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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 37 - 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women

Page 4

by Rebecca Milton

  She picked up where he left off when he said, “I can’t think of any more questions.”

  After her third question, and while nibbling his earlobe, the food arrived. He reluctantly left her to pull the food-laden rolling cart into the room. Even though she was hungry for food and him alike now, she helped him transport the dishes onto the deck. They settled into eating while the sexual tension remained in the air and heated looks passed between them.

  After both had consumed enough wine to make her giggly and ate too much of the wide array of foods they’d ordered, he offered a hand, “Let’s watch a movie.”

  Staring at him as if he’d gone insane, she giggled out, “A movie?”

  He nodded, “While cuddling.”

  It had been so long since she’d actually cuddled that she practically ran into the living area before he motioned toward the bedroom, “Easier on the bed, don’t you think?”

  They settled on the bed, talking about how he’d moved on from the loss of his wife. She listened closely before admitting that she needed to do the same. Wrinkling her nose as if she’d tasted something nasty, she said, “I think I kept to younger men because I was afraid of a relationship. Besides, all the older men were married or so set in their ways that they drove me nuts.”

  Motioning toward the TV, he said, “Do me a favor and put on a movie. I like to watch your ass wiggle.”

  Laughing, she crawled off the bed and stumbling slightly to the movies. After choosing which one they wanted, she giggled as she set it up.

  “Don’t you guys have a new…?”

  She didn’t get any further as he practically tackled her, rolling across the bed to pin her underneath him. As mouths frantically searched to taste and please, she finally let herself go. Unlike previous trysts, he knew what to do even though he was obviously turned on by everything she did. Accustomed to simultaneously fantasizing with younger men while biting back a need to direct, she reveled at this newfound freedom to let herself go and feel something again.

  Their clothes hit the floor amidst the tangle of limbs and heavy breathing. As if reading her mind once again, he used teeth and tongue to tease his way down her torso. Already twisting in desire under him, she pulled at his hair when his tongue slid over her clit. The lightest of brushes threw her over the edge, doubling her torso around him to embrace his head.

  He immediately gave her what she pleaded for, thrusting into her to drive her up the bed. Bracing her hands on the headboard, she moved with him but knew by the look on his face that he wouldn’t last much longer. Knowing they had the entire week to explore and already feeling more of a connection with him than anyone previously, she gasped when he flexed inside her with his own climax.

  At his apologies, she grinned and told him they had much more time. He pulled her with him off the bed and headed for the shower. Accustomed to the younger ones leaving immediately, she relished every moment. He wouldn’t let her lift a finger, washing and rinsing her before he wrapped her in a towel and said, “Now, for the hot tub.”

  They sank down into it before he asked, “What was your question?”

  Having forgotten what she was about to ask, she squinted before remembering, “Oh...don’t you guys have a new type of stain?”

  Nodding, he said, “Restores oak better than the brand we previously carried.”

  “I guess I’m used to the other brand. Are you going to discontinue the old stuff?”

  “If you like it better, I can special order it for you. I can also show you a few tricks that will speed up the restoration process with the new stuff.”

  She grinned, “I’d like to see that. Can you show all my employees these tricks?”

  He quickly nodded, “It’s not like I have to fly to your place of business. We’re in the same area.”

  Pulling her to him as he said this, he grinned at her reluctant expression, “What?”

  Shrugging, she told him, “It’s just that my employees will probably suspect something happened between us.”

  Rolling his eyes, he said, “Let them suspect whatever they want. I’ll bet they’d love it if you actually met someone compatible instead of having an empty string of encounters.”

  She barked a laugh but nodded, thinking of what her manager would say if she knew who she shared a hot tub with. Her manager had called Leo ‘sexy voice’ for quite a while and wondered what he looked like. She kept this to herself but said, “At least now I have a face to put to the voice.”

  He surprised her when he said, “Same here. I always wondered if your looks matched your sexy voice.”

  She burst out laughing, causing his eyebrows to fly up as he asked, “What?”

  She finally admitted to what her manager had said, causing him to laugh along with her while blushing furiously. Wrapping her arms around his neck and straddling him, she said, “That blush looks good on you.”

  “You just wait. I’ll make you blush.”

  Her eyes widened as he said, “What would you do if I showed up at your business and kissed you right in front of everyone?”

  She gasped, “You wouldn’t. You’re not allowed to come show us anything now.”

  He laughed but realized she might not be joking. Tilting his head, he carefully asked, “What was all that talk earlier about moving on?”

  She opened her mouth only to close it again, realizing he was right but resistant to the idea of openly displaying any relationship in such a way. She finally cringed as she said, “It’s just that a lot of them have seen me go through so much and…”

  “...and would probably be happier than you think. You know I’m right.”

