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Against All Odds

Page 31

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  She stopped and turned around and her gaze for a second had softened but then became angry again.

  “What are doing here? How did you know I was here? Did Lucy tell you?” she asked angrily.

  “No, I searched everywhere,” I said which wasn't entirely a lie.

  We stood looking at each other in silence for a moment until I broke the silence.

  “Cassy, we have to talk. I don't know what you heard but that is not my baby.”

  “That's not what she said,” she shouted.

  I knew it wasn't going to be easy to convince her.

  “Listen,you heard just half a phrase. The sentence was,I want you to raise him as if he's your child. You only heard the last bit. The baby is not mine.”

  She frowned“Oh really? Nice excuse which I don't believe."

  “My God Cassidy,you must know me by now. It's been 3 months since we've been together why don't you trust me? How the hell can it be my baby if she's 6 months pregnant? I left her nearly a year ago,” I shouted. I wanted to keep calm but she wasn't making it simple for me.

  “Maybe you saw her in between.”

  “What ,no I swear I didn't. Why aren't you believing me? Please Cassy,” I begged.

  She hit hard another ball putting all her frustration and anger in that hit then she turned at me again. “It doesn't make sense,if it's not yours why would she come here?”

  “Because she wants a father for her baby and she wants me to be the father. Listen God knows who the father is. I told you she sleeps around but she thinks she can fix everything by having me back. “ I explained.

  “OH, how nice of her. What did she offer you this time to do this? A new car, a house huh?”She asked sarcastically.

  I looked at her stunned. What was she thinking? This statement hurt me.

  “Cassy I'm not that man anymore and she didn't make me an offer. It was something else.”

  “What?” She asked.

  I looked at her undecided whether to tell her or not. No I couldn't tell her. Not now at least.

  “I can't tell you. I have to sort it out first then you'll know.”

  “No,you'll tell me now. If not we're finished. “ She shouted, tears in her eyes. She seemed serious. I made a pace towards her.

  “I can't Cassy,please trust me. Please,I love you. You know I do. What can I do so that you will believe me? Shout it to the whole wide world? I love you,” I repeated again as I pulled her to me. I put my hands on her waist and looked directly in her eyes and told her I loved her again. At that moment a voice made us jump out of our skins.

  “What's going on in here?"


  Cassidy's POV

  I stopped breathing. My heart pounding heavily in my chest. I looked at Tyler, he had frozen, he seemed made of stone. My God this was the end. What could we say? What could we invent? Ms Larson was still looking at us crossly. Her hands resting on her waist, waiting for us to say something. Tyler then took his hands off me and made a few paces backwards. He was terrorized I could see that he was trembling.

  “So, I'm waiting, what was that? What were you doing? Tyler My God,she's your student. What the hell were you thinking?” She asked sharply.

  “We were doing nothing,” I replied. Tyler was speechless.

  She looked at me oddly.“Nothing?He had his arms around you and he told you he loves you, I heard him.”

  “We...we were just trying a part, you know for English. We are doing Mid summer night's Dream by Shakespeare right now,” I said hoping she believes me.

  “What?” She said raising an eyebrow.“Cassidy do you think I'm stupid?” She asked me in a harsh voice.

  “No, of course not, but it's the truth,” I insisted.

  “Sure. Tyler what do you have to say?” She said turning her attention to him, his face was indescribable.


  I looked at him, he was trembling.

  “I'm sorry,maybe I shouldn't have come here but we were doing nothing wrong,” he said.

  “Listen to me both of you,I will keep an eye on you. If I see something wrong. I will report you immediately. Tyler she's your student,you should never touch a student. If there's something between you going on, it has to stop now! You're a good teacher. You want to jeopardize everything because you aren't able to stay professional and control your feelings? Teachers can't love students and that's it!” She shouted. “Now go away Tyler. I need to talk to this young lady alone.”

  Tyler looked at me, he seemed reluctant to leave me alone with her but I just nodded. I felt terrified but couldn't tell him to stay. I would have made matters worst. He walked away slowly, looking back at me twice. Then when we heard the door close she looked at me.

  “Cassidy did he take advantage of you?” She asked her voice softer.

  I widened my eyes and looked at her in disbelief.

  “What? No! I told you it's not what you're thinking,” I insisted,what the hell was she thinking about Tyler?

  “Did he touch you? I mean in an inappropriate way or had any intimate contacts with you?” She asked.

  "No, what are you talking about?”I replied promptly.

