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The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition)

Page 59

by V Bertolaccini

  It shifted with fury through the universe as their species had never encountered such an advanced form of alien, and nothing new in hundreds of years, and they were ready to handle what they could and investigate what was there, and they were carefully chosen out of their entire species for the encounter and to represent their race!

  While it accelerated to the limits it could travel their intelligent voyager altered shape and form, improving itself, seeking to affectively achieve its objective! Its vast senses burst into life all over it and it went into a strange state as it properly detected the advanced form of alien and the aliens decided to do something desperate, and it dangerously used weapon systems to accelerate to a far greater velocity.

  With furious explosions the whole starship violently shuddered, and regions of it were destroyed from the forces, and the aliens themselves even stood ready for possible destruction.

  The powerful unstable energy explosions temporary warped and unbalanced space all about it, while it shot through vast star systems, as it furiously forced itself to go to dangerous levels, and it screamed through the universe.

  Star formations flashed by and it entered the unknown and unexplored depths of space, with its ghost shape flickering through solar systems.

  At its center the formation of the monstrous intergalactic aliens altered when it monitored the interdimensional extraterrestrial on the world and they detected and received strange transmissions, and swiftly decoded the information and having never watched fictional human television their form of military structured species formed an alien contact scenario with the human race instead, and with the world’s main leader Dave Cameron, and have their three leaders make contact!

  Chapter 9

  The Alien Invasion

  On the second night of Cameron’s arrival at the house he was not any wiser to his identity, and Dory was the only place left to get information, and he was still considering what to do, and he had a feeling that he was going to be disappointed, and he had stayed in and had ended up drunk on his living room floor

  After watching endless news programs and reading newspapers and magazines he was left stumped and disappointed at what had happened to the Prime Minister, and there had only been one mention of him being away on holiday, and he still intended to try to meet him and he wished to get information on him and his movements!

  In the end he got so frustrated and drunk that he almost collapsed, and ended up in a heap over the floor.

  So when the first alien leader arrived to make first contact with him on behalf of the human race he never heard his doorbell ring, and thought it was part of a dream.

  The bell rang again and kept ringing until he eventually became conscious and it affected his dream, and when he opened his eyes he sat up wondering what it was, as he had not heard the strange sounding bell tone before and rested trying to identify the racket and even considered if it was an air raid siren.

  Consequently, he realized what it had to be and that one of his neighbors had to be at the door and staggered about on his feet and stumbled forward, going in the direction of the door, and finally reached it wondering who could possibly be so inhuman to ring a doorbell for so long and at that time of night!

  When he finally unlocked it he gasped and wondered if he should open it, as he could barely even stand, and he was almost sick, and in the end just yanked the door open!

  He never noticed that there was nobody out in the darkness and stood swaying about, and he eventually got tired of the drilling sound of the bell blasting out near his ear.

  It was incredible he had not even met anyone there and had only seen one or two of them out the window and one of them was killing him with his doorbell, and he considered having it replaced in the morning, and started to search the darkness in front of him, wondering why there was nobody there, and he searched for the doorbell but could not find it and searched the outer wall by trying to feel the blasted thing, and stopped when he saw a strange thin fog engulfing his garden and the outer road, without him hardly noticing it and it soon thickened, and he could not see where it was emerging from and realized it had to be a freak weather condition, and realized that it must be a ground level weather formation, and fog was forming in the region and he was sure he was at the central point!

  Yet he stood propped against the doorframe wondering what the hell the doorbell had to do with it and realized that it must be local kids playing tricks on the locals, and tried recalling the date and realized it was not Halloween, anyway!

  His sight seemed to go hazy with the mist as it deepened, and he almost vomited, and held himself there firmly, trying to think of a way of stopping the bell ringing and in the end he closed his eyes and started feeling the outer building wall in the darkness there and grasped the button and started to feel it and if there was anything on it, holding it in, and he started trying to pull it out and when that did not work he grew more and more frustrated and spotted a boulder near his front lawn, and collected all his energy, and ran over and grabbed it and ran back and started smashing it off the side of the wall, and realized it could be ringing all night long now!

  Suddenly it finally stopped its blasted ring and he laughed, and bowed as if there was an audience in front of him.

  His thoughts went on the strange nature of the mist and its strange movements, as though alive, and he saw lights flash in it like they were electrical, and he wondered if lightning could form in a ground level cloud.

  He had to keep shutting his eyes to rest his hazy tired eyes.

  Peculiar vivid streaks like colored lightning flashed all about his front and he examined the thickening mist hovering around menacingly, and he considered getting in before he collapsed.

  It was like seeing something there at another time in the past, and he wondered if his brain had received damage!

  For a moment he was sure that there was something actually appearing there from somewhere else, and examined it at different angles, and then it was like seeing another world emerge, and he saw through gaps in the thickening fog and saw regions of something strange in places.

