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Against All Odds

Page 44

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “How do feel?” I asked smiling.

  “I... I never thought it could be so incredible. I love you so much Cassidy. Hope you-” He paused.

  “It couldn't feel better and you know why?”


  “Because I felt loved.”

  He kissed me again and then moved to my side and wrapped his arms around my stomach and held me tight to him. We stayed there in silence. I then rose my hand and looked at the ring. I felt happy, this was a new start for me,a new relationship which would not hurt me like the first one. Tyler I'm not yours anymore. I thought, although I knew he would always be there, somewhere in my heart, now I was ready to get over him and to start to look at my future in a more serene way.

  From that day a month passed. Our relationship continued and I was really happy, so happy that I glowed, my mother had noticed this and looked at me strangely. Even Lucy had noticed and began to bombard me with questions but I never told her anything. That was our secret, a secret which was not going to stay a secret for much.

  That morning I felt really sick and thought about staying home but I wanted to see David so I decided to make an effort. I took a shower hoping to feel better and then dressed up. Then I went down.

  “Cassidy are you OK? You look so pale this morning.” My mum said as soon as she saw me coming in.

  “I'm OK, just feel a little dizzy. “ I said.

  “Oh no you're sick, maybe you shouldn't go to school.” Mum said looking at me with narrowed eyes.

  “I'm OK.“

  “Here eat your breakfast.”

  She put a plate with scrambled eggs in front of me and that made me feel really bad. I had to make an effort to keep myself from throwing up. I couldn’t stand the smell of eggs. I stood up and grabbed my bag.

  “I'm not hungry. I have to go or else I'll be late,bye mum” I said running out before she could say anything else. I arrived at school and saw Lucy waiting for me at the entrance.

  “Good morning Cassidy.”

  “Hi Lucy”

  She looked at me strangely.

  “What's wrong, you're not feeling well?” She asked.

  “I'm a bit sick, probably I ate something which made me ill.” Saying this I felt nauseous again. I needed a toilet and quickly. I run away to reach the toilet leaving Lucy stunned,she came after me. I just managed to arrive in time. My God I felt so bad. What was wrong with me? After I finished I went out and washed my face. I looked at the mirror. I looked terrible. Lucy was there looking at me with a strange look in her eyes.

  “Feeling better?” She asked me.

  “Yes much better.”

  “Cassidy have you really ate something which made you ill or it could be something else?”

  A shiver ran down my spine as I looked at her in disbelief through the mirror. I stayed silent,it was something that had crossed to my mind,it's been a week that I was feeling this way.

  “Cassidy, is there a possibility that you are pregnant?”

  My stomach twisted,the nausea was coming back. I looked at her, tears in my eyes , I couldn't breathe, then I nodded. I had to tell someone. Lucy looked at me with her mouth open.

  “Oh My God Cas, how? When, with who?”

  She asked not knowing which question to ask first.

  She stopped for a second and...

  “Cassidy why haven't you told me you were seeing someone? I thought we were best friends,we always confide everything,” she said sadly.

  “I'm sorry Lu. I know but I was afraid.“ I said desperate. I felt so bad.

  “Afraid of what?”

  “To be judged, that you wouldn't have approved. I don't know.”

  “Why? With whom are you going out? Why wouldn't I-” she stopped looking at me stunned.

  “No it's impossible, it's Mr Bayne is it?”

  I began to cry and nodded.

  “Oh my God. Cassidy you slept with Mr Bayne another teacher!” She yelled.

  “Please don't shout,someone could hear,” I said sobbing.

  “Oh yes, sorry. It's just that,oh my God. I don't know what to say and now you're pregnant with his baby?”

  “I'm not sure yet if I'm pregnant. I didn't do a test yet.”

  “Are you late?”

  “Yes about a week.”

  “Then you're pregnant for sure. After school we go and buy a test so that you'll be sure but are you together? I mean is it serious or...”

  “Yes we're together and he even gave me a ring. I'm leaving with him. He will go to live in another town after graduation and I'll go with him.”

