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Crown of Draga

Page 9

by Emma Dean

  She could no longer deny the love she had for her barbarian warrior and she never wanted to again.

  Chapter Eight


  Council Room

  Draga Royal Palace

  Planet Draga Terra

  Joslynn sat with the other nobles of the nine planets in the Draga galaxy. The semi-circle faced the raised dais where the eight royal thrones were placed in front of them. Only Asher and William were there so far, but they still had a few moments until the meeting was officially called to order.

  The party the night before hadn’t ended until after dawn from what she’d heard a few of the nobles and courtiers say. It was a miracle anyone was on time at all. They chattered around her while they waited for the meeting to start and Joslynn watched the way Asher moved while she listened.

  Giselle entered the council room next, casually making her way to the small throne by Raena’s. She greeted her siblings before sitting and Joslynn wondered what she’d missed while cloistered with Sirus in the conservatory.

  Adelina appeared behind the thrones with her guard Alpha by her side. She looked fresh-faced despite the late night. Joslynn tilted her head as she watched the young princess. She seemed different than before, a bit more open perhaps…and serious. The princess wore darker clothes and makeup with more skin showing than Joslynn had seen before on the livestream. Adelina was made anew and dressed for the battle of wits.

  How she moved so quietly in those heels was a mystery to her.

  Joslynn hated wearing heels.

  She saw Prince Nash glaring in Adelina’s direction and Joslynn considered the piece of gossip she’d heard from Lady Masha. Adelina had danced with anyone and everyone who’d requested. Prince Nash had watched her the whole night until the sun began to rise with the same glare he had now.

  When the sun was purple and pink and about to break over the horizon he’d taken the last dance, but his raging silence had been obvious to all who’d stayed. Neither Prince Nash nor Princess Adelina had spoken during the whole dance. Guests had cheered when he escorted her back to her rooms, Alpha trailing after them. Masha thought it was romantic as they all knew Raena had declared the foreign prince off limits to Adelina.

  Joslynn though was concerned. Whatever had happened between the two of them would only cause problems for Adelina, and she really liked the quiet, soft-spoken princess. She watched as Princess Giselle noticed her sister’s arrival and tried not to make her eavesdropping too apparent.

  “Good morning, sweet sister. Do you feel any different?” Giselle asked, easy and friendly as she lounged in her throne. Her voice practically trilled.

  “Not really,” Adelina said with a small smile. “But I am glad it’s over.”

  “Last night was incredible, Lina,” Giselle gushed.

  Asher glared at her for the loud words. It almost made Joslynn laugh out loud.

  “How did you manage the spiders?” Princess Giselle went on; making sure Prince Asher listened. “How did you even keep that a secret? I never saw them moved once!”

  “I moved them during the night so the sun would not burn them,” Princess Adelina said quietly.

  Joslynn wasn’t the only one listening in on the conversation. She was sure they’d all wondered about that trick. The nobles and courtiers with lesser ranks on the chairs along the sidelines leaned forward to eavesdrop better. Rank was always a factor when it came to where a person sat.

  The entire first row on Joslynn’s right was military heads, and the lesser department heads behind them. It had been a long time since she’d last attended a council meeting.

  Asher’s deep voice reached Joslynn and she glanced back at the dais. Asher’s face was almost comical. “Giselle, must you?” he asked with an exaggerated sigh.

  “Oh come now Asher, even you have to admit it was a wonderful bit of planning and strategy.”

  Adelina smiled indulgently at both of her siblings.

  Prince Asher sighed. “It really was lovely, Lina. You’ve honored us all with your skill and grace. I look forward to your assistance for my own party. Are you satisfied now, Giselle?” he asked.

  “Only if you truly mean it,” the older princess mocked.

  Asher crossed the dais and bent to brush a kiss against Adelina’s cheek. “Lina knows the truth of my words. I never lie.”

