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Against All Odds

Page 30

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “Happy Birthday sweetheart,” she told me kissing me.“My God you're 18,a young lady. I can't believe how much you have grown,” she said.

  “Oh mum,time passes for everyone you know,” I said smiling .“ Thanks for this amazing breakfast."

  “Honey will you come home after school or you'll go directly to Lucy,” she asked then.

  “Oh no. I'll come why?”

  “I want to give you the present.”

  “Then I'll come for sure,” I said happily. I wondered what she had bought me.

  We hugged and then I went hurriedly to school. I wanted to arrive early to have some time on my own with my lover. I arrived at 07.50 and wondered If I was too early,the school was empty. I ran to the English room and opened the door. He was there doing some markings. He was so handsome in that blue shirt. He looked at me and smiled..

  “Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world,” he said while he rose up and came near me.

  I closed the door and we kissed but this didn't seem to be enough for either of us. He looked at me without saying anything then he looked at the closet. I smiled and went to lock the door. This was enough for him. He pulled me into the closet and pulled up my skirt. He kissed me hungrily and I kissed him back. How I loved to began the day like this,it was quick but enough to calm down our needs. 15 minutes later I was seated at my desk, composed with my books ready on the table looking dreamily at that sexy man who tried to concentrate on his work.

  “Stop looking at me that way,” he said teasingly.“Your classmates will soon be here.”

  “How can I ? You're so damned sexy. I could never have enough of you.”

  He smirked at me sexily.

  “That was just a taste of what I have in store for you today,” he said.

  Just at that moment Lucy came in...

  “Good morning Birthday girl,” she said hugging me.“Good morning Mr Spencer.”

  "Good morning Lucy.”

  My classmates started coming in one by one..

  “I have already come here but found everywhere locked,a quick birthday present?” She asked raising an eyebrow with amusement.

  “What?” Shh I could never hide anything from her.

  “I think I got it right,honey you still have his smell on you,” she said laughing.“But don't you think you're risking too much making it at school?”

  “Yeah, we are,we shouldn't have.”

  “Honey I know you can't keep your hands off each other but try to resist, you'll have all night long for those things.”

  I knew she was right. I thought nothing could ruin that day which had started so well but I was wrong. About half an hour later there was a knock on the door. Tyler went to open the door and turned pale, he looked at me for a second and then back at the person that was in front of him. I looked at her, she was a beautiful lady and she was visibly pregnant,she must have been quite far gone in her pregnancy as her tummy came in before her.

  “What are you doing here?” I heard him asking her.

  “Oh I just wanted to see you. Can I talk to you for a second Ty?”She asked.

  That voice. I knew that voice.

  “I'm in a lesson right now, can't you see?”

  "It won't take long please.”She pleaded.


  She looked at me and smiled with an evil smile which made me shiver. Tyler went out and closed the door. I looked at Lucy. I was already beginning to panic.

  “Luc,that's her,that's Denise. I'm sure. I recognized her voice and she's pregnant. My God.”

  “Cassidy calm down,we're in class remember that. Please don't jump to conclusions, you said she was a bitch, that she slept with many men. The dad could be anybody.”

  I had told her all the story.

  “But she came here for him, maybe it's his. Oh my God,could he have lied to me ?” I was on the verge of crying.

  “Cas stop, you don't know, maybe she's here for other reasons and Tyler didn't lie to you. He loves you. Cas please our classmates are looking at you, don't cry in front of them”

  She was right but I couldn't calm down. What the hell did she want? Tyler was mine and I would not let her take him from me. He was still outside talking to her. I had to know what they were saying. I couldn't just stay there and wait for him to come inside. I got up on my feet.

  “Cas what the hell are you doing? Where do you think you're going come back here.”Lucy whispered in a desperate attempt to stop me.

  "I'm just going to the toilet,” I said while I could see my classmates looking at me. I went near the door and opened it quietly and as soon as I did I heard Denise saying

  “He's your child.” I froze and held my breath. My knees weakened all of a sudden and they could not hold me. I had to lean against the wall not to fall down. Tyler looked shocked at me.

