Breakaways: Reverse Harem Romance (The Challenge Book 5)
Page 9
“It has.” Harry nodded. He puffed up his cheeks then blew out a breath, as if letting the decision settle inside himself. “What do you think, Liv?”
She was having a child of her own, something that didn’t quite feel real yet. But Banna, Darius, and Amal were real, and she adored them and loved them already. There was plenty of room in her heart for them, for everyone.
Looking around at her men’s expectant faces, she knew there was only one thing to say. These children weren’t unwanted little orphans, they were very much wanted…by her family. “I think…I think it’s a wonderful idea.”
Mason clapped. “Cool, that’s settled then.”
“Yeah, they’ll get to go on the plane after all.” Harry laughed, joy shining from his eyes.
“And I will be able to continue teaching them to be little chefs.” Raul grinned.
Lucas slapped Mason on the back. He blinked fast several times, as though emotions were threatening to get the better of him.
“Are you sure, babe?” Evan said. “There’s five of us to be father figures but only one of you to be Mom.”
“If I thought for a minute I didn’t have all of your support, I wouldn’t dream of it. But I know I have. I can see that I have.” She kissed him then spun to the room. “Let’s go and get them.”
“Yeah, come on.” Harry grabbed his phone and slipped it into the back pocket of his jeans.
“I’ll throw on a t-shirt,” Evan said, releasing Olivia.
“Hang on a minute.” Riley held up his hands. “You can’t just go and get them. They’re kids, not designer sneakers.”
“We know they’re not designer sneakers?” Mason said with a scowl. He looked ready to shove Riley out of his way.
“Well that’s what we’re doing,” Lucas said, shoving his feet into his shoes. “Going to get them.”
“They will be scared, confused.” Raul held up his hands. “And we do not want that. The sooner we have them with us, the better.”
“I can see your intentions are good,” Riley said. “But apart from the red tape, I mean…taking three orphaned children to Australia, on a permanent basis, will require some hefty paperwork. Are you really cut out to be parents to them? You’re all so…”
“What?” Olivia asked. “What are we?”
“Adventurous. You don’t stay in one place for long.”
“We intend to now.” She rubbed her stomach, not noticing she was doing it until she caught Riley’s attention flicking to her abdomen. Quickly she stopped and let her hands hang at her sides. “Life has been busy, it’s true, we’ve had many challenges, but now we want to slow down a pace. Evan inheriting the sheep station has created an opportunity for us to do that.”
“Well, yes, but…” He hesitated.
“Don’t worry about it,” Harry said. “We know what we’re doing and what we want, and that’s to be together, with these children.”
“They’ll thrive with us,” Evan said. “Good food, education, adults who care.”
“I’m not disputing that, but what about when you want to go gallivanting off to some other remote part of the world?” Riley frowned. “Who will look after them then? They will have become attached to you.”
“We won’t go off gallivanting,” Harry said.
“How do you know that?”
Harry hesitated, then, “Olivia is having a baby. We’ll be staying put.”
Riley’s mouth dropped open. He turned to Olivia. “Is this true?”
Much as she hadn’t wanted him to know, she could see why Harry had shared the information. They needed Riley’s help with this, with the legalities and the paperwork. Him knowing would put him in their court, she hoped. “Yes.” She nodded.
“I…er…congratulations,” he said, then swallowed. “And dare I ask who the father is?”
“We’re all going to be daddies.” Harry clasped him on the shoulder. “And we’re all feeling awesome about it.”
“Well…good. Yes, that’s good.” He fidgeted and rubbed his fingers and thumbs together.
Olivia couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for Riley. It was obvious their situation, their relationship, had confused the heck out of him.
“So you can see why we’re able to take on Banna, Darius, and Amal,” Evan said. “We’re a ready-made family for them.”
Riley ran his fingers over his moustache. “Yes, well, I can see that if there’s already a baby on the way, then it could work.” He set his attention on Harry. “But you’ll do the explaining to Dante, won’t you? I haven’t a clue where to start with all of this.”