  Studying his face, she thought about the many times her manager had urged her to get out there and date but she’d claimed work over and over as her excuse. Not only that, her manager had alerted her that they’d heard rumors of her trysts with younger men and hadn’t approved. Since then, she’d kept to herself while growling at everyone.

  Unwilling to give in completely, she still admitted, “You may have a little point there.”

  Poking her in the ribs, he playfully gaped before growling, “My point’s not little.”

  She didn’t understand his pun at first but, when he flexed against her leg, she grinned and poked him back in the ribs, “I agree. You are definitely not little.”

  Even though he wanted to tell her that he’d love to see her after this vacation, he kept his thoughts to himself. He didn’t want to scare her off. Curious after the changeover, he’d thought the man that had owned the company had sold it. He’d never considered that his wife had taken it over. She’d always seemed professional with a ready smile in her voice.

  He now realized she’d worked her tail off to save the business and respected her even more. He knew the nature of finding inexpensive antiques, breathing new life into them, and reselling them. Sometimes it worked but many times the love and care placed into the item went unseen by everyone. Her hands showed the work of someone that constantly used them.

  He brought those hands to his face, kissing every line and callous on them before his lips traveled up her arm. He breathed into her neck, “Let’s take this back to bed, shall we?”

  Completely ready for whatever he had to offer, she nuzzled into him and wrapped her legs around his waist as he lifted them from the hot tub. Slower this time around, he relished every inch of her while urging her to use her sexy voice and tell him what fantasies she held. Since those had sometimes revolved around him, she easily told him while hiding the fact that he’d been her previous target.

  She had no idea that his own fantasies had driven him mad many nights. Able to fulfill them now, he insisted she lay back and enjoy as he teased her arousal higher than before. Their breathy voices, matching fantasies as they’d matched tastes before, intensified the sexual tension in the air until she thought she’d climax by his words alone.

  When his fingers teased her slit, her hips lifted from the bed as her thoughts crashed. Gasping and pleading, she
squeaked in awe when he drove them inside to stretch her as his thumb rolled her clit. Her whole body twisted in orgasm as her pleas grew louder. Wasting no time, he thrust into her and stopped to flex deep inside.

  After dragging more air into already full lungs when he prolonged her climax, she drenched the air on a long wail of his name. He slammed his mouth onto hers, driving her into the pillow as his hips pistoned into her. Meeting every thrust, she whimpered under him at the sheer volume of raw desire they shared. Breaking the kiss to rise above her, he added her noisy queefs into the air alongside her whimpers at each thrust.

  Moving her to her side, he drove deeper inside to find every G-spot and mercilessly tease. She bowed around his bent knee, clawing the bed sheets as he flushed every thought from her mind. Bending over her, he whispered into her neck, “I could fuck you all night!”

  Her responding wail, “Pleeease dooo!” ended on a porn-worthy squeak that almost sent him over the edge. He froze before pulling her over onto her stomach but the sight of her bare ass wiggling against him was too much for his control. With a harsh curse, he drove deeper and let his cock lathe as he groaned in climax.

  Her wrists gave way, allowing her elbows to sink into the mattress as lethargy took hold. Grinning back at him, she nodded against the sheet, “I like your style.”

  “Looks like you like my stylus too.”

  She giggled while nodding approval before breathlessly telling him, “I need a nap.”

  He shook his head, “Sleep later. We need to explore this place first, maybe take a walk on the beach.”

  She crawled off the bed, heading for the bathroom, “Give me a minute, okay?”

  “Sure. Take your time.”

  She quickly cleaned up and put her bathing suit on before returning to join him. They opted for a walk on the beach, not ready to thrust themselves into the crowded throng of party-goers. After a quick shoving match that landed her in the ocean, she retaliated by flashing him an ass cheek. When a group of younger men hooted in response, they both laughed and continued on their sandy walk.

  Talking about work and various employees, they relayed personalities of people that they’d spoken to but never met. When she reminded him about her manager’s description of his voice, he roared laughter and said, “Will she be jealous?”

  Rolling her eyes, Becca nodded, “She just might be. We might have a fight on our hands if we see each other after this.”

  He suddenly stopped, “Becca, I really think you’re trying to find excuses not to see me outside Last Resort.”

  “I thought you were too old to get clingy, Leo.”

  At his pained expression, she put her arms around his neck, “Sorry.”

  Studying her face, he said, “I’d really like to see you after this, Becca. I’m not trying to get clingy but you are the first woman I’ve met that is compatible and knows the nature of my business.”