  “I... I'm just going to the toilet Sir. “ I managed to say before tears began to roll down my face.

  “No,Cassidy wait.“ He said grabbing me from the shoulder. Denise looked at me amused.

  “Cassy,It's not what you're thinking. Tell her Denise, tell her.”He said desperately.

  “Tell her what? Do you often tell your private matters to your students Tyler?” She asked giving me a hatred look. Tyler looked angry. I struggled and broke free from his grip and ran to the toilet. I couldn't face either of them right now. I just wanted to cry, his past was killing me. Was this truly his child? If that was the case he had lied to me and he was going to become a Dad. The dad of Denise's child. NO.

  “Cassidy, wait!!” I heard him shouting. He spoke with her a little longer and then he came after me. I was sitting on the toilet with the door closed. He came into the ladies room.

  "Cassidy are you in there? Please come out. I have to talk to you. I don't know what you heard, but I promise it's not the truth, please come out.”He begged.

  “Just go away,” I cried. “I don't want to see you right now.”

  “Cassidy. please come out,” he shouted. “ We have to talk”.

  “What's going on in here?” A female voice asked.

  I felt my blood go cold. It was Ms Leighton. I couldn't see Tyler's expression but probably he was terrified right now.

  “Err, there's a student in here that is not feeling well,” he stuttered.

  “Oh really? Tyler what's going on? Whose in there? And why are you here?”

  “Nothing is going on. I was just worried something had happened to her, since she left the class in a hurry,” he invented.

  “You know you can't go into the ladies toilet, go away. Do you want me to report you?” She said angrily.

  “What,report me for what?” He asked her.

  “I don't know,is it by any chance Cassidy Hastley the student inside?” She asked him with a strange tone. I held my breath. I felt my stomach aching. How did she know it was me? Tyler was silent for a second.

  “You're right I shouldn't have come here. I'll go back and send a student,” he left without answering her question.

  “Cassidy, are you in there?” she asked.

  I wasn't going to reply. I was frightened to death, what was I going to tell her? Just in that moment I heard Denise's voice.

  “Lisa? Lisa Leighton is that you?” She asked.

  “Yeah. Oh Denise. How are you? Oh my, you're expecting. It has been such a long time since we last met, but what are you doing here?”

  “Oh I just came to visit a friend and you?”She asked her.

  “I teach here,who's your friend?”

  “Tyler Spencer.”


  “Anything wrong, you know him? He's my ex fiance.”

  I couldn't see Ms Leighton's expression but I knew she was shocked.

  “OH no no. He was your ex? And this baby is his?” She asked.

  I opened my ears wide to hear her reply but she didn't reply but just invited Ms Leighton for a coffee in the canteen and they went away. At least I was safe. Ms Leighton had forgotten all about me. I staye
d there seated crying like a baby,wishing this was not true. What was I going to do now?


  I was still sitting down on the toilet when I heard Lucy calling me.

  "Cassidy are you in here?"

  "Lucy, Yes," I replied

  "Are you OK?" She asked

  "What are you doing here?" I asked while I opened the door.

  She looked at me worried.

  "He sent me, he's desperate. He doesn't know what he's doing right now. He gave us some school work to do as he couldn't continue with the lesson. He sat down his head in his hands. Cas what's happening?You fought again. What happened when you went out?"

  I didn't reply. I couldn't, I burst into tears again and then I told her what I had heard.

  "Cas that doesn't mean he is the

  father,she can say anything can't she? What did Tyler tell you?"

  "I didn't let him speak to me,he came here after me but we were interrupted by Ms Leighton."

  "What?" She caught you? she asked stunned and worried.

  "Nearly. It seems that she and Denise know each other."

  "Oh,Listen Cas, he gave me this note for you," she said while she gave me a piece of paper. I took it from her hand and opened it. It said "Cassy Trust me please. I'll explain everything later. I love you." I crushed it in my hand.

  "Cassy? What's wrong?"

  "I don't know if I can believe him and trust him. I just don't know if I'm going to continue this,"I said hiding my face in my hands.

  "What are you saying Cas? You want to leave him?" She asked stunned.