  It was a rare show of warmth from the dark prince and Joslynn was surprised to see him so open with everyone watching. He truly loved his submissive sister and as he made another round to inspect the council room Joslynn knew he would die to protect her as well. It was so different to see the royals in person rather than on the livestream like she was accustomed.

  For the one prince who had no specific goal to achieve, Asher had a brilliant mind for strategy and politics from what Joslynn could see. He held their people’s well-being in his heart, and never missed an opportunity to protect his family. His constant moodiness was misunderstood by most to be a spoilt prince throwing a temper tantrum, but Joslynn could see he was simply a very serious person.

  Joslynn snuck a glance at Sirus among the other nobles who didn’t rule any planets and he was focused on his simulcast. The reports from the border were getting more and more disturbing from what Sirus had told her. The last council meeting Joslynn attended cycles ago had been light and pleasant. War hadn’t been a threat.

  Lord Lucas shifted uncomfortably next to her. The male was clearly itching to say his piece when he got the chance. Joslynn was almost afraid of what he had to say. There had been a moment the night before with Princess Raena, but no one knew precisely what had been said. From the determined look on Lucas’s face he wouldn’t be brushed aside again.

  The border planets were rightly concerned with the developments over the last few weeks. Joslynn knew exactly how he felt. One strange report was easily dismissed, but multiple border reports of odd black ships lurking on the fringe? It was enough to create panic and they were the ones on the front lines.

  She looked at the nobles along the sidelines. Princess Vasara and Prince Ajax were closest to the dais, but they didn’t rule. They managed a few estates on Draga Terra with their father Prince Solomon, but their power and influence were limited. They were most valuable in marriage where a title could be gained.

  Lady Veri was near them, watching her father, Lord Greyson, who was representing the true ruler of Priea, the Marquess who had remained at home. Something about the way Veri eyed her father reminded Joslynn of birds of prey and she shuddered. Joslynn had felt how dominant she was the night before when they’d brushed shoulders once. It wasn’t an experience she wanted to repeat.

  Though Joslynn had watched Veri dance with Prince Asher and had filed that information away for later. Glancing at the dark prince she could see how they’d be a good match; almost equals if not for the Draga blood that ran through all the royals.

  Then the Crown Princess Raena entered the council room and sat in the king’s throne. So the king and queen would not be attending this meeting. Joslynn was saddened at their fair king’s declining health. It was such an unfortunate tragedy they’d lose one of their best rulers in such a short amount of time.

  After the coronation, the entire setup would be altered, making it so there were no more empty chairs until an heir was born. The thought of babies made Joslynn wistful. With Sirus as her husband the idea of producing an heir no longer seemed like a chore. Actually, she rather looked forward to retiring with Sirus after dinner.

  The head advisor then called the meeting to order once Princess Raena was settled and the murmurs and chatter instantly died. All eyes were on Raena, the throne she sat on a clear declaration. Everyone waited to see what it would mean for their future. “Lord Lucas of Treon, recognized ruler of the planet Treon, please step forward.”

  Lucas went to stand in front of Raena. He bowed and then clasped his hands behind his back in a soldier’s stance. Joslynn couldn’t believe how quickly his rule had been established. It did not matter
apparently that his father and brother were alive on Treon. The king and heir must have pushed, and filed the paperwork that declared them both traitors. Then they’d appointed Lucas as the new ruler of Treon at some point under everyone’s nose.

  Gods above things could change so quickly for a people who had such long lives. It always shocked Joslynn when it happened.

  “Lord Lucas I appreciate you bringing to my attention the reports regarding the missing ships on the border. At this time there are not enough of them to cause concern, and until there is proof the Neprijat are turning our soldiers against us, we must act on the threat we know exists.”

  Raena waved her hand towards the Lord High Admiral and the stunning woman stood and bowed.

  The Crown Princess continued. “A regiment will be sent to bolster our borders. A second regiment will then be sent to Treon to arrest the traitors and deal with the uprising, led by the Princess Giselle.” Whispers rose at the announcement. “Princess Giselle was granted warrior status by the king and it will not be questioned.” Instantly all questioning murmurs died.

