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Grant: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 3)

Page 8

by Shaw Montgomery

  That didn’t look guilty at all.

  Ignoring the elephant in the room, because he was starting to get a good guess of what all the crazy was about, Grant flopped back in his chair. “If I’m coming over for dinner, at least let Wyatt make dessert.”

  Calen nodded. “That wouldn’t have been much work.”

  Garrett ignored both of them. “I don’t want to see the Bond movie again. We watched that already.”

  Snorting, Calen threw a crust at Garrett. “You shit. He volunteered, didn’t he?”

  “That’s just mean. I bet he was going to make that cake he was talking about last week. The fudge one.” Grant had to agree with Calen; turning down dessert was just wrong.

  Garrett gave them a shifty look that was too familiar. Grant didn’t even get the words out before another crust had Garrett ducking and growling out a threat. “Hey, you make a mess and he’ll never make another dessert for you.”

  “Where is it?” Calen wasn’t going to fall for the guilt trip. “I know you guys. You’re worse than kids hiding cookies in their rooms. Where is the cake?”

  Garrett let an evil grin escape. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  It was a challenge Grant and Calen couldn’t resist. Movie forgotten, they headed to the kitchen. They’d find it somewhere. Family was fun sometimes, but Grant was glad he had Carter. His sub would never hide a cake from him. He was too perfect for that.

  Chapter 9


  “So, I take it things are going well between you and Grant?” They hadn’t been seated for more than thirty seconds before Bryce started in on the questions. It was clearly a way of preemptively diverting the conversation from his own love life.

  Carter wasn’t going to hide his relationship with Grant, but the rest of the guys weren’t going to let Bryce get away with it. Brent grinned, and even Wyatt shook his head before speaking up. “That’s not going to work.”

  Brent laughed. “We’ve been waiting for days to see what else you’ve been up to with your new guys. Spill it.”

  Slouching back in his chair, Bryce looked around before speaking in a low tone. “We went out on a date the other night. They were okay with me wanting to keep it low-key in public, but it was good.”

  Wyatt looked like he was trying not to laugh, but Brent wasn’t holding back. He grinned and shook his head, chuckling. “Only good? Next you’re going to be telling us they’re nice and you had a lovely time.”

  Bryce blushed and shifted in his seat. Rearranging the silverware on the table, Bryce tried to relax as he responded to their teasing. “Okay, so it was more than good.”

  “How much more than good?” Wyatt smiled gleefully, looking around to make sure they couldn’t be overheard. “You have to give us more details than that.”

  Carter was glad Wyatt was feeling comfortable with the other guys, but Carter wasn’t sure if he wanted to know more about what Bryce had been up to. If Bryce shared too much, he had a nagging feeling it would make keeping his own growing relationship low-key almost impossible.

  “Nothing crazy. Mostly getting to know them kind of stuff.” Rolling the knife over and over on the table, Bryce seemed to be lost in his head. “It’s weird. I’ve always either been in charge or been the…” He paused and looked around again before continuing. “Not in charge. It’s hard trying to balance both at the same time. I have to think about reactions more. Even little things at dinner or when we’re talking.”

  They all nodded, understanding what he was trying to say, but Brent was the one who spoke up. “Have you told them that? I would hope they’d want you to be yourself and not overthink it.”

  Bryce nodded. “Yeah, they knew already, though. It’s easier when we’re talking one-on-one.”

  “Does being with both of them feel wrong?” Brent leaned forward, elbows on the table. “If it doesn’t feel right, you can’t force it.”

  “No. It’s not like that. I’m just not used to it.” He took a breath and it looked like he was trying to sort it out in his head. “It’s always been separate. Working out how to balance both sides of me at the same time is weird. I feel like a scale that’s not quite balanced—almost, but like it’s not right yet.”

  “That might come in time.” Brent gave him a serious look. “You seemed to be running from the relationship for a while, and maybe that’s made you overthink it. Do you guys spend all your time together, or is it mostly separate?”

  Bryce shrugged. “A bit of both. The date was together, and they came into the office together a few times to sign paperwork. When we talk on the phone, it’s usually just two of us at a time.”

