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Breakaways: Reverse Harem Romance (The Challenge Book 5)

Page 10

by Lily Harlem

  “Yes, lots of room for more. Do you have any pista here?”

  “No pizza here, but we’ll get you some.”

  “Tina,” Olivia said. “Have you had a chance to speak to the children about the plan?”

  “Yes, briefly, after I’d spoken to the lawyer.”

  Olivia held Banna at arm’s length. “And what do you think?” She studied the girl’s pretty face. Her large dark eyes were sparkling. “About coming with us and letting us look after you?”

  Banna pressed her lips together and appeared to hold in a sob. “Do you want us?”

  “Of course.” Harry placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “All of us?”

  “All three of you.” Evan said, gently placing his hand on her other shoulder. “No one is getting left behind, Banna, that’s not how it is with us.”

  Two fat tears escaped and rolled down Banna’s cheeks, leaving a damp trail on her perfect skin.

  “Don’t cry,” Olivia said, passing her a tissue from a nearby box. “Unless you don’t want to come with us.”

  She dashed at the wetness on her cheeks. “Of course I want to come with you. We all do.”

  Darius lifted his head. “Come with you?” he asked Mason. “And not stay here? Not go to England?”

  “Didn’t Tina tell you?” Mason asked. “That you were coming with us?”

  “She said it, but I want you to say it.” He touched Mason’s lips with his fingertip. “So I can believe it.”

  “You’re coming with us,” Mason said in a very solemn voice. “Now. Away from here. And you’ll be living with us.”

  “Living with you?” Darius asked, “Forever?”

  “Yes, well, until you’re a big man and you might want to leave. But you can stay as long as you want.”

  Darius smiled, a small grin to start with that grew into a huge beam. “I won’t ever leave. I love you.”

  Mason laughed, a slightly high-pitched sound that was full of emotion. “I love you, too, wee fella. We all do.”

  Lucas stepped close to his brother and rubbed Darius’s back. “And we’re gonna have fun like we did on the ship.”

  “What are we going to do?” Amal asked.

  “I’ll teach you more things to cook,” Raul said. “In my new kitchen.”

  “And horse riding, and sailing, and how to survive on walkabout,” Evan added.

  “And karate,” Lucas said. “You’ll be a black belt in no time.”

  “That sounds fun.” Amal clapped and smiled. “Lots of fun.”

  Olivia turned back to Banna. “So it’s a yes?”

  “Yes, it’s a yes.” She pulled Olivia close and hugged her tight. “It is a dream come true.”

  “And it is for us, too.” Olivia pressed a kiss to her springy curls. “Saying goodbye to you all yesterday was so hard, and I don’t want to do it again.”

  “Come on,” Evan said, “lets get going. Breakfast is long overdue.” He wound his arm around Olivia. “And I’m getting worried about you going so long without eating.”

  “I’m okay, don’t fuss.”

  “Get used to it.” Harry laughed.

  Olivia pulled back from Banna. “If it’s okay with you guys, we’re going to Raul’s restaurant now, for something to eat.”

  “Yes, I’m hungry,” Amal said.

  “You’re always hungry.” Olivia smiled at him. “But that’s okay, we have plenty of food for you.”

  “Here are your set of documents,” Tina said, handing a plain white envelope to Harry. “If I can do anything else to help, let me know.”

  “Thank you. We appreciate that.” Harry smiled. “Have a nice day.”

  “Yes, you, too.”

  They headed outside. The limo glistened in the sunshine.

  “Are we going in that again?” Darius asked. He was walking alongside Mason holding both his and Lucas’s hands.

  “Aye,” Lucas said. “It’s not far, though.”

  “I don’t mind. I like it in there.”

  “I want to go on the plane, Harry’s plane,” Amal said.

  Harry turned to him. “Well you’re in luck, because you will be, soon.”

  “Why?” Banna looked from Harry to Olivia. “Where are we going?”

  “On a trip,” Olivia said.

  “We might as well tell them,” Evan said. “It’s going to happen. It has to.”