  Joslynn’s hands clenched the arms of her chair as she considered all that the heir’s words could mean. Ignoring missing ships seemed foolish and if the frowns on the other planet rulers’ faces were any indication, they thought so too.

  Once again the border’s concerns would be dismissed. Joslynn felt the all-too-familiar rage flickering in her veins. The goddess had blessed her with a temper she’d never seen matched. As Lucas returned to his seat Joslynn quietly stood, took two steps and then dropped into a curtsey. She was announced and the dominant weight of Raena’s gaze landed on her. When she stood she kept her shoulders back no matter how badly she wanted to hunch and hide from the judgment she could see in her future ruler.

  “Your royal highness, I would beg you to reconsider the size of the deployment. Our border planets are at great risk being on the front lines of the galaxy. The forces already on Pedranus, Treon, Scyria, and Seprilles are not enough to cover the entire section of space the Neprijat have access to. Our people are afraid, and they need to feel remembered. Food is scarce on the three outermost planets and Pedranus can only give so much without starving my own people.”

  The recorders zoomed in on her. Everyone’s breath was hushed as they listened to her practically rant at the soon-to-be queen. This was a topic she felt passionately about. The four outer-rim planets had to band together, but there were only so many resources available despite terra-forming and greenhouse plants. Treon, Seprilles, and Scyria made up more than one third of the galaxy’s forces. Patrolling the borders kept them safe and secure. Without them the core would be at risk, even with the Draga Royal Army and the Avvis Army.

  “We still have to watch the border to the Hai galaxy as we all know the Drakesthai are violent and unpredictable,” Joslynn said. “Every ambassador sent there for the last six hundred cycles has been turned away. Some never made it back. Trade has been denied over and over. We know almost nothing about them, and now I hear rumors they were taken by the Neprijat as Khara was,” Joslynn said, conviction and emotion strong in her voice. Her hands and words painted a dire picture and they all held their breath when Princess Raena said nothing.

  Prince Nash didn’t blink at the mention of the dragons and Joslynn knew her suspicions were confirmed. Colin had been right to worry about the whispers from those border outposts. If the Drakesthai were under Neprijat rule, then an attack could come from that border as well.

  “Without more supplies, and the strength of our forces I fear our planets in the outer rim will fall.” Joslynn curtseyed again. Her hands shook with the remainder of her fury. Joslynn had done what she could, and hopefully Raena would answer their prayers.

  The Princess Adelina gave her a tiny nod. Joslynn knew she had listened the last time the border planets had asked for help. Reports from Scyria had told her that much, but would the heir?

  As she sat back in her chair, Joslynn knew Giselle was not the type to worry about much other than what she could do as a warrior. Giselle would fight for their people until her dying breath, but when it came to the politics she always stepped back.

  “Thank you, Lady Joslynn,” Raena said. “The shield will be fully closed in a week. As such the need to send more forces than what I’ve decreed would be unnecessary and wasteful. As to supplies I will triple the original order to help with the forces already policing our borders. Allocating more help permanently will be looked into at a future date with the Master Treasurer.”

  Joslynn breathed a sigh of relief. It was better than she could have hoped for and with a promise to look into future assistance. The shield would help secure their borders in a way soldiers could not. She glanced at Sirus and his frown made her reconsider. What countermove was he considering that made him so uneasy?

  When Sirus stood her heart constricted painfully. Joslynn didn’t know what he planned to do but she had a bad feeling it would be something she wasn’t going to like.

  “Lord Sirus, you may have the floor,” Caspian stated when no one else moved to deny him.

  Sirus stepped into the center of the council room and paused for a moment. The silk curtains fluttered against the marble floor as a small breeze moved the warm air through the massive, open windows. Joslynn held her breath as she waited for Sirus to speak.

  “As general of the Scyrian Army I volunteer to travel with the Princess Giselle. I can redeploy some of my forces on the border and help contain any attempt Treon might make to fight back.” Sirus bowed sharply. His ruined eye was a testament to his experience fighting on the borders.