  “Do you talk to them a lot?” Wyatt’s curiosity was showing again, but Bryce didn’t seem to mind.

  “Yes. At least one of them, almost every day. Most of the time we talk after work.” Bryce blushed again, and he stared off into the distance. Relaxing back in his chair, Bryce shifted, and for a minute reminded Carter of Wyatt.

  He couldn’t help wondering what Bryce was thinking about. Something he was remembering clearly flipped the switch to sub for Bryce. Carter had a feeling it was one of those occasional work conversations Bryce had hinted at.

  Most of the time wasn’t all the time.

  Giving Wyatt a look before the curious sub could even open his mouth, Carter shook his head. Wyatt frowned but didn’t push it. Brent didn’t seem to feel the need to restrain himself, since he leaned back in his chair and gave Bryce a grin.


  Carter did his best to hide his frustration, but the way Brent grinned, he didn’t do a good job of it. Brent’s wicked smile turned to Bryce. “Your Dom keeping you on your toes? I can’t imagine any Dom behaving that well with someone they’re interested in.”

  “He’s not my Dom.” The not yet clearly implied, Bryce gave Brent a stern look. “And we agreed to behave at work.”

  Laughing, Brent shook his head. “Knowing all of us, I’m not sure that rule will work.”

  Carter decided Brent was easier to deal with when he was sad and moody.

  The way Wyatt was nodding enthusiastically, a dreamy expression in his eyes, Carter knew the rule had already been tossed out the window. Bryce just hadn’t gotten the memo yet. Had Grant? Not that he wanted Grant to invite him to work and do something outrageous. Not yet, anyway.

  Wyatt giggled. “Just don’t get caught.”

  Bryce gave them a curious look, sitting a little straighter. “I’ll have to remember that next time Oliver comes in to pay a bill.”

  Wyatt couldn’t restrain himself. Carter didn’t blame him; the whole conversation was too tempting. “I’m sure Troy could help you remember.”

  Laughing, they all took turns heckling Bryce until the waiter arrived with their food. After starting to eat, the conversation turned back around to Wyatt and Garrett. Oversharing and tattling on each other seemed to be part of the family dynamics, so Carter felt it was his duty to make Wyatt feel more at home. “Did I hear you say that Garrett had invited Grant and Calen over to your house for dinner?”

  Wyatt looked suspicious, but he couldn’t see the issue. Nodding slowly, his brain was rolling things around, trying to see what Carter was up to. “Yes. He thought it would be fun, since we were hanging out.”

  Carter glanced at Brent and Bryce, then with an innocent look shoved Wyatt under the bus. Picking up an oversized steak fry, Carter gestured with it to Wyatt. “I think the exact words I heard were more like our house?”

  That got everyone’s attention.

  Wyatt squirmed and tried to play it off, but no one was having it. They latched on like the gossip bloodhounds Carter had suspected they were. Bryce seemed to be glad it wasn’t him getting the third degree and jumped right in. “Our house, huh? You two have something you want to share with everyone?”

  “If Garrett thinks he can hide moving in with someone from Mom, he’s lost it.” Brent grinned and reached for his glass to take a sip of his soda. “I think a phone c
all might be in order.”

  Bryce had an odd look on his face, but seemed to push it away because it was gone before Carter could decipher what it meant. Bryce nodded, a grin that matched Brent’s on his lips. “I think she’d want to know that he’s moving in with Wyatt before collaring him or something more traditional.”

  They both nodded like it was a serious topic that was a terrible breach of etiquette, but Carter could see the gleam in their eyes. They were going to have fun tormenting Garrett. Wyatt was bouncing back and forth between nervous and eager. “Don’t get Master in trouble.”

  The other guys missed what Wyatt hadn’t said, but Carter didn’t. Wyatt was doing his best not to deny or confirm anything, but he was so excited he was ready to pop. What had he and Garrett been up to lately? Carter knew Garrett had been spending more and more time over at Wyatt’s house, but he hadn’t realized it was getting that serious.

