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Against All Odds

Page 45

by Alexia Vella Deguara


  “It's positive right?” I cried.

  “Yes,you're pregnant.”

  “Oh my God,” I shouted in despair.

  “Cas, it's going to be all right. You're not alone,” she said gently trying to calm me down.

  I shook my head, no it wasn't going to be all right.“My mum,how can I tell her?” I asked her with tears streaming down my face.

  “You don't have to do that now. Just relax and think OK, maybe you should tell David first,” she suggested.

  “Yes,I'll phone him immediately,” I said as I searched in my handbag for the mobile. I was shaking badly.

  “Why don't you go and tell him personally.

  You need his support right now, you need him to reassure you.”

  I looked at her. I knew she was right. I needed his embrace. I needed to feel his love.

  “Yes it's better. I'm leaving Lu, thanks for everything,” I said hugging her.

  “Call me if you need to talk or something. OK Cas?”

  “Yes,thank you.”

  I left from Lucy's house in a surrealist state. I couldn't explain how I was feeling. Sadness, fear most of all, I couldn't believe it was happening to me. I felt so lost. I don't know how I managed to arrive to David's house. I knocked and when he opened and saw my face,he just opened his arms and hugged me tight.

  “Dave,” I said.

  “Shh there is no need to tell me anything. I already know the answer,you wouldn't be here if it was otherwise.”

  He took me in and we sat on the sofa, he took me in his arms and hugged me tight to him and began to caress my hair.

  “Cassidy, we'll pass through this together, we're having a child,something which will reinforce our bond. Well it came a little early but we would have had children someday anyway,” he said.

  “Are you serious?I mean you're not worried about this situation?” I asked astonished.

  "I'm afraid yes can't deny that. I'm afraid of the reaction your mum will have for instance. Luckily the end of the school is near so probably no one will notice you're pregnant. Another 2 months and you'll graduate, so on that side there shouldn't be problems. Maybe it's better if you don't tell your mum right now. We'll tell her together after graduation. What do you think?”

  “Yes I think that's better,she will be mad and when she will discover that you're a teacher. Oh my God I don't know what she'll do. That's what I'm afraid most of David. And If she reports you? I don't want you to be in trouble.”

  “Nothing of the sort will happen I'll talk to your mum. I'm sure that when I'll tell her my serious intentions she will understand. Cassidy I don't want to pressure you or anything but I was thinking , wouldn't it be better if we got married before the baby is born? You know my family is very catholic and probably wouldn't like me to have a baby out of marriage. We could get married before you begin to show. I would take you to my family to introduce you.”

  “I don't know Dave but maybe yes, maybe even my mum would take it better if you tell her that we are going to get married.”

  “OK then we'll do it as soon as possible what about July or August? Not later than that “

  “July is fine.”I said.

  “OK then we'll have to decide a date. Cassidy listen, probably you won't be able to go to college this year but you'll go the following I promise you that. I 'll do whatever it takes so that you can complete your studies. I'll help you with the baby or else maybe you could study part time. We'll sort out something OK. Your life isn't finished because you’re going to be a mum OK?” He said.

  I nodded and kissed him. I felt much better now,he always knew what to say. I felt relieved and thanked God I had him.

  “Cas, I just want to ask you for a favour. I just want one thing from you,” he said serious.

  “Tell me.”

  “I don't want Tyler to get to know about

  this baby OK. Please don't tell him.”

  I looked at him. His eyes were full of pain. I knew what he was thinking,that maybe Tyler knowing about the baby would come back and try to destroy our relationship. No now it was too late. Tyler was out of my life . My future was with David and hopefully this baby was his. Tyler doesn't have to know anything.

  “I promise that he'll never know. David I love you and this is our baby, mine and yours.”

  He smiled, the pain disappeared from his face. I smiled back and let myself go into his embrace.


  In the following two weeks my nausea got worst. I couldn't keep anything in the stomach and it was really getting hard to concentrate during lessons, try to hide it to mum and continue with my life normally. Although I had the support of David and Lucy I felt really bad. I was always on the verge of crying and had really bad mood swings. David was very patient with me and tried all his best to try and make me feel better.

