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Dragons Don't Love

Page 7

by D'Elen McClain

  Mostly, I’m sick of the constant inner turmoil that eats me alive. I know I will give in and lose his game. It’s just a matter of time.

  A knock at the door startles me. The man I’ve been mooning over enters. He carries a dinner tray and I’m disappointed that I will not be visiting his rooms. His outer rooms are covered in the most glorious works of art, sparkling jewels, and pieces of gold finery. The mass number of items intrigues me greatly. But this isn’t the reason I long to enjoy our meal there. It’s in those rooms that he touches me and my loneliness recedes. Only once has he touched me here in my rooms and that was the first day. Why is he doing this to me today of all days?

  He doesn’t speak as he rests the tray on the table and returns to the door. He lifts something from outside and I gasp when I see it. My very own halberd. My heart races and I practically jump from foot to foot at the sight. I must fight not to run over and grab it.

  He watches me with knowing eyes and a slight grin on his lips. “It will fit your hand perfectly and we will begin training with it tomorrow.” He rests it on the table by the tray without taking his gaze from mine. “Come here, bride.” I don’t hesitate. I walk the few steps separating us. “Turn around,” he says in a low voice that sends chills through me.

  I’m now wearing the first training outfit he gave me. He’s dressed in the pants he calls jeans. No shirt and his hair is hanging free. I turn and his hands go immediately to my hips. My breath hitches as he leans in and breathes along the skin from my shoulder to my neck. Without touching anything but my hips, his lips, a hair’s breadth from my skin, move up to my ear and his whisper makes me feel faint, “I want you to beg.”

  He releases me and leaves the room. For the first time, he doesn’t bar the door or even close it. I take several deep breaths and finally look beneath the napkin that covers the food tray. It’s dinner for one.

  We are both so stubborn. Eating is one of his rules, so I eat. I’m not hungry and only manage half the food before pushing it away. He wants me to beg. Nothing has changed. Without his touch to tempt me, I don’t honestly know if I can. I shower and put on one of the sheer sleeping gowns provided by the dragon. I blow out the single candle on the stand by my bed and lie down. The isolation brings me close to tears. Why is he doing this?

  Moonlight shines through the open door and I fall asleep wondering if the dragon will ever care about me—my emotional needs as well as physical. I am nothing more than his possession and it hurts.

  I wake from a dream. His hands were gliding over my flesh and burning a trail so hot I’m surprised my skin doesn’t melt from my bones. It’s only a dream because the dragon isn’t here. I’m alone. I have no idea what time it is. I need him. It’s an aching pulse so strong I can no longer deny myself.

  I light the candle and carry it to the tower stairs. I’ve never walked this path alone. The dragon has always been with me. Each step is mental agony. I’m surrendering and allowing my needs to carry me to his room. This is wrong and I know I will always regret that I was not strong enough to win this battle of wills. Is this how all the brides feel? Are the dragons so irresistible that we are doomed to bend to their will from the very first time we see them? That’s how I feel. I am giving up another freedom. It doesn’t matter that he locks me in a small room each night—I had freedom to control my thoughts. The freedom to say no.

  I’m no longer winded from climbing hundreds of stairs, but tonight, I’m having trouble catching my breath. The dragon wins. I’m just as every other claiming bride. I couldn’t kill him, lost all desire to kill him, and now he will possess my body and control everything.

  At last, I enter his rooms. The front area is where we eat. There’s a large table on one side. A large doorway opens to a medium-sized room that is dedicated to books. I can’t read, so I’ve never asked to look at one. Reading and schooling never seemed important. Every day of my life held one focus: the death of a dragon.

  Slowly, I inch my way to his bedroom. I’ve only ever taken a quick glance inside. He has a large window with an outer ledge so he may shift. It’s not the window I’m looking for, though.

  He’s propped on his side, his eyes open and appraising. I’ve seen him naked so many times, but this is different. A thin cover rests over his hips and leaves his chest and one leg bare. He’s beautiful and I’m completely inadequate.