  “True.” Olivia wrapped her arm around Banna’s shoulders. “We’re going to Australia. To the place Evan is from. He’s got a sheep station there.”

  “Wow,” Darius said. “I love sheep.”

  “Really, even though they’re a bit silly?” Evan laughed.

  “Yes, really.” Darius grinned.

  “Well there’s lots of sheep on the property, almost too many to count. So I hope you’ll help look after them.”

  “Oh yes.” Amal nodded seriously. “We used to have two sheep, we can take care of sheep very well.”

  “That’s great news,” Evan said. “And now I’m even more glad we came back for you.” He ruffled Amal’s hair. “Because you’ll be a big help.”

  “I will try.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Regalo del Mar was bustling with diners when they walked in. Waiters and waitresses dressed in smart black trousers and white shirts with the restaurant’s name embroidered on them bustled around. The way they slipped seamlessly between the tables balancing multiple plates was impressive and borne of years of practice.

  “Señor Santiago, es un placer verte.” A tall Spanish man with neat black hair and a thin moustache smiled at Raul.

  “It is a pleasure to see you, too, Ezra.” Raul shook his hand. “And thank you for all you have done while I have been away.”

  “I am glad to be at your service, and Jose’s, who is a very fine head chef.”

  “He is, we are lucky to have him.” Raul smiled and glanced at two plates of food which were being carried past, as though he was checking the quality. He smiled. “We have the back table, and I rang an order through for my crew and the children.”

  “Yes, of course, we’ve been expecting you. It is being prepared.”

  Ezra allowed his attention to drift over Olivia, Banna, Amal, and Darius, then the men. For a moment his gaze hovered on Harry. He’d recognized him. But that wasn’t unusual, and several other diners were looking Harry’s way, too.

  Ezra touched a pile of smart black menus with silver writing on them. “You won’t be needing these?”

  “No,” Raul laughed. “We won’t. But could you organize some pencils and paper for the children, please?”

  “Of course, Señor Santiago.”


  Raul led the way through the restaurant. Most tables were occupied. It seemed Saturday lunch at Regalo del Mar was very popular.

  Harry walked just in front of Olivia, and it was obvious he was much better known in Spain than she’d thought. Women pushed their hair over their shoulders and sat a little straighter as they followed him with their gazes. Men seemed to be assessing what he had and they didn’t.

  When they took their seats, Olivia sat next to him and took his hand, overcome with a sudden need to stake her claim. She hadn’t had to cope with her hot, famous husband being ogled for a while, and had enjoyed being off the radar. But now it was happening again, and her possessiveness seemed to be all the stronger now she was pregnant.

  “You okay, Liv?” Harry asked.

  “Yes.” She nodded at the faces still turned their way. “Made quite an entrance, didn’t we?”

  “Well there are a lot of us, and these are the only kids in here. It’s hardly McDonald’s.”

  “I know.” She looked at the children being fussed over by two female waitresses, glasses filled with freshly squeezed juice, hot croissants to nibble, and cubes of watermelon. “But it’s not just that, Harry.”

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “It’s you as well. And you know it.”

  “No, not in S
pain. A couple recognized me yesterday in here, but that was a one-off.””

  “It is you.” She gestured to the lingering attention on them. A few phones were out, too.

  He glanced at the room, and a slight frown lined his brow. “Mmm, maybe you’re right.” He smiled suddenly. “Might as well give them something to talk about.”

  He curled his hand around the nape of her neck and drew her close. His lips pressed to hers, and he slipped his tongue into her mouth. The kiss deepened, and she clung to his t-shirt, enjoying his taste and the firm pressure of his lips.

  “Harry,” she said when he pulled back. “What are you doing?”

  “Kissing my wife. You got a problem with that?” He grinned.

  “Well no, but…” Public displays of affection had never really been her thing, but Harry always made the most of opportunities to show his love for her to the world.

  “There’s no but,” he said. “Ah, here we go, breakfast. Your eggs have arrived.”

  A huge white plate with a neat portion of perfectly scrambled eggs, thick white toast, and a sprinkle of chives was placed in front of her.

