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Knocked Up By The A List: A Billionaire's Virgin Romance

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  Didn't help that I am also a self-made billionaire.

  They figured why would I want to be a senator when I have everything?

  But I realized that having money wasn't all that it's cracked out to be.

  I realized I needed something more than physical things!

  I needed someone close to me.

  I needed Meghan by my side.

  I kept on calling her phone.

  I drank myself into a stupor wondering if she would ever speak to me again.

  My direct and calls went unanswered.

  I shrugged my shoulders sat on the park bench.

  I thought, what can I do to get through to her?

  The next day I gave my speech in the morning.

  The same one written by her.

  I was so proud of it.

  I felt very confident that was going to win, and it was all thanks to her.

  After giving the speech, I return to my office.

  I kept looking in the hallway to see if she would make an appearance.

  Then I can hold her, and tell her I have changed my mind.

  But I didn't see her instead; I found a note on my desk in her handwriting.

  I was super excited.

  I opened it and as I began reading my face turned into despair.

  It was her resignation letter.

  She said she couldn't handle it any longer and that she sorry forever coming into my life.

  She also mentioned that I needed not worry about our child. She will take care of it.

  She said her time was up to decide to take the baby out before it became impossible to do so.

  I sat in my chair and began to make calls. I had to find Meghan right now before she makes the biggest mistake of her life.

  Stephen, I said calling out to my chauffeur.

  Get the car; I have to find her.

  Stephen looked up, smiled and said right away, sir.

  Chapter 14


  The decision to resign was not an easy one. I searched within myself before making up my mind. Walking out of Slade’s office, I ran into the same man from the bar.

  he looked at me as though he understood what I was going through with the man I love.

  I smiled at him; he seemed to be dealing with relationship pains as well. I said to him: “Give love a chance. Give him a chance.”

  He smiled at me, held my hand and said: “I should be saying that to you. I see the way he looks at you.”

  I feigned ignorance.

  “Who? I asked looking away. The tears in my eyes were a dead giveaway.

  “You know who, it is all over your face.Think about it. Meghan, give Love a chance, Slade needs you.”

  I sighed looking up at him. I held his hands in mine.

  “I will consider that,” I said. Then I turned around and made my way out the building.

  I got in my car, turned on the igntion and began driving.

  I heard the man’s voice in my head; he needs me? But from his demeanor, it was evident Slade was not interested in working things out; and why should he?

  I would be the woman who had a sexual relationship with the senator.

  While Erica would be called the victimized senators wife.

  I decided to go home pack a few bags and head over to Haley's place. I figured if I'm going to go to with the abortion, I needed her support.

  I thought to myself besides he kept calling. The more my eyes stared at that number, the more I yearned for his touch. I wanted to return to his arms.

  A place without a future.

  I drove a fast as I could to Haley's home. As soon as I got there,

  She said she had something for me,

  I said oh what is it?

  She said look over there your favorite meal.

  I smiled at her and said, "thanks for doing this it means a lot to me."

  She said This would never have happened if it wasn't for me.

  So when are you going to see the doctor? She asked.

  "Tomorrow," I said taking a bite out of the meal.

  Sure this is what you want to do?

  Yes. Why are you asking all these questions? You sound like a medical professional or something. I quipped.

  She looked at me and said" It is going to be okay. But if you plan on going through with it, then why are you taking the prenatal vitamins?"

  I didn't even realize the vitamin bottles were right there on the table.

  Tell me Haley said.

  do you still believe in love?

  I turned to her and said: I used to but not anymore. In time it will all come back to me"

  She smiled and said "you know what you're right. Meghan you should go have a shower after dinner."

  I nodded and said thank you.

  She smiled and continued eating.

  After the meal, I had a shower and relaxed in Haley's guest room.

  I worried about how things would go during the procedure.

  I should not have been careless the first night with him.

  I pondered how much my life had changed in two months. I finally forced my self to sleep.

  The next morning I made my way to the doctor's office to get an appointment for the abortion.

  My legs trembled as I got to the doctor's office. Unsure if I had taken the right path. I said to myself if I'm shaking this much when I'm only here for an appointment. how would I react when it's time to go through with the procedure?