  I was at school waiting for the last lesson to pass so that I could go home and rest a little. I really felt tired and really had a bad mood. When the bell finally rung I got up immediately and ran out. At the entrance there was David waiting for me.

  “Mr Bayne,” I said trying to hide my excitement in seeing him.

  “Cassidy can I speak to you for a second?”

  I nodded.“Sure.”

  We went out .

  “Can you come to my apartment. I have something to give you?” He asked as he smiled at me.


  “If you can yes. You leave first. Here take my spare keys and get inside. I have something to finish and then I'll come,” he said slipping his keys in the palm of my hand.

  “OK but I can't stay for long my mum will soon be home from work.”

  “No problem, see you soon.”

  I did as he requested. I arrived at his apartment and went in and lay down on his sofa. I felt really tired. I closed my eyes and I must have fallen asleep. I was woken up by the warmth of his sweet lips like sleeping beauty. When I opened my eyes and saw his beautiful blue eyes looking at me and

  his sweet smile I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world and in that moment I prayed that my child was really his. I would love him or her to have his eyes and that smile.

  “How are you feeling?” He asked while he caressed my face.

  I grabbed his hand and pressed it against my face.

  “A bit tired, these two weeks have been hell for me.”

  “I know sweetheart and I really wish I could do something about it but I can't,” he said softly as he bend down and kissed me again. I put my arms around his neck and hugged him,

  “So what is it you wanted to give me?” I whispered in his throat. I was so curious.

  “Oh.. yes just wait here a second OK," he said as he pulled back from my hug and stood up. " Don't move.”He ordered,

  I smiled at him.“OK Sir”

  He smiled back and went to get something from his bedroom, after few minutes he came back with a bag.

  “Here,open it,” he said placing the little coloured bag in my hands.

  “What is it?” I asked happily.

  “A small present, hope you like it.”

  I undid the ribbon and opened the bag and looked in. I smiled and got emotional when I saw the content.

  “Oh David,” I said hugging him.

  “Do you like them?”

  “Of course oh my God,” I took out the two small baby grows and a little teddy bear.

  The baby grows were really cute, one yellow and one white. Both had different messages written on the front. One of them had written Daddy's little treasure and the other had Mummy's little pumpkin. They were so small and soft. I couldn't hold back my tears. I began to cry while I kissed David.

  “Thank you, they are so sweet.”

  “It's just a little something for the little guy or lady we have in there,” he said while he stroked my stomach. “You know Cassidy I'm already in love with this child and I know I will spoil her or him a lot. I hope I'll be a good dad.”

  I squeezed his
arm.“Of course you'll be. I'm sure about that.” And it was the truth. He was a wonderful man, so thoughtful and kind. I Knew he would make a wonderful husband and a good father.

  “Do you think it's early to start thinking about a name?” He asked me then.

  “No,why is there a name you like?” I asked eagerly. I hadn't thought about names yet.

  “Yes. I've always liked Kylie for a girl. What do you think?” he asked.

  “Kylie Bayne, yes sounds good,” I said happily.


  “Sure, why not? It's a nice name and for a boy?” I asked curiously.

  “Oh I don't know, maybe you can choose one for the boy.”he suggested.

  “Well If you really like the name, it could be Kyle. What do you think?”

  “Kyle Bayne, yes that's nice. Oh Cassidy. I can't believe we're going to be parents. I can't wait for this child to be born,” he said as he continued to caress my tummy.

  He seemed sincerely happy to become a father.

  “A lot of things have to happen before that. David I'm really worried about my exams. I'm trying to study but with the nausea, tiredness and all I'm not managing a lot.”

  “I'll help you, we could study together. You'll do those exams and you'll get good marks OK.”

  “I hope so,” I replied. I was really terrified to fail this year.

  “Cassidy I was thinking about the wedding. Hmm,what type of wedding do want? An intimate one, maybe just my family and yours or a bigger one?” He asked me then.

  “David,since the situation is not ideal with me being your student, I think that the intimate one would be fine and we can't even do it in this town. We'll get married in your town, where your family live,” I said.

  He nodded.“Yeah that's what I was thinking. OK, when we decide for a date. I'll make the necessary arrangements.”

  “OK. I have to go now, my mum will soon be back,” I said as I pulled back from his arms with reluctance.

  “Sure,are you going to leave the presents here?”

