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Crown of Draga

Page 10

by Emma Dean

  Prince Nash stayed silent for a moment, a muscle in his jaw twitched and everyone in the council room waited with bated breath for him to respond. “Indeed,” he said. “That would be a fair trade. If I could have a meeting with the Admiral General to share the tech as well as help the installation in the ships leaving tomorrow. It would be much faster if my people worked on it and instructed those who will use it.”

  Raena’s grin grew wider. “Of course, Prince Nash. Caspian please set this up for immediately after the council meeting. Thank you for your assistance, Princess Adelina.”

  The young female bobbed a curtsey and then sat back in her small throne with her hands clasped in her lap. She didn’t look up from the floor until the next matter was presented and everyone’s attention had shifted, but Joslynn watched her closely.

  She needed to keep an eye on this one. There was more going on under the surface, though Joslynn wasn’t sure what it was yet. Adelina studied Nash from across the room and then her gaze landed on Sirus. Joslynn couldn’t ignore him anymore.

  Sirus sat stiffly in his chair, face forward as he listened intently. He didn’t look at Joslynn once and she still couldn’t believe he was going to leave the next day. There had been no warning and nothing to prepare her…he would simply be—gone.

  The rest of the meeting was a blur. Joslynn couldn’t say what had been handled and what was left for another day.

  Finally, Princess Raena stood and left with the rest of the attending royal family. Still Joslynn sat in her chair. Even after the rest of the council had trickled out and she was the only one left in the council room she remained seated. The dull roar in her ears made it difficult to think let alone move.

  That temper was there, waiting for a target. If she let it out there was no telling what would happen. Joslynn had to ride it out before she ruined everything she’d worked so hard for.

  “Joslynn, are you all right?”

  She looked up at Sirus. The man shifted uncomfortably. He knew then, how angry she was. “Do I look all right?” she demanded. Her fiancé was running to the border without consulting her to arrest a traitor associated with the race who’d wiped out the Corinthian royal family. No, she most certainly was not all right.

  The sunlight filtered in through the wooden lattice and the shadows created a pretty pattern against the floor. Sirus knelt in front of her so he was eye level with her. “Please understand,” he whispered. “I need to see the border for myself. My forces need to be moved according to the reports we’ve heard. There needs to be a backup plan in case these missing ships are more than what they appear. If the shield fails, or they attack before it’s fully closed we are unprepared.”

  Tears filled her eyes and despite how much she hated it, she knew he was right. “Why didn’t you speak to me about it first?” she yelled. “After all, you are going to be my husband. I have a right to know when you’ll be abandoning me.”

  Sirus wrapped his arms around her. Joslynn resisted at first, still angry. She was terrified he may never come back, but his strength made her melt against him.

  “I didn’t know I was going to offer until I found myself standing in front of the heir,” Sirus said. “Not sending more forces now is a mistake, and I will try and do what I can to counteract the lack of fighters. We have the outposts, and if we use them right we should be all right.”

  Sirus reached into his pocket and pulled something out. “Here, I’d like you to find someone you trust and get this cut how you see fit.”

  The uncut diamond she’d given to him felt heavy in her hand. Joslynn sat back and studied the stone. She had no idea when she’d planned to give it to Sirus and his family that it would eventually make its way back to her. The rock had so much potential. “Write a description, Sirus. I want you to design the ring and I will find the right jeweler. Your message will be delivered to them still sealed. I promise I won’t read it, but I do want you to choose this ring for me. It is a symbol, and a tradition I will not break.”

  Joslynn pocketed the diamond and looked into the ravaged face of her fiancé. “And you are seeing the physician today. I will not have you traipsing off to the border without every possible advantage.” Sirus chuckled at her glare. He pressed a kiss to her downturned lips and Joslynn gave him an exasperated sigh. “This is no laughing matter.”

  “I’m aware,” Sirus said, pulling her to her feet. “But only you could show me such love with so much anger.”