Harry tipped his head back and laughed, a deep guffaw of a sound. “Riley,” he said when he’d stopped. “I’ve known you for half my life. Never have I heard you say you don’t have a clue where to start with something. You’ve always been my fixer, my man to sort things out, yet finally, here I am married and about to be a father to not one…” He paused, and his shoulders tensed, then he seemed to consciously push them down. “But four children, and I have you at a loss.”
“It is all rather sudden.” Riley shook his head. A hint of a smile spread on his lips. “Even you must agree with that.”
Olivia moved to Harry and curled her arm around his waist. She pressed a kiss to his cheek. “And you’ll be a wonderful father to all of the children, I know you will, Harrington Vidal.” It had taken a lot for him to say that, considering his earlier doubts about parenthood, and she appreciated it.
He blew out a breath. “Thanks, Liv. I’ll do my best.”
“So we can go and get them?” Raul asked. “Now?”
“I’ll need to make a few phone calls,” Riley said. “But sure, make your way there. The car is outside.”
“Si, we will.”
Within minutes, Olivia was in the limo with her men. An air of anticipation and urgency gripped her.
She was fearful the authorities would already be transporting the children to the airport, sending them back to the place they’d been so unhappy they’d risked everything to escape.
“No sightseeing today then,” Harry said.
“We still could, if we get time.” Olivia squeezed his hand. “It will just have to be kid-friendly stuff.”
“Which is something we’ll have to get used to,” Evan said.
“We can do that.” Harry tightened his fingers on hers. “Can’t we?”
“Aye, and no wandering around the house naked, Raul,” Mason said. “The bairns won’t want to see your dangling bits.”
“I do not wander around naked.” Raul frowned.
“Yeah, you do sometimes, mate.” Evan laughed.
“Well, okay, if I have no clothes on.”
Olivia giggled. “That’s the definition of naked.”
He grinned at her. “It is exciting, si, to go from no children to baby, and three more.”
“Exciting and scary,” Harry said.
“And likely the biggest challenge we’ve ever had,” Lucas added.
“We can’t be accused of not being up for a challenge,” Mason said. “And let’s face it, we’d feel like crap at the homestead, playing happy families and knowing Banna, Darius, and Amal were having a horrible time.”
“Of course, that’s unthinkable,” Olivia said. “It was an easy decision, all things considered.”
“You’re great, you know that?” Evan kissed her cheek. “You’ve got so much love to give, it’s why we love you so much.”
“And I love you all. You have big, kind hearts, you’re solid, dependable, and loving. I couldn’t ask for anything more in my life.” Tears pricked her eyes. Emotions threatened to claim her. She wasn’t one for crying but she couldn’t help it, and one overspilled and trickled down her cheek.
Harry sat forward and tugged her into a hug. “Shh, it’s okay. We’re all feeling a little overwhelmed with everything.” He smoothed her hair.
“I’m not usually like this.” She sniffed and wiped her cheek. “I’m not a crier.”
We know you’re not.” Evan stroked her thigh.
“It is the hormones,” Raul said. “They are wild inside your body, Olivia. They make you like this.”
“Damn it.” She pulled back from Harry and managed a smile. “Does that mean I’m going to cry for the next nine months?”
“Maybe a little, but also lots of laughter and smiles.” Raul winked at her. “Do not worry, we understand, and we will look after you through this.”
“I don’t need fussing over.” She didn’t like the thought of that. She’d always been so independent.
“Not fussing, just cared for,” Lucas said. “Every pregnant woman needs to be cared for, you’re just going to have to cope with five anxious fathers, so be patient with us.”
“I’ll do my best.”
“I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl,” Mason said.
“It won’t matter.” Raul shrugged.
“I never said it mattered,” Mason replied. “I was just wondering.”
“A son would be perfect, a girl equally so,” Lucas said.
