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Against All Odds

Page 48

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “Yes next month,” I said

  “Then that should be OK”

  My mum paid a deposit on the dress and then we went around to buy the shoes, and the tiara. We passed the whole day doing shopping. At around five Lucy came to meet us. We had to go a find a dress for her as well, she was going to be my maid of honor. I really enjoyed it, we laughed and had a good time together. Then when I went home I found David waiting for me. He seemed so tired.

  "Hello Beautiful,so how was your day?”

  I hugged him and began to tell him about all the things I had done. We had dinner together and then we lay down on the sofa seeing a movie. After a while he fell asleep. Just in that moment my mum came in.

  “Mum,can he stay here tonight?” I asked her.

  She looked at him and smiled.

  “Sure,it's not like he could get you pregnant or anything and he will soon be my son in law,” she said.

  “Thanks mum.”

  That night I slept with him on the sofa, it wasn't comfortable but it was the first night I had slept with him and in the morning it was really nice getting up next to him. I smiled when I remembered that I was going to sleep next to him for all my life. When he opened his eyes he panicked when he found out he had slept at our house.

  “I'm sorry Cassidy. I was so tired that-”

  I bent down a gave him a kiss, interrupting him.“Don't worry Dave,my mum said it's OK.”

  “Really?” he asked stunned.

  “Yes. I slept so well in your arms,” I said as I hugged him. "David.”


  “I love you.”

  He smiled that sweet smile of his which I really loved and kissed me. We had breakfast together and then he had to leave for school. About an hour later he called me,he seemed so excited.

  “Cassidy come to school immediately and phone Lucy as well.”

  “What? Why ?” I asked.

  “The results are out,” he replied.

  “What? Oh my God and how did I go? Did I pass?” I asked anxiously.

  “You have to come and see. I won't tell you anything” he teased.

  “What? Oh come on David please,” I begged.

  “No no,see you soon.” and saying this he hung up.

  I called Lucy immediately and after 15 minutes we were both at the entrance of the school. There were many students in queue to see the boards where there were the results. We tried to pass through them but it was impossible,just in that moment I saw David. He smiled at me and I knew from his smile that I surely had passed. When finally we managed to arrive near the boards I couldn't believe my eyes, not only I had passed by I had also obtained the highest marks in my class. Lucy also did well .

  “Oh My God Cas,we really did well. I can't believe it,” she said excited.

  We hugged each other and for a moment I had forgot I was pregnant and began to jump with her.


  I turned around and saw David.

  “I'm so proud of you,” he said. “ I wish I can hug you right now” he then whispered.

  “I wish that too,I can't believe it. I even managed to do better than Grace.”

  I saw Grace looking at me with hatred but I didn't care. Now everyone knew that I was good at school not because I had seduced a teacher. These exams were marked by different teachers and not by teachers who taught us so David had nothing to do with my marks. When I returned home my mum was over the moon with joy. That night we celebrated.

  Two weeks passed and finally the most awaited day arrived. It was graduation day. I was so excited. I was in my room getting prepared,my mum had bought me a new dress even though it wouldn’t have been necessary since I had to wear the graduation gown on it. I was nearly ready when my mum came in.

  “Oh Cassidy you look great. But there is something missing,” she said looking at me.


  “You need to wear something around your neck.” Saying this she opened my jewel box. “Let's see what you have. Oh, this is beautiful. Cassidy I never saw it,is this a gift from David?” she said pulling out the locket Tyler had given me. When I saw it I felt bad all of a sudden.

  “Put it away,” I shouted probably more than I should have. My mum for a second looked stunned at me.

  “Cassidy why are you shouting.? Who gave you this? It wasn't David right?” she asked.

  “No mum,please just put it away. I don't want to see it. I should have thrown it away but I couldn't.”

  I said sitting down. My mum looked at me worried.

  “Cassidy, why are you so upset all of a sudden? Was this a present from Ty?”

  Hearing his name made me feel sick. I thought I had removed him completely from my system, from my mind but apparently he was still there.

  “Yes,” I confessed.

  My mum sat near me.

  “Honey,I don't want to say this but are you sure you have forgotten him? Cassidy you're getting married in a month. Are you sure that-”

  “Mum stop. Yes I'm sure. I love David OK,” I said interrupting her sharply.

  “I don't doubt that but...”