  Her eyes narrowed but she knew deep down that he was right. Finally giving in, she breathed, “Yeah, I know. I’m not used to dating anyone regularly. It feels weird to have people know I’m out there again.”

  “Trust me, I know what you mean but you’ve got to ‘get out there again’ sometime. The longer you put it off, the harder it will be.”

  Making a snap decision, she said, “Come on. Let’s go back to the room. I have an idea.”

  “Yeah, I can tell by the look on your face.”

  When they re-entered the room, she found her cell phone and called her business before handing it to him, “Just ask for me and then hand the phone back to me.”

  He did as she said, widening his eyes when the manager asked if it was Leo. Laughing, he said, “Yes, it is. How are you?”

  Stifling more laugh when her manager gushed, he told her to hang on and handed the phone back to Becca who said, “Hey, girl. Guess who I met on vacation?”

  He winced at the loud groan before hearing, “You lucky bitch!”

  Laughing so hard she could barely contain herself, she finally managed a positive answer only to launch into more giggles when her manager groaned louder. Shooting Leo a heated look, she shook her head, “Can’t talk right now but you’ll meet him because he’s going to train us on the new products.”

  He faintly heard, “I’ll steal him when he does.”

  “Like hell you will! I plan to keep him around for a while.”

  He didn’t hear the rest of the conversation but Becca’s widening grin and tender smile let him know that the manager approved.

  After hanging up with her manager, he pulled her to him, “See. You look as though you feel much better now.”

  She nodded, “I didn’t think I’d feel free but I do.”

  “Let’s go celebrate. After all, this is your vacation.”

  “Where do you want to go?”

  He narrowed his eyes, “I’d say let’s stay in but this calls for a sit down meal of fine dining. Let me buy you a juicy steak to celebrate.”

  She eagerly accepted, pulling out multiple outfits before deciding on one. They drank mixed drinks with exotic names and danced until her legs were rubbery. When they were walking back to the room along the beach, she said admiringly, “Where’d you learn how to dance?”

  With a sheepish grin, he admitted, “I used to teach.”

  Her eyes widened, “I bet all the women wanted you to be their partner.”

  Shrugging, he said, “That’s where I met my wife.”

  “OH! I’m sorry.”

  Shaking his head, he told her, “Don’t worry about it, Becca.”

  Pulling her to him for a quick kiss, he said, “Let’s just concentrate on having a good time now, okay?”

  She nodded and said, “I am having a blast. I should have done this sooner.”

  “We might not have met if you’d vacationed here sooner.”

  “You said you were here two years ago.”

  “I was still shedding pain two years ago and quite the asshole.”

  Her look said she didn’t believe him, “You? Mr. Can-I-help-with-your-carryon?”

  “I like what I saw. You stretched to get that and…damn!”

  They arrived back at the room, shedding clothing to climb into bed naked and snuggle into each other. Having drunk more than either had thought, they fell asleep quickly. She awoke the next morning with him spooning her. Shivering at his hard cock pressed against her ass, she wiggled into him and grinned when he moaned.

  Rising on elbows, she kissed his chest when his eyes fluttered open. He immediately embraced her, breathing across her cheek, “I thought I was dreaming.”

  She shook her head, “That’s the first time I’ve woke up in someone’s arms since…”

  He placed a finger across her lips, “Okay. You’ll have me becoming clingy if you keep that up.”

  Cocking an eyebrow, she shrugged, “The man who does my nails warned me about younger men latching onto us rich older women.”

  He laughed, “You’re not older than me…you can’t be more than thirty-nine.”

  Her eyes widened, “You think so?”

  Realizing he was serious, she shook her head, “I’m forty-nine.”


  “You want to see my driver’s license?”

  “Damn! I mean…you really look younger than me.”

  “Leo, you can latch onto this rich old woman any time.”

  He rolled his eyes, “I’m not after your money. I’ve got enough but thanks.”

  They rolled out of bed to go get coffee as he asked, “You ever think of expanding?”

  Frowning, she asked, “What do you mean?”

  “Selling a line of polishes.”

  At his thoughtful look, she asked, “What are you thinking?”

  “It’s just an idea but we could place a line of our polishes in your stores. There are quite a few customers that order large quantities because they refinish floors and such.”

  “Kind of like become a distributor of your product?”

nodded, “And I could advertise some of your refinished antiques so that it would benefit us both.”

  Seeing his point, she grinned, “That’s a great idea.”

  “And I’d see you more often.”

  At his intense stare, she nodded, “Okay, let’s do this.”

  He stuck his hand out but, when she took it, he pulled her to him, “I wonder how many relationships go on outside Last Resort. I bet there’s not many.”


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