Latino America: How America's Most Dynamic Population is Poised to Transform the Politics of the Nation
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15. Vega et al. (2013).
16. Gans et al. (2012).
1. See, for example, Whittaker, Segura, and Bowler (2005), Greenberg (2005), Johnson, Bowker, and Cordell (2004), and Williams and Florez (2002).
2. Hershey and Hill (1977) and Douglas and Wildavsky (1983).
3. Maslow (1970).
4. Mohai and Bryant (1998) and Mohai (2003).
5. Quintero-Somaini and Quirindongo (2004).
6. Whittaker, Segura, and Bowler (2005).
7. Greenberg (2005), Johnson, Bowker, and Cordell (2004), and Williams and Florez (2002).
8. Whittaker, Segura, and Bowler (2005).
9. Pantoja, Ramírez, and Segura (2001) and Pantoja and Segura (2003).
10. The survey is based on a national sample of 805 Latino registered voters, carried out November 27–December 3, 2013. Respondents were interviewed in English or Spanish by fully bilingual interviewers. The overall survey contains a margin of error of +/-3.5%, and on split-sample items the margin of error is +/-4.9%. Respondents were reached using a blended sample of landline telephones, cell phones, and the Latino Decisions online web panel.
11. Quintero et al. (2011).
12. Ibid., 9, 10.
13. Greenberg (2005) and Johnson, Bowker, and Cordell (2004).
1. Bowler, Nicholson, and Segura (2006).
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