“Yeah, the property will be a great place to grow up.” Evan paused. “For all these little guys. We’ll make sure of it.”
“Yes, we will.” Olivia smiled at him. “One hundred percent.”
“Ah, look, we’re here.” Mason gestured out of the window.
The car drew to a halt.
“Let’s hope Riley’s managed to pull a few strings,” Lucas said, opening the door.
“I can’t imagine this kind of paperwork usually goes through quickly.” Olivia was worried about that.
“It will for us.” Harry grinned and stepped out.
“The luxury of being a billionaire,” Evan said. “You can make things happen mere mortals can’t.”
“Good things.” Mason raised his eyebrows.
“Sure, good things.” Evan grinned. “Just sayin’.”
Chapter Eleven
Olivia barely noticed the heat as she rushed toward the childcare facility. All she wanted was to see the children. One night apart had been one night too many if they’d been scared.
“Good morning,” Tina said as they stepped into the small reception area.
“Hola,” Raul said, closing the door and trapping in the air-conditioning. “We have come for the children. Banna, Amal, and Darius.”
“Yes.” She set down her pen and removed her glasses, placing them on the desk before her. “I’ve had several phone calls. Including Mr Riley, a lawyer from Vidal Incorporated, and a senior official at the Spanish Foreign Office.”
“Ah, good.” Harry folded his arms. “I trust all is in order.”
“Well, yes, I suppose it is.” She frowned. “But this is most uncommon.”
“I appreciate that.” Harry gave her one of his most winning smiles—the kind that got him tens of thousands of ‘likes’ on social media. “But I’m sure you’ll agree it’s for the best the three kids come with us. Plus it will take them off your hands.”
“I have no problem with them being here, they’re sweet children.”
“But this is not a home, is it?” Mason said. “We want to give them that.”
“So I’ve been led to believe.” She tipped her head and studied them. “Are you sure about this? I mean, really sure?”
“Yes.” Evan nodded. “We are. I’ve inherited a property in Australia. We’re going to make it our home. There’s plenty of space for the children there, and a local school.”
“They need more than that. Children need stability. You can’t take them now and in a month decide you no longer have time for them.”
“That won’t be the case.” Lucas frowned. “We’ve made our decision. We want them for the long term.”
Tina studied him. “Are you sure?”
She still looked doubtful.
“Is the paperwork in order?” Harry asked.
“Yes, it is, or temporary papers, at least. All you have to do is sign here to be given guardianship of the three children.” She pressed her palm over a sheaf of papers.
“Sure, give me the pen,” Harry said.
“You all have to sign,” she said. “All six of you. Again, that is most uncommon.”
“Perhaps,” Mason said. “But we’re all happy to take responsibility. None of us want to shirk that.”
“The children will be happy with us.” Raul rested his hand over his heart. “We can feel them here, already.”
“And it did seem like they were ours on the boat,” Evan added.
Tina kept her hand on the paperwork.
To Olivia it seemed like she was the final barrier. The person blocking their way. It didn’t seem to matter to her that the lawyers and ministers had expedited and approved the temporary guardianship. “The thing is, Tina,” she touched her collar. “We’re a solid unit, all of us. All we want is to live peacefully, together, and enjoy a quiet life.” She paused. “And I have a baby on the way, too. So Banna, Darius, and Amal will not be our only three children for long. We are expanding, and we’d like them to be a part of that. We have lots of love to give as well as everything else children need.”
Tina tipped her head and set her attention on her. “You’re pregnant?”
“I guess that does put a different spin on it. You will want to be more settled.”
“That’s what we’re trying to say,” Mason said. “We can’t imagine being a family without these three kids. They’re part of us.”
Tina’s attention went to Mason. “You really do love them, don’t you?”
“Aye.” He nodded. “Very much.”
She sighed and lifted her hand from the stack of papers. “Well in that case, go ahead and sign. I don’t know how you’ve managed to do it, but this is all above board and they’re yours to take.”
