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Against All Odds

Page 49

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  "Just protecting her from him.” David replied in a steady voice.

  Mr Daniels seemed confused he kept looking at me then at the two guys.

  “Listen this is not the place where to discuss personal matters especially with all the students and parents here and especially when the discussion is about a student. My God David you...”

  “Yes Mr Daniels, me as well OK? But this is different,” he said without hesitation. Mr Daniels sighed with frustration as he kept touching his hair nervously.

  “I had told you to stay away from her,” he told David. " My God I knew this could happen."

  “It's graduation day. I'm not her teacher anymore and we were leaving. Aren't we Cassidy?”He said looking at me.

  I nodded weakly. I couldn't believe how my legs still managed to hold me.

  “Let's go,” he then said and dragged me out still holding me tight to him.

  “Cassy. No. Wait I need to talk to you please.” I heard Tyler shouting from behind me. David kept walking until we were out. He opened the car's door for me and helped me in. Just when he was going to close it to go to the other side ,I heard the other door open and saw Tyler. He got in the car, closed the door and started the engine and began to drive. David began to shout. I looked at Tyler in disbelief.

  “What the hell you think you're doing?” I shouted. “ Stop this Car. Stop now!”

  “No,not before you hear what I have to say," he said with determination.

  “Are you mad?! This is stealing. You stole David's car, he will report you. He-”

  Tyler looked me deeply making me shiver to the bone.“I want to steal more then just David's car. I want you and I will have you no matter what it takes.”He said huskily.

  I couldn't breathe. I looked at his face,His eyes were beautiful and full of pain.

  “It's too late Tyler, you lost me. I love David now,” I said weakly.

  “No you don't love him,you wouldn't have made love to me the way you did when you came in my office. You still love me and you will love me for the rest of your life. We are soul mates can't you understand that!?”

  I shook my head and cried.

  “No stop. I want to return to David. Take me back to him!” I begged.

  He stopped the car.“Not before you hear what I have to say.”

  He pulled a red velvet box from the jacket and opened it. There was a beautiful ring in it.

  “Cassidy. I decided to face the trial. I talked to my lawyer and he said that probably I should not be getting more than 6 months prison. If this is what it takes to be able to marry you then I'll do it. Please accept this ring,it will be our engagement ring. I can't marry you now but hopefully next year I can.”He said as he stretched out his hand to give me the ring. I looked at him stunned.

  “What? No. I don't want you to go to prison. Tyler this doesn't make sense.

  Why now. Why? It's too late.”

  “I'm sorry I didn't find the courage before. I should have done it immediately but I couldn't. I thought that it would ruin my life but I was wrong,living far from you is ruining my life. I can't live without you. I can't go on. I'm getting mad without you. I love you more than life itself. My God

  Cassidy please give me another chance,this time I won't delude you, I promise.”

  This was too much I was going to faint. Tears began to roll down my face. I didn't know what to say. How to react. I thought about David,probably he was so worried right now. No I couldn't turn back.

  “Tyler I already have a ring. “ I said showing him my hand.“David gave me this. It's too late now. I'm going to get married to him."

  He looked at me stunned. He was devastated. Tears streamed down from his eyes.

  “No Cassidy, you can't. This not fair Damned! This ring, I had bought it months ago. I was going to give it to you the day of your birthday. I wanted to propose to you that day, remember I had said that I had a surprise for you. Well that was the surprise!” He said with desperation in his voice.

  “I'm sorry Tyler but now I can't. I just can't. “ I cried.

  He grabbed my Face with his hand, he came closer and gazed deep down in my eyes.

  “Tell me you forgot me. Tell me that you don't love me and I'll leave you,” he whispered.

  I shook my head. I couldn't speak. Then all of a sudden I felt his lips on mine,he was kissing me. My stomach twisted so much that it was hurting like hell. I closed my eyes and was going to let him do this but then I thought of David and pushed him.

  “No Tyler No. Listen " I said trying to gain so control of my emotions back. "I am marrying David next month OK. It's too late now.”

  He stared at me in disbelief and remained silence for a few seconds then..“What? Next month. Why? Why are your rushing? What is it? He thinks you will return to me,he's trying to put a chain around you?” he asked panicking.

  “No what are you saying?”

