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Against All Odds

Page 43

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “Ty.,” I was going to say but his mouth crushed mine, his hands ran down my body and under my bottom lifting me up and slamming me against the wall. I tried to push him back. I tried to struggle to get free but my body was betraying me,it shivered and melted under his touch.

  “No!” I cried weakly in a protest which sounded not convincing even in my ears. Tyler smiled an evil sexy smile

  “Stop fighting me Cassy,you want me and badly. Your body craves for my touch,you are aching for me, give up and love me.”

  In that moment my mind shut down. I couldn't think about anything,my senses took over me gaining control. I closed my eyes and let myself go in his arms. I got lost in his embrace. He kissed my collarbone and his soft beard made my skin get goosebumps. His hands cupped my bottom pulling me high. I hung on to him while he kissed me passionately. He then walked with me still hung to his body in the direction of his desk. He put me on the edge of the desk and with his hand pushed everything away . The things fell on the floor making a great noise. I wondered what the secretary was thinking right now. He continued to kiss me passionately and I kissed him back desperately. I needed him so much. He then unbuttoned my jacket taking it off and hurriedly got rid of my shirt. He stopped for a moment and looked into my eyes. He gave me a look of possession and want, I was his. He got rid of his clothes hurriedly and then took off mine. I was like a doll in his hands. I just stayed there while he pulled me closer to him and continued to torture my body with his lips. I was shivering,I couldn't breathe. I had forgot how alive he could make me feel. I had forgot how good it was to be in his arms. He then cupped my face and looked in my eyes.

  “Do you want to stop?” He asked weakly.

  I should have said yes. I should have stopped. But I couldn't I had to have him at least a last time before losing him forever.

  “No.“ I whispered.

  He smiled and then he began to kiss me again. He pushed me towards him until I felt him inside me. He loved me with passion, with a totality that I couldn’t explain. He seemed desperate,he moved in me slowly. We gripped to each other and I closed my eyes. I felt tears coming up in my eyes. I didn't want to cry in front of him, I loved him so much. Why was destiny so cruel with us? I wished this moment could never end. I rested my head against his chest and held him tight to me. He kept loving me until I felt him shudder, he tried to pull back but I didn't let him. I just held him tight. He was mine,he will be mine forever.

  “I love you,” I heard him saying.

  "We stayed there in each others arms for what seemed an eternity. He just kept caressing my hair, we stayed silent, just enjoying the warmth of our bodies melded together. Then he broke silence.

  “Cassidy, come and live here. We belong together .”He said.

  “No. I can't do that, not at your conditions. Tyler, I love you. I can't deny that but you can't ask me to do this.”I replied.

  “Then you'll return to him?” he asked sadly.

  Him? Oh my God, David. For a moment I had forgot all about him. I had forgot everything, what had I done? I looked at Tyler horrified..

  “What is it?”

  "I can't believe what I have done. Oh my God, I betrayed him.”I said desperate. I felt so bad.

  “No you didn't. You don't love him.”

  “I do, in a different way maybe but I do love him and now I feel awful. This shouldn't have happened,” I said trying to grab my clothes.

  “Cassidy.. don't go.. stay here with me.”

  "No, if I stay here you have to leave everything. You have to escape with me but I won't be your mistress. I want to be your wife Tyler and nothing else.”

  He looked at me sadly. I knew I was asking for the impossible but I had to try.

  “I can't. I'm sorry,” he said tears in his eyes.

  “Then I have to go. “

  I grabbed my clothes and got dressed hurriedly. I looked at him,hoping he would stop me. He stayed silent looking in my eyes.

  “I'm going Tyler,we won't see each other again ever”

  He was still silent. I opened the door and ran away. I heard him calling me. I stopped and turned around, my heart jumping in my chest. Please tell me to stop. I prayed.

  “I will always love you,” he just said and waved at me.

  I was disappointed. I felt something in me shattering. I ran away. I entered the lift and pressed the button and then fell on my knees and cried. I was in the same situation again if not worst, it was worst because I have hurt not only myself again but also David. No I couldn't return to him. I had to leave him,it was not fair for him. I could never make him happy. I went out and sat down on the steps and cried. I covered my face. I had to cry and take out all my sadness before I'll call him to come for me, but while I was sobbing I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw his face. I felt nausea all of a sudden. He seemed devastated.

