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My Calendar Men Boxed Set

Page 21

by Rose, Dahlia

  He casually walked into the woods along one of the hiking trails before diverting into the thicker part of the woods. There in the gathering night he stripped from his clothes and let the bear loose in his mind. He felt the sensation run up his spine like a jolt of electricity and watched his skin coat with thick dark fur. He made sure not to roar not wanting to bring attention to himself and lumbered away. He would have to take the woods and follow it to her yard. Please let her love me for who I am, he thought to himself and moved faster. Years of abuse and self-doubt about who he really was left its toll, and even though he fought the demons, sometimes they came back in full force. He hoped Zander was right and he could have what everyone else in the Army Beasts had found in the arms of their women.

  * * * *

  Her tears were all dry. Mae felt like she could cry for days, but she had no more to give. It was her fault really. She should never have let him get so close. She wasn’t the type to fall for some smooth lines, and Malachi wasn’t the one to give them. It was his quiet demeanor. His actions alone conveyed more than words. Mae thought he felt the same way. How could she have been so foolish? Ugh, I want to hit something! If Malachi was around, she thought she would punch him. The thought gave her no comfort since he was built like a wall. She would probably end up breaking her hand. Instead she took a sip of her beer and looked up at the stars. They usually brought her comfort, tiny diamonds in the midnight blue sky. Tonight they seemed dull as if they couldn’t break through the darkness, but maybe it was because of her heartache. She was not going to be able to forget Malachi, and for all her brace words, no one else would match up to him. She sighed sadly.

  The sound of breaking branches in the woods had her looking into the darkness that leaked between the trees. She shined her flashlight at the woods and saw nothing at first. Then more snapping and a big black bear lumbered out and into her back yard. It was huge. She’d seen bears before, and none ever seemed so big, even at the zoo. They had a stare down for a few seconds, and it let out a loud roar or yowl. She didn’t quite know. The bear started to come toward her, and she knew that making it to the back door was going to be impossible from where she had set the swing in the yard. Why didn’t you move it closer to the house! She berated herself and looked around wildly. The only thing she could do is scramble up the tree next to the swing. Can bears climb? God, she hoped not. She wished she’d brought her cell phone outside. A call to nine-one-one would at least ensure she didn’t sleep in a tree if the bear decided not to go away.

  “Shoo, shoo, go away, bear. There’re little animals in there you can chase,” she said from the tree and waved her arms. “Ooooh, yummy bunny rabbit, nice and fluffy. Go get it, bear, go on.”

  The craziest thing happened at that point. Maybe it was a loss of blood to her head because she was so damn afraid. The bear seemed to bend low and shudder, and in the blink of an eye, a very naked Malachi stood in its place. He looked up at her and gave her a boyish grin that made her racing heart skip a beat.

  “Why would I chase a bunny when I have you?” he asked.

  “Mal…you’re just…you were a…bear.” She stammered as her mind tried to comprehend what just happened. “First a bear then there was you.”

  “I know, baby. It’s the one big secret I was keeping from you,” Malachi said softly.

  “Oh ok, you’re a bear,” Mae said weakly and heard buzzing in her ears. “So, I think I’m going to faint and probably fall out of the tree.”

  “Oh, shit, Mae!”

  She heard the panic in his voice just before everything went black. She felt her body fall and hoped to hell Malachi the bear would catch her.

  Mae woke with a start and looked around wildly. The last thing she remembered was being up a tree and a bear turning into Malachi. No more beer for me, she thought and rubbed her head. It had to be a dream since she was now lying on her sofa.

  “I made you some tea.” Malachi’s voice came from the kitchen, and her gaze flew to him standing in the doorway.

  “When did you come back?” she asked.

  He walked across the room and sat on the sofa next to her. Mae pulled her feet up until she could rest her head on her knees, and looked at him warily.

  “Let’s see, I was the bear under your tree, and when I took my human form, you fainted, and I brought you inside and found some of the clothes I left here to put on.” He smiled. “Then I made you a cup of tea.”

