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Grant: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 3)

Page 9

by Shaw Montgomery

  Before Carter could stop himself he typed out the answer.


  His response was so typically Grant he made Carter laugh.

  Gonna wear something sexy for me while we have that drink?

  In for a penny…


  Grant’s reply came back so fast it had Carter worrying he would get into an accident.

  Oh pretty I can’t wait

  Telling himself that it wasn’t a booty call to text someone he was actually dating, Carter pulled out of the parking lot and started heading home. He knew exactly what he was going to put on for Grant. He just had to get home before his Dom so he could get it on. Picturing greeting Grant at the door in nothing but the white nightie had his pants getting tighter.

  It was time to stop running from what he wanted.

  What they both wanted.

  Chapter 10


  He’d teased Carter about it being a booty call, but it didn’t have that kind of feel to it. Carter wasn’t the type. He wouldn’t have done it without deliberately trying to send Grant a message—but what? A late call for a drink wasn’t something he would have expected from Carter.

  Carter had a lot of walls and uncertainty that came from people who hadn’t understood or supported him, but Grant had a feeling when he was ready to let those walls come down, it would be amazing. He’d thought they’d made progress when Carter tried on the sexy outfit for him, but he didn’t want to assume anything, so he hadn’t pushed.

  They were going to explore their relationship at Carter’s pace. Grant was just hoping Carter wouldn’t make him guess how fast or slow it was supposed to go. He was better than Garrett at interpreting subtlety, but he didn’t want there to be any miscommunications with Carter. Some people might like teasing and hinting, but he could see that backfiring with Carter.

  The drive to Carter’s house wasn’t that many miles, but it felt like forever before he was pulling in the driveway. Turning the car off, he climbed out and headed toward the door.

  Longest thirty seconds ever.

  His brain was going back and forth, trying to figure out what Carter meant by the texts. Asking would probably ruin the mood, but unless it was obvious, he might have to.

  It was obvious.

  Carter opened the door before he could knock. Grant was left standing on the porch, arm raised and jaw falling to the steps. His sexy sub was stunning—and thankfully not hinting at all.

  “You requested something sexy, I think?” Carter had a teasing glint in his eyes but his nerves were also showing. Little nibbles to his shiny lips and shifting hands with polished nails that didn’t quite know where they belonged let Grant see how hard it was for his pretty sub.

  “You are incredible.” Grant let his hand fall to his side as he stepped closer, invading Carter’s personal space. Not touching, but so close he might as well have been. “I’ve never seen anything hotter. I don’t remember seeing this in your drawer.”

  Carter’s cheeks heated, drawing attention to the subtle powder sparkling around his eyes, and his hands came up to brush down his chest. “It’s new. When I saw it, I thought you’d like it.”

  “You were right.” Grant’s heated words left no doubt how much he loved the outfit, even if Carter had missed his raging erection.

  The outfit was white lace that seemed to mold to Carter’s skin. Little straps went over his shoulders, leading to the stretchy looking lace tank top Grant knew probably had a name, but he could hardly remember his own in that moment. It clung to Carter’s lean body, accentuating every dip and hint of curve.

  The bottoms were even more incredible. They were tight little shorts that reminded Grant of the other ones, but these left nothing to the imagination. Carter’s thickening erection was beautifully outlined, and by the way they went up on the sides, Grant had a good image in his head about how much of Carter’s tempting ass would be showing.

  Carter gave a low chuckle that had Grant’s gaze trailing back up his body to look at Carter’s pleased expression. No more fear, no more nerves. Just pleasure and a wicked humor that was enjoying Grant’s reaction. “Glad you like it.”

  Grant licked his lips and gave Carter one last, thorough glance. “I think I’m ready for that drink now.”

  Sexy clothes didn’t mean Carter was going to get out of them, so Grant needed something in his hands before he closed that last step. Carter was entirely too tempting.

  Carter grinned and a low chuckle vibrated through Grant. “Wine okay?” Then Carter’s grin turned positively evil as he turned and walked back toward the living room.

  The view was perfect.