  “What? And your mum ?Does she know about this?”

  “Not yet we will tell her after graduation, so that he's not my teacher anymore.”

  “Oh God.”

  “Lucy there is something else which I have to tell you.”


  “I'm not sure if this baby is David's.”

  Her jaw dropped...

  “What do you mean? You slept with someone else?”


  “Who... Julian?”

  “What? No, not Julian.”

  “Then who? ”

  “ Tyler,” I managed to say in a whisper.

  Her eyes widened.

  “Mr Spencer? You saw him, when? How did you manage?”

  “David took me,it's a long story.”

  “OK,nice. Oh dear Lord. What happened to you Cassidy? You were such a good girl and now here you are pregnant with a teacher's baby and my God you don't even know who's the Dad!”

  “I know. It's not me but it happened now. Please. I need you help. I need your support Lucy, my mum will kill me.”

  “Oh that's for sure does Mr Bayne know?”

  “Not yet but he knows I slept with Tyler.”

  “This is getting more complicated. Cas how could you sleep with two guys without using protection?”

  “I don't know. I just don't know anything right now,” I said crying.

  She came near me and hugged me.

  “Cassidy calm down. We have to see if you're really pregnant first and then we'll see from there OK?”

  I nodded and hugged her tight.


  I felt terrible all day and I don't know how I managed to go for the lessons. I couldn't eat anything and I kept feeling sick all the time. I wished the school would finish soon so that I could go with Lucy to buy that test. I continued to look at my watch,it was the last lesson History. I looked at David, he was talking about historical events,for a moment our eyes had met and he had smiled at me. I smiled weakly at him. I wondered what he would have thought about the possibility of a pregnancy. Finally the bell rang. I've put everything in the bag and looked at the door, Lucy was already there waiting for me. She waved at me and I was going to leave when David called me.

  “Cassidy can I talk to you a minute please?” He asked while he waited for the last students to go out.

  “Yes Sir,” I said putting my bag down again. As soon as the classroom was empty he looked at me and walked towards me.

  “Cassidy are you OK?” he asked concerned.

  “I'm fine” I lied.

  He grabbed my hand in his.

  “What are you doing? We're at school.“ I said.

  “I know,Cassidy if there is something wrong I want to know. I have observed you today,during English you were not feeling well,you had to go to the rest room twice. What's going on?” He asked gently.

  “David please,not now. We'll talk later. I have to go. Lucy is waiting for me,” I said trying to avoid his gaze. I couldn't tell him what was going on.

  “Cassidy what is it? I'm worried,” he insisted.

  I bit my lip nervously, I wasn't sure if to tell him, I really needed to tell him my suspicion but I was afraid of his reaction.

  “Listen, I'll tell you when I'm sure OK,” I

  said finally.

  “Sure about what?”

  I looked at him,undecided then I blurt it out.“David,I
think that I'm pregnant.”

  He looked at me stunned, his mouth opened in disbelief. He became pale all of a sudden and made a pace backwards to find the support of his desk, sitting down on its edge and resting his hands on the sides. He inhaled deeply and then ran a hand in his hair.

  “Say something please,” I said already panicking.

  “I just need to breathe for a second," he said."OK....OK,you might be pregnant. Wow, Oh my God we're having a child. I, I can't believe this,” he said more to himself than to me.

  “David,I'm not sure yet. I still have to do a test but-”

  “You don't have to worry Cassidy. I'll be there for you, we'll do this together. I'm going to be a father,” he said again and then smiled. A sweet smile which made all my worries and sadness disappear. But then I remembered something, something which could change things. I had to tell him the truth.



  “I'm not sure,” I said weakly as I inhaled nervously.

  “I know you’re not sure yet.”

  I shook my head helplessly. “No, that's not what I meant. I don't want to hurt you but I-. Well, this baby could be-” My words died in my throat, I couldn't continue.

  He stared at me. His eyes widened and on his face I could see all the pain he was feeling. I felt awful.

  “Tyler's? That's what you're saying?”