  “David? What are you doing here?” I asked still sobbing.

  He looked at me with sadness. I knew he was suffering.

  “Are you OK?” he asked gently.

  “No. I'm not OK..I.”

  “Are you coming back home with me?” He asked.

  “Yes but.. but we have to talk.”

  “Just get in the car,we'll talk later,” he said.

  I stood up and went in the car. He started the engine and stayed quiet.

  “David.. it's better if you leave me, I'm not good for you. You deserve someone better than me,” I said crying.

  “No I want you,” he said.

  “Listen, I'm a bad person. I don't deserve you,I-”

  “Did you sleep with him?” he asked still looking in front of him.

  I felt my stomach aching. How could I answer that? How when I knew that my answer was going to kill him?

  “David... I-”

  “You did. I knew this could happen.”

  “I'm so sorry. I really am, it's better if we finish here-”

  “Is it finished with him now? Or you're returning together?” he asked without looking at me.

  “No, it's finished but-”

  He stopped the car and turned his gaze at me, he was suffering but as usual he managed to keep calm. His calmness was getting on my nerves. I wanted him to yell at me but he didn't instead he pulled a box from his jacket and gave it to me.

  “Open it,” he ordered.

  I did and in it there was a ring. I looked confused at him.

  “David, I don't understand.”

  “Cassidy,this is going to be my last year at your high school. Next year I will be teaching at Brown's College. I'm going to change town. Why don't you come with me? Cassidy, will you marry me?” he asked.

  My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was he getting insane?

  “What? David? You just learned that I have slept with Tyler and you ask me to marry you? This is not normal... this-”

  “This is love. I love you. I really do and I don't care if you slept with him. If this was necessary to make you go over him than I don't care. He had you for few minutes. I will have you for all my life if you agree to marry me. That's a promise ring. It doesn't mean we have to get married now. You can come with me,there are a lot of colleges there. You can choose which ever you want. We could have an apartment together and then we'll get married. I'll be a good husband and I'll make you happy. Just promise me you'll never sleep with him again.”

  I was without words. Tears couldn't stop coming out. How could he love me so much?

  “David, I don't know. I'm not sleeping with him again. I will never see him again in my life,it's over but I'm not good for you.”

  “Can I decide what's good for me? Listen you don't have to answer me now. Keep the ring and think about it and then tell me your decision. I love you more than anything in the world and I would do anything to be with you,” he said tears in his eyes.

  That last remark hit me in a particular way. Tyler didn't do anything to be with me, he just gave up on us. I looked at David and then
at the ring. I felt so confused.

  “OK. I will think about it, but I want you to be sure. I-”

  “I am sure Cassidy.”

  Three days have passed and I was still confused. I felt lost. I didn't know what was happening around me. I was distracted all the time in class, during lessons I couldn't look at David. I couldn't even talk about it with Lucy. Tyler hadn't called me or anything, it was really finished. During English I looked up at David, he was so sweet and gentle. I had to tell him my decision. It wasn't fair making him wait. OK, now I knew what I wanted and I was ready to tell him.


  I went home after school, I had a shower quickly and ate the salad mum had left me in the fridge. Luckily she was at work and I didn't need to find an excuse to go to David. I left home hurriedly and in few minutes I was at his apartment. I had the box he had given me in my hand. I held my breath before knocking. I felt very excited. I knocked and few moments later he opened and looked at me stunned but happy. He wasn't expecting me.

  “Cassidy. I thought you would have never came here again. Come in”

  I smiled at him and went in.

  “David,we need to talk,” I said in a serious tone.

  “Oh,take a sit. Do you want something to drink or...?” he asked. He seemed nervous.

  “No, I want you just to sit down besides me.”I replied.

  “You look serious,is it about the decision?” He asked looking at me curious but in a fearful way.

  I nodded. “Yes.”


  We both sat down. I tried to find the courage to start this conversation.

  “I have thought a lot in these three days. I thought about what I would have felt if I wouldn't have seen you anymore,” I began.

  “And,” he prompted.

  I sighed.“Well I don't think I would live like that. I mean I would miss you a lot. I want you in my life David. I want to be with you so I decided to come with you when you'll leave,” I continued.

  His face brightened up and a smiled curved his lips or maybe I should call it a grin.

  "Oh Cassidy I'm so happy. Thank you you won't regret it.”

