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Dragons Don't Love

Page 8

by D'Elen McClain

  Her hips buck as I thrust two fingers in deep. She comes undone and I continue fucking her with my mouth as her pleasure consumes her. Before she can gain her equilibrium, I pull her up the bed and bury my cock deep. I unbuckle her breast cover while leaving on her boots and arm guards. I want a warrior in my bed and she’s perfect.

  Her palms smooth across my back. When I thrust in, her nails do the same. My leg slides against the sharp halberd that remains in the mattress. I feel it slice into me. I don’t mind, I just don’t wish her hurt by it. I lift up and she groans her objection. I reach for the weapon, dislodge it, and toss it across the room.

  I again bury myself deep within her warmth and we return to our mating dance. She pulls my hair until I attend to her lips. I bite and suckle my way down her throat when I need more than her lips. Her hips arch to meet mine as my dragon’s magic builds. My balls tighten, my cock grows even larger, and with one final thrust, the magic explodes. The light consumes us and I cannot stop my shout of fulfillment.

  I can go to Earth’s realm and fuck as many females as I want, but this never happens. Only with a bride can I share this special gift. The light puts us on a different plain. The energy ripples against our skin and within our bodies. This is what I miss most in the years after my bride passes. It’s not the actual fucking but the after effect of the magic. There is nothing more beautiful than a bride bathed in my blue light. And this bride is the most beautiful of them all.

  Chapter Nineteen


  To wake up alone after what I gave him the night before was devastating. To hear the dragon’s explanation more so. I want his love so badly my chest constricts and I have trouble breathing. Gaining that love will cause him additional suffering and I cannot allow that to happen.

  I rest in his arms, the blue glow fading slowly. My hand is on his chest and my fingers draw small circles around the small pucker at the tip of his breast. I’ve seen my share of human male chests. Nothing compares to my dragon.

  “May we fly this morning, dragon?” I’m tired from lack of sleep and I don’t want him returning me to my room if I nod off.

  “If my bride wishes to fly, we will fly.”

  “I’m sorry for the halberd.”

  He laughs which reassures me that he isn’t angry. “I will teach you to use it properly and you will have better aim next time.”

  I smile with a shyness I’ve never felt. “You know I don’t want better aim when it comes to lopping off one of your body parts.”

  “That’s good to hear.” He gives me a tender hug. “I had a back sheath made for the halberd and I want to see if it works or needs adjustments. Flying is the perfect way to test it.” He slaps me on my bottom and I yelp in surprise. “Come, bride, we have a full day ahead and I will want you again if we stay in bed.”

  I’m okay with his having me again, until I move. I’m sore and try not to wince. My face heats thinking of what caused it.

  He notices my discomfort. “I have a saddle that will keep your tender areas protected if you wish it.”

  I shake my head as my face grows even hotter. “Never. I like the feel of you.” Between my thighs is what I don’t say, but that sparkle appears in his eyes and I know he knows.

  He turns his naked back. Satisfaction rolls through me when I see the furrows caused by my nails trailing down his back. He marks me and I mark him. He’s mine and I feel quite possessive.

  I quickly dress. He adjusts the straps to hold the sheath against my back. I will need to practice releasing the strip of cloth that holds the upper part and drawing the halberd in one move. Another day. This day, I wish to spend time with my dragon and learn more about him. So many questions I didn’t have the courage to ask because they were of a sexual nature.

  We stand at the edge of the perch and I jump on his back while he’s in human form. With his powerful legs, he launches himself into the air. His shift occurs so fast but I now know what’s happening. I pull my knees beneath me and slide down slightly to accommodate the large back and long neck of his dragon form.

  This is him in all his undeniable glory. I have a moment of envy for Acasia. What must it be like to fly beside her dragon? Feel the wind beneath her wings and swoop through the sky without a care. Riding my dragon is close; I would just like to feel, for one moment, what Laryn experiences as the fiercest predator in the sky.