  She huffed as he led her out of the council room.

  “I will see this doctor, but I have a request for you.”

  Those nerves churned in her stomach like acid as she nodded. Joslynn had no idea what he would ask of her, but some silly part worried he would come back from the outer rim and his mind would be changed. Sirus would no longer want to marry her.

  Princess Giselle was a gorgeous, vivacious woman. Her rank was much higher with direct access to the royal treasury. It would make more sense for Scyria if he were to wed Giselle rather than Joslynn, and while the two of them travelled together it was entirely possible she would fall for the big warrior as Joslynn had.

  “I would like to marry you as soon as possible,” Sirus said.

  Joslynn stopped in her tracks. The footman in front of the lift waited patiently for them, but she couldn’t move. “Why?”

  He pulled her into his arms. When Sirus finally stepped back she saw the same concerns she had in his eyes. “I love you Joslynn. I fear you will forget me while I’m gone with so many other pretty males in the palace. If you’re distracted by planning our wedding then perhaps you won’t have time to lose interest.”

  The rest of her anger melted away and she pulled him into a small alcove. The window overlooked the massive inner courtyard and the palace gates. She sat on the velvety cushions with her knees pressed into Sirus’s. The alcove gave them a bit of privacy and she pressed a hand against the scar on his face. “I could never forget you, Sirus. I love you, not some half-witted male out for an easy ride. You are the one I want to have children with, the one I want to build a life with. We do not need to get married right away.” She gave him a wicked smile. “I have contracts we could sign that would ensure you are stuck with me, far better than silly wedding plans.”

  Sirus crushed her to him, breathing in her scent and burying his nose in her hair. “I don’t doubt you have these contracts all ready to go.”

  Joslynn nodded. “I want to sign them now, if you’re all right with that.”

  His answer was a kiss that left her breathless. “Let’s go sign my life away to your will.” His tiny smile assured her he only joked.

  The contracts were on her shreve in her rooms. Joslynn had them drawn up before she left Pedranus just in case she did find someone she was willing to marry. Never had she thought it would be the first male she’d considered.

  Joslynn’s contracts were stronger than marriage itself and there was no way out of them. She grinned. It was hard to believe she actually looked forward to the wedding. “Let’s seal the contracts and then the doctor should be ready for you.”

  Sirus pulled her up and they walked into the lift together. “Perhaps we can rearrange the order of things,” he said.

  Joslynn raised an eyebrow as the lift doors closed and the footman took them to the guest floor. Sirus was quiet until they headed out and down the hall towards her rooms. “I thought perhaps we could seal the contracts more than once.”

  Joslynn frowned in confusion. “Sealing them twice doesn’t change the validity of the first seal,” she said. Her hand was scanned and the door slid open to her sitting room. “Is this a custom on Scyria?”

  The door closed behind her and suddenly Sirus had her pressed up against it. His hands were everywhere as he kissed her. “I’m leaving tomorrow,” he told her, his voice hoarse. “I want to memorize every part of you.”

  His lips against her neck made her wild and Joslynn held on as best she could. Then she kissed him like she would never let him go.
/>   Joslynn had no intention of letting Sirus forget her. She would show him how much she loved him, how much she wanted him to come back. Sirus would come back, Joslynn would settle for nothing less.

  Chapter Nine


  Royal Stables

  Draga Royal Palace

  Planet Draga Terra

  Veri straightened her hat and fixed her fingerless gloves before she walked into the royal stables. The day was warm, almost hot with the humidity pressing close against her skin. She was grateful it was still early in the day and the sun had not yet reached its peak. One of the royal hostlers quickly approached her as she waited in the expansive entrance.

  Prince Asher was nowhere to be seen, but Veri was confident he hadn’t left on his ride yet. He’d barely left the council room before her and she’d paid enough gold to the servants to know what time he planned to ride after the meeting.

  “What can I do for you, milady?” the hostler asked with a bow.