  I can no longer hold back my tears. They trail down my cheeks. I said I wouldn’t cry when he beds me and now it’s a lie. I inhale. “I’ve come to beg, dragon.” I take a step forward intending to walk closer then drop to my knees.

  He’s out of the bed before I can. I’m unsure what’s happening when he goes to his knees before me and lifts my hands. He kisses the backs of both then gazes up at me with the most exquisite eyes in existence. The silver sparks ignite within the blue and I’m drawn into the swirls. Desire burns between us. I have no idea what to do now. Why is he on his knees?

  His gruff voice answers my unasked question. “I’m begging you to beg, bride.”

  It’s been one week and one day. It matters not. At this moment, I know I love him. Acasia said it would happen and I didn’t believe her. The love swells inside as I go to my knees. “I’m begging you to love me.” I can’t use his horrible word.

  He releases one hand and lifts his. He takes hold of a piece of my hair that’s covering my breast and moves it over my shoulder. I hear sorrow in his next words. “I cannot love you, my beautiful bride. I will cherish you, care for you, and fuck you, but your loss will be too painful when you leave me. I must protect my heart. I will never love another bride and for that I’m truly sorry.”

  I close my eyes as more tears escape. His words hurt. I understand, though. How hard it must be to love again and again and suffer that pain. I’m selfish that I want his love. I open my eyes and use my unencumbered hand to wipe my tears. “I will take what you offer, dragon.”

  He pulls me close—his large arms circle me and spread warmth over my cold flesh. After a moment, he leans back slightly and slides my gown down. It pools at my knees. In one movement he stands and lifts me. I’m cradled in his arms as he strides to the bed and lowers me. His body comes down, his elbows keeping his shoulders back. One hand slides beneath my head as he fists my hair and lifts my lips to his.

  “You are so lovely,” he says just before his lips press to mine.

  He is the beautiful one. His large member rests between us. Tingles start between my thighs and also at my breasts where they barely touch his chest. This tingle is so much better than when I touch myself. I understand the rudiments of sex. I’ve seen animals mate. I don’t understand how he will fit inside me. This dance we do is as old as time. It doesn’t make me less apprehensive. His lips help quell my fear. His tongue enters my mouth and my heart nearly explodes from my chest. He leans more fully against my breasts and his hand travels down the side of my body, clear to my knee. He’s so much larger than I am and I feel even smaller beneath him. His fingers skim back up and slide beneath my bottom. He kneads one round globe that I’ve always considered too large. I’ve caught him staring at my behind so many times that I don’t think he agrees with my assessment. His lips leave mine and move over the flesh they know so well. Every day I have at least one new mark. I wear them proudly, not that anyone saw. His manservant never even glances my way.

  His hand doesn’t stop at the top of my breast this time. He grasps my hair tighter as he leans slightly to the side. He squeezes my breast and I never considered that the force he uses would feel so incredible. Then his lips close on the small bud at the tip of my breast. I arch my back when he applies gentle suction. A sigh escapes my lips. Just the edge of his teeth press into the sensitive skin and I jump. He licks and I want to scream out my need.

  I want all of him, everywhere. My palms smooth over his back as they learn each ridge of muscle. He’s so big and his muscles so defined they are like the mountain range where I went to hunt—valleys, hills, and peaks. I see his muscles strain
when we train, but touch is so much nicer. No, not nicer—incredibly wonderful.

  He moves to my other breast. “You smell so good, so perfect, but you taste better,” he says as he sucks, nips, and licks.

  It’s exactly what I think of him. His knee slides between my legs and his hand on my bottom moves. He skims my inner thighs until he finally touches me in the forbidden place. I moan.

  “You like that.” It’s not a question and there is no way I can respond anyway. “Give me your hand,” he murmurs.

  I lift my hand from his back. He takes it and carries it to his member. I jump slightly at first contact and his growly laughter makes me smile. He’s incredibly hard and also silky soft. I’m not expecting the combination.

  “Squeeze me,” he groans.