  Good thing you came back on time Dr. McDaniel said.

  I have to be honest you are cutting it close. a few days later and he might've been too late to go through with it

  so are you sure this is what you want to do

  I did notice you still had your prenatal vitamins!

  The doctor looked at me with curious eyes .

  “Are you sure about this?” Dr Mcdaniel asked.

  I looked up at him and murmured in a soft voice “Yes...”

  He sighed and nodded “Very well ...take this up front; they will schedule you for the procedure.”

  He said handing me a note.

  He walked towards the door, then he paused and turned around: “Meghan. Usually, I would not say anything but because I have been your doctor for years. I ask that you reconsider going through with the procedure."

  I tried smiling, but it was the hardest thing I have ever done.

  “I have thought about it doc. Thanks. See you at the appointed time.” I said dropping my head he smiled and walked out the room.

  I slumped back on the examination table, looked up and said to myself:

  ‘This is the right thing to do is for the best. Besides, it is not fair on the little one” Then I clutched my belly and sobbed. How did I get here?

  A few moments later, I got up took the note to the doctor’s assistant for scheduling.

  “You don’t want to do this girl,” the guy purred. “It is evident; you are clutching the prenatal vitamin bottle girl!

  I only smiled and said, “It is my decision.”

  “Very well you are schedule, don’t be late oh and nothing after midnight before the surgery. Goodluck!”

  I looked up at him and said thanks! Then I left.

  Chapter 15


  It’s been days now; she has not been returning my calls.

  I am finding it freaking hard to concentrate.

  Wish she would give me a chance to explain my feelings.

  Worried about her is frustrating.

  Here I am sitting on the couch peering through the window. Thoughts of Meghan swelled in my mind.

  I ponder what she could be up to the babies mine she said.

  I can relieve her after all she was a virgin that night.

  There is a possibility it's mine, but I worry about the scandal,

  I'm so close to winning the election. Dammit, I wished it wasn't so hard

  I yearned for simpler times back then.

  Looking over the speech she wr
ote. and improvement she's done on the technology infrastructure, I knew she was an asset to us.

  Erica does not love me, she loves the idea of being a senator's wife.

  The speech got a rousing response from the crowd.

  I spoke on my industry connections. I talked about my plans once I got into the office.

  Before this day, hardly anyone took me seriously. They viewed me as an entitled rock star, but now thanks to Meghan's speech, their views changed.

  My numbers are up in the polls.

  Although one can't rely on poll numbers alone, pleased with the figures, I smilled.

  I took in a deep breath and exhaled. I peered out the window to see Meghan walking towards her office! She returned!

  I leaped out my chair and made my way to her office. I hoped she still wanted the job. But I was wrong she returned to collect her items.

  I ran into the office and said "it's good to see you she paused for a moment as though wanting to run away.


  I thought I could sneak into the property, grab my things and be on my way. I didn't expect him to be in the office.

  I thought he had a campaign tour today.

  "Well, I came here to grab a few of my things I said to him” not wanting to have a conversation.

  How have you been?" he asked, his eyes darted down to my belly bump. He stared at it curiously, as though checking to see if it had gotten bigger.

  I Instinctively wrapped my arms around my belly.

  "Well if you excuse me, great seeing you again. I said.

  He said, "Meghan, please?"

  He leaned forward and held me.

  I pushed back; then I said: "Don't do this. It is not worth it. Slade, you are about to win. Don't mess it up on my account.

  I wiped away the tears in my eyes. I didn't mean what I said. Yes, I wanted Slade to win, but my heart only cared more about him being mine and mine alone.

  That is the moment the intercom went off. The voice said:

  "Sir the vice president is here to see you."

  He turned towards me and said, would you wait a moment. I will be right back. I stared at him in disbelief. Is he seriously not going to have a meeting with the vice president?

  I said no you have to have this meeting. I pulled my body out of Slade's arms. He turned to the door and gave me one final look, hoping I would still be here when he returned.


  I shook my head, wiped the tear out of my eyes and said: "Well that was close."

  I felt I needed to hurry on out of there but just as I proceeded to the door, in walks Erica!