  Wyatt couldn’t keep a secret like that for long; his natural inclination was to share. It could embarrass Carter, but it was who Wyatt was. In the beginning of their friendship, it was what had drawn him to Wyatt. Finally meeting someone who was just as unique in their own way as Carter was had made him feel so much more normal. He’d needed Wyatt’s outgoing, sweet oversharing. Without it, he probably wouldn’t have found the courage to be himself.

  He wouldn’t out Wyatt now, but the next time they were in the shop the nut was a goner, because Carter was going to corner him and find out what was going on. Wyatt looked excited but too nervous for Carter’s comfort. Wyatt had always been the more outgoing person between the two of them, but to Carter, it felt like he was the one corralling Wyatt.

  It might technically be Garrett’s job now, but Carter knew it would always be a big part of their friendship. He had a feeling he knew what they were up to, though. Wyatt’s reaction…yeah, Carter knew they needed to talk.

  “We won’t get him in too much trouble.” Bryce had a wicked look on his face that Carter didn’t believe for a minute.

  “Don’t get me in trouble!” Wyatt was starting to understand that getting Garrett in trouble was the goal.

  Brent laughed so loud that it drew attention from several other tables. “Now you’re learning. That’s a better argument.”

  Huffing, Wyatt gave them dirty looks before going back to picking at his pasta. “You guys are nuts. It’s like learning a foreign language.”

  “Family’s fun.” Bryce grinned, then started to cut into his steak.

  That earned a skeptical look from Wyatt. “Funny ha-ha or funny nuts?”

  Carter was nearly rolling on the floor, his burger long forgotten. He couldn’t help it. Wyatt fit right in with the rest of the brothers, but it was going to take Carter a while to get used to the dynamics. Carter wasn’t sure if he’d ever fit in as easily as Wyatt did, or if he even wanted to, but Wyatt was meant to join their crazy family.

  “Both.” Brent and Bryce spoke at the same time, then laughed.

  Wyatt shook his head. To Carter, he looked like a parent who was getting to the point of being fed up with his kids. Time to change the subject by throwing himself under the bus. “Grant keeps talking about going up to the club. Is he actually serious, or is it one of those things he talks about but it never actually happens?”

  They all perked up and looked at Carter like a bunch of puppies hearing the treat bag rattle. He tried to keep a straight face, but he wasn’t sure it worked. Wyatt spoke up first. “Yes. Club trip.”

  Bryce and Brent both nodded. Bryce spoke up. “He’s serious. We used to go a lot more often. The stuff with Wyatt and Garrett, and with Brent and Calen, got things sidetracked.”

  Brent gave Carter an understanding look. “It’s not as bad as you’re probably imagining. You won’t be going by yourself, and if it’s too much, just tell Grant. He’ll understand.”

  “We’ll be there for you. Unless you want us to back off so you can have some fun.” Bryce gave Carter a big shit-eating grin. “We’ve gotten good at backing off so things don’t get weird.”

  Carter couldn’t imagine things not being weird. Not only was he going to a BDSM club with his…boyfriend…lover…maybe Dom…he was going with his—significant other’s family. It was the strangest thing he’d ever considered doing. Even with all of Wyatt’s pushing, he could only see himself doing it for Grant.

  That, more than anything, let Carter see how much Grant was coming to mean to him.

  As much as he fought to keep the steamrolling Dom at arm’s length, he was starting to get under Carter’s skin. He wanted to make Grant happy, but he was also getting tired of feeling like he was holding himself back.

  He was comfortable with who he was, but it had been a hard-won comfort. He’d all but lost his family and didn’t have that many close friends. Everyone wanted you to fit into a neat category and when you didn’t, they gradually found reasons to drift away. Sure, some of it had been his fault for not trying harder to keep friends in his life, but when they hadn’t understood, why should he?

  Wyatt had understood.

  Even when he hadn’t, he’d refused to be ignored. Even if it was something as simple as having found another strange soul to make him feel more normal, Carter was grateful for him. Maybe he should have gone with Wyatt earlier.

  Knowing Grant was going to be at the club made it feel different. Having someone to lean on and who would take control made it easier. He wouldn’t have to be in charge or make any decisions. He could leave everything up to Grant.