  The little shorts rode high on his ass baring most of his cheeks, giving teasing glances at the seam that hinted at other tempting places Grant wanted to explore. There was only one thing missing to make the picture perfect.

  “Oh pretty, the only thing missing is a pink bottom peeking out of those panties.” Grant’s words came out low and husky. If he hadn’t been watching Carter’s body so closely, he might have missed the little hitch in his step and the way his ass clenched tight. His sub liked that idea.

  It was enough to make any Dom crazy. Keeping his hands to himself had never been as hard before as it was in that moment. Carter was trying to kill him. His heart was pounding, and with all the blood rushing toward his cock, it was entirely possible. Reaching down, he didn’t try to hide his movements as he adjusted his dick into a more comfortable position.

  Carter peeked back in time to see Grant’s hands. The pink in his cheeks flared to life again, and he quickly glanced forward. He might have been a little embarrassed, but there was an extra swing to his step that let Grant know he wasn’t too flustered.

  By the time they reached the living room, Grant was even harder and Carter’s sexy walk was making it hard to think. It took Grant a minute to hear the words that Carter was saying. “Sorry, what?”

  “Wine? Is that okay?” Carter’s eyes were dancing. He liked knowing he’d melted Grant’s brain.

  “That’s fine.” Grant didn’t care what it was at that point. His body and brain were occupied with more important tasks: keeping his hands to himself and not doing anything stupid.

  Carter chuckled and walked toward the kitchen, calling out behind him, “Have a seat. I’ll be right back.”

  Grant threw himself down on the couch and took several deep breaths. There was a message tonight, all right. No matter what happened, Grant knew Carter was at the very least showing he was comfortable with Grant. That Carter would let Grant in like this meant everything to him. He could almost see the walls crumbling, and he felt proud of Carter for opening up to him.

  It wasn’t exactly submission, but it felt the same to Grant. Carter was sharing who he was and what he liked on the deepest level. It took an amazing amount of trust. He pushed back the emotions welling in his chest as he waited for Carter.

  He was worth the wait.

  Walking out slowly, hips swinging back and forth making his arousal evident, Carter carried two glasses of red wine. Watching intently, Grant almost missed the obvious as Carter kept walking toward the couch. His pretty sub had no intention of sitting beside him.

  Making himself at home on Grant’s lap, Carter gave Grant a deceptively sweet smile as he handed one of the glasses over. Taking a long sip, Grant fought to keep his control. Carter was going to kill him.

  Carter took a drink that looked more like he was playing with the glass than actually consuming it. “What do you think?”

  It was a loaded question and Grant’s mind wasn’t stocked with any answers. “What?”

  “The wine? What do you think?” Carter’s innocent expression wasn’t fooling anyone. He knew exactly what he was doing.

  “Delicious.” Grant felt Carter’s body rub over his cock and the one word was all he could manage. Taking another sip, he tried to clear his head. It didn’t work. “Did I tell you how much I liked your outfit?”

�� Carter reached out and took Grant’s glass before turning to set them both on the end table. The twisting motion highlighted his lean muscles. “I hoped you’d like it.”

  “I do.” He more than liked it.

  “You know you shouldn’t drink and drive.” Carter tried to look confident, but Grant could see the cracks showing.

  “You’re right. It’s dangerous.” Starting to see where things were going, Grant continued, “I should probably stay here tonight.”

  “That might be best.” Carter’s gaze broke away, and he started looking around the room. “I should have thought of that before I offered you a drink. It was…naughty of me.”

  Finally feeling like he had a true green light to loosen his control, Grant wrapped his arms around Carter’s body. Letting his hands caress the lace-covered skin, Grant pulled Carter closer. Bodies touching, Grant’s hands came to rest on Carter’s hip, teasingly close to his ass. “You’re right. That was very naughty. I’m going to have to punish you. Do you understand why?”

  Carter’s body practically vibrated with nervous excitement, but his words came out soft and even. “Yes, Sir. I understand you have to spank me when I’m bad.”