  I tried backing away. But Erica stopped me in my tracks. She stood face to face in front of me. Then she said" I thought you left already? Why are you back here?"

  I said: "I'm here to pick up my last minute items. I was just leaving. I will be out of your hair before you know it."

  She told me: "You never be out of my hair because for some reason he probably still likes you.

  Her eyes stared at my belly.

  She stared at it for a moment wondering why my hands wrapped protectively around my belly button. Her eyes widened. She blurted out:

  Are you pregnant?

  Shocked by her questioning, I turned away and said: "I am not pregnant."

  She did not believe me.

  "Look I don't know if you are or not or not?but if you are you cannot keep it. There is too much at stake, and distractions like this will not help Slade win. You understand right?"

  Infuriated, I wanted to respond, but instead I said:

  "If you excuse me, I have to be off now."

  And with that, I made my way out the door.

  I made my way back to Haley's place to prepare for the surgery.

  Haley questioned: " Are you sure about this? It's a lifelong decision."

  I turned to her and said: " I've never been surer than I am right now."

  Let's just enjoy the evening. I don't want to talk about it.

  Haley nodded and said: “Your phone's been buzzing off the hook he's trying to reach you. You should speak with him."

  I turned to her and said: He's in the past. Besides I've applied to a couple of new jobs. I think something's going to come up.

  I tried changing the subject.

  She said: "I see you are prenatal vitamins nonstop. That to me tells me you do not want to take this baby out. Regardless of how you feel about him. You should give hear him out."

  "Haley could we please not talk about this anymore. Please," I pleaded.

  I'm with that she let it go.

  She changed the subject and said: "would you like some ice cream?"

  I said I like that.

  She said: "how about the movie, pretty in pink?"

  I said: " Sure I can watch the film but no ice cream. I can't eat before the procedure."

  We sat and watched the movie. I was not paying attention to the show. My mind wondered what the next day held.

  The following morning, I got up early.

  I had a shower. My belly growled because I had not eaten in hours.

  I touched my belly overwhelmed by everything.

  I wondered if I wasn't making a stupid mistake going ahead with the surgery.

  "I am sorry little one,"I murmured with sad eyes. "I didn't mean to do this to you. I hope someday you'll forgive me for this choice. "

  Meghan, it is time to go. Haley said leading me to the car.

  As soon as we got in the car, Haley held my hand reassuringly. She said: "You are going to be okay."

  I said to her: yes

  And with that, she turned on the ignition and drove to the hospital.

  Through out the drive, she held my hand from time to time. Giving it a reassuring squeeze to letting me know it is going to be alright. I closed my eyes trying to remain in the moment. But all I could think about was Slade. What was he up to today?Was he reflecting on the events?

  Was he just trying to get in touch with me because he feels guilty about everything?

  I reasoned this was supposed to be a one night stand not love. But fate had a way of turning things around.

  When we pulled into the hospital's parking lot, I got overwhelmed by fear.

  “We are here,” Haley said turning off the car.

  I watched her disembark the vehicle, but I suddenly froze.

  Unsure whether to go could go through with it! Haley opened my door, but I did not move.

  She said in a soft, caring voice “Meghan, let's go. It is time, Meghan.”

  Still frozen on the spot, a tear ran rolled down my cheeks. I got emotional and began to tear up some more.

  Haley looked concerned. She said:” I know this is hard Meghan, but we need to go? Do you want to cancel?”

  My mind began playing tricks on me. On the one hand, it said: “Cancel".

  And then just when I thought about changing my mind, I saw Erica’s face making divisive comments.

  “He will never be yours even with the baby.”

  I reasoned going through with termination was best for all. I cannot have a baby. I got out of the car. I turned to Haley, who smiled at me. Then I said:

  “Let's go!” And with that we quietly walked into the hospital.


  I had to find her; it was crushing my soul. I prayed she had not given up my child. I want my baby, but I want her to be mine and mine alone! I don’t care about the election.

  Or what this revelation would do to my candidacy.

  I mean for fuck's sake, I will forever be a rock star regardless of whatever future opportunities I take on.

  But the only woman that inspires me is Meghan. She completes me. I feel helpless with out her. I want a family with her.


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