  I squeeze.

  “Move your hand up and down and squeeze along the length of me.”

  His hand is back between my thighs and I stop squeezing for a moment when his finger twirls around the outer part of me. For some reason I’m wet. I’m not sure what to do. This is bad.

  “Don’t stop,” he groans against my neck as he adds another mark to my throat. I forget about the embarrassing wetness and move my hand up and down his length. His teeth graze my flesh and he finds another place to suck. I don’t remember women in our village having the marks like the dragon leaves upon me. My dragon likes to do it, so I don’t care. Did he mark all his brides?

  His finger glides inside me and all thought stops. I now understand the wetness as he slides one finger then two in and out. It’s slightly uncomfortable, but not horribly so. His lips return to my mouth.

  “You are ready for me, bride.”

  Am I? I have no idea. His body covers me and I must release my hold on his member. He grabs himself and poises at the entrance where his fingers were a second before.

  “I am sorry, bride, but it is better to do this part quickly.”

  I have no time to ask what he means. His hips thrust forward and I cry out as he rips me in two. Time stops as pain consumes me. His sword has brought burning fire and the dragon has killed me. It doesn’t matter that his member is not made of steel, it has the same effect. I’m pushing against his massive shoulders and he doesn’t budge. He remains buried within me. I know I remain alive because the pain doesn’t diminish.

  “Shh,” he whispers against my hair. “You’re okay.”

  How would he know? “I’m not okay, you blue demon. You’ve split me in two.”

  His chest moves up and down and I realize he’s laughing at me. I try pushing again, which has the same outcome as before. It does nothing.

  “Be still and I will make this feel good.”

  I realize the pain has faded slightly, but it doesn’t stop my words. “The only thing that would feel good right now is my sword buried in your chest. No… your ass.”

  His hand covers my mouth and the merriment in his eyes is clear. His hips come up and his member almost slides out. He moves back inside me slowly. I gasp against his fingers as the pain recedes further. He releases my mouth and places his fingers below my belly. He slowly circles the area and something happens. Something I have no understanding of. My body quickens and a trembling starts at the part of me that sheaths him. I look up and he’s gazing at me, his smile still in place.

  “Don’t be afraid,” he whispers.

  He must be able to tell by my expression that I’m unsure of the trembling within my body. “Something’s happening,” I say and he pulls almost completely out and thrusts in harder than before. It hurts, but it’s not the same type of pain he administered only moments before. The intensity makes me lift my hips when he enters me again. Both of his hands go to my bottom and he’s no longer gentle. His mouth buries against my throat and his teeth bite down just a bit. He groans loudly as he slams inside me. I blink in awe when a blue glow comes from his body. The trembling is now an earthquake between my thighs. The blue glow explodes from his body to mine and then out into the room as my tingling down below erupts.

  I don’t understand what’s happened and I don’t care. My body pulses with the light. If I thought Laryn was beautiful before, there is no comparison now. The iridescence shines from within him. The blue so pure, I’m in love with a color. I think of his member in dragon form. I’m no longer laughing.

  He lifts up slightly and rests on his forearms. He’s watching me and the blue radiance coming from him doesn’t fade. With the light falling across my body, I feel beautiful. Everything the light touches is exquisite.

  “You are now my bride.”

  I am and everything within me knows it.

  Chapter Eighteen


  My color suits her. I’ve had brides with brown, blonde, and red hair along with different tones of skin. I remember none of them lighting up as she does at the moment of my release. I’m so proud of her. It’s always painful the first time. I’m huge and virginity is a barrier best dealt with quickly. I’ve had brides wail for hours. My new bride fought back. She will always fight back.

  When she stood before me after entering the room, I couldn’t watch her tears and not react. I hate bride tears, but hers are different. She cried only because she conceded defeat. Those tears affected me as no others.

  Now we are resting in the afterglow of my orgasm. I think this may be the best first fucking I’ve ever experienced. She will be a great bride in and out of bed. She keeps me on my toes, and there are so many things about fucking that I will teach her.