  Out of nowhere a powerful light emerged through the thickest formation of the mist with its radiance pulsating and he stood realizing that it was really there, magically illuminating the fog around his garden, with strange shadow formations from things he could not see, creating mind-bending shifting shadows that weaved and probed their way around.

  Sounds of heavy pounds of emerged, like they were there but not there, and he was surprised that the ground even shuddered, and realized again at the amount of drink he had been taking and wondered why he had not heard of such side effects.

  He rested against the doorframe considering what he would tell his psychiatrist on Monday, after the weekend, while hearing scurrying sounds in nearby vegetation.

  While he did it a strange dark shadowed formation emerged in the mist, with a light behind it, creating mind-bending shifting shadows across his front that weaved and probed their way about him, and he occasionally stopped his contemplation to consider it.

  In the end, after realizing how the psychiatrist would react he never believed there was anything there, and thought it was some strange hallucinations, and decided to force his brain into realizing it and accepting nothing was there.

  So he stood glaring at a giant green monster in the darkness outside his front door and just laughed at it, thinking of it as a hallucination!

  It was then that it the first alien leader from the starship that had teleported itself to make contact with him, Dave Cameron, stood still, wondering what he was, and detected something and gasped in horror, and Cameron started drunkenly shouting at it and told it bloody well go away home, and he refused to accept it existed, and he grabbed an old umbrella at the doorway and threw it at it!

  The alien bug leader became furious by the insult and grabbed him by the waist with its tentacles and threw him all about his garden, from one end to the other, and he collapsed, from it and the drink and
lack of sleep, and he packed it in for the day!

  He only awoke the next morning when a milkman awoke him in a heap in one of the bushes in his garden!

  Chapter 10

  The Second Alien Leader

  It was Saturday night, and Cameron no longer thought anything had even happened on the previous night, and had dismissed what had happened that morning as being one of his strange dreams, as his hangover was so painful he slept through most of the morning.

  His last thoughts of it were of what to tell his psychiatrist on Monday, after the weekend, and he decided it was not worth mentioning as it never had anything to do with his memory loss and he did not want it to confuse things any further as he wanted him to give him the precise answer to the problem.

  After watching news programs and reading endless newspapers and magazines he was left stumped on where the Prime Minister was, and how to meet him, and he wondered if Dory could give him the answer as she seemed to answer all of his queries!

  In the end he just got drunk over again, and kept drinking until it was late in the night, and ended up in almost the same state as the night before!

  So when the second alien leader arrived to continue their first contact scenario with the human race he never heard his newly repaired doorbell being ring, and because he had altered the bell itself so it could not make as much noise.

  The bell rang for a long time until it was dislodged and the adjustments he made to it to make it silent were altered and it ended up louder and suddenly blasted out into the night, waking his neighbors, which he wished to avoid as the police were still looking for him after they chased him out the bar, and it rang until he became conscious from his deep slumber.

  When he opened his eyes, and he was dizzy, and sat up wondering what the hell was going on, and thought he was in the middle of an air raid, and carefully listened to the strange sounds of the altered doorbell and cursed, and lay slumped over a seat trying to identify the racket until his memory returned.

  Consequently, he staggered around trying to get on his feet and stumbled over a seat and fell against the side of the door, but actually going in the direction of the door, but he slowly slid down the wall until he landed flat on the floor, and after wobbling about he managed to rollover onto his side and climb back up onto his feet, and tripping over himself, he finally reached the door and felt it until he realized that he had to unlock it and he gasped and wondered if he should leave it, after he recalled something from the previous night, and he jerked it open!

  Again nobody was there, or away out in the darkness, and he stood swaying about, doing a form of dance, and he eventually got tired of the drilling and thuds of the bell bouncing around viciously, and he spotted two of his neighbors looking out their windows annoyed, and he realized that it was probably the first time that they had properly seen him.

  He realized that the doorbell needed replaced and started to search the dark garden, and gasped and stopped when he saw the strange thin fog engulfing his garden again, and he watched a neighbor at the side of his eyes trying to see what he did, and saw nothing, and decided to wait and see what happened to the mist and he studied it in more detail realizing that it had thickened, and he could not see what it was emerging from, and considered it was condensing there and he studied the dark night sky, and looked sideways and was surprised that it was not further down the road or up the road, or in fact anywhere else other than in front of him, and he considered it had to be a freak weather condition, caused by something he could not identify, and realized that it was entirely at ground level, and he wished he had a camera to film it and he considered who would be able to answer what it was while he watched an area of fog forming thicker in a region, where he was sure it was at the central point, which was surprisingly straight out in front of him!

  He stood propped up against the door considering how the doorbell was connected with it, and wondered how it had activated it, and he ignored what had happened there on the previous night and was determined to start over again, less drunk than he had been, and explain what had happened.