  “And with regards to this-”I said showing him the little box he had given me.

  “I want to give it back to you,” I said looking at him in the eyes. His face saddened all of a sudden, his smile disappeared.

  “Why you don't want it?I thought that since you were coming with me. Well I thought that-”

  I put a finger on his lips stopping him.

  “I just want you to put it on my finger silly.“ I said laughing at his expression. He smiled again and this time wider.

  “So you accept to marry me and pass your life with me?”he asked startled.

  “Yes David, I would love that. Obviously not immediately but maybe after college.”

  He cupped my face and pulled me to him and kissed me gently on the lips.

  “I love you Cassidy,” he then said and took the box from my hands, opened it and took out the ring. It was small but precious with a beautiful red gemstone in the middle. He grabbed gently my wrist and put the ring in my fourth finger. It fitted me perfectly. I looked at it and smiled. No one had ever given me a promise ring.

  "Cassidy I know that you don't love me like I do but I'm sure that by getting to know me better and pass time with me,one day you'll do,” he said.

  I stared at him, he was the sweetest guy I ever met. I really wished I could love him like he did, like he deserved.

  "David I do love you. I just need some time, we will have plenty of that, all our lives,” I said and smiled at him. Maybe he was different from Tyler, he wasn't as much sexy but he loved me more than Tyler ever did. I wanted to give this relationship a chance. Tyler could never make me happy, now I knew that. David was looking at me with dreamy eyes then he pulled me to him and hugged me tight. We stayed like that for a few moments, in silence then he pulled back and wiped his tears. I looked stunned at him.


  “I'm sorry. I just got emotional. I never thought you would have accepted. I'm just so happy. I can't believe it's really happening.”

  I caressed his face and then kissed him.

  He kissed me back gently at first but then when I deepened the kiss he responded. I shivered, it was the first time he kissed me with such passion, maybe he wasn't so shy and quiet as I thought after all. His hands entered in my hair pulling me closer to him and continued to kiss me. Then he pulled back a little and looked at me. My God he was so handsome, his hair was still damp. He must had shower a little while before. I loved his scent. I lifted my hand to his face and caressed it then I lowered my hand down and began to unbutton his shirt. He stayed in silence while I exposed his chest, my hands ran on his hairless chest caressing it. He then grabbed my hand and pressed it on his heart.

  “Do you feel it, this is beating for you,” he said.

  I smiled at him, he was so sweet.

  “Cassidy,I need to tell you something.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I... I never did this,” he said as he looked down a little embarrassed.


  For a moment I hadn't understood. What was he talking about?He kept looking deeply at me. Then I understood.

  “You mean you're-” I asked stunned.

  He nodded,“A virgin,yes. I never made love to anyone. I hope I won't delude you.”

  I caressed his face.

  “Delude me? David I'll be your first. This is

  really an honor, something special,” I said.

  “And you'll be my last I'm sure,” he added.

  I smiled and began to kiss him again. I took off his shirt and loved to feel his warm skin. I traced circles with my fingers on his stomach making him getting goosebumps and then began to kiss his neck and shoulders. He seemed so excited. He stayed still.

  “David relax.. don't you want to undress me?”

  He began to unbutton my cardigan, his hands trembled so much that I thought he was going to faint. I looked at him tenderly and helped him to get rid of my clothes. I then took off my bra and I saw him swallowing. His breath quickened and he stared at me.

  “You-you're beautiful” he said.

  I took his hands and put them on my breast,he shivered.

  “Touch me David. I'm yours now make love to me.”

  He didn't let me repeat it twice. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him and then to my surprise he began to kiss me with hunger. His hands ran all over my body. He took off the rest of my clothes and took me in his arms then he stood up lifting me up and took me to his bedroom. He laid me down slowly on his bed and took off his clothes. I looked at him naked,he had a gorgeous body. He then came close to me and began to kiss me again. I wrapped my legs around him and he trembled so much I thought he was going to pass out. He loved me slowly and hesitantly at first but then he got used to it and became more passionate, a lot more passionate. So passionate that I was left gasping for breath. He kissed me all the time repeating how much he loved me, making me feel as If I was the most important person in the world for him. He kept moving until I couldn't take more and grabbed his shoulders and held him tight to me. He clenched my waist tighter and continued to love me until he shuddered and collapsed on me. He shivered without breath,his hands entangled mine while he rested on my chest.


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