  “So all that was real?” Mae questioned hesitantly.

  He placed the cup on the coffee table and looked at her. “Yes, it was.”

  “Well damn.” She didn’t know what else to say but then slapped his chest hard. “You could’ve told me before now.”

  “Before you fell in love with me?” he asked, and she saw pain and uncertainty in his eyes. “I understand completely. I’m an aberration of nature.”

  “You think I’m upset because of what you are?” She slapped his chest again. “I’m not that shallow, Mal. Why do you think I stare up at the stars? Because my dad used to take me outside and we’d talk when I was a child. Mae, he’d say, man is a proud creature to think that a God as infinite as ours only created us. There are more worlds out there with more species than we can even imagine, and one of these days, we’ll learn that earth is not the only one. He told me how he saw a UFO once, and I was enthralled. Then he died, and I kept looking into the sky for those UFOs. Not only because I believe, but because it made me feel closer to my father. No, it’s become a habit to relax me, so why would I think you are anything but a wonderful being that God made for a reason?”

  “You are the most amazing woman,” he whispered. “My mother called me a freak and kicked me out when I was a teen. She told me my father was a demon. Abuse and neglect makes a person think the worst about themselves, even as an adult.”

  Mae listened as it all came pouring out of him, about his childhood, the trouble he got into, and why he joined the military. She wanted to know his secrets, and Malachi gave her it to her in droves. She felt his uncertainty and the shame of being told he was a freak. But in there she heard of the home he found with his unit and the men he looked at as brothers. Malachi even told her about the loss of a comrade and how they dealt with it together. His life may have started out badly, but it got better. Him speaking to her now was giving her the impression that he was letting her in for a reason, and she felt hope.

  “Your mother was a mean bitch, and you’re an amazing man regardless.” She cupped his cheek. “The other people in your team, are they all like you?”

  He smiled. “Every last one of them, and I want you to meet them, baby. I know I went about it the wrong way telling you goodbye and all. But baby please understand why and give me another chance. I showed you the real me because I’ve been searching for my soul mate, and it’s you. It took Zander, one of the guys in the team, to show me I was being a pure idiot for not being truthful to you. If you can accept me as I am I swear I’ll put you on a pedestal.”

  A slow smile spread across her face. “You don’t have to do that. All I ask is that you love me as much as I love you.”

  “That I do and more,” he said huskily.

  “Then kiss me and show me how much, Mal,” she whispered.

  Mae didn’t have to ask twice. His massive frame covered hers, and his lips took hers in a powerful kiss. She wrapped her hands around his shoulders and held on tighter while their tongues dueled and his big hands molded her against him. Lord, he had the power to take her from simmer to boil just with a kiss, and his touch alone made her want to beg for more.

  “God, you make me crazy. I’ve never been happier or wanted a woman more than you,” he said against her mouth.

  “I want you too, Mal. Take me,” she begged. “I want to feel more of you.”

  He laughed huskily. “I’ve waited a long time to hear you say that. I never noticed how small your sofa is.”

  “Then let’s move to the floor,” she suggested with a laugh. “And get very nake
d while we’re at it.”

  “Oh, that works for me,” he said.

  They slid to the soft carpet, all the while trying to get their clothes off along with kissing and touching. His hands grabbed the lapels of her shirt and ripped it apart. The buttons went flying as he released her from the confines of her shirt, and her breasts spilled free. Malachi lifted her easily, and she was always amazed at how tiny and fragile he made her feel. Her nipples were in his mouth, and Mae gasped in pleasure. She straddled his hips as he cupped her full breasts and feasted on them. She arched her back pushing her smooth globes deeper into his mouth.

  “Oh, Mal,” she moaned.

  He shrugged out of his pants. She could feel his thick cock between her legs making her want and ache to have him inside her. She rubbed against him, the friction causing sweet pleasure, and he groaned in response.

  “Lord, girl, I’ll fuck you if you don’t stop doing that,” he muttered.

  “Do it, fill me, fuck me hard,” she said feverishly.