  “Hold on,” he says into my mind. That’s another thing we need to discuss. This mind talking thing drives me crazy.

  He shoots upward and I stop thinking about anything other than holding on. I tighten my thighs while digging my hands into the slight indents where his wings meet his back. They are perfect for holding. Of course he turns completely upside down and I lose my seat. He laughs in my head as he flies underneath me and I slam onto his back.

  There is pain between my thighs at the impact and my teeth rattle. It doesn’t matter because the thrill of this feat cannot be contained. I need more practice and encourage him. “Again, dragon. Give me a little more time to prepare for you.”

  “If my bride wants to go again, we shall.”

  Again, and again, and again. By the time I’m trembling with exhaustion, I can tuck into a tight ball, flip, and land on my feet, locking them into the same wing handholds that I use when we fly normally. Learning to bend my knees and find my balance during sword play has given me the ability to do this. My dragon is magnificent in… well… everything.

  He slows down as we travel through hills and valleys of his kingdom. “Will you speak of your other brides, dragon?” A long silence fills our pleasant day.

  His voice is soft when he finally speaks into my mind. “Each one is unique. Some I have enjoyed more than others. I learn from each of them. I have been gifted with incredible brides.”

  I shouldn’t feel jealous of women who lived long before me. I do, though, and I know I must shake it off. “Is there one who stands out in your memory—the last perhaps?” He remains silent again and I feel bad. “I understand if it hurts to remember her. I know she’s not been gone as long as the others.”

  “It isn’t that…” His sigh fills my head. “She probably taught me the most about women. Not that I took all the lessons to heart as you can attest to. She was gentle and giving. She loved me deeply.”

  And he loved her. I can hear it in his voice. My soul feels his anguish, and more than anything I want to comfort him.

  I thought he was finished speaking when he goes on. “I should have died with her.”

  I caress my hand along his scales before hugging his neck as hard as I can. “Never say that, dragon. If she was giving, she would want you to live.”

  “You don’t understand, bride.”

  I’m suddenly afraid and maybe it’s best that I don’t understand. It’s not what he needs, though. “Tell me of this bride, dragon. Explain to me why I should miss out on someone as special as you.”

  I’ve laid it on thick and I get a bit of fire with his laugh. “As you wish, bride.”

  He remains quiet for a long time. I give him room to sort his thoughts. “She hated me for years,” was the first thing he said. “I took her to bed on the day of claiming and I’m not sure she ever forgave me. We still had many good years, but many wasted too. The brides don’t understand those years between one dying and choosing the next. We go a little insane. The three years before I claimed you were actually the worst. Time stands still when usually it goes so fast that we choose a bride and the next day she dies.”

  My dragon grows quiet again. I feel the pain in his words and I continue petting him.

  “Maleah was her name. It matched her soft sweetness. When she increased in age, a strange illness made it painful for her to do so much. At first it was bearable, but as the years went on she could no longer fly on my back or even stay upright for long periods. She finally asked me to end her life. I told her no.”

  Oh my precious dragon.

  “I woke one night and she’d thrown herself from
a perch.”

  He couldn’t see my tears. I could do nothing but hug him.

  “I vowed to never return to a claiming. The years of loneliness start eating at you. I finally knew I could not stay away. Our brides are not just sexual partners, they’re companions. When a bride’s body is old and frail, unable to perform sexually, it matters not. Friendship fills all voids and a dragon is satisfied. The terrible part is knowing our time is limited once it reaches that point. I flew to your claiming vowing to never love again. Forgive me, bride, for it is you who will suffer the most. Please. Just… be my friend.”

  How could I not love my dragon?

  Chapter Twenty


  Each night that passes and she isn’t in my bed, the yearning builds. She shares an hour or two with me before falling asleep. She tries to stay awake. I push her hard during the day for this reason. She’s been with me for two weeks now. She’s settled so quickly that it feels like two years. In my life the brides are but a blink of time. If just once time would stand still.

