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The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition)

Page 58

by V Bertolaccini

  Chapter 5

  The Phone Call

  The problem now was he had to try and find out how to accomplish his mission and he decided that they could have traced him to his hotel room, but he needed his stuff in the room, and he decided to enter the hotel late at the night.

  So late at night he arrived there in a taxi heavily disguised and he sneaked in and rushed up the stairs to his room, and stood outside the room listening behind the door, examining everything for the signs of anyone having been there, and even tried examining the carpet for anything.

  He considered as far as logic was concerned there was nothing to kill him for! But why had someone shot at him?

  He crept in the door examining everything in the dimness and saw there was nobody there and quickly shut the door behind him, and started collecting all his things and packing them away, examining them for being checked by anyone, and as far as he was concerned they had not traced him there.

  He swiftly left the room and hotel and went to his new hotel, which was out the way of the police and anyone there.

  Over and over he considered all the people who were capable of shooting at him and realized that it had to be the police! Its coldness made him cringe, and his blood swiftly rushed through him, and he considered sending a complaint somewhere!

  In the morning he finished all his beer off and studied the card of the woman he found in the lining of his jacket and still could not recall her or understand what connection to him she could be! Her name was Sandra Dory and the card and her profession were incomprehensible to him! Yet by the look of the card he was sure she was a hooker!

  So in the end he decided to phone her from the phone in his hotel room even though it could be traced!

  A woman with a sexy voice asked him whether she could be of assistance and he realized that he actually should not directly give away his identity as if she told someone of him he would be making a mistake, so he asked her, “Do you still provide all your normal services?”

  “Yes!” she replied, sexily, and he realized she must be a hooker, and decided he could use it to meet her and question her.

  “Thank you!” he replied firmly, and replied with the first thing he could think of. “For starters I’d like you to dress like the Home Secretary! Swear at me and tie me up, grab me by the legs, and swing me around the room like a helicopter propeller and throw me onto a bed! Then jump up and down on me wearing naughty businesswoman costume! What do you think?”

  “That sounds great!” the woman shouted back. “But this is the hotel reception! If you want an outside line I’ll put you through?”

  He swiftly agreed and waited and the phone rang and a woman answered the phone with an identical voice to the hotel receptionist, which he could not establish the difference in and sat wondering if she would do such a dirty trick, and wondered what she would do next.

  He quickly picked up a newspaper from the bed and flicked through the pages and examined sections until he found something in an advert, and called out, “I bought a movie from you and there’s nothing on the tape but static!”

  She remained confused and laughed for a few seconds, allowing him time to think, and she replied, “I’m sorry about that! Which title did you rent?”

  He quickly replied with the first title he saw, and replied, “It’s called the Head Cleaner!”

  She laughed and told him to come round and return it and told him her new address, and stuff about herself before she hanged up, and he knew it was her and he somehow recognized her!

  Cameron realized he had been lucky and that if she knew him that he could tell her what had happened and try and get information on what was happening, and he rested on his bed wondering if he had finally found what he was looking for and the answer to all his unsolved problems!

  When Cameron finally decided to leave and go to the hotel bar first, where he drank far too much after thinking of the three soldiers back at the army camp, which he now seemed to do every time he thought of them, and he left and was surprised that the receptionist girls winked at him, and he gasped embarrassingly, and watched their faces when they recognized his famous looks.

  Cameron left towards a bar where he got into a taxi, and rested there, and felt tired from the previous day and not getting enough sleep that night, and he was still in the need of a long rest.

  He wondered what he should do if she was just a hooker, and realized perhaps he should have a good time, and perhaps she had some information that she might conceal and she might reveal it somewhere.

  It was incredible that when he checked the internet, with his phone, he found articles in different newspapers of the police and their search for him, after he was spotted in a bar, and with astonishment he read articles claiming that he was a bank robber!

  He was left baffled and not knowing what to do! He had to avoid them and find out what was happening! He believed he was not guilty!

  It also surprised him to read of their racehorse and of the three soldiers and of how they had secretly let it loose to roam some desolate woods and that the army denied all knowledge of it, and he spotted a mention of Sergeant Malone and he knew he had made the claim, and there were mentions of the horse attacking people after a nun had been attacked and he realized that he took it that it had not done anything other than trying to sink its teeth into them and he read it through and realized that at the most the thing had only scared and knocked them over!

  It was incredible how secretive the alien crash was, or whatever it was, and that they were claiming it was different things such as old space debris and satellites!

