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Against All Odds

Page 47

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “What is it?”

  “But you have to promise me not to shout.”

  My mum looked at me worried.“Why would I shout? Sounds serious.”

  I didn't even know why I wanted her to know but I felt I had to be honest.

  "Mum. I'm not sure this baby is his,” I admitted.

  Her jaw dropped,her hand went up to cover her mouth. She looked at me in disbelief.

  “What are you saying? Cassidy you.. you slept with someone else during the same time?”she asked incredulous.

  “Yes mum.”

  “Oh my God. What happened to the girl I raised? You're not her, how could you do something so irresponsible, Cassidy?” she said. I could read all her sadness and all her disappointment in her face.

  "Please mum try not to judge me. I know that what I've done is wrong but now I can't go back,” I said feeling awful.

  “Then you can't marry David, it's not fair making him believe it's his baby when-”

  "He knows mum,” I said quietly.


  Now she was more stunned than before.

  “You told him?” she asked.

  “Of Course and he doesn't care,he said it's his and that the child will have his surname even if he won't be the biological father,” I told her.

  “Oh my God,then he must truly love you to do this but it could be his no?”she asked hopefully.

  “Yes, I keep praying that it's his baby.”

  “And whose the other father?”

  Here we are, the million dollar question that I hoped she wouldn't ask.

  “It's that guy I used to out with,” I replied.

  “Ty? You returned to him after he broke your heart?”She asked angrily.

  “I know. I shouldn't have,” I said looking down at my feet.

  “Cassidy do you still love this guy?” she asked me.

  “No, no mum now it's finished.”I replied.

  “Are you sure honey? Listen ,think well on what you're doing. This marriage will mean that you will pass the rest of your life with David. There will be no turning back, are you sure you want to pass it with him and not with Ty?”

  I looked at her for a minute. My stomach was aching. I wasn't feeling well.

  “Mum he doesn't want me OK. With David I can be happy, he's a good man, he's sweet and cares a lot about me and I do love him.”

  “OK honey I just wanted you to be sure.” My mum said as she put her arms around me.

  After that day a new life started for me. I could count on my mum now and this made me really happy. No more lies to meet David. No more worries to be caught. It was a very busy period. During days I had school and lots of tests and things to do. After school I usually went to David's apartment to pass some time together. We had began to search for an apartment in the new town. There were a lot on internet and some of them really seemed nice. He was also helping me to study all the subjects and then when I returned home my mum and I would discuss for hours about my wedding dress and the arrangements for the wedding. Luckily as weeks passed the nausea began to diminish and I felt much better and I had began to eat normally again.

  That morning my mum looked worried at me.

  “What is it mum?” I said as I brushed my hair. I was in the bathroom preparing to go to school.

  “Honey you know your tummy has already began to show a little. Maybe you should wear a more baggy shirt if you don't want anyone to suspect you're pregnant.”she said.

  “Mum I'm only in the second month. I can't show that much.”

  “Yes but not everyone is the same,when I was expecting you I only began to show when I was about 6 months pregnant but probably it won't be the same for you. Honey you have to be careful,there is only about a month of school left. Don't let anyone find out. David could get in serious trouble,” she said. She seemed really worried.

  “I know that mum. OK I'll wear something else,” I replied.

  I went upstairs and changed. I look at the mirror and she was right, my tummy already showed a little. I smiled. I still couldn't believe there was a baby in there. I was glad mum was being protective with David. Now she liked him and a lot. I was feeling really happy, in less than 2 months I was going to become Mrs Bayne. I still couldn't believe it, me and David getting married. We had already chose an apartment and we had made an appointment with the agency to go and see it as soon as the exams are over. I still had to meet David's family and I was really afraid of what they would have thought. David had told his mum he was getting married but didn't mention I was pregnant. We were going to go to their house after my graduation. When I arrived to school it was still early. I went directly to the English class and when I arrived I saw that David was already there.

  “Good morning” I said smiling at him.

  He rose his head in my direction and

  smiled at me.

  “Oh Cassidy, good morning sweetheart. How are you feeling today? Is the little guy OK?” he asked.

  “Fine and maybe it's not a little guy. It could be a little girl,” I said gazing at him.

  “Oh yes I know and honestly I do hope it's

  a girl.”

