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Knocked Up By The A List: A Billionaire's Virgin Romance

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  He said: " It will be amazing if you can start tomorrow."

  I said: "Great, but we have to keep the thing we have going on here separate from business. What we have here cannot continue."

  He laughed and smirked. Then he said: "our thing?I can't help but think about you every night and day. You are the one for me. But I promise I'll keep it professional until you are ready and I hope it's soon."

  And with that, he wrapped his hands around my body.

  I felt like we were the only one standing there, even though we were standing at a park with lots of individuals walking around us.

  All my eyes could see, was him and me.

  He pulled me close for a moment and let go as his security team approached.

  He said to them: "Meghan here, is our new communications director of technology and security."

  They looked at him in disbelief as though saying the new director of security?

  How is that even possible?

  They said: "Boss, we don't know much about her."

  He looked at the head of security and said: "that's final and with that, he took my hand and led me back to the car."

  I couldn't believe it.

  Earlier today, I lost my job and now a job working for the man that I freaking, desire? A man whose child I am carrying? I got lost in the moment when I felt little bubbles in my tummy.

  That feeling brought me back to reality.

  I am crazy about him but he does have a wife, and I cannot handle taking care of a child, myself.

  Once he finds out about the baby, he will fire me even though legally you cannot do that. But he can try.

  I felt my head spinning.

  it seemed as though the heavens were coming down on me.

  that's the moment my phone rang.

  oh my goodness, it was Haley again.

  I didn't want to tell her all that happened in the museum.

  I mean, my plan was to go there and tell him the truth.

  But that did not happen.

  Haley said to me: "Meghan what did you do?"

  I paused for a moment unsure whether to tell her or not.

  I felt my heart beating faster because I could not lie to Haley.

  "I told him"

  She screamed and said: you told him you're pregnant?

  I responded: "no I told him I lost my job. He gave me a new one!"

  She paused for moment. The she shrieked: what? are you insane?

  you told him about your bloody job?Why did you not tell him about his child!

  I love him! I blurted out hoping she would understand.

  "Oh my God, you know what? I'm tired of this Meghan. if you're not going to tell him that I am going to tell him myself and I mean it!"She said screaming into the line.

  I did not understand why she was taking it personal.

  it was my business not hers.

  I tossed a prenatal vitamin in my mouth.

  Well that's not all?" I said to her .

  She said: what ? You can't say any thing else that was surprise me at this point. What is it?"

  "We made love at the museum."

  She shrieked some more.

  "Now I've heard it everything. You are a royal slut and I mean that in a good way. I don't even know why I bothered trying to help you out as a best friend . you're not trying to help yourself out you have nine days!"

  I know I know I know I have nine days please don't remind me.

  He has another woman, please don't do this to yourself, Meghan .

  You are more than this! You're a gorgeous lady. Men want you.

  You don't need his job. Tell him the freaking truth.

  I had enough for the first time in my life I stood up to Haley. I said:" NO! I need this job and not a word to anyone about my secret rendezvous with him. When the time is right, I will tell him!

  Fine go ahead and switch yourself keep playing this game with him. That's all I'm going to say. I promise you; I'm not going to get involved. But I'll be honest; you are going about it the wrong way.

  I thanked her. She said you're welcome.

  She hung up, and I slammed the phone on my bed. I laid down and stared at the ceiling wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into with Slade. It felt as though my whole world was crumbling like pastries in the sky, what ever that means. I had to get a job to keep my apartment.For crying out loud, Meghan. I said to myself. You are going to that job in tomorrow. You are going to have a very good time. You are going to keep it professional. No sex, none of that. When the time is right, You will tell him about the baby. But it has to be soon.

  Chapter 12


  Next morning Meghan stop by my office excited to start her new job. She was professional. The day went fine. She was great at writing communications documents.

  She was great at taking advice from senior executives at my campaign office. I'm not going to lie she looked better than the day I met her.

  I watched in awe as she sat there listening to the campaign team. She acted as though she had been in the game a long time. She was a natural. She was a great addition to my team.

  I leaned on the wall and smiled as she spoke.From time to time.

  She glanced at me and stared into my eyes as though seeking reassurance.

  I only nodded and spoke up once in a while. I would say: "That's right."

  The team stared at me wondering why this young lady had this much power over their boss.