  He then read the full old article on the horse being traced to the three soldiers and where they had bought the horse, and where the Ebay seller had bought it, and had discovered why the horse was different and that the horse had genetic alterations and that it had been crossed with killer lions!

  Cameron recalled the first time he had seen the horse and when the doors of the bar seemed to explode apart and it shifted into his sight in an altered motion!

  After a few minutes Cameron spotted the taxi driver’s mouth and him occasionally watching him in his mirror, and he examined him in detail and realized the taxi driver might have seen a wanted photograph of him, and he sat thinking of what to do.

  Cameron decided to get out the taxi at another location, where he could get to the address without walking too far, and he was sure that the taxi driver never knew that he was staying at the hotel, and he had not given his identity there.

  So once out the taxi and it had vanished into the distance Cameron rushed away, realizing he had to gain as much distance from there as fast as he could, and he rushed away at an incredible acceleration racing through streets, while trying to make himself look like a jogger!

  When he finished his mission he had to prove his innocence, and he could not allow them to capture him now!

  What surprised him was when he closed in on the address he started to know his way around and knew it was nearby, and he slowed down and rested as he approached it, and realized that he had seen her new address and he wondered why she had suggested on the phone that he might not have, and he realized that she had forgotten about it.

  To his surprise he marched straight to the house, leaving him staggered at how he could do such a thing, and he put it down to his subconscious mind and body as it ran his entire body and everything else!

  He realized the dangers he could be in there and if she was connected to the gunman, who had shot at him, and he raced through what had occurred since he had arrived in London!

  The strange dream had surprised him as he had thought that if it could have been a natural source and that it was either the army camp and outdoor environment or all the drink.

  Next he had realized that he had picked up the dream entirely wrongly or his mind had altered it, for some reason, and it had not been about him turning into a werewolf but of the alien crashing down into the wood.

  What could possibly be behind all the ev
ents? What could possibly connect all the events?

  Chapter 6

  The Secretary

  “Where’ve you been?” Sandra Dory immediately asked Cameron, concerned, peering through a gap in her front door. “You were to contact me weeks ago – at my office!”

  “I think I had an accident!” Cameron replied, pointing at his head. “I recovered out in a field ... I found I’d lost my memory ... Of my identity ... I found your card in my pocket!”

  She gasped and budged, and slowly studied his face over again, and he studied her tight clothing, try to realize if she was a hooker. Yet she did not sound like one, and sounded as if she did business.

  “I think I’d better start over ... Can I ask you a few questions about us ...?”

  “Alright!” she replied, smiling.

  “What were we doing? Why was I to contact you?”

  She studied his face and led him into her living room, where they sat down.

  Her hand rapidly reached into her handbag and pulled out some cigarettes and a gold lighter.

  She ignited it and mechanically drew in smoke, showing him she was a heavy smoker, and he glared at the end of it glowing red, smoldering and creating wisps of smoke through the warm air, while rushing up to the ceiling.

  With one swift movement she switched on her television, and then changed the channel.

  “Well?” he finally asked, unable to control himself any longer.

  “Where have you been? You look strange, and as though you’ve been living some alterative lifestyle!”

  “I found I was in the army!”

  “You’re now in the army?” she giggled, and laughed wildly. “How did that happen? You must have had a bad accident, and really damaged your head!”

  “I have been given an army psychiatrist ...”

  She gasped and inhaled too much smoke and started choking while trying to stop laughing.

  Through plumes of smoke she resolutely analyzed him, slightly startled, trying to put sense to what she had heard and had seen, and watched the news on the television. A church was exploding with flames while firemen used powerful fire hoses to put it out, and she watched it while trying to suppress laughter, with blank and confused faces, and not knowing if she should go too far.

  “Well! Tell me my identity? I have to know! I was told I’m Prime Minister David Cameron’s twin brother! Is that true?”

  She stared at him with astonishment, realized something mischievously, and Cameron wondered what it was and why it looked like something almost deadly or a future problem for him, and realized he might put his foot in it again!

  “You’re his twin brother and I’ve been working for you, doing jobs for you ...”

  She looked at him at various angles and shook her head, confirming something.

  “So what’s your name in the army?” she asked, curiously, still examining him.

  “Dave Cameron!”

  “You chose the name Dave Cameron and yet you claim you never knew your identity?” she asked, confused.

  “The soldiers there claimed that they knew me and that I was a soldier called Dave Cameron!”

  She shook her head, totally baffled, and started acting normally towards him.

  A newsreader on the television gave dramatic details from eyewitnesses of hearing a loud explosion ...

  “How did you end up in London?” she asked curiously.