  “Mae, I’ve been waiting too long to have you not to take my time on each and every curve,” he growled. “Can I taste you, baby?”

  “Make me come with your mouth.” Mae climbed off him and sat on the sofa.

  Her breath came in little pants, and she spread her legs and exposed her sex to him. The look in his eyes made her juice flow. His gaze followed her fingers as she parted the lips of her sex in invitation. With a guttural moan, he buried his face between her legs, tasting the most secret part of her. Her back arched, and pleasure lanced through her like a bolt of lightening. His tongue licked and sucked at her clit. Mae felt his fingers circle the sensitive flesh of her entrance before he slid his fingers inside her over and over again. Mae cried out, and she moved her hips, pressing more intimately against his lips and seeking hands. She slipped her hands into his thick hair, pulled his face closer to her pussy, and bucked against him. She could feel herself reaching for the pinnacle of her orgasm, and he fucked her harder with his fingers. She cried out as each sensation assaulted her body, and she came apart under his mouth.

  “I want you inside me, now. Now!” she demanded.

  “Fuck, yes.” His voice was a harsh whisper, and he pulled her off the chair and onto his rigid member.

  He was so damn long and hard he touched places inside her that made her shudder. “Damn, you’re so tight, I need more of you.” He reached around and pulled her legs up high around his waist before using his leg muscles to push deeper into her mouth depths. Mae whimpered in ecstasy, and she undulated on the pleasure of her desire. Mal groaned and buried his face in the valley between her breasts. He gripped her shoulders pulling her hard against him until she screamed his name, and his voice met hers in a guttural cry.

  “God, yes, more, I am so full of you.” She grabbed his hair and pulled his head from her breasts, and they kissed long and hard before she pleaded, “Come with me, Mal, come with me.”

  Mal pumped into her with deep strokes, pushing himself to the hilt until he hit her ass with his thighs. Her hips rose to meet his every thrust, and she tightened her legs around him. Their bodies were slick with sweat, and she could hear the slapping sound their coupling made.

  “You are so hot and tight, baby. You’re mine, my mate and my love!” he ground out between clenched teeth.

  “Yours, forever, Mal, always,” she gasped out.

  “Say my name. Tell me who you belong to.” Mal grabbed her hair and made her meet his gaze. The dominance of this action made her quake, and she responded to his request.

  “Mal, I belong to you. Oh, yes, I’m going to come.” She could feel her body reaching for completion.

  It was as if the dam broke, and Mae screamed as her body shook from the intensity of her orgasm. He called her name and pounded himself inside her until he followed her into the bliss of his release. He fell back against the carpet, and she followed lying against his hard chest. Their bodies heaved as they tried to catch their breath. Mae counted the frantic beats of her heart until it began to slow down to its steady beat.

  “I think I can’t feel my legs,” she murmured.

  “I’m good with sleeping here. If I wasn’t so hungry I wouldn’t move,” Mal replied and sighed in contentment. “God, I love you, darling.”

  “I love you too,” Mae said. “I wasn’t really hungry, and dinner is in the fridge. Do you want me to go get you some?”

  “Not quite yet,” he said and rolled them both until she was beneath him.

  His cock was hard and ready again. He filled her once more and began a slow rhythm that she matched easily. He took one of her nipples in his mouth and sucked it deeply between his lips.

  “Oh God, Mal, how can you be ready again so quickly? She moaned and lifted her hips higher to take more of him.

  He kissed her long and slow before giving her a wicked grin. “I’m not just any man, baby. I’m a bear with a big appetite in more ways than one.”

  * * * *

  I’ m in love with a guy who can change into a bear. Mae laughed to herself while she cooked in the kitchen. After a night of uncensored loving, her body was humming with happiness, and she couldn’t stop smiling. They lay in bed long after their lovemaking just talking. He told her about the Army Beasts going to the private sector and moving from North Carolina. They would be close by, so much so that she didn’t have to move. They could stay in the small town she loved and that he loved as well. He wanted to build an extension to her house, their house now because Malachi wasn’t leaving her unsure anymore. He was here to stay, and her heart leapt with joy at the thought.