  It didn't help that when we go to take a break, I asked Meghan if she would like to have lunch with me.

  She agreed and smiled.

  Erica is there too, but she doesn't say a word.

  Damn it does not help that Meghan has on the sexiest tight outfit I have ever seen.

  Fucking hell, Meghan needs to stop wearing skirts like this because it's driving me crazy. My body yearns to hold her in my arms. I got carried away for a moment lost in my imagination when I get a tap on my shoulders it's Cyrus, the head of security.

  Sir, If you don't mind I can I have a moment with you?

  It was unusual for him to call me sir unless there was something deadly important to discuss.

  I looked at him and said sure can this wait till I come back from lunch?

  He said I'm afraid not sir I think it something we need to discuss right away. It's for your safety and the campaign sir!

  From the tone of his voice, I could tell it was serious. So I turned to

  Meghan and let her know to head over to the restaurant. I will join her later.

  "After our meal, we can go somewhere private to be alone," I whispered into her ears.

  She smiled back at me and said that's fine. I watch as she walks out the room.

  I turned back to Cyrus and asked: "what's the problem?he said sir they been stories about your time in the museum.

  A member of the Security team saw you with someone. But so you know he's not going to say anything.

  I looked at him and said, "hmm the security team saw us?"

  He did not say a word, then he said:

  "Sir if you're trying to win this campaign it is wise to have certain matters done discreetly.

  I nodded my head and said thanks; I'll keep that in mind.

  I missed my rock star life. I used to do what I liked in a public place as long as I did not get caught and I got caught, I bolted out of there. But now that I am in the running for senator things have gotten complicated.

  I was about to make my way out the door when Erica stepped up to me. Great, that is what I need right now. She smiled and said: "Going for lunch darling?"

  I swallowed hard. I had a lot to lose if she started a scandal. I said: 'Yes. Going to have a discussion with the new communications director. Don't you have a spa date or something to attend?"

  She smiled and said: "Great. We can go together."

  Before I could respond or stop her, she took my hand in hers and led me out the door. We got into an awaiting car. I thought to myself, this will
not be good."


  I was so proud of the notes I had written my first day on the job.

  I was already writing a speech for him.

  I couldn't wait to see him walk to that door.

  I wondered where we would go today after lunch?

  Slade said was going to be a surprise.

  I looked forward to today's surprise. I wondered if it would be a ride around the city to his mansion?I thought. My thoughts ran wild about what the day held. I was beginning to enjoy his public display of affection. So much for keeping things professional. I thought.

  "Dining alone, Madame? The waiter asked.

  I said no I'm expecting someone he should be here any minute.

  The waiter smiled at me and walked away. A minute later, I noticed him walking towards me. I got up smiling.

  My smile became a frown when I noticed Erica walk in behind him. She was the last person I wanted to see. I stumbled for a moment then regained my composure. I feigned a smile.

  I watched as she waved to me. I couldn't believe this. There goes my private meeting with Slade.

  Wasn't expecting the wife? I thought.

  She smiled that broad smile of hers as though she were in the competition a pageant if I may say so, it was insane.

  I thought about telling him the truth today once he gave his speech at the conference later on today.

  He gave me an apologetic gaze as though apologizing for Erica's presence.

  I nodded and decided to remain silent.

  She settled down on the chair next to mine. She said: "wow was great of you to work with my sweetheart.

  I bit my lower lip about to say something, but then I stopped myself I didn't want to be rude.

  I glanced up at him standing there looking guilty.

  She pulled his hand down and told him to take a seat.

  She gave me that fake smile. Then she said: "Finally, three of us together. I loved your speech by the way. It was full of intrigue and finesse. It is perfect for my darling," she purred.

  "you know he's not much of a public speaker.”

  My chest heaved up and down. I kept stealing glances at Slade.

  “Your husband makes it very easy Ma'am," I said to her.

  The words husband stung. I felt my heart thump as though smashed into a million tiny pieces.

  I was a furious that she was here in the first place why wouldn't she go away.

  So much for telling him the truth today. I thought. Perhaps this is a sign that I need to let it go once and for all. I needed to stop playing games.

  He is not ready to be a father, and I am not prepared to be a mother either. I don't want this job anymore. It would be awkward working with him. I couldn't stand Erica parading her diamond in front of me talking about what Slade likes. Does she even know him? I thought.