  “Mum,we have to go now or else we will arrive late,” I said trying to avoid this argument. I didn't want to think of Tyler,not in this moment,not on the day I had waited so impatiently for. This was my day and I didn't want to ruin it by thinking about past memories which were buried now. During the drive I stayed silent.

  “Honey are you sure you're OK?” My mum asked me.

  “Yes mum sure,” I replied although I wasn't.

  “Listen Cas, as soon as I see you graduate I have to leave. I have something important to do.”

  “What is that?” I asked curiously.

  “A surprise, you'll get home with David OK?”

  “What, mum and if someone sees us. I mean it's OK that today is graduation but...”

  “Don't worry I already asked him if it's OK for him and he said that he park far from school so that no one will see you,” she said.

  “OK then.”

  When we arrived the students were already all seated down, I looked around and saw David. He looked briefly at me and smiled while I went to sit down near Lucy, who had reserved me a seat. After few minutes Mr Daniels went on stage and began the speech. He congratulated all the students and wished us luck for our future and hoped we all continued our studies in college. Afterwards he began to call the students one after the other to go up to take their Diploma. When my turn arrived I stood up, feeling very nervous. I knew the students still looked at me as the whore of the school and I prayed no one would say anything in front of mum. I went on the stage. I could feel the students looking at me. I could feel the evil eyes of Ms Leighton and those of Julian. My heart beat fast but I walked with my back straight, looking up. I had nothing to be ashamed of. I saw Grace looking strangely at me as well but I didn't care. I arrived in front of Mr Daniels and shook his hands. He smiled at me and handled me my diploma. It was graduation day, a day which meant freedom. Yes finally I was free to love David. I felt so happy. I searched for him with my eyes while I was getting down from the stage and when I saw him my heart missed a beat. Our eyes met. His sweet smile made me melt. He looked so handsome in his suit. I couldn't wait to go away from there and be with him. Nothing could break this happiness I was feeling, I thought but I was wrong. I nearly fell the remaining 3 steps when I turned my head to the other side. My stomach muscles clenched so much that I was left gasping for breath. I felt dizzy and I had to lean against the wall not to fall. My God this couldn't be possible. I was dreaming for sure. I was having a hallucination. I was going to pass out. His eyes on me still had this effect. On the other side of the hall there was him leaning against the wall looking at me.


  We stood looking at each other for what seemed an eternity. He seemed so tired,he hadn't changed much from the last time I had seen him. He still had his beard. He continued to gaze at me. My heart was pounding heavily in my chest, beating madly a
gainst my rib cage. A tear rolled down my cheek. No!I couldn't feel like this because of him. I couldn't do this. Why was he here? Why did he want to ruin my day? In that moment I turned to look at David, he was looking at me worried and hurt. I felt bad. Why was I letting him effecting me like this? No,Cassidy just continue to walk as if you hadn't see him. I ordered to myself. I began to walk while I looked at David. I had to concentrate on him. I kept walking towards the outside, I couldn't return to sit down in my place. I couldn't. I saw people staring at me. I looked around and saw the teachers talking, even Mr Daniels had stopped and was looking in Tyler's direction. I saw Ms Leighton freaking out while Ms Larson was trying to calm her down. Mr Daniels excused himself and went down. Everyone was talking and gossiping. I looked around in panic to see if my mum was still there. I sighed with relief she wasn't. Oh Thank God. I didn't want her to see all this. I ran out of the hall passing from the door on the side, while David went out from the other and came to meet me.


  “David, I want to go away. Take me home please,” I said trying not to cry.

  “Why?” He asked looking at my face.

  “I don't want to see him. I don't want to talk to him.”I replied.

  David grabbed my shoulder and looked at me.“Did it hurt this much to see him again? My God you're shocked.”

  “And you're not? What the hell is he doing here? I'm not returning in there even if you implore me," I said trembling.

  "Everyone was looking at me in the same way they had done when they had found out about Tyler and me. The past is coming back again and I don't want. He must be mad to return here.”

  “Or he's probably still in love," I looked at him in disbelief. "Cassidy, this will not change anything between us will it?”He asked sadly.

  “Of course not. I love you David. You know that. I'm marrying you,” I said trying to re-assure him.

  He nodded and hugged me.

  “OK then let's go, listen wait for me here. I'll go and get the car because it's parked a little far, then I'll come for you OK,” he said pulling out his keys from his pocket.