  “You know you can't have a relationship with a teacher do you?”

  I felt my heart racing,my knees were weak but I had to try to convince her. I didn't want Tyler to be reported.

  “Listen Ms Larson, I appreciate your concern but you're getting it all wrong. There's nothing between us,” I lied again.

  “Cassidy I know what I saw. If you really feel something for that man, stay away from him. He will lose his job, he can go to prison. You're a smart girl and I'm sure you know the consequences,” she said.

  “Are you going to report him?” I asked my voice broken as I fought to hold back my tears.

  “Not sure.”

  “There isn't anything to report. Please Ms Larson. I don't want him to end up in trouble. He didn't do anything to me, please.”

  “I'll think about it, but probably I will have to talk to Mr Daniels,he can't keep teaching you.”

  “No Please. I like his lessons and I don't want to change class please. I won't talk to him again if this makes you feel better,please,” I begged as a tear rolled down my cheek.

  “Listen this time I'll close one eye but as I told you, I'll keep an eye on you.”

  “OK, thanks.”

  I felt a little relieved although I wasn't sure if she was going to keep her word or not. I really needed to talk to Tyler but I couldn't go to him. I couldn't take more risks. I had to wait till after school and go to his place. We still had a lot to talk about Denise's baby and what we could do about this situation. This was turning out to be the worst birthday of my life. I felt so down and depressed. I just needed to cry. I needed to be in his arms. I needed him so much. I went to the ladies room and cried until my eyes couldn't take it more. I stayed there until the break was over and had to go to my next lesson. The day passed without me knowing what was happening around me. I couldn't pay attention to any of the lessons I had and I was terrorized when it was time for P.E. Ms Larson was my teacher. I was going to meet her again. She kept looking at me without saying anything. I haven't seen Tyler all day. I hoped he was OK.

  Tyler's POV

  This is a nightmare. The worst day of my life. I really wished to know what Ms Larson told Cassy. Hope she's OK. What if she reports us. What am I going to do? I knew one day we could get caught but I didn't imagine it was going to be this soon. I don’t know how I managed to get through my last three lessons. My mind couldn't concentrate on what I was doing. The students spoke to me and I wasn't even hearing what they were saying. I'm worried. I'm frightened to death of losing Cassy, of losing my job and going to prison. I know that probably I would finish in there if Ms Larson reported me. A thought ran through my mind, yes that I should do something about it before it was too late. That was the only solution to solve all the problems,finally the bell rang, it was my last lesson and I could return home. I grabbed my
keys and left. I had to clear things with Denise and then call Cassidy to sort everything out and to tell her about my decision. I felt a little better. I arrived home, actually surprised I did as I couldn't even remember going from one street to another. I parked my car and took out the keys to open

  the front door but I found it open. Suddenly I felt a shiver running down my spine. Did someone enter my apartment? I opened the door a little more and tiptoed inside without closing it..I didn't want to make a noise. I looked around, everything seemed in place. Then I reached the living room and there on the sofa I saw Denise dressed only in my robe. I looked at her angrily.

  “What the hell are you doing here? And how did you come in?” I asked with rage.

  “Hello gorgeous, don't be mad at me. Oh I entered through the door obviously. Do you think a pregnant woman can climb up a window?” She said laughing.

  I wasn't in the mood for any jokes. I just wanted to throw her out and call Cassy.

  “I don't remember leaving the door open,” I said annoyed.

  “Oh you didn't but I thought you could still have the same habit of hiding a spare key under a pot and you did. I found it and came in. I hope you don't mind that I took a shower and since I didn't have any clean clothes I used your robe,” she said in a cheerful tone which was irritating me.

  “What do you want?? Dress up and go away,” I snapped.

  “Not so quick lover boy. We still have a lot to discuss and maybe who knows we can remember the good old times,” she said loosening the robe a little.

  “You don't get it do you. I don't want you!! I never did and won't certainly start now. You're ruining my life Denise, why?”

  She looked at me hurt.

  “I'm ruining your life? No honey you ruined it yourself when you got involved with that student. My God Ty, she's how old 16?”

  “She's 18.”I said irritated.

  “Oh sure 18 a baby,at least she's legal, although I doubt you would have cared. How long have you been sleeping with her?” She asked in an odious tone.

  “That is none of your business. I love her OK. I'll do anything for her, this is not lust, with her it is different, she's different,” I said with determination. I wanted her to understand that I was in love, something which I had never felt for her.