  “I don't know David, I'm not sure,” I said as a tear rolled down my face.

  He stood up and walked towards me. He grabbed my shoulders and looked down into my eyes. “No, this is mine,it's my baby OK? I'm sure and we'll get married.”

  He said steadily.

  “David,we'll do a DNA test when the baby is born so....”

  “No,” he shouted.

  I looked stunned at him. Why? He didn't want to know?

  “Listen Cassidy,I don't want to know if this baby has my blood or not,it will be our baby. It will take my name and I will be his father. I don't care if I am the biological father or not,” he said determined.

  I felt my heart racing. I couldn't believe what he was saying. He loved me this much?

  “Oh David, but-.”

  “No buts. I love you Cassidy and that's all it counts and then there is a possibility that this baby is really mine no?” He said with a smile.

  “Yes, a big possibility,” I said quickly. Hoping with all my heart that it was his.

  “Good," he said as he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight to him. I crushed my head against his chest, it felt so good to be in his arms.

  “It's going to be all right I promise. Listen do you want me to come with you to do the test?”

  “No,no one can see us together. Listen I'll call you as soon as I have the result OK,” I assured him.


  I pulled back gently to leave, he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

  “Call me immediately OK?“

  I nodded.“OK,I have to go now.”

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  I smiled at him, I couldn't have found a better man.

  “I love you too.”

  I left and went out to meet Lucy who was waiting for me in the corridor.

  “Sorry I left you waiting Luc,” I told her as soon as I saw her.

  “No problem so what's up? Have you told him?” she asked gazing at me.


  “Oh, and how did he react?” she asked impatiently.

  “Oh well as usual he is always so calm,he said he will be with me and that we will get married,” I said happily.

  “And does he know that this child could be Tyler's?

  I nodded.“Yes but he said that it's our baby,that he's the father no matter what. He doesn't even want to do a DNA test.”

  Lucy smiled and put an arm around me.“He must love you very much, few men would react like this.”

  “I know,I'm very lucky.”

  She nodded in agreement.“Now let's go we have to confirm if you're pregnant or not.”

  We went to the first pharmacy we found. I stopped in front the door looking undecided to the interior of the shop.

  “Cas what are you doing?”

  I turned around to face Lucy.“I don't have the courage to go and buy it. What will the sale's girl think?”

  Lucy sighed.“Do we really care about what she will think? Anyway just give me the money I'll go. Wait for me here.”

  She took my purse and went in. I was happy I had told her. I had missed her a lot. She always knew what to do in most of the situations and her support meant a lot especially right now. She came out a few minutes later.

  “Here it is. Well she told me it's better if you do it first thing in the morning but you have two so maybe you can do it now and then repeat it tomorrow or in a few days,” she explained.

  “Of Course I can't wait till tomorrow.”

  “Let's go to my house,my mum is not there.”

  We walked silently till Lucy's house. I was really nervous and frightened. It took all my courage to go in the bathroom open the test and do it. Lucy was waiting for me outside.

  “Luc how much time has to pass before I can check the result?” I asked her looking at the back of the box.

  “It said one minute,” she replied.


  One minute,the longest one minute in my life. A minute later my life was going to change if the result was positive. A lot of thoughts were passing through my mind, my mum ,how will she react when she was going to find out? She would kill me. I don't know how many times she had told me to be careful, to use protection. Why have I been so careless? And Dave,this could cause him a lot of trouble if someone had to find out. This was the proof that we had broken all the rules and Tyler? He will never know that he conceived a baby, if this baby is his. I felt my mind exploding.


  Lucy's voice brought me to reality.


  “So,what is the result”? she asked impatiently.

  “I don't know,I don't have the courage to look. Lucy, can you come in?“ I pleaded. I needed her to be with me.


  She opened the door and came in.

  “Lucy,can you see the result for first? I can't look at it”.

  “What? OK.”

  Lucy picked up the test and looked at it. She stared at it for few minutes and through her face I saw the answer. I felt my stomach aching and I began to cry.


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