  He rose his hands up and comb nervously his hair.“This doesn't make sense, there must a reason to hurry this much. My God you're just 18.”

  In that moment my mobile rang. I pulled it out from my handbag and answered. It

  was David.

  “Cassidy where are you? Are you all right?” He asked worried.

  “David,yes I'm OK.I...”

  Tyler grabbed my mobile and took away from my hands.

  “We were talking,don't interrupt again. I'll bring her back to you when we're ready!” he shouted at him and then hung up and switched it off.

  “How dare you!” I yelled “ I was talking to him.”

  “No, you were talking to me and I'm still waiting for that reply. Why are you in so much hurry?”He asked me again.

  I trembled, what could I say? What could I invent? He was looking at me,his expression hurt. Then all of a sudden his expression changed in that of one of disbelief and shock. He opened his mouth and stared at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You're pregnant right? My God you are, you already show,” he said weakly.

  I looked down at my tummy and saw that the dress had tightened since I had sit down and that a small bump was visible. I looked at him terrified. Oh my God this was the end.

  “How far along are you?” He asked then.

  "It's none of your business,” I said putting my hands protectively on my tummy.

  “I want to know this isn't recent. You must be at least 3 months to be that visible.”

  I ignored him.“Take me back to David please.”

  “No, Cassidy answer the question!”

  “I told you it's none of your business,” I shouted.

  “It is if there's a possibility that this baby is mine.”

  I felt nausea all of a sudden. I needed air. I was going to throw up.

  “Open this door,” I shouted,“I'm not feeling well.”

  He did and I went out. I leaned against the car and gasped for air. He came out of the car as well and came near me. He put his hand on my tummy and looked at me in the eyes.

  “Can this be our child? Answer me?” he shouted.

  “I..I don't know” I said helplessly.

  “Oh my God. I can't believe this. “ He said. He seemed happy.

  “This doesn't change a thing OK. It might be David's. There's a bigger probability it's his than yours OK,” I said trying to hurt him. “ I slept with him only 3 days after I did with you.”

  He looked at me his eyes fixed in mine.

  “Cassidy it doesn't matter who the father of this child is. You'll be mine. I will never let you marry David I swear.”


  I just wanted to cry. I looked at him and felt angry. Why was he doing this to me? He was turning my life upside down again and this was not fair. Not after all I had to go through because of him. No.

  “Take me back to David,” I ordered.

  “What? You're returning back to him?” he asked shocked.

  “Yes,he's my fiance. I'm marrying him, it's too late for us now. We're finished Tyler,” I sai
d feeling as if someone was compressing my chest.

  He looked at me devastated with tears in his eyes.

  “You can't be serious Cassy. You're mine,we love each other. I know you still love me, please. Think about what you’re doing. We can still be happy together. I promise I will never leave you again,” he cried.

  I felt awful but I couldn't turn back now. No, I had taken my decision.

  "Take me to David,” I said again.

  He looked at me sadly and surrendered. I got into the car again and he began to drive. We remained silent. When we had nearly arrived he stopped the car and looked at me. His eyes full of sadness.

  “Cassidy, so it's finished forever between us? Are you sure that this is what you want?” he asked in pleading tone . He still hoped that I change my mind.

  I closed my eyes. I couldn't look at him and tried to hold back my tears. Then I just nodded. He was going to say something else but then changed his mind. He drove me back to school and parked the car. In that moment I saw David running furiously to come near us. I knew he was angry. He opened

  Tyler's door and...

  “Get out. We have to talk,” he shouted. His blue eyes looked dangerously dark, he was in rage.

  Tyler looked at him and didn't move.

  “What do you want? Huh?" He asked him with equally angered tone.

  “How dare you take my car,you shouldn't have done that?! Stay away from Cassidy or else..”

  Tyler stood, tall, few inches taller then David, the two men looked at each others' eyes with hatred.“What? What will you do,punch me? Come on David hit me if you have courage!” He challenged.

  A shiver ran down my spine. I had to do something .I opened the door and went out quickly.

  “Stop it!" I shouted. " Both of you, there is no reason for this. David no,” I said tucking his arm. Tyler looked sadly at me and...

  "You've won, she's yours. I never thought that when I had asked you to keep an eye on her you would have taken her away from me. Hope you are happy?” He bit.

  David looked at Tyler and then at me...