  She’s feisty and funny. Grumpy on occasion and a smart-ass on others. She’s not whiny and isn’t given to tears. It’s refreshing in a bride. I hate to think that Bastian might have the right of it. They come to us with no knowledge of what a new life will hold and worried that they may be a dragon’s evening meal. Not that my new bride wanted anything more than to kill me. She is far different than all the others. My little warrior.

  Tonight we travel to Bastian’s realm for cards. I’ve missed Ashrac and know his parents keep him away to give me time with my bride. The little red hellion has burrowed into my heart. Unlike a bride, he will live forever. I will never suffer the pain of losing him.

  I’ve given my bride a new set of leathers to wear tonight. They are a little less revealing with an added gauzy material that splits on the sides and enables her to fight if needed. She’s in her bathing chamber changing while I impatiently wait.

  A gentle blush covers her cheeks and the tops of her breasts when she comes out. She’s breathtaking. Her hair is down as I requested. The material shimmers around her legs without showing too much flesh until she walks closer. The white leather belt that holds the material has only thin strips at her hips. The skirt parts and shows bare skin on the sides of her thighs. The breast piece is the same white leather with jewels surrounding the edges that barely cover her. I want the dragons to see my marks and know who she belongs to. Yes, I’ve always been possessive. With her there is great pride thrown in the mix.

  “Do I not look as what you want?” she asks timidly. It’s so unlike her.

  She’s nervous about meeting the other dragons. I step forward and enjoy the skirt even more when I’m able to touch the bare flesh of her upper thighs and bring her closer. “You are more than I hoped. Tomorrow we will spend the day in bed so I may prove it to you.” It’s a joke between us. Several times we’ve had that intention. My bride enjoys our bedroom play but she becomes antsy after a few hours and we always end up flying or training.

  “You truly like it?”

  I have no idea where this shyness comes from. “You are radiant. I have something else for you.”

  Her smile lights up her face. “What is it?”

  I’ve brought my saddle bags so I can stow clothes to change into. They also hold her surprise. I pull out another sheath for the halberd in the same fine white as her outfit. I want my brother dragons to see my warrior bride and know she is no one to trifle with.

  “Oh, Laryn,” she breathes huskily.

  She’s never spoken my given name aloud. It hurts to hear it pass her lips because I want to hear it endlessly and not just during her human lifespan. I rein in my emotions because they have no place in our future.

  “Turn around and I will help you put it on.” We’ve all but given up on plain sword training. My bride is a halberd girl. She’s good with it—deadly, in fact.

  The sheath fits perfectly. I drop the handle through the leather and adjust everything so it’s tight and the weapon readily available. I hastily remove my clothing and fold it for the saddle bags. I heft the large bags over my shoulder and head for the door.

  “I’m not happy about a saddle.”

  A burst of laughter escapes me and I wink at her. “Tomorrow I shall examine your inner thighs to see what it is that makes you love wrapping them around my dragon form so much.” I’ve never seen the shade of red that settles on her cheeks and my laughter explodes. She punches my arm and laughs too. We still need to work on making her comfortable with her body, but it’s a job I look forward to.

  We’re halfway to Bastian’s when I bring up Sarn. “He’s the one I’m worried about. Stay close to me and if for some reason we are separated and he tries anything, don’t hesitate. Kill him.”

  She’s shocked. “You want me killing your friend?”

  “I’ve never seen him grieve as he has with his last bride, Calista. The fool loved her deeply. Too deeply. When Acasia transcended, Calista was still alive. He begged the Gods and Goddesses for her life. It’s harder now that we know turning a bride into a dragon is truly possible. I’m a realist, though. It took thousands of years for one of us to break the curse. It will be thousands more before it happens again. Sarn is angry and lonely. I can tell you from experience that it’s a lethal combination. Yes, if you have no choice, kill him.”

  My bride is quiet after this speech. This needed to be said, though I’m sorry it has upset her. We finally arrive. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, quite ready.”