  His sight was still hazy and the mist seemed deepened, and he almost vomited for a second, and held himself firmly upright, trying to think of ways of stopping the bell blaring out, and getting rid of the neighbors looking out windows, and he wondered if he should leave it and see what they thought of what happened, and grew annoyed at the noise and collected all his energy and thought of pulling the bell off the side of the wall.

  His thoughts went on the strange nature of the mist and its strange shifting movements, as though alive, and he saw lights flash like electricity in it and wondered if lightning could form at a ground level.

  He had to keep examining it to see what it was altering into and he tried to recall what it had done on the previous night and he could not recall it having done anything itself and it was things that had formed in it, and with his hazy tired vision he saw it was repeating everything over again, and he realized he could not properly move, and especially move away, for some reason.

  The thin vivid thin streaks like strange colored lightning flickered about, appearing all about his front, and he examined the thickening area hovering around his front menacingly carrying out what it was designed to do, and he considered trying to find a way of getting inside before something happened, and he wondered if he would be killed by it this time!

  It was like seeing the past breaking through a faint warp, or another time in the future that looked like the past, and he tried to see if he could recognize anything!

  He strangely saw something actually appearing there from somewhere else, and examined it at different angles, and then it was like seeing another world somewhere else emerging through a gateway, and he saw parts of it through gaps in the thickened fog and saw regions of something strange in places, and spotted a major region open and studied it furiously and saw what looked like a chamber full of incredible technology he never recognized.

  Out of nowhere a powerful light emerged through the thickest formation of mist, and dazzled his eyes and made him gasp and try to move back, and he stood frozen watching its radiance pulsating and illuminating his garden and house out of the darkness, and he spotted one of his neighbors at their window standing watching it dazzled and confused, and realized he actually saw it, and he saw other neighbors looking out at the tremendous bright light illuminating all the buildings and their bedroom walls, magically illuminating the night, and the fog everywhere, with strange shadow formations from things shifting around that he could not see, creating mind-bending shifting shadows that weaved and probed their way around, and he watched a nearby neighbor’s face studying all the fog and lights.

  Sounds of pounds of some heavy beast emerged, like it were there but not there, and he was surprised that the ground even gave shudders, and he wondered just what it was he had witnessed, and why he needed the neighbors to confirm it!

  He considered how he could photograph it, and realized he could not leave to get a camera, and wondered what he could tell his psychiatrist about it and if he would believe that anything like it could possibly exist.

  While he looked straight into its central region a massive strange dark shadowed formation emerged out, and shifted about in the surrounding mist, with the light behind it, from where it had come, creating mind-bending shifting shadow shapes all across his front, which weaved and probed their way about and to him, and he occasionally stopped his contemplation of the occurrence to consider what the hell was going on, especially as he had proven all the events of the previous night had not actually taken place!

  In the end, after realizing how the psychiatrist would react he believed there had to be something solid there and that something was there that he could not quite grasp, and he considered if it was a new form of hallucination, and decided to force his brain into waking and pulling itself out of it and grasping what was actually there, realizing that something real had to be there all along and that he had to get to the bottom of thin

  So when the shape emerged out of it he stood glaring at its giant monster shape in the light and darkness outside his front door and in the end he just laughed loudly at it, holding his belief that a hallucination would not be able to do anything, and vanish!

  It was then the monster alien, the second alien leader, from the starship, which had teleported itself there to make contact with him, Dave Cameron, stood furiously watching him, wondering what he was, and detected something and gasped in horror, and Cameron lost his temper and started shouting and swearing at it and told it go away and to stop bugging him, and he refused to accept it existed and he grabbed the first object he found and threw it at it, and threw an old beer bottle at it and it bounced off its head!

  The alien leader lost its temper and altered into an early form of its species and a giant alien bug and it sprayed him with yellow slime and tried to grab him around the waist but he avoided it and grabbed another empty bottle and charged at it as fast as he could, still attempting to force his mind into accepting nothing was there, and he ended up frantically wrestling with it all around his lawn, in the middle of the night, with him shouting loudly and swearing!

  Before all the neighbors looked out their windows and come out houses the alien and phenomena had vanished and all most of them saw was Dave Cameron rolling about on the dark lawn drunk with an empty bottle of beer shouting and swearing loudly!

  Once again Cameron got to his feet dizzily and feeling the drink and ran blindly without looking at full speed and dived on top of one of his neighbors, thinking he was the creature, grabbing at him and wrestling with him, and the other neighbors managed to grab him and carry him into his house, with him shouting out at it!

  Later that night he awoke, where his neighbors had left him, when he heard his bell ring and he frantically grabbed a vase and ran at full speed to the door and yanked it open and the monster smashed the vase and attacked him over and over throwing him about his lawn, and thumped him in the stomach, and he doubled over and collapsed!


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