  It was where Grant’s mind had automatically gone, especially with Carter’s reaction to his comment earlier, but it was nice to hear the words from his nervous sub. Grant let one hand ease back so he was caressing the top of Carter’s full bottom with his fingers, gingerly stroking the sensitive skin where the two pieces separated.

  A shiver raced through Carter. His cock visibly jerked under the panties that kept giving teasing glances at the naked skin underneath. Grant couldn’t control the growl that escaped, and he knew Carter would be able to feel how hard he was. “I think we should head back to your bedroom. I’m going to stretch you out across my lap so I can give you the spanking you need.”

  The little gasp that escaped Carter’s wet, parted lips made Grant fight the urge to kiss him. As tempting as it was, it would have to wait. He knew that one taste would distract them both, and he wanted to give Carter the taste of submission he was craving.

  Carter hadn’t really been able to discover that part of himself, and Grant wanted to give him the space to explore those needs as well. Short and breathy, Carter’s answer was to the point. “Yes, Sir.”

  Beyond a few brief conversations, they hadn’t talked much about the D/s portion of their relationship. He was supposed to have brought over a sample contract and list of preferences so they could discuss it in more detail. It just hadn’t felt right yet. To Grant, they’d had other things that they’d needed to get comfortable with first. He wanted Carter to believe he was going to stay, and that he loved the way Carter expressed himself. Those things were more important.

  But it looked like Carter was ready for a taste of submission.

  Reluctantly helping Carter off his lap, Grant took his hand and led him back to the bedroom. Turning on a lamp near the bed, Grant left the rest of the lights off. The dark felt more intimate to him and he was hoping it would help Carter relax easier.

  Giving Carter’s ass a quick pat, Grant ordered him up on the mattress. Watching a shy Carter slowly climb up, Grant thought he’d come right there. The sweet nervousness combined with the sexy clothes that showed every line of Carter’s body had his arousal surging.

  Before Carter could sit, Grant climbed up beside him and gestured to his lap. “Over my legs, pretty.”

  Carter’s endearing blush was back, but he didn’t let any worries stop him. As erotic as Carter looked, Grant was proud of him as well. He might be nervous, but he was going after what he wanted. As Carter hesitantly draped himself across Grant’s legs, Grant brought his hands down to soothe his beautiful sub. “That’s right. God, you look…perfect.”

  Ducking his head, Carter still looked nervous, but it was edging toward an aroused excitement and less like he was ready to bolt. Grant let his fingers trail up and down Carter’s body, letting him get used to being touched.

  Warm skin and soft lace teased at his fingers, making him want to rub his body against Carter’s. Torn between wanting to feel Carter’s naked skin and loving the way the lingerie made him look, Grant compromised and took the lace panties in his hand. Carefully easing them over Carter’s ass, Grant left them just under his cheeks so they framed his bottom perfectly.

  Carter’s breath hitched again, but he didn’t say anything, so Grant pressed forward. “You were a naughty boy. We’re going to make sure you remember to be better next time. Do you understand that?”

  A needy whine escaped Carter as he nodded, pressing his head into the covers. “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.”

  Tightening one hand around Carter’s waist to hold his trembling sub securely, Grant rubbed circles over the smooth, pale skin. Deciding that teasing too long would be more torture than pleasure, Grant brought his hand up and down quickly before Carter had a chance to brace himself.

  Making sure to keep his strokes light and ease Carter into the spanking as gently as possible, Grant was pleased to see Carter arch up, silently begging for more. Within seconds Carter’s quiet need was traded for moans of pleasure and gasps as the sensations started to flood his body.

  Grant knew the heat was building and with every smack the feelings would radiate through Carter’s body, making him need even more. It would be confusing as the pleasure and pain started mingling, but Carter’s reactions were beautiful. Writhing against Grant’s lap, Carter’s full erection let him know more than anything that his pretty sub loved his first spanking.

  Making sure not to hit the same spot too many times, Grant watched as Carter’s bottom grew pink. The tender seat of his ass was a rosy color that would look incredible against the white of the panties. With each pop, Carter’s gasps and needy moans grew louder and more desperate.