“We’ll look after them,” Lucas said. “And make sure they’re happy and healthy.”
“I’m sure you will.” Tina smiled. “And to be honest, poor little souls, no one else in the world wants them.”
“Well we do.” Harry picked up a pen and signed. He passed it to Evan.
“Thanks.” Evan did the same.
Soon all the guys had added their name and signature to the official papers.
Olivia was the last to go. She didn’t hesitate, just quickly scribbled her name beneath Lucas’s and felt a wonderful sensation of completeness.
“I’ll go and get them,” Tina said. “They’ll be thrilled to see you.” She pulled a key from her pocket, opened a filing cabinet, and tucked away half of the papers. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
As she left the room, Olivia took a seat in the corner. “We’ve really done it. I don’t know how, but we have.”
“Si, we have.” Raul stroked his hand over her hair. “They are our responsibility now. We must make sure no harm comes to them, that they only know smiles from now on.”
“Yes.” She leaned her cheek against his abdomen. “Smiles are good.”
“You feel okay, Liv?” Harry asked.
“Yes, I’m fine. A bit hungry, I’ve only had a biscuit since I woke up.”
“Ah, we will eat soon,” Raul said. “It is Saturday, and the restaurant is open for lunch. We will take the children for food, too. They will like it at Regado del Mar, I have told them many stories about it.”
“Good idea,” Mason said. “Because I think the sooner our wife eats something, the better. We don’t want her fainting.”
“I’m not going to faint.”
“And we’re going to make sure you don’t.” Lucas frowned. “Food is the next item on the agenda.”
“What will you eat?” Raul asked, tugging his phone from his pocket. “I will ring Jose now and get it ordered so there is no waiting for you when we arrive.”
She straightened and thought about it. “Mmm, eggs, scrambled, and toast, lots of toast and butter, perhaps some apple juice, too. But no bacon, I don’t want that.”
“But you like
bacon?” Evan said.
“I don’t fancy it.” She pulled a face. “I don’t know why?”
Mason laughed. “I know why, it’s because the wee one in there doesn’t fancy it.”
She touched her stomach again. “Yes, that’s probably true.”
“Hola, Jose,” Raul said into his phone. He then spoke in Spanish, too quickly to pick out any words, but he was definitely giving instructions—very precise instructions. When he’d finished, he slipped his phone away. “The big table is reserved for us, and Jose has started on a breakfast lunch for us all, but no bacon, for anyone.”
“You can have it,” she said.
“No, if it makes you feel sick you will not eat your eggs and toast, and you need to eat. It is not worth the risk.”
“Okay, well thanks. I hope I won’t be off bacon for the whole time I’m pregnant.”
The door opened.
Banna appeared, holding both of her brother’s hands.
“Mason!” Darius released Banna and rushed across the room. He was almost a blur he went so fast. He hurtled himself at Mason.
Mason scooped him up. “Hey, wee fella, how you doing?”
Darius didn’t reply. He buried his face against Mason’s neck and locked his little arms around Mason in a way that suggested he wasn’t letting go ever again.
Banna’s expression went from nervous to a bright smile. “Olivia?”
“Hi.” Olivia approached her. “How are you?”
“It’s not very good news about our aunt.”
“No, it isn’t.” Olivia pulled her into a hug. “I’m so sorry.”
Banna clung to her, her limbs tense.
“Oh, sweetie,” Olivia said, smoothing her hand down Banna’s back. She wore one of the pale blue dresses Olivia had sourced for her on the ship. “I know you were hoping so much to find her.”
“Amal, mi amigo, let me feel how heavy you are.” Raul picked Amal up. “They been feeding you here or have you got skinny like a lizard again?”
Amal giggled. “I am not a lizard.”
“Oh, no you’re not, you are heavy.” Raul poked his tummy. “What’s in here?”
“I had banana and yogurt and rice and fish and four sausages.”
“Four sausages! No wonder you are heavy.” Raul tapped him on the tip of his nose. “Any room for more?”