  Joslynn made a mental note to contact the physician and confirm the replacement while she tried to ignore her inner panic.

  “Request granted, Caspian make note of this. The forces will be deployed tomorrow. Princess Giselle will travel on the fastest starship with Lord Sirus to the outer rim. Make sure the task is completed and you return before the Choosing Ball, Lord Sirus.”

  Joslynn’s warrior nodded and bowed again before returning to his seat.

  She could hardly breathe.

  The wood creaked under the pressure from her fierce grip. He hadn’t mentioned this to her at all. They were technically engaged with proper contracts to draw up still, but he was supposed to be her husband soon and then he went and did something like this without consulting her?

  “What is it Prince Nash?” Raena demanded.

  Joslynn’s eyes snapped to the massive, foreign warrior prince standing before the royal family. Prince Nash clasped his hands behind his back and stared into the crown princess’s eyes. His gaze was nearly a challenge and she felt a chill go down her spine. Joslynn had never seen a Corinthian before Nash, and she wasn’t sure she ever wanted to again.

  They were vicious, violent people wrapped up in a pretty package; so different from the forced elegance of Draga. No, the people of the Khara galaxy never tried to hide the animals beneath their skin.

  “I request permission to take my regiment to the border to help secure the front lines until the shield is in place. One of my princesses is said to be on Seprilles. I will gather her and whatever forces she possesses to assist in the war effort.”

  Princess Raena narrowed her eyes but nodded once. She didn’t have to like the foreign prince to accept his help. “Permission granted. Can you leave tomorrow?”

  Joslynn glanced at Princess Adelina. After the party last night, no one was under any illusion she wasn’t enamored with the warrior. Her face was pale as she watched Nash. The big brute didn’t even glance at her. The rumors about their lover’s spat must be true then.

  “No, I cannot your highness. My ships and warriors will need a few days to gather what we need and finish the repairs.”

  The crown princess didn’t look pleased but she nodded again and waved her hand dismissively. “Then do it, Prince, and ensure you keep me apprised. I want you on the border as quickly as possible.” And no doubt as far away from her youngest sister as possib

  Joslynn glanced at the sweet, young princess again. She’d managed to cause quite a stir despite being a third-born. A flicker of Adelina’s hand and Raena frowned, but acquiesced. “Princess Adelina, you have the floor.”

  Joslynn’s stomach tightened in anticipation. It was rare for Adelina to speak publicly. The recorders zoomed in on her but she kept her chin up despite her eyes being glued to the floor. The princess stood, but didn’t walk down the steps. Joslynn narrowed her eyes. It wasn’t a request to the Crown then.

  “Prince Nash,” her soft voice managed to somehow carry through the council room and Raena frowned when the foreign prince stood from his chair again. “I wonder if perhaps the Neprijat managed to acquire some of your people’s tech? Lord Lucas brought up the concern of disappearing ships…Admiral General Tamika has as well. If the Neprijat can manage to cloak themselves we would never know they were there before they struck.”

  One could hear a pin dropping in the shocked silence of the council room. Lord Lucas flinched beside Joslynn and she wondered what had been said the night before to make him so nervous.

  Nash nodded slowly, his mouth twisted in annoyance. “It is possible they’ve stolen our tech,” he admitted.

  Adelina spread her hands in a silent plea. “Perhaps then you could share the anti-stealth tech to assist our forces on the borders.”

  Holy goddess, this tiny little female was shoving the prince into a corner. The royal family had tried for generations to get the Corinthians to share their tech. Nash couldn’t refuse now when they needed it most, when he’d promised to aid the borders.

  Nash said nothing, but Raena grinned like a wolf at dinner.

  “In exchange, we could send a physician with you, one who could help train your own doctors. Our medical knowledge is vast and the trade would be fair.” Never once did the young princess look up from the floor, but she had a soft, sweet smile that made Joslynn’s heart melt. She was only trying to help them all in her own way.


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