  Knowing it wouldn’t be long, Grant started spacing out the spanks, caressing Carter’s heated bottom, drawing out the pleasure. Carter was shaking, grinding his cock against Grant when Grant decided his sweet sub was at his limit.

  Letting his hands run small circles over the beautiful pink skin, Grant made sure to have his fingers graze Carter’s tight pink opening that kept peeking out as he writhed. Pleading noises broke out as Carter fought the urge to beg for more.

  He was trying to be so good that Grant had to reward him. Grazing his fingers lightly around the sensitive pucker, Grant watched as Carter’s resolve broke.

  “Please, Grant. Please, Sir. I—I…”

  Pushing his thumb against the tender opening as he let his fingers caress the beautiful pink skin, Grant didn’t make him fight the need any longer. “Come for me, pretty. Show me how good it feels.”

  Grant wasn’t sure if it was the permission, the touch to his heated ass, or the feeling of Grant’s thumb on his tight opening, but Carter exploded, pleasure ripping through him. Holding his sub gently as his orgasm sent waves of arousal through him, Grant caressed him tenderly, urging it higher and higher.

  When Carter finally collapsed, body spent and relaxed, Grant carefully gathered him up in his arms. Turning to lay them both on the bed, Grant held him close. Carter’s gaze was foggy like he wasn’t really there, and while Grant didn’t think he was in subspace, it was clear he was close.

  Giving his sub a gentle kiss on his head, Grant ran his hands up and down Carter’s back while he snuggled close. When he’d gone out that night, he’d never imagined that his evening would end curled up in Carter’s bed, holding him while he came.

  He didn’t think it could get more perfect.

  He was wrong.

  Chapter 11


  Fighting his way back up through the pleasure, Carter fought the temptation to sink into the sleepy oblivion that called to him. As perfect as falling asleep cuddling in Grant’s arms would be, he wasn’t ready yet. He wasn’t going to leave Grant hard and needy.

  That he’d get to touch and enjoy the big, broad man was a bonus.

  Rubbing his face against t
he soft cotton of Grant’s T-shirt, Carter felt the well-defined muscles of his chest. Forcing his eyes open, he wished it was skin instead of cloth. “If I’m almost naked, I think you should be, too.”

  He felt a chuckle rumble through Grant’s chest. “I’m not sure you learned your lesson. You might need another reminder about how to talk to your Dom.”

  Grant’s hands wandered down Carter’s back and squeezed his ass. The rough touch sent arousal flaring through his body, even though there was no way his cock could recover that quickly. Rolling his hips, Carter let his cock brush Grant’s thigh. Dropping his voice low, filling it with all the desire still running through him, Carter let Grant know how much he still wanted him. “Yes, Sir. I’m sure I’ll need lots of reminders. Being good is hard.”

  Letting his hands slide down to caress the edges of Grant’s shirt, Carter spoke again, low and husky. “Will you get naked for me, Sir? I want to touch you.”

  Calling Grant Sir felt right, but didn’t feel as serious as it sounded when Wyatt said it. There was an edge of teasing and a lightness he hadn’t expected. Was he doing it wrong? BDSM always sounded so serious when Wyatt talked about it, but with Grant it was fun. Maybe it was because Grant didn’t seem to need the domination to extend outside the bedroom.

  When he’d been laid out over Grant’s lap, his panties pulled down and his ass bared, it had felt overwhelming and so much more erotic than he’d ever imagined. The few times a lover had come close to introducing pain, even by accident, Carter had loved it, but the spanking was incredible. He had a good guess that he’d feel it tomorrow, but he didn’t mind that at all.

  Pain and pleasure had mixed until he really couldn’t tell one from the other. They were rolled together somehow until he craved them both equally. He couldn’t wait to do it again. Carter knew that Grant hadn’t been rough with the spanking, but part of him wanted to see how it would feel to go even further.


  Just not right then.

  Grant groaned as Carter’s fingers worked their way under his shirt. Carter gave him a cheeky grin. “I think you’re not moving fast enough…Sir.”


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