  “I would like to take a relaxing ride. As an experienced rider I expect an adequate feline.” Veri wandered down the main hall of the stables with huge stalls on either side. Most of them were empty, but some of the galinas lounged, well-behaved as they watched her pass. The glowing green orbs of their eyes were unblinking and Veri had to remind herself they were all trained.

  There were activities set up for all of the visiting nobles to participate in. There were the usual card games, tours, the allure of the city, and any number of lessons one could participate in, but Veri didn’t need more dance lessons or archery lessons. She needed to get Asher to propose to her.

  The stables were so much larger than she had originally thought. They went all the way back into the mountain that protected the back of the palace. The stables became cooler the further in she went and the sol-powered lights grew brighter as the sun strained to reach the depths.

  “Seems as though you found me, Lady Veri,” Asher said, his voice reaching her through the darkness like a dream.

  Veri turned towards the sound and saw him standing in a stall and brushing a galina taller than the prince. The feline licked her chops as she stared at Veri. The galina’s eyes weren’t the normal green, but a bright blue and they studied Veri as though she might be the tastiest of foods. Veri took a deep breath and let it out slowly, ensuring she had no fear before brazenly entering the stall. Galinas were dangerous and deadly. They normally took to one rider and tolerated only those who could dominate.

  Veri never hesitated as she reached for the beautiful feline. Its midnight black fur matched the prince’s hair. Veri held her head high before placing her hand over the galina’s nose and her scent filled the feline’s nostrils. She had to keep her grip firm as the galina tried to buck her hand off, but Veri gripped the reins and yanked down to stare into those blue eyes.

  They stared at each other for an entire minute and Veri could feel Asher watching her by the prickle between her shoulders. Finally, the feline accepted her dominance and bowed her head before licking Veri’s hand.

  She scratched the galina behind the ears and smiled in victory. “What is her name?” she asked the prince.

  He didn’t smile back, only watched her closely as he brushed the large cat with long, smooth strokes. Veri watched the attention to detail, the strength in each stroke, and she felt mesmerized. The muscles in his arms were thick and corded. The galina began to purr.

  Veri understood exactly how the feline felt. If Asher stroked her that way…she cleared her throat and turned back to the blue-eyed feline.

  “You are lucky Nova did not decide you would be more delicious than the food brought to her.” Asher rubbed the galina’s shoulders with affection.

  Veri scratched under the feline’s large chin and gave a slight shrug. “My family specializes in breeding and training the galina. I know exactly how dangerous they are and how affectionate they can be.” She shot a look at the prince to let him know she could see the same in him as well. “I’ve learned how to be dominating and therefore they never question me.”

  Asher finally gave her a small smile. “You are dominating?” he teased with raised eyebrows.

  For whatever reason his implication made Veri blush despite being no stranger to such games.

  Asher grabbed his saddle and hefted it onto Nova’s back. The feline did not react in the slightest. She was trained well. Getting the galina used to the saddles, let alone to accept one was one of the biggest challenges in their training. The felines were wild and unpredictable by nature. If they were not properly cared for and trained they would revert back to their natural instincts and rip apart their owners in their sleep.

  It took a strong person to ride them which was why they normally only had the one rider. Only the dominants could care for all of them. The submissives had to raise and care for a galina from birth. It was the only way to stay alive.

  “Lady Veri, I have your mount waiting for you.” The royal hostler appeared before the door to Nova’s stall.

  She nodded and gave the feline one more scratch before heading out of the stall carefully – deliberate and slow. As soon as the door was closed behind her she turned back to the prince. “Would you mind if I joined you on your ride?” she asked.

  Prince Asher tightened the saddle on Nova and tugged on it to make sure it was securely in place before he turned back to her. “I would not mind as long as you can keep up with me,” he said in an almost playful tone.

  The sparkle in his eyes surprised Veri but she felt herself rising to the challenge. “Oh, only if I can keep up?” she teased. “It is you who will have to keep up with me, my prince.” She gave him a wink and followed the hostler to her mount’s stall.