  I couldn't eat much. I listened as Erica had a conversation with herself. I was glad when it came to an end. I smiled and took my leave before they got done eating. I said: 'Sorry I have to go."

  Erica looked up at me and said: "oh my goodness is that the time already? We didn't even get to talk enough. It is great having you on board. Next week, we can have a girl on girl chat."

  I said to her "that's fine, not today."

  I turned to Slade and said: "Boss, the requested documents will be on your desk on Monday."

  He swallowed hard in Sucking in a deep breath.

  He dropped his face. He felt sad at the situation. He smiled, stood on feet and said:

  "Are you sure Meghan."

  I feigned a smile and said: “Yes.” I said rushing off before he could say another word.

  Chapter 13


  Ever since that lunch date. Meghan, it seems has been avoiding me. Each time I stopped by her desk, she would say something smart and walk off. I said to myself: "Why bother?"

  The last thing I desired was to hurt Meghan.

  I wished she would open up and let me into her heart. I should invite her over to my place sometime, Fuck it.

  But right now in the midst of this crazy campaign. Taking time off seems impossible.

  I slumped in my chair and called her line desperate to talk. She did not answer my call.

  I sent a couple of texts, still no response.

  I called once more and decided to leave a message.

  "Meghan, I know you can hear me. Let's talk."

  I know it is hard to have Erica around me, but it is temporary until the election season is over. Meghan, I am going to give up the campaign, it is not worth it!" I looked down at my phone and noticed that almost immediately she called back.

  She said "The last thing I desire is for you to give up on your campaign. You're about to become a senator. I'm not going to let my time with you ruin everything."

  I smiled, excited to hear her voice. I said: "

  "I said to her I'm glad you called.

  I got worried about you.

  We haven't spoken in three days. You have been avoiding me, sweetie

  She stayed silent. I continued speaking:

  "Where are you right now. I'm coming to over, or I'm going to pull the plug on this whole campaign. I cannot continue this way my hardest of my chest. Meghan, I'm falling for you. Babe, I want to be with you."

  I was afraid of losing her. She paused for a moment. She admitted, she was still at her office. Before she could say another word, I let her know I would be right there. I hung up and rushed to her room. She turned the moment I walked in.

  Slade, why are you here?

  Then I said to her: "Because, darling, I care and because I need to get to the bottom of this. Meghan, you are the one for me."


  Slade walked into the room. I stood watching him as the sound of the music from a favorite tune of mine, Exuma's baall played in the background.

  My pulse quickened watching as he stood next to me.

  I wanted him. But I couldn't give in to my desires. I knew I had to run from him.

  I grabbed my purse and pushed past him.

  He ran after me, down the hallway. He pulled me into the linen closet. The ache between my legs became intense. He brushed his lips on mine and started kissing me.

  He whispered: "why wouldn't you let me be with you?"

  That is the moment; I blurted out: "I can't do it any longer. I have seven days. I have a deadline."

  His eyes widened. He said: "What deadline?"

  Tears streamed down my face.

  I had to tell him now.

  He asked worriedly: "What is it?"

  My heart began thumping fast. If I don't tell Slade, I will have no choice but to have the abortion. That is something I do not want to do. I have been without fail taking my prenatal vitamins.

  He glanced at me with his hypnotic eyes.

  That is the moment; I revealed the truth. I said: "I am pregnant."

  Shocked he repeated my words: "Pregnant?"

  "Yes, and it is yours!" I exclaimed

  At that moment, thunder and lightning hit the window.

  He stared into my eyes and asked once more, quirking an eyebrow:

  "You are having my child?"

  "Yes, I responded, my heart thumping fast.

  He leaned against the wall, ran his fingers through his hair. Then he asked:" How long have you know this?

  Right before I saw you again at the bar" I said, staring at the floor.

  My child?" he said taking a couple of steps around the room.

  I nodded: "yes your child. That's why I came back to find you. I wanted to tell you."

  He looked at me confused.

  Then he shook his head and said: "Meghan, I cannot have a kid. Not right now."

  " Are sure it's mine?" he asked.

  I knew my first instinct was to get rid of the baby. But now I am undecided. I was selfish and did not want to jeopardize my chances of becoming a senator from a rock star. Especially now the pollsters who once said I was the least likely to win sayi
ng, I am on track to win.


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