  I put my bag down and sat down.

  “Cas I've just seen the timetable of the exams.“ he then told me changing subject.

  “What it's out already?” I asked worried.

  “Yes, the first one is English. You have only about 14 days more to study for it.”he informed me.

  “That soon?”

  “Yes. Come on Cassidy a last push and you'll graduate and you know what that means for us?" he said with a grin.

  “Yes David that we finally can love each other without fear, that we can get married and become a family.”

  “Yes and I can't wait.”


  I was at home studying when I heard my mum calling me from downstairs. She had just arrived from work.

  “I'm in my Room mum,” I shouted.

  After few minutes she came up and opened the door.

  “Hello Honey. How are you feeling?”she asked.

  “I'm OK mum. I'm just fed up studying,” I said stretching out my legs.

  My mum smiled.

  “Maybe you could take a break. I brought something to show you.”

  "What?” I asked curiously.

  My mum sat down and she pulled out 2 catalogues from her bag.

  "I've been to some bridal shops after work. I know you have a lot to study and won't have time to come with me so I thought that maybe you can take a look at the dresses and select a few and then maybe we make an appointment so that you can try them on.”

  My face brightened up.“Oh mum, yes that would be fantastic,” I said putting away the books I had in front of me and standing up to go and sit besides her. I took the first catalogue and began to flip through the pages, they were all so beautiful and rather expensive as well.

  “So what do you think? Is there one or two you like?” my mum asked impatiently.

  Just in that moment I stopped on a page. I stared at this lovely dress. It was plain but beautiful and very elegant. It was strapless. Had a sash on the waist and had a beautiful very light pink colour. I fell in love with it but when I looked at the price I decided that it was too expensive. Mum saw me staring at it.

  “Oh yes that's really nice,” she said “It has a very unusual colour, you have to try this. I'm sure it will look great on you, although I'm not sure if it will cover well your tummy,” she said looking at my small bump.

  “No mum,this is too expensive. I'll choose

  another one.”

  “Honey. I want you to choose the one that you like most,don't look at the prices. You're my only child and you will get married only once, so if it's that dress that you want,you will get it. Obviously if it fits well,” she said taking the catalogue from my hands to take a better look at it.

  “Oh mum!” I said happily as I hugged her tight.“Thanks,but I still think it's too expensive. Listen I'll take a look at th
e other dresses then we'll see OK?”

  “OK honey as you wish.”

  The following two weeks passed really fast. The day before the first exam I passed it with David at his apartment, he had cooked for me and then we had studied together again. Then we had made love and now we were laying in his bed. I was in his arms while he stroked my hair.

  “How do you feel about tomorrow? Are you prepared?” he asked.

  “I don't know. I've studied a lot you know but I'm still terrified and if it doesn't go well?” I said as I traced my fingers on his bare chest.

  “It will I'm sure just keep in mind the things I told you and you'll do great.”

  I looked up at his handsome face. “Oh David,you always know how to make me feel better.”

  “I'll try,” he said kissing me.“ Today no more studying OK. You just need to relax, remember you can't get more stressed. Our little pumpkin here won't be happy,” he said while he stroked my bare tummy.

  “It's getting bigger each day.”

  “Yes, I have to be very careful,it's beginning really to show,” I said in a worried tone.

  “Another week Cassidy and school is finished. Then there will be the graduation. Oh I can't wait for tomorrow to arrive. You'll have your first ultrasound. I know it's too early to know if it's a boy or a girl but at least we would see him and hear his heart beat,” he said.

  “Yes,although I'm a little worried. Maybe we should have gone to a doctor out of the city. You're going to risk a lot coming with me.”

  “Don't worry Cassidy,we'll be careful. I wouldn't miss this appointment for anything in the world,you know that.”'