  He just needed to make sure Grant knew he was in control.

  Maybe it was time for a talk.

  “I’m sure it will be fine. Wyatt survived, so I’m sure I will, too.” Ducking when Wyatt threw a balled up napkin at him, Carter laughed.

  “I’m not that bad. I had fun, which is more than I can say of some people who act like they’re closer to eighty than twenty.” Wyatt laughed when Carter threatened to send the napkin sailing back at him. “At least I don’t have little old ladies trying to fix me up.”

  Carter groaned. Brent and Bryce smelled blood and pounced on the gossip. Bryce spoke first. “What lady, and who was she fixing you up with?”

  “She’s an older lady who comes into the shop. She’s funny and looks so proper, but she’s a dirty bird.” Wyatt grinned and shook his head. “She pretends to shop, but she just wants to gossip and hint at the outlandish things she gets up to with her friends.”

  Carter jumped in when Wyatt took a breath. “She thought I needed to be fixed up, so she was going to fix me up with the son of a friend of a friend. They found out he’s into interesting things and thought I’d like to meet him.”

  “What did they think was so interesting?” It was clear Bryce was expecting something fairly innocent, so Carter loved the expression on his face when Wyatt started to explain. By the time Wyatt quietly whispered “Puppy play,” Bryce’s jaw was nearly on the floor.

  “How did they even know about that?”

  Wyatt lifted his hands palm up and shrugged. “They looked it up online, evidently.”

  “And they thought Carter would be a good fit?” Brent was looking at Carter like he was trying to visualize it.

  “No. It would not have been a good fit.” Carter couldn’t see himself in that kind of a situation.

  “They’re going to find someone for him. I’ve seen the Dom at the club a few times, but not that many. I wonder if he’s started going back. If he has his stuff out, then he has to be meeting someone.” Wyatt leaned against the table, and Carter could tell his friend’s mind had started to wander.

  “Not our business.” There were a thousand things running through his own head and Carter didn’t need Wyatt adding to them.

  That earned him a frown from all three men. Wyatt shook his head sadly. “You’re no fun.”

  Biting back the slightly inappropriate comeback that sprang to mind, Carter cocked an eyebrow and gave him a look like he should know better. “Eat your dinner.”

he’s not bouncy enough to be a pup. I’m not sure what they were thinking.” Bryce was looking at Carter like he was inventorying his parts.

  “They were thinking he was sexy in a skirt, so he might be into other things.” Brent’s dry answer had them all choking on their food.

  When they could finally breathe, the waiter came over and set the bills down pointedly. They might have been too loud, but the stern schoolmaster look was out of place on a guy who looked like he was barely out of high school.

  Evidently, grown-ups weren’t allowed to be a nuisance, only teenagers.

  They managed to behave while they paid their bills and headed out of the restaurant. Brent stopped outside the door. “We might have to pick a different restaurant next time. They didn’t seem to think we were that funny.”

  His dry delivery had Carter fighting not to smile. He really was such a different person now that everything with Calen was worked out. He hadn’t met Brent that many times, but he was so much more relaxed that Carter almost wanted to check and make sure he hadn’t been taken over by the pod people.

  Wyatt only focused on the idea of going out again. “Yes. We should do this again soon. Every couple of weeks, at least.”

  Carter had to agree that it sounded like fun. “Once a month. Maybe we’ll even talk Wyatt into cooking sometimes.”

  After making tentative plans to have dinner again, they separated and started heading for their cars. Even before he got into his car, Carter knew what he wanted to do. Taking his phone out of his pocket as he climbed in and locked the door, Carter pulled up his text messages.

  Dinner over or you guys still hanging out?

  It didn’t take long for Grant to reply.

  I’m heading home. Why? Booty call?

  Carter’s head fell back against the seat and he grinned. Maybe—but he wasn’t going to tell Grant that.

  Just thought you might come over for a drink. Unless you have to work early.

  Grant’s reply was so cheeky Carter could picture the look on his face.

  I might have an in with the boss. I think I can swing it. Your place?


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