  She stared at it.

  The butter was melting and sliding from the toast. The green chives were startling against the bright yellow egg. A few dots of black pepper had spread to the rim of the white china plate.

  She breathed deep.


  “You okay, mi niña hermosa?”

  Her men were all studying her. Mason was rubbing the lingering mark on his brow from his fight with Paul. Evan was biting his bottom lip.

  “Need some water?” Lucas asked.

  “No, the tea is good.” She smiled. “And I’m fine, this looks delicious.” As she’d spoken, her stomach rumbled. She was hungry, and her neat, small meal was perfect. Perhaps waiting this long to eat in the morning was going to suit her.

  Raul smiled. “Shovel in or it will get cold.”

  “Do you mean dig in?” Olivia asked, picking up her knife and fork.

  Amal giggled.

  “Ah, yes, dig in.” Raul chuckled. “I am silly, no?” He gave Amal a little tickle.

  “Yes, you are.” Amal wriggled and laughed.

  She began to eat. Other plates arrived. All full of delicious, fresh, wholesome food.

  “Thank you,” Banna said to Raul. “For letting us eat in your restaurant.”

  “It is very good manners of you to say thank you,” Raul said. “But you should know I am very excited to have you here. It is not every day we have children all the way from Africa eating in Regalo del Mar.”

  “A Michelin-star breakfast for us all is a treat,” Lucas said.

  “Where is the star?” Darius tipped his head back and looked up at his reflection in the mirrored ceiling. “I can’t see it.”

  “It is not a star in the sky,” Raul said. “Remember I told you about it.”

  “Yes.” Banna nodded then popped a chunk of watermelon into her mouth. After she’d chewed and swallowed she spoke again. “It is a star for being one of the best restaurants in the world with the best food and the best chefs.”

  “And that is because you are top Barcelona chef,” Darius said, grinning. “Aren’t you, Raul?”

  “I am.” He grinned and stabbed at a sausage. “And so is Jose who cooked this for us.”

  “He’s an awesome chef,” Evan said between shovelling in chunks of potato hash.

  Harry shifted on the seat and pulled out his phone. He swiped the screen. He huffed and glanced to his right. “That was quick.”

  “What?” Olivia asked.

  “This on Twitter.”

  He flashed the phone her way. A zoomed-in image of them kissing filled the screen. It was as intimate a picture as it had felt at the time it was taken; Harry’s hold on her screamed ownership, and a tiny portion of his tongue, dipping into her open mouth, was just visible.

  She read the words with it.

  Harrington Vidal kissing girlfriend in @RegalodelMar #celebspotting #VidalInc #PDA #offthemarket @therealHVidal

  “Who took it?” Olivia asked as Harry showed the others. “I can’t tell from the name.”

  “It doesn’t matter so don’t bother trying to figure it out,” Evan said from her other side then continued to eat.

  “But?” She frowned. He’d give himself indigestion. Clearly going this long without food in the morning didn’t suit Evan.

  “He’s right,” Harry said, shrugging. “It’s out there now and it doesn’t matter. I’m more than happy to be seen kissing you and I am off the market.” He touched his necklace then set his phone on the table, facedown.

  “They’ve tagged this restaurant,” Mason said, nodding at the phone. “What happens when Maria sees it?”

  “Ah, and she will.” Raul picked up his juice. “She does all the restaurant’s social media.”

  “She might be too busy with Riley today to notice it,” Lucas said.

  “Why do you say that?” Raul asked with a frown.

  Lucas nodded at the big main window.

  A shiny silver BMW was parked against the curb, and Riley was helping Maria into it. She wore a pretty white dress with a red belt, and her dark glossy hair was piled high.

  “Wow, she looks stunning,” Olivia said. “I wonder where they’re going?”

  “Yeah, me, too. He’s supposed to be organizing our trip to Perth.” Harry frowned.

  “Maybe it’s all set up,” Mason said.

  “And he is entitled to a lunch break,” Evan pointed out.