  “I’m visiting a new psychiatrist! A top London psychiatrist ... I found your card buried away in my clothes!”

  She burst out laughing, and put her hand over her mouth.

  “Where have you been staying in London?”

  “At a hotel!”

  “You’re staying in a hotel?”

  “Yes! Why?”

  “You got a new house! We were doing some work there ...”

  “I live alone there?”

  “You live there alone!”

  Cameron realized the house could have all his old possessions and documents and things with information about him, and he started building a picture of who he was and he was sure he might start recalling his identity.

  She stood and shifted over to a drawer and reached in and removed a piece of paper and wrote an address, from an address book, and gave it to Cameron.

  Chapter 7

  The House

  When Cameron finally arrived at the house it was dark and he started wondering if Dory had played a trick on him, and he rang the doorbell to see if there was anyone there, and he examined the mail and found it in a large heap, in the amount there would be of it, and smiled and wondered if there was anything important in it and if he was in trouble for not replying to anything.

  He marched around the building checking everything and everywhere he could enter, and found two places, and considered what was the best place and eventually had to search in the windows to see what was there and he chose one, as it was better located, and he smashed the window as silently as he could and pushed the glass in until it allowed him to enter and he climbed in and turned on the light.

  He hungrily examined everything he came, desperately trying to recall things, and had vague recollections of things but could not fully prove they were his property and he rushed into the living room and with his mail.

  With satisfaction he read all the names and that they were for him and he started examining the contents of them with much confusion as he never recognized any of it, and while gasping, he wondered what to do as he did not know what to reply with to some of them, and could not understand what he actually did and why he should reply.

  It left him confused and he saw he would have to contact Dory on some of the things, or he would just have to contact the people and ask for information and explain things as best as he could.

  He wandered around examining things, with deep disappointment, as he had badly lost his memory and he was going to have problems!

  Yet he considered everything over again and realized that the mail would not necessarily have anything in it and that the best documents about him had to be in the house and he started searching everywhere, and went up the stairs, and started examining everything there.

  The corridor had to be the darkest place as the bulb was one of the weakest, and he stood examining it, feeling its weak heat with his fingers, and wondered why he had put such a weak light there, as he was sure he would have lit the stairs and corridor properly, but perhaps he had just not bothered.

  Even with the light shade off it gave their strange dark and gloomy glows and he realized something and that Dory had said and that the house was his new house, and he realized that he might not have properly stayed there and that the light and other stuff were given with the house by the previous owners.

  He looked in the rooms, and left what was surely his bedroom for last, and he found them empty and sure enough had all their contents taken away accept things that belonged with the rooms.

  He soon rushed into his bedroom and lay across the bed where he clearly had slept, and looked everywhere he could think of, while he smelt everything and rested and felt sleepy, and tried to recall memories that had to be there, buried away in his mind somewhere, and he once again disappointedly realized the reality of the situation but saw that he had Dory, and someone that had actually known him that was willing to give him information and he started trying to think of things to ask her when he saw her again, and was surprised he now could not even fantasize knowing anything in room and house and wondered if he had damaged his memory and had been deleting stuff like with a computer, and he then wondered if Dory had played a trick on him as he recalled her giving a wicked laugh to something! How could he prove the person that owned it was not just someone with the same name?

  Yet he had recognized the house outside, and realized if he just relaxed and treated the room as normal and ignored his memory problems he might eventually recall things the normal way.

  So he removed cans of beer out his bag and drank them and wandered around the room doing things

  The door to his cupboard was locked and he wondered why and put it down to precaution and wondered where the key would be and realized he would not be able to find it and used a piece of wire to open its simple lock and found it was full of jackets, which all fitted him, as well as other things, and he started searching through jacket pockets and found things like pens and handkerchiefs and, in the end, looked in other places about the room and found nothing of interest and realized for some reason he never had any documents there and wondered if someone had taken them.

  Yet it was his new house and he was positive that the other house might not be sold and he might have been staying there too, and had spent most of his time there, and that most of his stuff was still in his other house.

  Chapter 8

  The Second Visitation

  A dark starship shot through an awesome abyss full of stars into this galaxy, with spectacular beams of radiance exploding out, and it hurtled through endless solar systems, accelerating towards an inconceivable urgency!

  At its center monstrous intergalactic aliens stood in a circle formation in bright white light, anxiously checking information, in their form of military structure, from galactic starship.

  The voyager hurtled endlessly through space at a tremendous rate, racing towards the planet Earth, in an unknown region of space, to a highly advanced member of a species of unknown origins that it had ever encountered, which it was desperately trying to investigate!


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