  “No,don't leave me here alone please,” I begged, I didn't want to say alone, I didn't want to meet Tyler.

  “Cassidy you can't walk that much with those shoes. Just stay away from him OK.”

  “OK David but please don't be long.”

  He smiled weakly at me. I knew he was feeling bad as much as I was. As soon as he left I began to cry. This couldn't be true, it wasn't happening. Just then I heard someone calling me.

  “Cassidy.” I turned around abruptly and saw with relief that it was Lucy.

  “Lucy what are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I came to look for you. I was worried. Everyone saw Tyler. Cas,I can't believe he's here,” she said excited and worried at the same time.

  “I can't believe it either. Why did he do this to me? Not today,not after all these months. I had finally managed to forget him,” I cried.

  She looked at me.“Are you sure you had?”

  I looked at her shocked.“Yes Lucy and I'm not returning back, he came here for nothing. I'm marrying David. I'll be his wife next month,” I said sobbing.

  “Then why are crying so much? Cassidy, maybe you should talk to him. Maybe-”

  “No. He had his chance," I shouted interrupting her. "If he wanted me he could have done something about it when I went at his office, now it's too late.”

  “Where's David?”she asked sighing. I knew how much she was worrying, her face showed all her concern.

  “He went to get the car. I'm leaving now Lucy. I don't want to see him. What's happening in there?”I asked trying to stop crying. I couldn't let David see me in these state.

  “Well Mr Daniels seemed rather pissed off. He grabbed Tyler from the shoulder and pulled him out with him. I don't know what they are saying. The graduation is on pause for now,” she explained.

  “Oh my God,it seems that I have to give scandal till my last day at school.”I murmured.

  Lucy smiled at me.

  “This time you did nothing Cassidy, you're very lucky you know that.”She said gently.

  I looked stunned at her. Was she kidding?

  “Lucky? How can I be lucky?”

  “You have two men who loves you so much that are ready to go against all odds to be with you. You know that by coming here again Tyler has disobeyed. You know what this means do you?" She asked. "He will be arrested again and this time he will have to face the trial.”

  I looked at her with my mouth open. I hadn't thought of that.

  “No. No, he can't do this. We parted just to avoid this. Why he came here now? Why?”I cried.

  “Because I still love you.”

  My heart missed a beat and my blood froze in my veins. I could feel him behind me but I didn't have the courage to turn around to look at him. Lucy smiled and was going to leave.

  “No Lucy don't leave me please,” I said making a pace to grab her hand. I didn't want to talk to him.

  “You have to speak,” she said and then got rid of my hold and walked away.

  “Cassidy look at me,” I heard him saying.

  “No,you shouldn't be here.”I replied weakly, my knees were going to give soon, I was trembling so much.

  “I know.”

  “Then why the hell you came huh to ruin my life?” I shouted, fighting the tears which began to form in my eyes again.

  “To keep the promise I had made to you,” he replied softly.

  “What promise?”

  “That I would be back on your graduation day. I meant what I said.”

  “No. No no,it's too late. Leave me alone,” I cried as I tried to get away. I only manged to do few paces before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, forcing me to look at him.

  “I just want to talk to you please,only this.”He said looking in my eyes. His beautiful blue eyes looked at me with despair.

  “Get your hands off my girlfriend!”

  We both froze. I turned around and saw David. He was angry. I could read the rage in his eyes.

  “Your girlfriend?” Tyler asked angrily.

  “Yes,she's mine now. You lost her when you abandoned her,” he snapped.

  Tyler's jaw tightened and I saw his eyes darken. “I didn't abandon her. I didn't have choice.”

  “You had if not why the hell are you here today?” he shouted at him.

  David came near me, he snaked my waist possessively and pulled me to him pushing Tyler back away from me.

  “Listen to me, don't you try speaking or touch her again or else I'll kill you!!” He warned in a harsh voice.

  I was stunned. I never saw David so angry. He was so angry that he was trembling and I knew it took him a lot of effort not to punch Tyler in the face. Even Tyler was stunned, he didn't expect this from David.

  “What the hell is going on here”? We all turned our gaze to the person saying that. Mr Daniels looked at us in disbelief and anger. He was looking particularly at David's arm around my waist. No one opened mouth but David didn't let go of me, instead he squeezed me more to him, possessively. I was his.

  “So, Tyler why are you still here? I told you to go away and you David,what are you doing?”he asked impatiently.


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