  The galina was smaller than Nova but still tall. The male’s shoulders reached her head and he hunkered down at her approach and hissed. Veri didn’t hesitate and she didn’t stop. She yanked the door open and stalked into the stall towards the feline. She grabbed him by the bridle and pulled down hard. She hissed back, right in his face, getting her scent all over him. The male resisted but she held his head in place despite the struggle. Veri was careful of his claws as he scrabbled against the stone.

  She yanked again so the galina was forced to look in her eyes. After a few seconds he lowered them, submitting to her. The second he did she rewarded him with sweet words and scratches behind the ears as she inspected him. The bridle had a jeweled nameplate across his forehead with his name etched into it.

  ‘Mekhi’ had tawny fur and stripes along his back. The saddle was already in place and she gave it a quick check as she inspected his legs and his reaction to her touch. As her hands travelled over his back he began to purr and butted his head against her. She nearly fell over with the force of it and she laughed.

  Veri gave his front legs a hard tap and he knelt down for her. Her hands wrapped in the fur on his neck and she swung herself up. With a yank on the reins she turned them in a tight circle until he faced the open door of the stall.

  With a bound he ran towards the entrance of the stables. There was a shout behind her and Veri glanced back to see Prince Asher and Nova hot on her heels. She pressed her thighs together briefly and Mekhi increased his speed. Hostlers jumped out of their way and her feline snarled at them in delight. As soon as they crossed the threshold the sun shone down hot and bright on their backs.

  Veri pulled slightly on the reins and directed her mount towards the forest where she could let him run as fast and wild as he wanted. All she would do was hold on and enjoy the air whipping her hair, the smell of the plants and trees, and the quiet rhythm of Mekhi’s paws on the rich dirt.

  She looked back and saw Asher and Nova closing the distance. The grin on his face as he leaned forward, egging her on made Veri laugh with joy. She had never seen him look so happy before. The wild freedom of the galina ran through her veins and made her feel more alive than she had since she left Priea. Veri threw her head back and laughed as they broke through the line of trees into the shadowed

  “Don’t slow down, lady, or you might lose the race!” Prince Asher called as he caught up to her. The loping run of the galinas required skill to stay on and he looked so good doing it. It was effortless for the prince and he even had one hand on the reins, not two. He was born to ride the felines. There was no other explanation.

  Mekhi snarled at Nova and then Nova swiped in return. Thankfully her mount dodged in time and the only thing damaged was her skirt. There was the sound of ripping and tearing, but it could have been her leg. Veri leaned forward and pressed her legs into Mekhi’s sides again to urge him to run faster. He launched himself forward and leapt over a wall of fallen logs.

  She let him go where he wished as long as he kept his speed. Asher kept pace with her and managed to pass her a few times. The forest was a blur, the sun shooting through the leaves and flickering so quickly she was nearly blind. Veri trusted Mekhi’s superior senses of the forest. When he moved she let her body move with him, leaning into the sharp turns and bracing herself just enough when he leapt.

  Nova was getting ahead of them and they were losing ground. Her longer legs had a huge advantage and Mekhi slowed down as she felt him pant. Veri may not win the race, but she could win the game. She allowed Mekhi to slow down even further and then fell back far enough that Nova and Asher disappeared among the trees.

  As soon as she couldn’t see either of them anymore she gave Mekhi a tug and then held on tight. The feline hunched down and then leapt straight up. His claws dug deeply into the bark of a tree. He climbed up the trunk until he was high among the branches and stayed about midlevel where the strong ones would hold their weight.

  Silent and deadly, her mount went after the prince and Nova. The leaves hardly rustled as he prowled from branch to branch and tree to tree. Finally they caught up to the two where Asher had stopped to search the forest for her and Mekhi. He called out her name a few times, but she stayed quiet as Mekhi stalked out to a branch directly above Nova and Asher.


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