  “It's better I think. I don't want mum to see them,we still have to face her.”I said sadly.

  “I know,it won't be easy but I'm sure she will accept the situation. Bye sweetheart,take care of yourself and of our little angel."

  Saying that first he kissed me and then my stomach. I hugged him tight and then left. When I arrived home my mum was already there, she was cooking.

  “Where have you been?” she asked in tone that I didn't like.

  “Emm with Lucy,” I lied.

  “No it's not true. I've seen Lucy, she was with her mother at the mall,” she said harshly looking disapprovingly at me.

  My heart missed a bit as heat surged into my face.

  “Where have you been are you seeing someone ?” She asked again.

  “Mum,I need to take a shower. We'll talk about this later OK,” I said putting my bag on the table.

  My mum looked at me with a strange expression in her eyes. I knew something was wrong.

  “Cassidy we need to talk,” she said putting the spatula down.

  “Not now mum,” I said feeling ill at the smell of the onions.” Saying that I left hurriedly from the kitchen and ran to the living room. Mum followed me.

  “Cas what's going on?” She asked as she rested her hands on her hips.

  I gazed at her feeling a little better.

  “What do you mean?” I asked trying to look calm.

  “You know what I mean. I noticed you in these past two weeks, you've been sick.”

  My stomach twisted as nausea hit me again.

  “Mum it's just stress. I have a lot to study, the finals are near,” I said hoping to convince her.

  “Sure that's what I said to my mother when I was expecting you.”She said harshly.

  My eyes widened,my heart missed a beat and I had to sit down not to fall. My legs became so weak that they couldn't keep me. My God she knew.

  “Cassidy I've been there and I can recognize the signals. Come on I want the truth. Are you pregnant?” She asked her voice shaking.

  I couldn't respond and I couldn't look at her either. I felt ill and weak.

  “Talk to me!” she shouted. “Are you pregnant?”

  A tear rolled down my cheek and said yes in a whisper. I felt a lump in my throat which seemed to suffocate me. I couldn't breathe. My mum was looking at me in silence. Anger, disappointment. What was she feeling? She sat down.

  “I knew it. I knew it!" She yelled. " Oh my God. Cas why have you been so stupid? Why did you do my same mistake?” She said on the verge of crying. I looked at her tears in my eyes.

  “Was I a mistake mum?”

  “I didn't mean that. It was a mistake, not you but the fact I got pregnant. I love you, you know that I do but it's not right getting pregnant at 18. I never wished that and I never wished that for you. You don't know what responsibility brings a child. It changes your life forever.” She was crying now. “I wanted you to finish College, now you destroyed everything!” She yelled at me. Her hands covering her face.

  I stayed in silence, she was right but now it was too late. Nothing could be done.

  “Who's the father?” She asked then. I shivered. I knew she would ask me but I couldn't tell her, no not now. I didn't respond.

  “Cas,I want to know. He has to take his responsibilities.”She said angrily.

  “He will,” I replied weakly.

  “Does he know you're pregnant. Have you told him?”

  I nodded.“Yes”

  “Tell me who is it. Is it that Ty you were going out with?” she asked again.

  I felt bad all of a sudden, the nausea was getting back and this time it wasn't because of the pregnancy.

  “It's him is it? Tell me his surname. I have to call his parents,” she insisted.

  “He doesn't live with his parents.”

  Mum stared at me surprised.“What, he lives a lone” Cassidy what are you hiding? He's not a student is he?”

  “No,” I replied.

  “Oh my God is he married?” she shouted.


  She looked relieved.“At least, is he older than you?”

  “Yes but not a lot. Mum please don't ask me anything. I can't tell you. I beg you don't ask me,” I pleaded. I couldn't tell her about David, she would report him.

  “Honey, I won't behave like my mother did. When she knew I was pregnant, she threw me out of her house. She left me alone. I swore that I would never have done that to you and I won't. I will help you but you have to be honest with me. Please tell me the name?”

  I shook my head.“I can't”

  “But why? Do I know him?” she asked


  “You would call the police and I don't want that” I admitted crying.

  “The police? Oh my God. Why? Is he a criminal?” she shouted in panic.


  “Did he rape you?”

  I stared at her incredulous.“What? Of course not. We love each other.”


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