  “You're mad, my God do you think she will stay with you when she leaves for college? She will find a guy her age. Do you truly think she loves you? You're just an idiot.”She rasped.

  “She does, listen I don't care what will happen in future. I just want to be with her and nothing you say or do will keep me away from her,even if this means going to prison,” I said.

  She looked at me stunned.

  "What are you saying? That you prefer going to prison than marry me?” She asked incredulously.

  “If I marry you I'll still be in prison. I don't love you and will never be a dad to your child,so go on and report me if you want. I don't care. I had enough of you. Do you think you can fix your mistakes by trying to dump them on me? You're a whore that's what you are!” I shouted at her.

  “Stop it Ty,” she cried.

  “No, you have to grow up. Now you have a responsibility, your child. You have to change for the baby's sake. Stop sleeping around and find a man that will love you and with whom to share your life.”

  “I found the man, you,” she sobbed.

  “No, listen Denise please. If you ever cared a little for me, let me be happy. Please I can only find happiness with her,if she forgives me. She thinks this baby is mine. She thinks I betrayed her.” My voice broke on the last word as a tear ran down my cheek.

  She looked at me astonished. Then she got up and came near me.

  “I'm sorry Tyler,” she said while she hugged me. Then we parted a little and I saw a strange expression on her face. She was looking behind me. I turned around to see what she was looking at and my heart missed a beat when I saw Cassidy. She was looking at us shocked. I knew what she was thinking. No! Not again. Why was I so unlucky?


  “Tyler, it's over. Now you can't tell me I'm wrong. I saw you with my own eyes,” she cried. Then she turned around and ran away. I had to go after her. I had to reach her. I couldn't lose her,No!

  “Tyler I 'm sorry. “ Denise said.

  I looked at her angrily.

  “If I lose her I'll kill you. Get out of here and do whatever you want ,report me if you want. I don't want to find you here when I come back!” I shouted before I went out running like a freak trying to reach Cassy. I ran after her. I called her name telling her to stop but she didn't. I finally managed to reach her. I grabbed her wrist.

  “Cassy ,please stop,” I begged.

  “I don't want to hear you. I don't want to speak to you.”She retorted.

  “No, you have to. Please,” I said desperately.

  “You can't deny the evidence. I saw you with my own eyes. Tyler leave me alone,you just keep hurting me. I hate you!!!”She yelled. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tight to me. How could I explain? What could I say to make her believe me?

  “Let me go!!” She shouted.

  “No. I love you, please Cassy. It's not as it seems.”

  She shook her head.“You keep on saying this and I don't believe you anymore, let me go!!!”

  Just at that moment I felt a sharp pain on my face, someone had punched me making me lose my balance and ending up on the floor.


  “Don't touch her you pervert!”

  I turned around and saw Julian.

  “Are you all right Cas? Did he hurt you?”

  He asked as he came near me.

  “What... no!” I looked at Tyler. He was still on the floor rubbing his face. When he looked up and saw Julian his eyes flickered with anger. He stood up and for a moment I thought he was going to punch him back.

  “You're protecting her from me? You who tried to rape her? This is really hilarious,” he said sarcastically.

  I could see Julian's face change colour, his lips trembled and then looked at me stunned.

  “You told him? What's going on Cassidy?” He asked me. For a moment I didn't know what to say, I felt tension building up and I shivered. My God things couldn't get worse.

  “It's none of your business, we were having a private conversation and you interrupted.” Said Tyler still angry.

  “A private conversation? What the hell? You were touching her. I saw you, Cassidy what are you doing with him?" He asked turning his attention on me.

  Tyler made a pace towards me and grabbed my hand.

  “Come on,we have to talk,” he said ignoring Julian.

  “I thought I told you to let her go,” he said making a pace towards him, he was going to hit him again but this time Tyler wasn't taken by surprise, he was faster than Julian and punched him in the stomach.

  “Tyler what are you doing are you mad? Punching a student?” I screamed.

  “He began,it was self-defense,” he said calmly. What the hell was wrong with him? It's seemed he wanted Julian to know about us, why was he doing this?

  Julian held his stomach, he was pressing his lips together obviously in pain. He then looked at me.

  “You, you called him Tyler. Cassidy you're with him? My God, I knew it. I knew he wanted you.”He said in disbelief.

  I bit my lip, how could I be so stupid to call him by his first name. Although he had already seen Tyler hugging me, now I had given him the confirmation he needed.


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