  I’m glad to hear excitement in her voice.

  After I’m clothed, we enter the front door, which is rarely used. A servant lets us inside. I’ve seen him before. As with so many of them, I have no idea of his name or where he’s from. My bride seems a little taken aback when she greets him and he doesn’t speak or look at her. The silent humans are hard on the brides and I haven’t covered why they are as they are. I will broach the subject another time in the near future. Not tonight. This evening is for merriment and winning back gold I’ve lost in previous games.

  We are the last to arrive and everyone stands when we enter the large den. I’m surprised when Ash runs past me and launches himself into the arms of my bride. She laughs as he fills the room with his child’s voice. “Mother and Father would not allow me to visit. I had to swear on my new collection of gems that I would not travel to Uncle Laryn’s. Is he being nice to you or is he still a mean old ogre? Do you wish to see my gems? I stole them myself.”

  I pry his arms from my bride and toss him into the air and catch him. “You must allow her to make the acquaintance of the others, Little Ash.”

  “Uh, oh,” Acasia says.

  I have no idea what upsets her until Ashrac hits me in the nose. “I am not little. I am the deadliest dragon in the land. I will smite you with fire and dance in your ashes,” he yells into my ear.

  I set him down and place my hand on his forehead to keep him from kicking me. “I see. I must agree that you are not as small as I remember. I’m shaking in my boots that I have insulted a dragon as great as yourself. If you will forgive me, I have a present for you in my bag.”

  He stops trying to connect with my shin. “I will judge whether to forgive you based on the gift, Uncle Laryn. You must remember to fear me as you would any great dragon.”

  It’s nearly impossible to keep from rolling my eyes. He’s always been a handful. This is why I care for him so dearly. He runs to my bags, which I set down just inside the room with the others. I turn to my bride and see the smile playing on her lips. She actually winks at me and I want to depart now and take her to bed.

  “Introduce us, please,” Sarn requests in a businesslike, stern voice that is so unlike him. I bristle. He’s angry at the world and I try to let it go. Taking my bride’s arm, I draw her closer. “Bride, this is Sarn.”

  His gaze leaves her and he turns to me. “She does not have a name? You call her bride?”

  Smoke drifts from m
y nostrils. I’ve never asked for her name. “Bride of Laryn will do,” I snap back.

  He turns back to my bride and takes one step too close. “If you are ever tired of this oaf, let me know and I will show you what a real dragon does with a bride.”

  I shove him away so hard he flies against a cabinet and knocks it over. Bastian and Tahr are between us before I knock Sarn’s teeth out.

  “That’s enough,” Bastian shouts as Sarn takes his feet and comes at me. Tahr grabs him.

  “Why do you think your bride deserves to be safe?” Sarn spits out. “You stole Acasia and there are no longer rules.”

  That pisses me off more. “There have never been rules, you idiot. If you can’t keep your woman, then she’s fair game.”

  “Enough,” Bastian blares. Now he’s angry at me too. I turn to my bride. Her hand rests on the handle of the halberd. She nods her head and all the fury leaves my body. She’s willing to take on a room full of dragons with no questions asked.

  Acasia approaches Sarn and places her hand on his arm. “It’s over, Sarn. Has been over for a long time. My son watches you.”

  We all turn to Ashrac. He holds a small jeweled train engine in his hands. I’ve had it for years. I knew he would enjoy it. I walk over and place my hand against his back. “Uncle Laryn and Uncle Sarn needed to get that out of the way, Ashrac. It is the way small-minded dragons behave. Even though your mother is a fierce dragon in her own right, it’s your job to protect the women. Chivalry demands we take care of them before ourselves.” I know Acasia will forgive me for making her appear weak. As badass as I know I am, I’m no match for a mother dragon.

  Ashrac gives me his most serious look. “You and Uncle Sarn need a time-out. When my temper gets the best of me, that’s what I must do.”


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