  “And why is my mother so dressed up on a Saturday? She wears that dress to church on a Sunday,” Raul said.

  “It’s a stunning dress to wear to church.” Olivia smiled. “More like one you’d wear on a date.” She pressed her lips together and studied Raul.

  “A date.” He clattered his knife and fork down and held up his hands. “My mother is on a date with Riley?”

  “Seems that way, mate.” Evan said, grinned.

  “I say good luck to them,” Lucas said. “Everyone deserves someone special.”

  “Aye, they do.” Mason smiled and winked at Olivia. “You okay, hen?”


  “Good, eat up then.”

  She picked up a triangle of toast and crunched into it. Being told what to do wasn’t something she was good at, but she was going to have to get used to it for a few months. It was either that or be irritated every ten minutes by the fact her husbands cared and that was the last thing she wanted.

  The conversation moved onto the sheep station and Australia. The children were keen to know all the details. Would they have a bedroom each? What was a barbie? Would there be pens and pencils at the school? What would their teacher’s name be?

  Each was answered as best they could. But the truth was, only Evan really knew what it would be like there. Harry had visited Sydney several times but he’d been shopping and clubbing and hanging out on Bondi Beach—he knew nothing about South West Australia.

  When the plates were cleared away, Harry picked up his phone again. “That picture’s got over a thousand likes, Liv, and one hundred and fifty retweets.” He chuckled.

  “Is that a lot?” Evan asked, stretching back and rubbing his stomach.

  “In half an hour, yeah, it is.”

  “I never did understand Twitter.” Lucas shrugged.

  “What’s Twitter?” Darius asked.

  “It’s on phones and computers,” Olivia explained. “So people can share pictures and information with other people.” She paused. “But a lot of the information is not very important.”

  “Is Harry important on Twitter?” Amal asked, studying Harry.

  Harry grinned. “Lots of people like to know what I’m doing, what I’m wearing, who I’m with and all that.”

  “What people?” Darius asked.

  “Fans, I guess.”

  “How can you have fans?” Evan huffed. “You don’t do anything?”

  Harry scowled at him. “I
just engineered five million pounds’ worth of charity donations, what do you call that?”

  “Recently, yeah, but before The Challenge?”

  “Actually, I was…”

  “Hey, stop it.” Olivia set her hands on each of their arms.

  “Some people who use Twitter and Facebook,” Evan directed at the children, “spend too much time worrying they’re missing out because everyone else is having a great time. But those people aren’t really having a great time, they just say they are, or post the best bits of their life, not the rubbish stuff. It’s best to avoid all of that because there’s always someone with more things, having more fun, which isn’t important. It’s your life and the good time you’re having that’s important. Not having a phone with those apps is the best way to enjoy your own life and the people and things in it.”

  “What’s Facebook?” Banna asked.

  “What’s an app?” Amal didn’t even look up from the list of numbers he was carefully writing out in different colored pencils.

  “See what you started?” Mason raised his eyebrows at Harry.

  Harry huffed and put his phone away.

  But within seconds it rang.

  He tugged it out. “It’s Riley.”

  “Ah, tell him to say hola to my mother from me.” Raul shook his head and tutted.

  “Hey,” Harry spoke into the phone. “What’s up?” He paused. “It is? Great. Yeah, that will suit us.” Another pause. “Good plan, because you’re right, we won’t want that long journey by road after the flight.” He glanced at Evan then Raul. “Er, where are you?” He nodded. “Ah, I see, okay, well you both have a nice meal.” He hung up.

  “Did he confess?” Raul asked. “That he is with my mother?”

  Harry laughed. “Yes, he came clean. They’re at The Sensi Club.”

  Raul’s eyes widened. “Your personal assistant has good taste. I know the head chef there. He is most excellent, almost as good as me.”

  “No one is as good as you,” Amal said.

  “My biggest little fan.” Raul smiled. “Thank you, Amal.”

  “It’s sweet they’re together and having a nice time.” Olivia leaned over to help Amal with writing his name on the top of the paper. He’d done three arches on the M.


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