  He’d changed for her again, taking up the space in her bedroom while she ran her fingers through his thick fur. Watching him was a spectacular sight, and she was amazed that a human could have a second nature to them. It made the realm of possibilities seem endless. Her father was right, and she knew he was probably pumping his fist in heaven and saying I told you so.

  There was so much to expect and look forward too. She was taking time off work to drive back with him and meet everyone in his life he cared about. That was his team. His team leader’s wife Nia had a baby, and Zane’s wife was pregnant. She chuckled using their names as if they were all friends by the way Malachi spoke of them. Mae felt as if she did know them. So she was baking cookies and other treats to take with them. Plus she went and bought things for the baby earlier that day, including a handmade quilt from one of her neighbors. She wanted to make a good impression. She hoped they liked her and felt the nervousness clench her stomach. It was like meeting his parents. That would never happen since his mother tossed him aside. His team was his true family, and they mattered to him. She and Malachi would be leaving early in the morning, so Mae was using the time she had in an effective way until Malachi walked in. She heard the back door open just as she put the last cookie sheet in the oven.

  “It smells good in here,” he said. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and nuzzled her neck while she stood at the sink.

  “You keep that up, I might forget my cookies in the oven, and they’ll burn.” She smiled and leaned her head back against his shoulder, giving him better access to her neck. “I want everything to be perfect when your friends meet me.”

  “Baby, you don’t have to do all this. They will love you without the presents and the baked goods,” Mal told her.

  “Well my mom said it’s always best to meet people with homemade snickerdoodles and macaroons,” she said firmly. “Plus you said babies, and I’m a sucker for kids.”

  “Does that mean that you won’t be opposed to starting a family with me sometime in the future?” His voice was husky.

  “I can see us having a few mini-Malachi’s running around.” She turned in his arms and kissed him hard. “Go shower. You’ve been running around in your bear skin.”

  “The truck is parked out front now, so we can leave when we get up in the morning.” Malachi smacked a kiss on her lips and snagged a cookie on the way out of the kitchen. “Th
ese are really good!”

  She shook her head and laughed before resuming her kitchen clean up. It took around thirty minutes for her to get the counter wiped and baking tools put away. By the time he came back downstairs, all her treats were in containers and waiting in a basket on the kitchen table. He was toweling his damp hair dry and wore only unbuttoned jeans on his hard thighs. She would never get tired of looking at him, lean and so sexy that her mouth went dry. She’d never seen a man so big, and now she knew why. Malachi dropped the towel on the floor and crossed the room and picked her up. He deposited her on the kitchen counter and took her lips in hard kiss.

  She was breathless when he lifted his head and whispered, “Marry me, Mae Thorne.”

  Her eyes widened. “You don’t have to say that.”

  “What if I want to? It’s been on the tip of my tongue for six months,” Malachi informed her. “Now you know everything about me, and you still love me. I don’t want to live without you, so let’s take the plunge in wedded bliss?”

  “Wedded bliss?” She snorted.

  “Hey, I heard you women like stuff like that, but the meaning is still the same. I want you to be my wife,” he said with a smile. “This is where you nod and say yes all tearfully.”

  “I’ll say yes, but you don’t get the tears, buddy.” Even as she said it she felt her eyes begin to get weepy, and the next words trembled from her lips. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He wiped a droplet away with the pad of his thumb. “I thought you weren’t going to cry.”

  She sniffed. “I lied.”

  “That’s ok. I love you, baby,” he said.

  This time when their lips met it was full of gentleness and a promise for their new life together. That was soon fueled by passion, and it became hot and hungry, seeking the satisfaction that they craved from each other. His tongue grazed her teeth before he slipped it into her mouth to taste her. She could drown in his kisses. Mae held onto his wide back and wrapped her legs around his waist. She pressed herself more intimately against him and could feel the bulge of his arousal. A wave of need washed over her. She wanted his cock inside her until she begged him for mercy. The wanton need to have him tore at her, and she pushed at his jeans with her toes.


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