  “Cassidy?”he said waiting for me to say something.

  “David let's just go home please, my mum is waiting for us.”

  David smiled at me and nodded. He went in the car and I was going to go in too.


  I looked up at Tyler, at the handsome man

  I had loved so much. I felt my heart aching. He looked so sad but I had taken my decision, there was not turning back.

  “Goodbye Tyler,” I said in a whisper.

  His hands rose up in attempt to stop me but he didn't touch me.

  “Please Cassidy,think about what I told you. Please,it's never too late. Don't leave me Cassy. I love you.” his voice broke as he looked at me with tears streaming down his face.

  A tear rolled down my face, I felt miserable, my heart was pounding so heavily against my ribs that it hurt. I felt ripped apart. I looked at him one last time and went in the car.

  “Let's go David.”I said trying not to look back and not to cry.

  “Are you sure? Cassidy?” he asked.

  “Yes, just go OK,” I shouted. I couldn't take this anymore.

  David didn't say anything else and started the engine.

  “What did he tell you?” He asked me.

  “I don't want to talk about him, he should never have came back here.”I said looking in front of me. I tried to focus on the street, on the cars that passed and on the lights on anything that would distract me from my thoughts right now. Then something David made me turn abruptly to face him.

  “Cassidy,do you love me?

  I stared at him, his face was pale, he looked worried and tired.

  “What the hell are you talking about David? Of course I love you and I'm marrying you. I'm staying with you forever,” I said trying not to cry, pushing back the tears that began to roll down my cheek.

  “Cas be honest. Are you sure that this is what you want? You're crying , you're devastated.”He said, I knew how much this was hurting him.

  “I'm just sad. I don't know,listen this has nothing to do with you, with us. I made my choice and I chose you OK. Can we just stop talking about this?! I just want to go home and to never see and hear about Tyler again,please,” I pleaded. I was feeling sick.


  He didn't say another word, but kept glancing at me. I knew he was feeling bad. I knew Tyler's visit had shocked him as well and I felt bad for him, he was suffering right now. Although I was here with him I knew that the way I had reacted was killing him but what could I do? I was just so sad. My world was crumbling again. I had to be strong for David's sake,because he loved me and a lot. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He looked at me, his eyes were wet.

  “David, I'm sorry but you don't have to worry OK. Nothing is going to change between us.”I said trying to re-assure him.

  “OK Cassidy. I believe you,” he said as he smiled weakly.

  After few minutes we arrived at home. I got out of the car and felt dizzy, I walked slowly holding David's hand. I took out the keys and opened the door. We walked in and stopped staring at the living room. It was all decorated with balloons. My eyes roamed around looking at all the things mum had prepared. There was a lot of food and drinks on the coffee table. My mum was sitting on the sofa waiting for us.

  “Mum?” I said startled.

  “Surprise. I decided to organize a small party for you. Since you said you were not going to the school one and..,” she stopped and looked at me worried. all right

  “No mum, I'm fine,I just got emotional. You know it's the last day and all. “ I lied.

  “ Wow how many yummy things you prepared. Thanks mum you shouldn't have,” I said trying to sound happy but I knew I wasn't fooling mum for a second.

  She looked at me and David with narrowed eyes, shifting her gaze from me to him. David was trying to appear calm but wasn't succeeding much. His face showed all his distress.

  “Angela can I have some water please,” he asked my mum.

  “Water? Oh Come on David we're at a party and you could pass the night here if you want. Some Whiskey maybe?”

  “Yes, that's what's I need right now,” he said sitting down on the sofa.

  My mum looked at me quizzically as to ask what was wrong. I sat down near David. My mum felt the tension there was and she excused herself saying she was going to get something from the kitchen to leave us alone. As soon as she went out

  I grabbed David's arm.

  “Dave,what's wrong?”I asked him softly.

  “I don't know. I feel awful right now. Cassidy, there's something I want to ask you.”

  “Tell me.”I encouraged him.

  “Cassidy, what do you feel for me?” he asked me looking into my eyes.

  “David, I love you. You know that.”I replied.

  “And what do you feel for Tyler?”

  I felt my stomach aching. Why was he doing this?

  “David,we said we weren’t going to talk about him again.”

  David looked at me. I could see frustration in his eyes, pain, the same pain I had seen when I had slept with Tyler.


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