  "I don't Know. I love him but I can't stand all this anymore. I always find out something new about him. Something which make us break down. We were so happy this morning and now I think I made a mistake getting involved with him. I'm just 18 and this is getting bigger than me," I cried.

  "I know you're sad and angry but you love him, how can you live without him? I know you."

  "Then what should I do? Accept everything without saying anything? Accepting he is fathering someone else's child?" I asked her with tears in my eyes.

  "You don't know that yet,talk to him first Cas."

  "Not now, right now I just need to stay alone and think. I need to think if this is worth it. I'm risking everything for this man."

  "The bell will soon ring,you can't stay here all day and now you've got Art with him."

  "I'm not going" I said in a steady voice.

  "What? Then where are you going?"

  I looked at her. I was sorry for her. I was involving her in my problems. She had lost half a lesson because of me.

  "I'm going to the gym. I need to calm down. I feel so depressed and frustrated. Probably hitting a few balls will make me feel better."

  Tyler's POV

  I couldn't stay still. I kept looking at that damned door. Why was Lucy taking so long to bring Cassy back? Why was this happening to me? Denise wants to ruin my life and I won't let her do that. My past continues to haunt me. I regret all the mistakes I've done. Why was I such an idiot? I can't lose Cassy. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. I stood up immediately, maybe a little too fast, my students were looking at me and I knew they suspected something. I was letting my feelings show. I went and opened the door hoping there was Cassidy but there was only Lucy.

  "So where is she?" I asked.

  "In the Ladies room,she doesn't want to come back."

  I felt my stomach aching.

  "How is she? Did you give her my note?" I asked.

  "Yes I did,she's angry and sad. Tyler," she whispered. " If you don't want to lose her it's better if you come up with a good explanation," she told me.

  "Lucy, that baby is not mine I swear."

  "Tell her not me."

  "I will if she lets me."

  Lucy went to sit back in her place and I kept looking impatiently at the clock waiting for the bell to ring. I wanted to go to the Art room so I could talk with her. Finally the bell rang and I left the class in a hurry. I went to the Art room but she wasn't there. I waited but she didn't come. I got worried. I kept going in and out hoping to see her coming but she didn't. 20 minutes had passed. I knew she wasn't coming but I had to see her. I went out, back to the ladies toilet but she wasn't there. I went to look for her at the canteen. She wasn't there either. I even tried the library. I was desperate. Where could she be?Then I thought of Lucy,she would know but how can I find Lucy? I didn't know what lesson she had. I couldn't check every classroom in school although I was tempted to do so. Then all of a sudden I had an illumination. I remembered, Lucy had a history book in her hand when she left the class. History, Mr Bayne's Class.

  I hurried to the second floor and I knocked on the door. I heard him telling me to come in. I opened the door and I saw her. I felt relieved.

  "Mr Spencer, what can I do for you? Asked me Mr Bayne.

  "Can I speak to Lucy for a minute please?" I asked while I saw Lucy looking worried at me.

  "Sure. Lucy."

  Lucy got up and came outside.

  "What is it?" She asked although she knew why I was there.

  "Where is she? She didn't come for the lesson."

  "I don't know," she said trying to avoid my gaze.

  "I know that you know. Please Lucy I need to talk to her."

  "She won't forgive you, not this time," she said. She seemed angry.

  "Listen, I've done nothing. There is nothing to forgive,just to

  clear, please tell me where she is," I insisted.

  "I told you I don't know," she repeated.

  I sighed with frustration. "Lucy,I beg you. I love her, you know that. Please I need your help." I kept looking at her, pleading with my eyes. "Please," I insisted desperate.

  "OK, she'll kill me if she knows that I told you."

  "Where is she?" I asked again.

  "In the gym," she finally said.

  “Thank you.”

  I ran like a freak to the gym. I arrived breathless. I stopped and looked inside and there she was. My heart missed a beat when I saw her. Her eyes were swollen and red, she must have cried a lot. She was hitting volleyballs, she seemed angry. I knew it was not going to be simple to convince her but I had to try.

  “Cassy,” I said in a whisper.


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