  Her breathing changes and I know she sleeps. I don’t give myself the luxury of staring at her unclothed beauty. This is one of the rules I set for myself. I must harden my heart against love. When they are in my bed and I watch them sleep, it’s impossible not to feel the crack in my heart that signals love. This bride will always sleep in her own bed. When we are in my rooms, we will not be sleeping.

  As I lift her to take her back to her tower room, there is enough remaining glow from my body that I can see her blood on the sheets. After laying her in her own bed, I don’t bother locking her door. She may come to my room anytime she chooses or I will come and get her. I go back to my bed and lie upon the blood she freely gave up. I smell her within my sheets and it will be enough to get me through the night.

  The sun is up when a noise wakes me. She stands at the foot of the bed dressed in her clothing from dinner last night. My bride does not appear happy. She holds her halberd improperly, but I have no doubt she can still do damage with it.

  “Why did you return me to my room, dragon?”

  So that’s her morning tantrum. I’m used to one sort or another from all my brides. They just don’t usually hold a weapon when they have them.

  The steel of the halberd reflects a ray of sun shining into the room and my eyes are glued to it. “Are you planning to use that or is it just for effect?”

  She strikes so fast I have no time to move. She steps back a foot and the halberd comes down as she buries it into the mattress inches from my foot. She shrugs. “I have no idea how to use it, so I think it’s simply for effect.” Her tone is soft and deadly.

  I should be angry. A few inches and my foot would have been separated from my leg. My cock grows and it pains me that she is so far away. I like this kind of tantrum. I’m suddenly up from my bed and have her wrapped in my arms. Well… my arms are wrapped around hers keeping them from further fight. She kicks my shin at the same time her little teeth sink deep into my shoulder.

  “Ouch, dammit.” My angry warrior is not without weapons and she’s drawn blood.

  “Release me, you rotten dragon dropping.”

  I grab her hair to keep her teeth from gnawing on my shoulder again. Her eyes are spitting mad. The gold flakes are brighter than any gold chalice I possess. She didn’t tie her hair back, which I’m grateful for. I slam my lips on hers then immediately pull back before her teeth bite me. I bring my mouth down gently this time and place small kisses on her lips before moving down to her throat. Her breath catches
and her body goes lax.

  “I will not sleep with you at night, bride.” I place another kiss at the soft skin at the top of her breast. “You may visit me anytime you choose.” Another kiss lower at the very edge of the leather. “I will always welcome you to my bed to fuck.” Her body goes hard. I expect it. She hates the word and I’d hoped the night before changed her mind. “I will always give you pleasure and hold you afterward while you are awake.” I lift my head and gaze into her eyes. “I cannot watch you sleep because if I do, I shall love you.”

  Her eyes immediately soften and for some reason it bothers me that she doesn’t want my love. If this is true, then she doesn’t love me. Why do I want it all even knowing the great pain ahead if I allow it?

  No. This time and all the brides ahead will live by my new rules. Dragons don’t love.

  I ease up on her hair and it’s her mouth that slams against mine. My bride remembers all her lessons so well. She smells of our sex from the night before and she tastes better than any sweet wine. I could drink from her body for hours and stay nourished. I carry her down to the bed, her head resting beside the halberd. It’s sexy as fuck. I pull her lower leathers off and go to my knees on the floor and pull her legs over my shoulders. She watches me with an unsure expression. Only until my mouth descends. Her eyes close and her lips form the most perfect pucker.

  She’s so sweet and delicious as I lick the folds of skin that surround her treasure. I take her small, stiff bud between my lips to pull and suck. Her cries fill the room. My cock is thick and pulsing, but it can wait. My bride needs this attention. She needs to understand that I control her body and also what I can do to it if she withholds her female tantrums. Her greatest punishment will be the denial of orgasm. I will teach her this. Today is about teaching her pleasure. You cannot withhold something that has no value for it means nothing. So I let her body find release and plan to do it many times. Until she’s addicted.


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