I saw him smirking.

  “Hey relax Cassy. I just want to be comfortable. Don't worry my little striptease stops here". He laughed and then sat down just in front of me.

  “Let me find a comfortable position and then you can start."

  Start? How on earth was I supposed to be concentrating with him looking so hot in front of me? He must be joking. I took in his bad boy assemble, his black hair falling on his forehead, his deep blue eyes fixed on me. I could stay hours staring at him. He broke the silence.

  “Cassy, you can start if you want!” he urged me.

  I grabbed my pencil with my now shaking hands and began to draw. A shiver ran down my spine as I glanced once more in his direction. My God I had to control myself. I looked at his lips. I tried to draw them but all I could think about was how much I would like to kiss them. The only positive part about this embarrassing situation was that I could stare at him as much as I liked without arousing his suspicion.

  “How long have you been going out with that guy?” He asked, looking at me.

  All my pleasure disappeared at yet another personal question. He seemed to realize I was bothered since he quickly explained himself.

  “I know it's none of my business, it's just to start a conversation. This silence is embarrassing," he said sighing.

  I knew that it wasn't the silence that was embarrassing but my continual stares. Still I decided to reply.

  “Nearly 5 months,” I said.

  “Wow so long?” he said, his expression surprised. “At your age that's a record. No wonder then... " He paused.

  “No wonder what?” I asked looking up at his face again.

  “Well... That you are intimate. I knew I couldn't be wrong," he told me, looking at me strangely. I felt my stomach twist.

  “And exactly from where did you get this idea?” I asked him sharply.

  “Body language. It is never wrong," he told me smugly.

  I couldn't bear that knowing expression on his face. “It's exactly the same thing my boyfriend said about you and Ms Leighton," I told him.

  He gave me an odd look. “Oh really? And what did he say exactly?” he asked me, looking intently at me.

  “Since you are being quite frank, I will be too,” I told him, continuing to draw. “He said that it is very obvious that you are sleeping with her." Once I said it, I immediately realized that I was exaggerating. He was a teacher for God's sake! He looked at me surprised and for a moment he seemed unsure on how to reply but then he spoke.

  “Cassy, are we by any chance discussing my sexual life here? Just in case you forgot I'm your teacher,” he said.

  “Oh I didn't forget that, but since you seem so comfortable discussing my life I don't see why we shouldn't talk about yours too. You're not a good sport,” I teased.

  He seemed to think about it for a moment and then inhaled deeply. “Well Cassy I'm afraid your boyfriend does not have a good eye for these things then.”

  I put the pencil down and looked sharply at him.

  “Do you mean that you and Ms Leighton haven't...”

  He gave me a deep look and then said.

  “No, not yet.”

  I could feel a my lips slowly widening into a grin. I couldn't understand why, but all of a sudden I was feeling lighter, happier.

  “But she's your girlfriend isn't she?” I asked him, eager to discover more about him.

  “Kind of,” he replied briefly.

  I decided to push it a bit further. “Then... Why?”

  “I haven't decided if I want to be with her or not,” he concluded simply.

  “Oh I see” I said. Then I decided to tease him a bit. “Is there someone you like better then?”

  He stretched his arms in a bored way and then he lowered them again. I couldn't help noticing his muscles flex as he moved. Art was proving to be better than I had imagined. He leaned forward and then said..

  “My dear Cassy don't you think you're going too far now?”

  I lowered my head embarrassed. Maybe I was being too invasive. It's just that I couldn't get enough of him. I wanted to know every single detail about him. He interrupted my thoughts as he inquired on my work.

  “So, how is it coming?” he asked.

  “Not bad. I think" I replied looking at what I had drawn.

  “Can I see?” He asked, trying hard to peep at my paper.

  “Not yet,” I said covering it with my hand.

  “It's not ready,” I looked at him to continue but he had moved.

  “Oh no! You changed your position!” I grumbled.

  “Did I? Sorry I didn't notice. I'm not very good in staying still. Let me see if I remember the way I was sitting." Saying this he moved a little. “Was it like this?” he asked.

  “No,your head was tilted and your hands were resting on your thighs. You were-"

  “Oh wait," he said raising his hand up to stop me. " Why don't you come and arrange me yourself? Otherwise it will take ages.”

  For a moment I stared at him confused. Did he want me to go and arrange him into place? To touch him? I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach. My heart began to beat fast as I rose from my chair while I walked slowly towards him. His gaze was on me as I stepped closer to him. We were only a few inches apart when I stopped.

  “What's the matter Cassy? Are you OK?” he asked me concerned.

  No I wasn't and that's when I realized it. This was not healthy. He was my teacher, and all I wanted was for him to kiss me, to hold me tight, to feel his hands all over me. I was so attracted to him I would give anything to have him.


  I gathered all my courage and walked towards him, stopping just in front of him. My hand was shaking as I slowly raised it up. As I was about to touch his face he grabbed my wrist, shocking me. He looked into my eyes and lowered my hand down rubbing it gently with his thumb while looking at it.


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