  The following day arrived and I wasn't feeling very well, I had a bad headache and my stomach was upset as well but I had to make an effort and go for the exam. It helped me a lot seeing David's beautiful face before entering the classroom, even the encouragement of Lucy was important although I knew she was even more nervous than I was. We sat down and we began the exam. My heart raced as I looked through the paper,it wasn't simple but I had studied a lot and I knew I could do it. I had to get a good mark, for me, for mum and for David, who he had spent so much time with me studying that sometimes he had to do his markings during the night. He loved me so much that sometimes I just felt I wanted to cry. I loved him as well but not with his same intensity and I really wish I could. Maybe when we got married and I would have his child in my arms, things will get better. Yes they would I was sure. Just thinking of him calmed me down and I managed to finish the paper so quickly that I had some spare time to make some revision before the bell rang. The first exam was done. When we went out I began to discuss my answers with Lucy and we agreed nearly on everything so that meant either we were both getting good marks or else both of us were going to fail. I wished I had some more time with her but I had to run. David was waiting for me outside the school. He had parked his car a little far so that no one could see us. As soon as I went in the car he bombarded me with questions on the exam and from what I told him seems that I got the answers right. I felt better. He seemed relieved as well. He started the engine and drove to the gynecologist's clinic. When we arrived there, a petite middle aged woman welcomed us and invited us in. I lay down on a bed and uncovered my stomach,she put some gel on which was really cold and which tickled and then began to do the ultrasound. David held my hand and looked attentive at the screen, I couldn't see anything.

  “Is everything all right?” I asked concerned, the doctor looked at me and smiled.

  “Yes it's fine. Let me press this button and you will hear his heart beat, a very strong heart beat.”

  She did and I almost cried when I heard the fast beat. David squeezed my hand,he had tears in his eyes.

  “It's very fast is it usually this fast?” He asked her.

  “Yes,that's normal. Look here, here he is, he's moving very fast. Everything seems normal,we'll have a better view of him when you're further in your pregnancy but there is nothing to worry about. The baby looks healthy,” she said re-assuring us. I felt relieved. We thanked the doctor and left. I felt very happy. David kept looking at me and smiling.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing, it's just that when I heard that heart beat,I don't know I felt so happy. I love you even more now Cassidy,you're given me a child.”

  I smiled at him but felt awful inside. I wasn't sure it was his child. I really hoped it was. I wanted to make him happy.

  “ Cassidy what's wrong?” He said looking at me.

  “Nothing really,” I replied trying to hide my sadness.

  “Cassidy,this is my child OK. I'm happy,you should be happy as well. I know that right now probably you don't want to hear this but I would like to have more kids. I wish this baby to have at least a brother or a sister,” he said gently.

  “What? Hey we'll do but not so soon OK” I said smiling.

  “Sure,when you feel ready,” he said while he kissed my hand.

  The stressful week of the exams finally passed. I was finally free,the school had finished but I still felt tensed. I was worried because the results were not out yet. Although I didn't have school, David still had to work,there were many corrections to be done and that week he didn't have any time for me. I had missed him. I was laying down on my bed relaxing when mum came in.

  "Honey get ready we have to go to the bridal shop today,you have to try on that dress you liked,” she reminded me.

  “Oh,I had forgot OK, I'll take a shower quickly,” I said getting up in a hurry.

  In less than 10 minutes I was ready waiting for mum to go. I felt so excited.

  My God I was going to buy my wedding dress. When we arrived I was amazed by the amount of beautiful dresses they had.

  “Oh mum these are all beautiful “ I exclaimed.

  The salesgirl smiled at us while she came near us.

  “So your mum told me you liked the rose dress.”

  “Rose dress?” I asked.

  “Yes that's what we call it, Come with me so that you'll try it on.”

  She put me on a sort of round platform and told me to strip in my undies. I did although I felt really embarrassed, then she brought me the dress and she helped me to go in it. She then began to button up the rear and when she arrive at my waist she looked at me a little embarrassed.

  “I'm afraid we're stuck here,” she said.

  “Oh I'm pregnant,” I told her.

  She smiled.“Listen maybe we can do something about it,the dress can get a little baggier. I'll talk with the tailor and see,” she left and my mum came in.

  “Oh honey you're beautiful” she said.

  “Yes but there's a problem,it doesn't close here,” I told here.

  “Oh don't worry,probably they can arrange it for you.” Why don't you come and take a look at your self. My God David will faint when he'll see with this on.”

  I smiled happily at her and went in front of the mirror. She was right I looked beautiful. I really loved this dress and I hoped they could arrange it for me. I danced in front of the mirror. I looked like a princess. My mum laughed. Just in that moment the sales girl returned.

  “I have good news,the dress can be arranged but she can only add you about 5cm. When are going to get married, soon?” She asked.


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